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JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Rev 0 Date: 16 Sep 2018
Title: Health and safety plan for site working
Main Works for Lusail Stadium & Precinct
Type of Submittal
Sub-Contractor / Prequalification Design Calculation O & M Manual
Testing and Commissioning
Materials & Product Data Mock Up Report
Company Profile Method Statement Others (pls. specify below)
Inspection &Test
Plan (ITP)


Specification Ref.: NA Location / Use:
Drawing Ref.: N/A Lusail Stadium
Description of Manufacturer
Material (Name & Address)
For Service Provider (Brief description of the service provided):
for site working safety
Note: Please use additional sheets, if necessary
Name: Position:
Signature: Date:
Kang Qingming Project Manager
Construction Supervision Review:
☐ Level 1 – Revise and Resubmit

☐ Level 2 – No Objection with Comments

☐ Level 3 – No Objection
☐ Level 4–Accepted for information only
☐ Level 5 – Rejected
Name: Position: Lead
Signature: Date:
Marco Frioni Engineer / Director
Project Management/Construction Management Date
Recommendation: Received
Note: Please use additional sheets, if necessary

Engineers Authorization Required : YES ☐ NO ☐

Name: Position:
Signature: Date:
Bassam Hajbeh Project Manager
Engineer Final Feedback (WHEREVER APPLICABLE)
Note: Please use additional sheets, if necessary
Agree : YES ☐ NO ☐
Name: Position: Signature: Date:
HSE Plan


Prepared for: Internal Issue

Document Reference Number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01

Prepared by: JGS

P.O. Box 1362, Doha – Qatar

Tel: +974-44451000
Fax: +974-44451111
CSC: We have no objection to the content and implementation of this document.

Title Signature Date

PMCM: We have no objection to the content and implementation of this document.

Title Signature Date

SC: We have no objection to the content and implementation of this document.

Title Signature Date

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Acronyms and abbreviations

Supreme Committee for The client in authority for the project scope Main work for Lusail Stadium
Delivery & Legacy (SC)
Time Qatar - (PMCM) Project Management Construction Management Consultant

Louis Berger (CSC) Construction Supervision Consultant

Jinggong Trading & Sub-contractor for the erection & installation of structural steel work (Main steel
Contracting, Qatar. JGS structure & façade steel frame) for the main works of the Lusail Stadium.

Accident An unplanned, undesired event that result in physical harm and/or property
damage, usually resulting from contact with a source of energy above the ability
of the body or structure to withstand.

Approved Complying with written Employer Representative standards, or where no such

standard exists, complying with applicable legislated standards.

Competent Person A person who by reasons of qualifications and /or experience has the knowledge
and skill necessary to perform the duties with respect to which the expression is

Contractor A business, firm, partnership, consultant or individual hired to perform a specific

task or job.

Consequence The hazardous scenarios and resultant effects associated with an event or chain
of events that result from the release of a hazard.

Environment The air, land or water within the vicinity of the Project, that may be exposed and
vulnerable to adverse impacts potentially arising from non-compliant
environmental emissions

First Aid Case Any one-time treatment and any follow-up visit for the purpose of observation of
minor scratches, cuts, burns, splinter and so forth, which do not ordinarily require
medical care. Such a one-time treatment and the follow-up visit for the purpose
of observation are considered first aid although provided by a physician or
registered medical professional.

Hazard The inherent property or ability of something to cause harm: The potential to
interrupt or interfere with a process or person, which is or may be casually
related to an incident by itself or with other variables.

HSE Health, Safety and Environment

H&S Objectives Overall Health and Safety goal, arising from the H&S Policy, that the project sets
itself to achieve, and which is quantified where practicable.

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Acronyms and abbreviations

H&S Policy Statement by the company of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall
H&S performance which provides a framework for action and for the setting of
H&S objectives and targets.

H&S Targets Detailed performance requirement, quantified where practicable, applicable to

the project’s parts thereof, that arises from the H&S objectives and that needs to
be set and met in order to achieve those objectives.

Hot Work Use of open flame, other heat sources and/or spark producing devices where
there is a potential for explosion or fire.

Incident An unplanned, undesired event that can result in physical harm and/or property
damage, usually resulting from contact with a source of energy above the ability
of the body or structure to withstand it or be a near miss or error.

Loss Prevention A before-the-loss program designed to identify and correct potential causes of
accidents before they result in actual injuries or financial loss.

Lost Time Incident An injury resulting in “days away from work” for more than three (3) days after
the day or shift on which the injury occurred.

Lost Workdays The total number of calendar days on which the injured person was temporarily
unable to work as a result of a lost time incident.

Major Work Works that is essential to the safe operation of the project or location, and works
that would be necessary to control any threat to the project, location, or

Medical Treatment Is an occupational injury/illness which is not classified as a lost time injury, but
which results in loss of consciousness or medical treatment other than first aid
e.g. Loss of consciousness due to lack of oxygen/heat induced/electrocution/head
injury, penetrating eye injury, chemical or hot burns, fracture not resulting from
lost time injury, etc.

Material Safety Data Sheet Identifies the hazards, proper procedures and emergency treatment a particular
(MSDS) chemical.

Near Miss/ Incidents with no injury, property or environmental damage, but having the
potential to cause it. This could include an unsafe act.

Non-Conformance Failure to satisfy a requirement specified in the Health and Conformance Safety
Plan, or applicable regulation or procedures.

Personnel Individuals who are employees, contractors, customers, and/or vendors working
or visiting the workplace.

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Acronyms and abbreviations

Prevention The application of measures designed to reduce or prevent accidents or accident

to occur.

Regulation A rule, ordinance, law, legal regulation or device by which conduct or

performance is controlled.

Risk Assessment A hazard identification tool comprising of a document containing a list of basic
job steps, hazards identified with the job steps and the mitigating.

Risk The probability that a hazard will result in injury or loss, with definable
Safety Freedom from unacceptable risk or harm (or a judgment as to the acceptability
and tolerability of risk).

Site The entire area required for the performance of the work including temporary
working space.

Sub-contractor Any person, firm or corporation contracting with the contractor to perform part
of the work and including partners and associates in a joint venture so
contracting with the contractor.
Visitor Any person temporarily on the site who is not regularly involved in the daily site
activities including delivery personnel and guests.
Worker Any person engaged in an occupation at the site

Fatality, Major Injury, (a) Electric shock or burn causing unconsciousness, or requiring resuscitation, or
Any fracture, other than to requiring admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.
the finger, thumb or toe Any injury leading to hypothermia, heat induced illness or to unconsciousness
Serious Condition or (b) requiring resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.
Any amputation Unconsciousness due to asphyxia or by exposure to a harmful substance Biological
other Reportable (c) agent.
Dislocation of the shoulder, Acute illness or unconsciousness caused by any poisoning by any route.
hip, knee, or spine Acute illness caused by exposure to infected material or a biological agent.
injuries (IRI) Any accident at work where, because of an injury, a person is incapacitated for
(d) Loss of sight (whether work of their usual kind for more than three consecutive days, not counting the
temporary or permanent) day of the accident, but counting rest days, weekends, and so on.
QCS 2014 The death of an employee, if it occurs within one year of the date of the reportable & 8 (e) injury, even though the injury has been previously reported.

Any injury caused by a work activity to someone who is not at work that results in
them being taken to hospital by whatever means, e.g. a taxi, ambulance

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Approval sheet ........................................................................................................................... 2
Revision history ......................................................................................................................... 2
Acronyms and abbreviations ...................................................................................................... 4
1 Description of the Project .................................................................................................. 10
Project description and programme details including any key dates. .......................................................... 10
Scope of Works ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Project Directory ........................................................................................................................................... 10

2 COMMUNICATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE WORK ...................................................... 11

Management Structure and Responsibility, Safety Organization Responsibilities. ...................................... 11
Health & Safety Goals for the project and Arrangements for monitoring and review of health and safety
performance ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Projects Goal and KPI’S ..................................................................................................................... 16
KPI’s .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Regular liaison between parties on site. .......................................................................................... 16
Exchange of design information ....................................................................................................... 17
Design change during the Construction phase ................................................................................. 17
Consultation with the workforce ...................................................................................................... 17
Foreseeable Hazards of the Project. ................................................................................................. 18
H&S Inspection & Audits .................................................................................................................. 18
Communication ................................................................................................................................ 19
HSE Training ...................................................................................................................................... 20
HSE Meetings .................................................................................................................................... 22
Accident Reporting and Recording Procedure ................................................................................. 22
First Aid ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Fire .................................................................................................................................................... 24
Welfare Facilities .............................................................................................................................. 24

