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Document Responsibility: Pumps, Seals and Mixers SABP-G-017

Issue Date: 10 April 2010

Next Planned Update: TBD Equipment Criticality Assessment

Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA): quantitative

method of reliability analysis which involves a fault modes and effects analysis
together with a consideration of the probability of failure modes, their
consequence and ranking of effects and the seriousness of the faults.

Failure Mode: the physical, chemical or other processes, which lead or have
led to the failure (generally used for equipment other than static).

Failure Rate: the number of failures of an equipment, system or component at

a given time interval.

Failure: any event resulting in a loss or degradation of the function of the

equipment being analyzed.

Fault: the state of equipment characterized by inability to perform a required

function, excluding the inability during preventive maintenance or other planned
actions, or due to lack of external resources.

Infant Mortality: term used when new or overhauled equipment breaks down
shortly after startup. It corresponds to the first part of failure bathtub curve
where the failure rate is decreasing, known also as early failures.

Layer Of Protection Analysis (LOPA): semi-quantitative methodology that

can be used to identify safeguards that meet the Independent Protection Layer
(IPL) criteria established by Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS1) in

Lost Production Opportunities: an estimate of the damage inflicted on the

business in terms of quantity and quality of finished products lost due to
unplanned production shutdowns, slowdowns and upsets.

Maintenance Management: all management activities that determine the

maintenance objectives, strategies, enablers, work processes, KPIs, roles and
responsibilities and implement them by means such as maintenance planning,
maintenance control and supervision, improvement of methods in the
organization including economical aspects.

Maintenance: combination of all technical, administrative and managerial

actions, including supervision actions, during the lifecycle of an equipment
intended to retain it in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform the
required function.

Mean Time between Failures (MTBF): the average (mean) number of life
units (duty cycles, time cycles, distance, events, etc.) during which all
component of an equipment or system perform the required function within their
specified operating envelops, under specified conditions.

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