3 Arrangements for controlling significant site Risks ............................................................. 28

Safety Risks ................................................................................................................................................... 28
Waste Management and Ground Contamination ............................................................................ 28
Electrical Safety ................................................................................................................................ 28
Vehicles and Traffic Management .................................................................................................... 28
Log out / Tag out .............................................................................................................................. 29
Lifting Operations ............................................................................................................................. 29
Storage of Materials on Site ............................................................................................................. 29
Manual Handling .............................................................................................................................. 29
Maintenance of Equipment and Plan ............................................................................................... 30
Health Risks ................................................................................................................................................... 30
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and MSDS ..................................................... 31
Heat Stress Management ................................................................................................................. 31
Work at heights rescue procedures.................................................................................................. 32

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4 Health and Safety File ........................................................................................................ 37
5 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 38
6 HSE POLICY ........................................................................................................................ 39
Compliance with Requirements .................................................................................................................... 39
Limits of These Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 39

7 PROJECT OVER REVIEW...................................................................................................... 40

Working Hours .............................................................................................................................................. 40
Main Activities............................................................................................................................................... 40
Construction Equipment to be used ............................................................................................................. 41
HSE Objectives & Targets .............................................................................................................................. 41
Plans for Major HSE Activities ....................................................................................................................... 41

8 IMPLEMENTATION............................................................................................................. 42
Emergency Procedures ................................................................................................................................. 42
Method Statements/Risk Assessment and Permit to Work ......................................................................... 42
Method Statements .......................................................................................................................... 42
Risk Assessment................................................................................................................................ 42
Permit-to-Work ............................................................................................................................................. 43
Hot Work ....................................................................................................................................................... 43
Unloading and Stacking of materials............................................................................................................. 44
Assemble of Temporary Tower ..................................................................................................................... 45
Assemble of V-Frame .................................................................................................................................... 46
Assemble of Compressor Ring ...................................................................................................................... 47
Assemble of Vessel........................................................................................................................................ 47
Lifting Activity ............................................................................................................................................... 48
Welding and Cutting of Temporary Tower ................................................................................................... 49
Removing Temporary Tower ......................................................................................................................... 50
Painting Touchup .......................................................................................................................................... 50
House Keeping .............................................................................................................................................. 51
Warning Signs ............................................................................................................................................... 52
Night Working ............................................................................................................................................... 52
Drugs and Alcohol prevention....................................................................................................................... 52

9 ANNEX – I HSE POLICY ....................................................................................................... 53

10 ANNEX – II HSE ORGANIZATION CHART .............................................................................. 54
11 ANNEX – III FOR ANY EMERGENCY CALL ............................................................................. 55
12 ANNEX – IV EMERGENCY RESPONSE & REPORTING LINE..................................................... 56
13 ANNEX- V JV Doctor & Site Nurse Contact Number ............................................................. 57
14 ANNEX- VI LIFTING GEAR COLOUR CODES .......................................................................... 58
15 ANNEX – VII HSE FORMS .................................................................................................... 59
16 ANNEX – VIII Project Directory ........................................................................................... 72
17 ANNEX – IX Flow Chart of Incident Reporting ..................................................................... 73
18 ANNEX – X HUMIDEX – HEAT STRESS ................................................................................. 74

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19 Annex XI ISOs .................................................................................................................... 75

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1 Description of the Project

Scheme Introduction

Project description and programme details including any key dates.

The purpose of the Requirements is to provide the CLIENT (HBK-CRCC JV) with the requirements to which
CONTRACTOR (JGS) must comply when conducting work on or in connection with the Lusail Project. Jinggong
Steel working on the Lusail Stadium Project shall comply with these Requirements, HBK-CRCC JV Construction
Safety Management Procedures, QCS 2014, JGS CEMP and all other applicable Qatari laws including but not
limited to labour, environmental, health and safety standards (“Qatar Laws”).

If a conflict arises between the Requirements and applicable regulatory requirements, the most stringent shall
apply. Jinggong Steel will comply with all written or verbal instruction regarding safety and health issued
pursuant to these Requirements by the SC, PMC, & HBK-CRCC JV.

Enabling Start of Work : 12th April 2018

Enabling End of Work : 31st Dec. 2019

Scope of Works
• Erection & Installation of steel
• Erection of Embedded Parts for Main Structure
• Erection of Embedded Parts for Temporary Tower.
• Erection of Trestle for Temporary Tower
• Assembly and Erection of Temporary Tower
• Assembly and Erection of V-Frame
• Assembly and Erection of compression ring
• Dismantling of Temporary Tower
• Assembly and Erection of vessel truss (including walkway)
• Dismantling of Temporary (supports & frames)
• Touch up and painting for main structure

Project Directory
See Annex –VIII

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Management Structure and Responsibility, Safety Organization Responsibilities.
This part of the Health Safety & Environmental Management Plan is used to describe the project’s organizational
structure for health safety and environment on site and outlines the responsibilities of key personnel who have
significant contributions to make to the successful implementation.

Project Manager

 Has the overall responsibility for all health and safety matters on the projects and accountable for

 Ensuring the implementation of this Safety plan and that it is reviewed and kept updated.

 Will ensure that the Project line management and supervision are conversant with, and comply with the

Intent of the H&S plan, client’s requirement.

 Will require all sub-contractors to prepare and submit a detailed Site H&S Plan for their respective

Operations for approval.

 Will establish and maintain a direct line of communication between himself and the Project Departments.

 No work shall be performed unless a designated competent person is present on the job site.

Construction Manager

 Responsible for all aspects of successful site Safe execution of a Project.

 Is accountable to the Project Manager for ensuring the implementation of this Plan

 Possesses requisite decision making authority to manage the activities of all internal establishments
involved in the successful completion of the Project.

 Takes ownership of the core and operating values and ensures their implementation

Senior QA/QC Engineer

 Awareness and understanding of all quality rules and regulations in the company

 Ensure effective implementation of QA/QC Objective framework company-wide.

 Plan and conduct audits and circulate audit summary report. Maintain records of Audit summary report

 and CARs/PARs and proactive follow up for the closeouts

 Ensure that sub-contractors operate in safe manner and comply with the project Quality policy.

 Ensure that the Safety system procedures are diligently implemented and maintained.

 Familiarize himself with the requirements of any statutory legislation and the Project HSE Plan.

 Liaise and co-operate with HSE Engineer/Officer and ensure that any defects brought to his attention

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 are promptly remedied.

HSE Manager

 Effective communication of company health and safety policies

 Develop a job specific health, safety and environmental plan.

 Preplanning work activities for safety.

 Ensure that corrective action is taken when there is an unsafe act or unsafe condition.

 Ensure that safety meeting are conducted and documented as planned.

 Investigation of all accidents & incidents.

 Issuing stop work order where items of work are found profoundly unsafe.

 Developing first class, high performance HSE team that supports the Company’s vision.

 Hazards assessment

HSE Engineer

 Effective communication of company health and safety policies

 Develop a job specific health, safety and environmental plan.

 Preplanning work activities for safety.

 Ensure that corrective action is taken when there is an unsafe act or unsafe condition.

 Ensure that safety meeting are conducted and documented as planned

 Collectively with In Charge HSE review ITB and related project information to develop a project specific

 HSE plan and its supporting documentation for onward submission & approval to the customer.

 Review the CVs of HSE personnel and provide the feedback to the In charge HSE for recruitment.

 Perform hazard identification, risk assessment and risk mitigation control activities pertaining to the Health,
Safety and Environment.
Prior to start of any activity Incumbent will ensure that JSA’s/ JHA’s are prepared and prerequisite know
how and training has been conducted for the planned crews.

Mechanical Engineer

 Study the scope of work in detail prior to start of job from concerned department

 During working those machines tools which require maintenance work will start on written request

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 Preventative maintenance schedule will be prepared

 Plan the resources and arrange Manpower & Machinery

 Execute the job as per Quality standards, sketches and delivery schedule mentioned in the workbook and
sheet guidance felt necessary from Project Engineer.

Store Keeper

 Supervising the storekeeper and assigning duties from other staff

 Signing Delivery notes for movement of stock from warehouse

 Organizing delivery of stock transfer site store to main store as per the indents.

 In charge Admin and Security

 Cleanliness, repair & maintenance of Head Office premises including repairing, alterations partitions etc.

 Performance of janitorial services contractor to ensure hygienic conditions.

 Arrangements of tea and services in all the tea bars. Scrutiny of bills and distribution for charging to various
cost centers.

 Arrangement of lunch boxes / meals for clients and meetings etc.

 Provide Stationery & allied items to various departments by making indent

 Arrangements of identity cards for employees and visitors.

 Hiring of security guards.

 Implementation of Control Procedure on Security and Handling of visitors

Project Engineer

 Accountable to the Project Manager for the implementation of the pertinent requirements of this plan on

 the operations for which he is responsible, in particular;

 Familiarize himself with the requirements of any statutory legislation and the Project HSE Plan.

 Monitor to ensure that the operations under taken in his supervision are in accordance with the foregoing

 Liaise and co-operate with HSE Engineer/Officer and ensure that any defects brought to his attention are
promptly remedied.

 Establish and maintain clear lines of communication on health and safety matters with the relevant project
personnel and Sub-contractors.

 Under the direction of the Construction Manager, if so required attend and participate in safety meetings

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 Provide adequate instruction and supervision for personnel under his control and instruct them to report
defects or other problems that may adversely affect HSE.

 No work shall be performed unless a designated competent person is present on the job site.

 Appointed person/Lifting Supervisor

 Lifting supervisor must ensure that the crane operator conduct pre-use inspection before
each lifting operation to ensure that the equipment is suitable, safe and correctly installed for
the lifting operation.

 The Lifting Supervisor is responsible for overseeing the set-up, maintenance and safe and efficient
operations of the lifting equipment.

 The AP remains responsible for the execution and safety of the lifting operation although may delegate
other duties, although not the responsibility, to other persons such as the LE/crane or lifting operations

 AP needs to seek, analyses, calculate and specify a procedure and detail the method of executing a lifting
operation or operations whilst conforming to both good practice and regulatory requirements.

 The AP needs to consider and stipulate the competencies and skills required based on the required role,
and the number and type of personnel needed for each part of a lifting operation.

 To minimize any incidents such as trapped limbs, the lift plan needs to ensure that the slinger directs initial
movements to the LE/crane operator whilst the load is being slung, before handing control over to the
designated signaler.

 The AP must consider environmental aspects, such as a change in the weather, which can affect the lifting
operation in terms of load control, visibility and ground support. Exposure of the lifting team to poor or
extreme weather is another factor to consider.

 Lifting supervisor is required to be systematic and mechanically inclined, in order to use and operate
rigging/lifting equipment and execute operations.

HSE Officer

 Awareness and understanding of all safety rules and regulations in the Company

 Familiarity with the site specific safety manual.

 Ensure that sub-contractors operate in safe manner and comply with the project safety policy.

 Liaise with Departments and in controlling the permit to work system.

 Carry out site inspection, record results and communicate findings.

 Record and compile safety statistics

 Ensure that the Safety system procedures are diligently implemented and maintained.

 Maintain safety records in accordance with Document and Data control procedures.

 Ensure that risk assessments have been carried out for all site activities.

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 Ensure the use of protective clothing and equipment for the job.

 Report any accidents on site and carry accident investigation, analyze causes of accidents.

 Ensure maintenance of high standard of housekeeping at all times

 Conduct safety induction for the site work

 Ensure that all personnel on site comply with safety instructions

 Prepare and issue Monthly report to Senior HSE Engineer/Officer.


 Accountable for Project / Site Engineer for implementing the pertinent requirements of the Project Safety
Plan In particular, required to:

 Conduct daily pre-task briefing before commencement of work

 Ensure they set an example to all employees on using the appropriate P.P.E.

 Familiarizes themselves with the method statements / work procedures applicable to their activities.

 Ensure they are aware of the hazards associated with their work activities, the control measures devised to
eliminate or reduce the risks of these hazards and effectively communicate these control measures to work

 Ensure effective, training and supervision to all employees, particularly to inexperienced employees and
those of sub-contractors.

 Familiarize themselves with accident report / investigation procedures. Know the location of medical
facilities, first aid stations on Site.

 Ensure all site rules are effectively communicated to employees under their control and that they are

 No work shall be performed unless a designated competent person is present on the job site.


 Every employee has a responsibility to take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and of
others that may be affected by their actions or omission at work.

 They must co-operate with their employer to enable him to comply with legislation, and the Project HSE

 No employee will intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided for the safety and
well-being of the Project.

 Shall wear appropriate safety equipment and use the appropriate safety devices provided as and when

 Will abide with site safety rules at all times.

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 Will report any accidents and damage to property, equipment or near misuse to their immediate

 All employees are encouraged to make suggestions to improve health and safety to the site Supervisors,
and Project H&S Engineer.

Health & Safety Goals for the project and Arrangements for monitoring and review of
health and safety performance

Projects Goal and KPI’S

Jinggong Steel adheres to and implements a “Zero Incident Policy” with the goal of being recognized as a leading
standard in the Region for excellence in construction health and safety. It is Project’s requirement that all
CONTRACTORS adopt this policy and strive for zero incident performance through proper pre-work activity
planning, management participation and support, employee training, and continual assessment for
improvement of their programs. JGS’s goal is for Zero injury by preventing injury and ill health to their employee
or anyone who may be affected as a result of their operation and work.

KPI’s will measure health and safety performance, progress of objectives and targets, leading and lagging KPI’s
will be developed and include the SC performance Monitoring indicator to ensure transparency. An example of
the KPI’s that will be developed and agreed with the SC/PMC/JV is shown below.

Lagging KPI

Objective Target

Fatality Zero

Lost time Injury Zero

Restricted work Injury Zero

Leading KPI

Objective Target

Safety Observation Reports Daily

Tool Box Talks per week (least expected) 01

HSE Meetings per week 01 or more

Internal Safety Audits per month 01

Joint Safety site walk with Management per month 02

Regular liaison between parties on site.

To complement the arrangements set by the Client, JGS management will manage and implement site safety,
liaison with JV and other subcontractors in the site. Additionally, JGS will liaise with project team on Health and
Safety matters and can be achieved by daily site coordination and weekly meetings between the parties on site.

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Exchange of design information
All construction projects require co-operation and co-ordination between all members of the project team. For
low risk projects, a low-key approach will be sufficient. In higher risk projects, for example those involving
working at height, a more rigorous approach to coordination, Co-operation and planning will be needed. Under
the Regulations, any action taken should be in proportion to the risk which the work creates. The architect, lead
designer or contractor who is carrying out the bulk of the design work should normally co-ordinate the health
and safety aspects of the design work. If there is any changes in design, Designers must ensure that any
structure designed for use as a workplace conforms to the requirements latest edition of QCS with regard to the
design and the materials used. Every designer shall in preparing or modifying a design avoid foreseeable risks to
the health and safety of any person

Design change during the Construction phase

JGS will assess the Health and Safety implications of any proposed design change, contract instructions or any
eventuality which could impact on Health and Safety. The project manager and CDM coordinator must be made
aware of any significant Health and Safety risks or significant changes to programme or methods of working
resulting from these changes. The steps taken to eliminate any hazard introduced by the design change will be
documented in some form which allows the information to be passed to the right people

Consultation with the workforce

Consultation must involve two-way communication. JGS will always passing relevant health and safety
information to their employees and, conversely, seeking and encouraging the opinions and views of employees
where appropriate. Effective employee consultation is an essential tool in highlighting potential problem areas,
finding solutions and therefore maintaining a healthy and safe place of work.

Construction (Design and Management) CDM 2015 Regulation places a significantly increased emphasis on
consultation. The needs of employees, and others, whose understanding of Arabic and/or English is below
average must be allowed for during the consultation process.

Workers shall be abreast of the disciplinary action policy during site safety induction and also posted in
conspicuous places in site with penalties for all workers who violate the safety and health regulation. The steps
of disciplinary action are:

Verbal warning: As the first step in correcting unacceptable behaviour or minor infraction, a verbal warning shall
be issued to the employee.

Written Warning: If unacceptable performance continues, or the severity of the infractions warrants, the next
step will be a written warning. The written warning will clearly state the H&S policy that was violated and steps
the employee must take to correct it.

Suspension/Termination: If unacceptable practice continues, or the severity of the infraction warrants, the
employee will be given time off without pay.

Immediate Termination: Any employee who commits a serious H&S violation affected his life or others shall be
subject to immediate termination without prior notice in lieu of any prior verbal and/or written warning.

Motivation Scheme: However, motivation scheme will be implemented in site, whereby all site employees are
monitored on a weekly and monthly basis, and the reward is subject to their best practices and H&S
performance. Award beneficiary will receive the certificates in presence of all workforces thus encourage other
workers to follow suit.

HSE incentive scheme shall be implemented by JGS. Details of the scheme shall include the following elements: -

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• By giving Certificates on HSE best practices and good performance on weekly or monthly basis

• By engaging workers to participate in HSE quiz/competitions and the winner will receive award

• By encouraging motivation talks coordinated by management.

Foreseeable Hazards of the Project.

The foreseeable hazardous operations associated with the project works can be summarized as follows:

 Mobilization of material and plant/equipment.

 Interface with neighboring activities

 Lifting Operation

 Work at Height

 Installation of steel.

 Materials falling from height

 Site Electricity

 Handling, use storage and transportation of materials and substances.

 Operations like painting, grinding, cutting, welding, etc.

 Manual handling, poor posture and Noise.

 Exposure to environment or health risk associated with dust, welding fumes, vapors, extreme
temperature & humidity etc.

The foregoing list identifies the major areas of concern for which necessary to control, or guard against, be
implementing safe systems of work, providing safe workplace, adequate monitoring and control arrangements,
and the provision and use of suitable protective clothing and equipment.

H&S Inspection & Audits

Inspection, tours and audit will be carried out by all levels of management and supervision. Results of Health and
Safety inspections, tours and compliance audits must be recorded in an agreed format and will be analyzed on
regular basis to identify any negative indicators. Additionally, JGS will embark on joint management inspection
bi-weekly thus show management commitment to health and safety of the workers, enable management to
identify inherent hazards/risks, eliminate or reduce to tolerable level before workers are harmed.

The Color Coding Chart for the year 2018 in accordance with HBK-CRCC JV
No. Month Color Code
3. March

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 18 of 77

4. August
5. Damage/Defective

JGS acknowledge the importance of establishing effective communication procedures on health, safety and
environment throughout the organizational structure of the project including its sub-contractors, formal lines of
communication, instruction and reporting are identified in the Project Organization Chart. In the interest of day-
to-day operational matters, the Project Manager will maintain effective communication systems between all key
personnel at his discretion including operatives.

As mentioned earlier under motivation scheme for the operative in 2.2.5, HSE incentive scheme shall be
implemented by JGS. Details of the scheme shall include the following elements:

• By giving Certificates on HSE best practices and good performance on weekly or monthly basis

• By engaging workers to participate in HSE quiz/competitions and the winner will receive award

• By encouraging motivation talks coordinated by management.

The following communication channels will be utilized by the JGS to coordinate effectively with site H&S issues:


To make aware all - Project Management arranges

Before each induction training to all personnel
project personnel, Project
employee to familiarize them with the Project
Site H&S Induction new comers and Sub- Management
commences specific information.
Training contractors about & HSE
work on site
project HSE Department - Training record will be maintained
& during TBT
principles & rules. by HSE department

Client/Project - Agenda of meeting includes:

To review progress Manager/ Contracts, Submittals, Progress,
Progress Meetings and identify all site H Weekly QA/QC, HSE, Commercial, Others
& S issues. Consultant/
Contractor - Minutes of meeting

Risk Assessment To consider all - All risk assessments and method

In advance Planning &
and hazards and risks statements must be reviewed by
of each HSE
Method associated with each HSE/Construction departments
activity Department
Statements activity and how prior to works commencing on site
these are integrated

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 19 of 77

into the overall in sufficient -Risk Assessment / Method
project activities time Statements Reports

To briefly explain &
Supervisors - Attendance Register
inform all personnel
Tool Box Talks Daily and HSE
for the safe systems -Copy of tool box topic discussed.
Engineer /
of work

To identify good - Any noncompliance shall be

practice, issues for reported
improvement / HSE Engineer
Inspections Daily
correction, advise on / Officer - Request for Inspection (RFI)
future issues and
monitor applications - Test Report

To provide
information & Posters should be rotated on a
awareness to all regular basis to maximize impact
Posters / Display Throughout Project
project team and and awareness. Notices should
notice Boards the project Manager
subcontractors be placed on designated notice
boards accessible to all personnel.

HSE Training
HSE Induction Training for new employees

No employee will be assigned to any job in the site without attending HSE induction training by HSE
Engineer/Officer. All concerned site management personnel should send the new employees to the H&S section
and ensure that the new employees have attended this training before starting their job.

HSE In –house training

HSE In-house training will be given to the employees on training requirements and training need analysis. HSE
department will conduct this type of training programs. Proper records will be maintained and it will be
reviewed periodically.

Refresher Training

The HSE Engineer/Officer and the immediate supervisor of the individuals should assess the performance of the
people. If any drawbacks from any individual / groups are observed due to lack of awareness, suitable training
will be scheduled and conducted accordingly.

External HSE Training (Specialized HSE Training)

All personnel should undergo external training from an approved third party. In special cases, if it is found that
further specialized training is required, it can be arranged. But it will be reviewed by the Project Manager and
after the approval of Project Manager it will be arranged accordingly.

• IOSH Managing Safely or working safely for supervisors and up to project director and manager.

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• Basic Life Support & First Aid

• Banks man & Riggers

• Training for safety officers

• Training for supervisors

• Fire Prevention

• Emergency Response Plan

• Work at Height

• Welding Safely

• Lifting training

• Fire Warden Training

Tool Box talks will be given to workers on daily basis and records will be maintained. It will be conducted by the
concerned Supervisor-in-Charge and the records should be documented by the HSE Engineer/Officer.

Yearly HSE Training Matrix

HSE Training Matrix for the year 2018




HSE Staffs





Office staffs
Types Of Training

HSE Induction √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Emergency Response Plan √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Basic Firefighting Training √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Traffic management Plan √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Permit to Work System √ √ √ √ √
Banks man /Flagman Workers identified as banksman to guide equipment
Confined Space All employees identified to work in confined space
Heat stress training √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Manual Handling Training √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Hot Work Training √ √ √ √ √
COSHH √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Work at Height Training √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Basic first aid training for √ √ √ √ √ √ √
workerstools safety Those intended to use power tools
Waste management training √ √ √ √
First Aid Training √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Defensive Driving All people driving Jinggong Steel vehicle including Sub-Contractor
Electrical Safety Workers engaged in electrical installation, distribution & electrician by trade
Lifting & Rigging Training Nominated personnel for supervising lifting operations i.e.; Lifting Supervisors,
Crane Operators and Riggers on site
3rd Party Certificate

Construction Equipment

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 21 of 77

Lifting Gears


HSE Engineer/Officer will receive all certification training from the authorized third parties/organizations after
they attend proper training/inspection and pass the test.

HSE Meetings
Internal Weekly HSE Meeting

HSE Meetings will be conducted on weekly basis to identify and highlight the weak areas and to pay adequate
attention to site health and safety issues and embark on improvement for better results. This meeting will be
attended by the Project Manager, Construction Manager, HSE team and site management personnel. It is one of
the most effective methods to communicate HSE message to all employees. The minutes of HSE meeting will be
recorded in the prescribed format. The agenda of the activities will be based on HSE aspects of the activities
performed during the week. Review will be made on the action point of the last minutes of the meeting.

Progress Meeting

The purpose of this meeting is to review and discuss the latest developments and matters arising to the progress
of the project at large. HSE aspects are one of the main agenda to be discussed in the meeting.

This meeting is chaired by the Project Management and attended by the client, contractor and site management
personnel. The minutes of the meeting will be recorded and distributed to all attendees.

Accident Reporting and Recording Procedure

All accidents are to be immediately reported to the Project Manager/HSE Manager and they shall report to JV
HSE management team to be uploaded in the intelex in the cases described below and will be followed by a
written report:

 All fatal injuries

 All injuries requiring first aid treatment

 Incidents (Near miss or dangerous situation)

 All damages, to the client's or Contractor's properties

 All fires

 All releases or spills of hazardous materials

ANNEX IX: Flow Chart of Incident reporting

A written accident report shall describe in detail the circumstance, and include the results of the accident
investigation and analysis. This report describes the accident classification, cause, time, date, location, etc.
Written incident reports shall be submitted to Project Manager by the HSE Engineer/Officer.

Investigation shall be carried out by the HSE Manager, Site Engineer and all the details shall be recorded in the
"Accident/Incident report" and submitted to Project Manager within 24 hours for review & record. In turn,
project manager will inform the JV about the incident.

HSE Manager shall recommend suitable preventive actions to be applied to avoid recurrence of similar
Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 22 of 77
- Fatalities and major injuries

- Injuries resulting in incapacity for more than three days when linked to certain work activities

- Specified diseases

- Dangerous occurrences.

A description of the above listed incident types which are reportable to the Qatar Administrative Authority has
been provided below:

First Aid (accident)

An accident requiring first aid treatment and which could results in a loss of time up to and including 1 working


Defined as an occurrence in a sequence of events that produces unintended, unexpected and undesirable harm,
damage or loss to people, plant and equipment, property, on-going process’s and damage to the environment


a) Collapse, overturning or failure of any load-bearing part of any lift, hoist, crane, derrick, mobile powered
access platform, access cradle, window cleaning cradle, excavator, piling rig or forklift truck.

b) Collapse or partial collapse of any scaffold over 5 metres in height or fall of any cradle.

c) Collapse of 5 tonnes or more of any building or structure, or any false work, or any wall or floor in any

d) Explosion, bursting or collapse of any closed vessel or boiler.

e) Contact with, or arcing from, any overhead electric cable caused by any plant or equipment.

f) Electrical short-circuit with fire or explosion, for example, from hitting an electrical service.

g) Explosion or fire caused by any material resulting in stoppage of work or plant for more than 24 hours.

h) Uncontrolled release of 100 kg or more of a flammable liquid, 10 kg or more of a flammable liquid above
its normal boiling point or 10 g of a flammable gas inside a building, and 500 kg or more of such substances
outside a building.

i) Uncontrolled release of any biological agents.

j) Accidental ignition of any explosive.

k) Failure of any load-bearing part of a freight container.

l) Bursting, explosion or collapse, or fire involving a pipeline.

m) Specific incidents involving road tankers.

First Aid
JGS will make use of First Aid facilities of JV for their employees on the site (at the pick of JGS work, the Average
Man Power will be 300 to 350). The names of the responsible first aiders of JGS will be conspicuously displayed

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 23 of 77

where applicable at JGS work area/zone. JGS site office and work areas shall be provided with First Aid Boxes,
the contents of first aid Boxes must be sufficient for their intended purpose taking into consideration the
number of the workforce.

Qualified First Aider needs to be present as per QCS 2014 requirement. First Aider shall be trained from
recognized and approved Training Center.

Each First Aid Box will be placed in a clearly identifiable and accessible location. Medical facilities shall meet the
requirement of Qatar labour law 14 of 2004 article 104 including the guidelines under QCS section 1 part 1.6

The importance of effective fire precautions and precautionary measures is recognized by JGS and will
implement necessary arrangements to ensure that adequate procedures will be adopted to prevent the risk of
injury or damage from fire.

Welfare Facilities
JGS will make use of JV welfare facilities already put in place in the site such as site clinic, rest room and others.
However, JGS will provide other welfare facilities as the case demand. Procedures and Instructions:

An outbreak of disease as a result of poor sanitation conditions, or food poisoning illness could possibly render a
large number of the workforce unfit for duty, which would strongly affect production targets. Implementing and
monitoring this procedure and guidance will assist in reducing such epidemics.

Drinking Water

An adequate supply of drinking water shall be provided in all places of employment. Cool water shall be
provided during hot weather. Drinking water supplies shall be clearly marked. Only approved potable water
systems shall be used for the distribution of drinking water.

Drinking water shall be dispensed by means that prevent contamination between the consumer and source.

Portable drinking water dispensers shall be designed, constructed, and serviced to ensure sanitary conditions,
shall be capable of being closed, and shall have a tap.

Containers shall be clearly marked as to their contents and shall not be used for other purposes. Water shall not
be dipped from containers. Fountain dispensers shall have a guarded orifice.

Drinking water must be tested on a monthly basis by a municipality approved third party and the result to be
certified and handed back to HSE for record purposes.

Use of a common cup (a cup shared by more than one worker) is prohibited without the cup being sanitized
between uses. Employees shall use cups when drinking from portable water coolers/containers. Unused
disposable cups shall be kept in sanitary containers and a waste receptacle shall be provided for used cups,

Non-Portable Water

Outlets dispensing non-potable water will be conspicuously posted CAUTION "WATER UNFIT FOR DRINKING,

Cross-connection - open or potential - between a system furnishing potable water and a system furnishing non-
potable water is prohibited.

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Each toilet facility shall be equipped with a toilet seat and toilet seat cover; each toilet facility- except those
specifically designed and designated for females - shall be equipped with a metal, plastic, or porcelain urinal

Toilet facilities shall be so constructed that the occupants shall be protected against weather and falling objects;
all cracks shall be sealed and the door shall be tight fitting, self-closing, and capable of being locked.

Adequate ventilation shall be provided and all windows and vents screened. Toilet facilities shall be constructed
so that the interior is lighted

Where toilet rooms may be occupied by no more than one person at a time, provision to be made so they can
be locked from the inside, and contain at least one toilet seat, separate toilet rooms for each sex to be provided.

Under temporary site conditions, provisions shall be made to assure that at least one toilet facility is available.

The number of toilets shall be provided as per QF welfare standards.

Maintenance of Toilets

Provisions for routinely servicing and cleaning all toilets and disposing of the sewage shall be established before
placing toilet facilities into operation' the method of sewage disposal and location selected shall be in
accordance with local health regulations.

Washing Facilities

Washing facilities shall be provided as needed to maintain healthful and sanitary conditions. Washing facilities
for persons engaged in the application of paints, coating, herbicides, and insecticides or other operations where
contaminants may be harmful shall be at or near the work site and shall be adequate for removal of the harmful

The number of washing facilities shall be provided as per QCS 2014 welfare standard.

Each washing facility shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and provided with water (either hot and cold
running water or tepid running water), soap, and individual means of drying.

Water Disposal

Receptacles used for putting pesticides or dangerous waste material shall be so constructed to prevent leakage
and to allow thorough cleaning and sanitary maintenance; these receptacles shall be equipped with a solid tight-
fitting cover, unless it can be maintained in sanitary condition without a cover.

Solid and liquid waste shall be removed in a way that avoids creating a menace to health and as often as
necessary to maintain a sanitary environment.

The waste disposal shall be handed over to licensed vendor.

Vermin Control

Enclosed workplaces and accommodation shall be constructed and maintained, as far as practical, to prevent the
entrance or harbor of rodents, insects, and other vermin e.g. floors shall be concrete. Insect screens to be
installed to windows and electronic fly killers shall be provided in mess rooms.

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An effective extermination programme shall be instituted for prevention and where the presence of such vermin
is detected. All persons involved in the use and handling of pesticides must be trained in safe use and handling. Welfare Audit:

To track the performance of the organization and the contractors with respect to the implementation of the
Supreme Committee migrant welfare standard, JGS shall be responsible to conduct quarterly welfare Audit of
the workplace and accommodation; This Audit report shall be submitted to the consultant for review and
documentation purposes. Communication:
This welfare program and SC migrant welfare standard shall be communicated to all contractor’s employees and
sub-contractor’s employees during the site induction before allowing workers to work on site.

Also, safety welfare requirement shall be included in our weekly Toolbox talk meeting and record shall be kept in
HSE department. Welfare Audit:

To track the performance of the organization and the contractors with respect to the implementation of the SC
migrant welfare standard, JGS shall be responsible to conduct quarterly welfare Audit of the workplace and
accommodation; This Audit report shall be submitted to the client for review and documentation purposes. Sub-Contractors HSE Management

All JGS sub-contractors & their personnel shall adhere to the following:

 All sub-contractors staff will be under direct supervision by JGS and JV.

 Each Sub-contractor shall designate a HSE representative for the project. This person would be on site
whenever work commenced and shall report to JGS HSE in charge and in turn JGS will liaise with JV HSE

 The Sub-contractors’ HSE Representative shall conduct ongoing HSE inspection of the work to confirm that
it is accordance with the JGS HSE plan approved by JV.

 JGS will provide HSE training for subcontractors. This shall include but not be limited to JGS HSE Plan project
site, basic HSE procedures, Hazard communication, use of PPE, work permit rules. Tool Box HSE meetings.
Documentation of these training activities would be maintained including training notes & a list of

 All accidents or near-miss incidents involving JGS subcontractors shall be investigated and reported in
accordance with JGS HSE plan to HBK-CRCC JV.

 Through JGS direct supervision HSE inspections of Sub-contractors work area & deficiencies would be
identified and corrective action taken.

 JGS will ensure that their sub-contractors staff are issued & use proper personal protective equipment as
per requirements of the JV instructions and procedures. This includes, but is not limited to, hard hats, eye
protection, foot protection & fall protection. Hard hats, steel toe safety shoes, & safety glasses with side
shields shall be worn at all times; body harness shall be worn when fall protection or confined space entry is

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 Good housekeeping by all personnel is MANDATORY. Daily cleanup & removal of debris is required by all
trades. Open fires are prohibited.

 Sub-contractors’ employees shall immediately correct all unsafe conditions & acts as directed by JGS Direct
supervision. Unsafe acts by any personnel may be grounds for immediate removal and permanent banning
from the project site.

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3 Arrangements for controlling significant site Risks
Safety Risks

Waste Management and Ground Contamination

 Housekeeping is a significant safety and environmental issue.

 A team will be nominated for housekeeping specific to the project zones where appropriate.

 Waste materials will be removed from work zone and take to waste designated area on timely basis.

 Hazardous waste materials such as empty/part empty containers of paints, solvents, used diesel, pipe
cements, adhesives etc. will be disposed of in the appropriate skip.

Electrical Safety
Competency of Electricians

All persons employed as electricians will have relevant experience and possess a recognized electrical
qualification. JGS will ensure that any persons working on electrical installations including temporary electrics
are competent and certified.

Testing of Temporary Electrical Installations

JGS will ensure that all temporary electrical installations are tested by a competent electrician. All temporary
electrical installations must be earthed and the resistance of the earthing must be checked to ensure it meets
the level required under electrical safety guidelines from the generator manufacturer in the case of mains
supply. In the absence of any guidance from the generator manufacturer the earth rod shall be driven to a depth
in the earth so that it penetrates the summer water table by 2 meters and the resistance of any point in the
earth continuity system does not exceed 0.5 ohms.

Use of Reduced Voltage Electrical Tools and Equipment

JGS will ensure that all electrical hand tools and machinery such as circular saws operate at 110v through a step
down transformer. The only exception allowed will be where certain tools or machinery are not available in the
reduced voltage. In this case where 230v or greater are used a Residual Current Device (RCD) must be fitted with
a 30 mA. The requirement for the use of 220v shall also extend to temporary lighting.

Security of Electrical Installations

JGS will ensure that all electrical installations are secured. Distribution boards must be locked shut and under no
circumstances shall live conductors be exposed where workers could accidentally come into contact with them.
Clear warning signage must be displayed on all electrical installations and only competent electricians are to
have access to distribution boards.

Vehicles and Traffic Management

JGS shall:

Ensure that all JGS personnel who are operating motor vehicles on the Project site roads comply with all
requirements as stated in the HBK-CRCC JV Construction Traffic Management.

Always follow site traffic speed limits.

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Log out / Tag out
Lockout/Tag out refers to specific practices and procedures followed to safeguard employees from the
unexpected energization or startup of machinery and equipment, or the release of hazardous energy during
service or maintenance activities. Many types of energy are used to power machines and equipment in the
workplace. These energy sources include electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and chemical etc. Failure to recognize
and control these sources of energy can cause serious injury or even death.

Lifting Operations
During the steel installation in the site, a significant amount of lifting operations will be undertaken using Tower
and mobile cranes. Lifting plan shall be submitted for an approval and the lifting plan shall be followed strictly
throughout JGS lifting activity. In all cases, all lifting operations will be properly planned to ensure the appliance
used has adequate capacity to carry out the task safely. A mobile radio shall be provided in order to ensure
effective communication between crane operator and signaler in case of poor visibility. A comprehensive lifting
plan will be prepared and will be submitted to JV accordingly. Lifting permit shall be obtained from HSE
department of JV before embarking on any lifting activity.

Storage of Materials on Site

The following rules will apply to materials stored on site:

 Materials and consumables will be protected from the elements and stored on pallets.

 Items will be stacked safely and secured.

 Flammable substances will only be ordered in small quantity and must be inside safe and well labeled
containers and will be stored in shaded location out of direct sunlight.

 No fuel will be stored within the main project site areas unless it is correctly stored and away from
temporary / fixed buildings.

 Heavy items of equipment will not be stacked or stored at high

 Dust will be kept to a minimum by dust suppression with water.

 The store compounds will be maintained in a clean and tidy manner.

 Records of stores issues will be maintained.

 Stores issued to site will not be located in access / egress routes and will not be stacked close to an

 Materials located on site will be stacked in lay down areas agreed with the Contractor.

 Where possible, packaging materials will be removed from site at the earliest opportunity in order to
reduce the fire load.

 Storage of combustible materials will be carried out in accordance with the JV and QCS standards.

Manual Handling
 Avoid manual handling where possible

 Ensure STARRT and/or RAMS are discussed with the work group prior to works commencing

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 If manual handling cannot be avoided, automation, mechanization and the use of lifting and transport
equipment should be considered (e.g. conveyors, hoists, cranes, vacuum lifting devices, lift tables, pallet
trucks, lift trucks, barrows, trolleys). However, attention should be paid to ensure that new work risks are
not created (e.g. through noise, or hand-arm vibration).

 Heavy or frequent manual handling tasks should be carried out by several people or, if possible, the amount
that is handled should be reduced or the load split into smaller ones

 The rate of manual handling should not be set by a machine, supervisor or colleagues. The time taken to
carry out manual handling tasks should be extended by taking breaks, or by alternating them with other
tasks so that the muscles have time to recover

 Trained, Competent and Authorized Supervision present at all times to ensure employees/workers are
adhering to manual handling safe working procedures.

Maintenance of Equipment and Plan

 When any equipment develop fault(s) or break down in the site, it will be transferred to PMV workshop for
repair, thereafter brought o laydown area for inspection and for confirmation that it is in good working
condition, then the equipment can be allowed to continue its work in the site.

 Mobile equipment has valid 3rd party certificate and vehicle registration.

 Operator must have appropriate 3rd party certificate for type of equipment used and a valid Qatar driving
license and is authorized to operate the equipment.

 Trained, Competent and Authorized Banks man to be mobilized where mobile equipment is working near
people, structures. i.e. reversing or transporting loads that restrict the driver’s vision.

 STARRT and/or RAMS discussed to all persons involved in the task prior to works commencing

 Operator to conduct recorded daily inspections of mobile equipment before operation and where faults are
identified that require immediate maintenance the equipment is put out of service until maintenance is

 Any machine left unattended must have the ignition key removed.

 If possible, machines should have built-in devices which prevent loads being lifted over a certain height or

 Machines should only be driven on routes specified for the purpose.

 Machines must be suitable for the task for which they are intended, particularly in terms of size and weight
of load carried.

 Do not operate mobile equipment near power lines. A separate method statement and risk assessment and
necessary permits to work are required and must be approved by PMC prior to any works commencing.

 Ensure that mobile equipment travelling / parking away from the edge of the excavation.

 Regular maintenance occurs with all mobile equipment and keep the maintenance log sheet

Health Risks

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 30 of 77

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and MSDS
 All project site personnel will be properly informed, trained prior to using substances hazardous to

 A COSHH Risk Assessment shall be provided to JV.

 Where identified, the risk assessment will be carried out, incorporating the relevant MSDS. The manner
in which this shall be carried out is detailed in Risk / Impact Assessment and SHE Method Statements.

 Where required, COSHH Risk Assessments will be conducted by the relevant supervisors, prior to using
the chemicals on the site.

 A Separate COSHH Store will be maintained to prevent risk to health from hazardous substances and

 Materials will be stored, handled and disposed of in accordance with the guidelines on the MSDS

 Special bunded diesel storage container locked and covered.

 All hazardous material, including chemicals and fuels, shall be stored at a designated site. A site plan,
showing the layout of these areas shall be displayed in the site offices.

 Fuel, oil and chemical stores will be kept away from busy vehicle routes to minimise the likelihood of

 All construction material will be stored in designated areas away from drains; iii. Hazardous materials
should not be stored in significant risk locations (e.g. within 50 metres of a water surface, waterway or 50
metres of a well, borehole or any drains that may ultimately drain into the sea or other surface water.);

 Tanks shall be protected to minimize the potential for collision. Placement of cone or hard barrier
delineators may be used to identify the tank position;

 Fuel, oil and chemicals will only be stored on impermeable bases and within a bund to contain at least
110 % of the maximum capacity of the storage facility.

 Hazardous materials to be handled only by operators trained in the relevant handling and spill response
procedures. Hazardous materials are to be handled in accordance with Contractor’s Project Instruction for
Hazardous Materials Management.

 Chemicals associated with the plant shall be stored, handled and disposed of in accordance with
Regulatory Authority standards and as per the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of each chemical;

 JGS shall comply with all legislation with regards to the safe storage and handling of hazardous

 Spill materials will be collected and treated as hazardous waste; iv. Hazardous materials will only be
handled by trained personnel.

Heat Stress Management

JGS shall follow HBK-CRCC JV heat stress management plan. Nevertheless, JGS will ensure that all its workers
were given water bottle for them to be rehydrating themselves often while working in the site. Workers will be
allowed to take periodic rest in the shelter place at least 10 to 15 minutes within one hour and water coolers will
be made available at work fronts so that workers can access potable drinking water less than two minutes
Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 31 of 77
workable distance from their work fronts. Additionally, JGS will provide water coolers at each work front thus
make it easier for the operatives to rehydrate themselves with ease.

Work at heights rescue procedures

Apparently, JGS work is mainly work at height and basically we have in place safe procedures to provide prompt
medical treatment when a worker is injured on the jobsite. To do this, workers may have to perform a working
at heights rescue to bring down a worker who has fallen or sustain injury and cannot come down from the

Purpose of Working at Heights Rescues

When a worker falls and is suspended in a harness, it’s important to rescue him or her as quickly as possible
because of the following reasons.

 The worker may have suffered injuries during the fall and may need medical attention.

 When workers are suspended in their safety harnesses for long periods, they may suffer from blood pooling
in the lower body. This can lead to suspension trauma.

 Suspended workers may panic if they are not rescued quickly.

 The event that led to the fall may create additional risks that need to be addressed.

Emergency Planning

The three main parts of emergency planning are:

i. Training

ii. Creating an emergency plan

iii. Outlining rescue procedures.


All site personnel must attend a site-specific safety training session where they will review emergency response
procedures and receive instruction on alarms and assembly areas.

Designated crew need to be trained to perform the rescue. This crew must know how to use the equipment that
is available to them at the jobsite and where they can find it. They should review the rescue procedure every
two weeks with the crane crews.

Emergency Response Plan

If a worker is injured and get stocked in the platform or at height, falls and is suspended by a safety harness, we
shall implement the emergency response plan by following the steps below:

 The site supervisor (or alternate foreperson) takes control of the situation.

 The site supervisor sounds the emergency alarm—two long blasts from a horn. All workers in the
immediate vicinity of the incident stop working. The site supervisor quickly evaluates the situation and
identifies any further hazards that could arise.

 The site supervisor or their designate goes to get help if workers are close by. If no one is close enough, the
site supervisor calls for help.

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 The site supervisor calls JGS safety manager who will notify JV safety team and other parties e.g. TQ & LB.

 The crane operator remains on standby. The operator frees the hook and waits for further direction in case
the designated rescue team must perform a basket rescue.

 The site supervisor (or a worker assigned to the task) isolates the accident zone and its perimeter to limit
further exposure.

 The site supervisor (or a worker assigned to the task) moves all non-affected personnel to a safe zone or
directs them to remain where they are.

 The site supervisor enables radio silence on the jobsite, except for crisis communications from emergency
responders. These communications are conducted on a pre-selected "emergency only" radio channel.

 The site supervisor sends a designated worker to the site gate to meet the response team (police, medical,
fire, etc.) and ensure that they have a safe access path to the accident scene.

 The site supervisor assembles the emergency rescue team at the accident site as quickly as possible to
determine the best rescue procedure for the situation

Rescue Procedures

The following rescue procedures are ordered (A) through (D), with (A) being the preferred method and (D) being
the method used when there is no other means of rescue.

A. Elevating Work Platform Rescue—if an elevating work platform (EWP) is available on site and the suspended
worker can be reached by the platform follows the procedure below:

 Bring the EWP to the accident site and use it to reach the suspended worker.

 Ensure that rescue workers are wearing full-body harnesses attached to appropriate anchors in the EWP.

 Ensure that the EWP has the load capacity for both the rescuer(s) and the fallen worker. If the fallen worker
is not conscious, two rescuers will probably be needed to safely handle the weight of the fallen worker.

 Position the EWP platform below the worker and disconnect the worker’s lanyard when it is safe to do so.
When the worker is safely on the EWP, reattach the lanyard to an appropriate anchor point on the EWP if

 Lower the worker to a safe location and administer first aid. Treat the worker for suspension trauma and
any other injury.

 Arrange transportation to hospital if required.

B. Ladder Rescue—If an elevating work platform is not available, use ladders to rescue the fallen worker with
the procedure outlined below:

 If the fallen worker is suspended from a lifeline, move the worker (if possible) to an area that rescuers can
access safely with a ladder.

 Set up the appropriate ladder(s) to reach the fallen worker.

 Rig separate lifelines for rescuers to use while carrying out the rescue from the ladder(s).

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 If the fallen worker is not conscious or cannot reliably help with the rescue, at least two rescuers may be

 If the fallen worker is suspended directly from a lanyard or a lifeline, securely attach a separate lowering
line to the harness.

 Other rescuers on the ground (or closest work surface) should lower the fallen worker while the rescuer on
the ladder guides the fallen worker to the ground (or work surface).

 Once the fallen worker has been brought to a safe location, administer first aid and treat the person for
suspension trauma and any other injury.

 Arrange transportation to hospital if required.

C. Rescue from Work Area or Floor Below—If the fallen worker is suspended near a work area and can be safely
reached from the floor below or the area from which they fell, use the following procedure:

 Ensure that rescuers are protected against falling.

 If possible, securely attach a second line to the fallen worker’s harness to help rescuers pull the fallen
worker to a safe area. You will need at least two strong workers to pull someone up to the level from which
they fell.

 Take up any slack in the retrieving line to avoid slippage.

 Once the worker has been brought to a safe location, administer first aid and treat the person for
suspension trauma and any other injury.

 Arrange transportation to hospital if required.

D. Basket Rescue—If a worker sustained injury and is stocked in platform and cannot come down, we may need
to perform a basket rescue.

For basket rescues, the basket must be designed by a professional engineer in accordance with good
manufacturing processes to withstand all loads to which it may be subjected. It must be kept on site at all times
in an accessible location where it is clear of material or other equipment. Fit the rescue basket with appropriate
rigging for quick hookup by the crane operator.

Always keep the following items in the rescue basket:

 First-aid kit

 Three lanyards equipped with shock absorbers

 One full-body harness

 Tag line attached to the basket at all times

 Descent controller rescue device in good working condition

 Secondary safety line to tie the basket above the headache ball of the crane.

 To perform a basket rescue, follow the steps below:

 Make sure preferred methods A, B, and C are not possible.

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 Notify the crane operator right away to position the crane to attach the basket.

 While the basket is being attached, the crew leader checks that all safety rigging is done and all the required
safety equipment is available.

 With two rescuers in the basket, hoist it to a position that is above and as close as possible to the injured
worker. A designated worker on the ground guides the basket with a tag line. The designated worker must
make sure that when the rescue basket reaches the right elevation, the door of the basket is facing the
structural steel to provide an easy exit for rescuer #1.

 Rescuer #1 exits the rescue basket and gets into a position to reach the fallen worker. When doing this,
rescuer #1 must be tied-off at all times to either the structure or the rescue basket.

 Rescuer #2, who is still in the rescue basket, lowers the line that will be used to retrieve the worker.
Rescuer #2 attaches an extra lanyard to the line if required.

 Rescuer #1 assesses the fallen worker for injuries and then decides how to proceed (i.e., treat injuries first,
guide the fallen worker into the rescue basket, or lower the basket to the ground with the fallen worker
attached to it).

 Once the fallen worker has been brought to a safe location, administer first aid. Treat the person for
suspension trauma and any other injury.

 Arrange transportation to hospital. A designated worker must accompany the injured worker to hospital.

 If the basket rescue is the method used, keep the following points in mind.

 Perform a basket rescue only when it is not possible to use conventional equipment to rescue the fallen
worker in a safe manner.

 Never exceed the maximum number of workers in the basket as indicated on the nameplate.

 Ensure that a competent worker inspects the crane and equipment being used prior to lifting rescuers.

 Always equip the crane with a fail-safe mechanism to prevent the boom from descending in the event of a
power source or system failure.

 Maintain an adequate means of communication between the rescuers in the basket and the crane operator
at all times.

 Ensure that workers in the rescue basket wear full-body safety harnesses attached to a lanyard and
anchored to appropriate points in the basket at all times.

 Make sure that all rigging used to attach the rescue basket to the hook of a load line has a safety factor of
10 against failure. There should be a safety line attached to the load line directly from the basket.

 Do not allow cranes to travel while rescuers are in the basket.

 Do not use suspended rescue baskets during high winds, electrical storms, snow, ice, sleet, or other adverse
conditions that could affect the safety of personnel on the platform or in the basket.

Post-Rescue Procedure

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 35 of 77

All non-affected workers should remain in the designated safe gathering zone until the site supervisor notifies
them to do otherwise.

The site supervisor and health and safety representative should

 Begin the accident investigation.

 Quarantine all fall-arrest equipment that may have been subjected to fall fatigue effects and/or shock
loading for further investigation.

 Secure the area (the OHSA requires that an accident scene not be disturbed where a fatal or critical injury
has occurred).

 Determine whether or not the jobsite-specific rescue and evacuation plans were followed as designed.

 Record modifications or additions to the plans that the rescue team deems necessary.

 Record all documented communications with JV, SC, and other parties involved.

 Record all documented statements from employees, witnesses, and others.

 Save all photographs of the incident.

 Record all key information such as dates, time, weather, general site conditions, and specific accident
locales including sketches of the immediate incident area, complete with measurements if applicable.

Tower Crane Operators: Rescue Training

Time is of the essence when attempting to rescue an injured or ill tower crane operator. A rescue will involve
training and a solid working knowledge of how to use the specific equipment.

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 36 of 77

4 Health and Safety File
JGS shall maintain health and safety file both hard and soft copies and will be kept in fire proof shelves. The H &
S files shall contain all relevant JGS health and safety information required of the JGS to maintain throughout the
project phase. Upon request, JGS shall provide document for the SC JV, LB and PMC. All relevant files will kept
and maintain for the duration at least 10 years in custody of JGS.

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 37 of 77

 Technical Delivery Office Health & Safety Templates & Guides

 QCS 2014

 Labor Law of Qatar

 Work Zone Traffic Management Guide edition2

 SC. Workers Welfare edition 2

 Qatar traffic law 19 of the year 2017

 Qatar Civil defense Law No.09 of the year 2012

 OHSAS 18001 & ISO 14001.

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 38 of 77

Every JGS employee and subcontractors shall recognize that health, safety, environment and community
responsibilities are an integral part of his business. We shall prevent harm to people, environment and
community around us. Developing management structure and procedures for implementations at all our
workplaces and continuous improvement through regular monitoring. See Annexure IV

Compliance with Requirements

The purpose of the Requirements is to provide with the minimum requirements (standards and regulations) to
which JGS must comply when conducting work on or in connection with the Project. JGS working on the Project
shall comply with these Requirements, CDM 2015 Regulations, BS, OSHA, QCS 2014, and all other applicable
Qatari laws including but not limited to labor, environmental, health and safety standards (“Qatar Laws”).

If a conflict arises between the Requirements and applicable regulatory requirements, the most stringent shall
apply. JGS will comply with all written or verbal instruction regarding safety and health issued pursuant to these

Limits of These Requirements

Where these Requirements do not adequately address JGS activities, JGS is required to comply with all aspects
of QCS 2014 and any other Qatar Laws, their internal company health and safety policies and procedures, the
project-specific Health and Safety Plan and all applicable health and safety laws standards and guidelines from
internationally recognized health and safety agencies, organizations and associations.

As these Requirements cannot address every possible condition, work activity or situation which may arise on
site, JGS will exhibit competence, exercise best management and safe work practices with regard to the health
and safety of their workers and work activities.

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 39 of 77

Working Hours
Construction activities during beyond normal working hours as per SC and JV Worker welfare and Qatar Labor
Law including night shift/time possess additional hazards and JGS shall ensure that activities carried out beyond
normal working works including during night are adequately control and managed.

Following HSE requirements shall be complied for working beyond normal working hours and night work

 Method statement and risk assessment shall be prepared for activities carried out beyond normal working
hours including night works/shift.

 HSE coverage as per manpower engaged shall be provided for activities carried out beyond normal working
hours including night works/shifts.

 JGS shall notify and get approval from JV HSE department for activity planned/ carried out during the odd
working hours, break time, holidays.

 All work activities executed beyond normal working hours and night works/ shift, including holiday shall be
carried out under permit to work system upon JV and consultant approval subjected to adequate and
appropriate control measures, welfare facilities, medical facilities, and proper supervision by HSE personnel
and Execution Team.

 All access/egress, work area and welfare facilities shall be adequately illuminated during night works

 JGS shall ensure that adequate Emergency Preparedness working beyond normal working hours including
night works/shift.

 Lone Workers shall not be allowed beyond normal working hours including night work/shift.

 Working hours shall be in compliance with the Labor Law of Qatar.

Main Activities


1. Unloading & stacking of structural steel

2 Assemble of Temporary Tower

3. Assemble of V-Frame

4 Assemble of Compressor Ring

5 Assemble of Vessel

6 Lifting Activity

7 Welding of Steel

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 40 of 77

8 Removing Temporary Tower

9 Painting Touch up

Construction Equipment to be used


1 Tower Crane

2. Mobile Crane


4. Forklift

5 Trailer

Frequency of Maintenance Inspection shall be done base on manufacturer specification although most shall be
done on weekly / Monthly basis by competent person to avoid down time due to equipment dysfunctional
related issues.

HSE Objectives & Targets

HSE Management Systems are designed to maintain HSE excellence and facilitate continual improvement by
creating a cycle of activities, including aspects identification and prioritization, performance measurements, self-
assessments and audits. This cycle of activity will identify the current and most critical HSE issues for an
organization. The establishment of HSE objectives and targets that address those issues will effectively and
continually reduce the organization's significant risks. This standard provides the guidance and requirements to
help set objectives and targets that address the significant HSE issues facing an organization.

Plans for Major HSE Activities


1 Safety Induction Daily HSE Engineer/Officer

2. HSE Inspection Daily HSE Engineer/Officer

3. HSE Audit Monthly HSE Manager

4. HSE Training Weekly / Monthly HSE Manager

5. HSE Meeting Weekly / Monthly Project Manager

6. Emergency Drill Quarterly HSE Engineer/Officer

7. HSE Incentive Schemes Monthly Project Manager

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 41 of 77

This part of the Health, Safety and Environmental Plan is used to identify foreseeable hazards of the project and
to describe the arrangements for eliminating or controlling the associated risks, thereby satisfying both statutory
and contractual obligations and promoting acceptable standards of health and safety throughout the project.

Jinggong will conform to the arrangements described in this section and co-operate its accident prevention
program. JGS recognize the execution of a number of operations or activities for which detailed procedures will
be required to ensure the health and safety of those involved.

Emergency Procedures
This section provides general guidance for handling emergency situations on the project site. Apparently, HBK-
CRCC JV Emergency procedure will be implemented and shall be followed strictly by Jinggong throughout its
work in Lusail Stadium project.

In case of injuries, first priority will be given to attend the victim, administer first aid and rush to site clinic. In
most cases, JGS will follow emergency reporting line of JV during real time emergency situation.

See Annexure III for any Emergency Call

See Annex IV Emergency Response & Reporting line

See Annex V for Doctor and Site Nurse Contact Number

Method Statements/Risk Assessment and Permit to Work

Method Statements
All written safe work procedures and, where appropriate, method statement and risk assessment- RAMS will
clearly identify the object, the sequence of operations, foreseeable hazards, precautionary and protective
measures required and will easily be understood by the personnel who are to carry out the work. All written safe
procedures and method statements will be given a unique document reference number, which will be registered
and maintained as of the Project Quality Assurance Systems. The Method Statement and risk assessment will
always be explained to the relevant operatives prior to commencing the work activity.

Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is an essential stage of company’s strategy to achieve the goals, aims and objectives of health,
safety and environment throughout the company or throughout the project. The HSE Manager/Engineer/Officer
shall ensure that suitable and sufficient, documented assessments are carried out for all design and construction
risks arising during project execution and that the employees appointed to carry out the risks assessments are
competent to do so.

Hazards that clearly possess negligible potential for harm should not be documented or given further
consideration. These hazards can be identified by careful study of the individual activity, following list of hazards
may be considered while determining the potential hazards for the activities.

 Slips / falls on the level

 Fall of the operatives from height

 Fall of tools, materials, etc. from heights

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 Hazard associated with manual lifting/handling of tools, materials etc.

 Fire and explosions linked with the chemical to be used e.g. paints and diesel

 Vehicle hazard, covering site transport

 Slippery, uneven ground / surfaces.

 Dust emission.

 Spillage of oils during refueling.

 Electrical hazard

 Inhaling of harmful chemicals / gases

 Substances that can cause damages while walking, like nails, metal cuttings, sharp edges etc.

 Burning hazards from welding brazing etc.

 Damages to human body by power tools grinders, cutters and hazardous substances etc.

The result of hazard analysis will be recorded on the risk assessment Form .After recording the type of potentials
hazards, personnel at risk and effect of hazard in an activity, the risk levels are determined.

All permits to works will be obtained from HBK-CRCC JV as per JV requirements. Amongst the permits that are
applicable as per JGS work in Lusail Stadium. They are: Hot work permit for welding and cutting activity and
lifting permit for lifting operation respectively.

Permit-to-work system will include but not limited to:

 The permit-to-work system will be handled only by the trained and experienced personnel i.e. HSE

 All relevant records of Work permit will be documented and maintained properly.

 Appropriate Safety Sign Boards, H&S Instructions etc. will be displayed around & inside the work areas.

 All jobs will be done only as per the requirements mentioned in the Work permit

 One copy of the work permit will be kept at work front where the task is being performed.

Prior to issuance of any work Permit, HSE officer must ensure that the proper arrangements for work are
made including material, manpower etc. and standards of work are adhered to. At site, JV safety officer will
inspect the work area and confirm that requirements are met and then countersigned the permit with JGS safety
officer for the work to commence.

Certain activities but not limited to are listed below, explaining the management arrangements and standards to
be followed:

Hot Work

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 43 of 77

“Hot Work” means any flame, spark, or high heat producing activity. This includes such activities as welding,
torch cutting, use of chop saws, and pipe sweating. JGS will request a hot work permit through the JV safety
department for all activities falling within the definition of Hot Work.

Prior to conducting Hot Work, JGS l will ensure that all combustible and/ or flammable materials within 10
meters of the work area have been removed or covered with fire retardant blankets. A designated “Fire Watch”
shall be identified and posted in the Hot Work area. Personnel serving as fire watch shall have no other duties.
The fire watch shall remain in the Hot Work area for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes following completion of
the Hot Work. The fire watch shall be trained to use fire extinguishers and shall know the emergency response
procedures and contact information for advanced fire response services.

All work activity shall be coordinated with other activities in areas below:

 Areas below will be cleared of all combustible and flammable materials

 Fire blanket/fire retardant material shall be used to cover any combustible materials that cannot be cleared

 Fire blanket/fire retardant material shall be removed after Hot Work and welding activities are completed

Unloading and Stacking of materials

 Site preparation will be commenced with the mobilisation of all workers and approved equipment as
identified for the work scope.

 Workforce shall be inducted, briefed about the work in Tool Box Talk and Task Briefing will be filled prior to
work commencement. They will be made aware of the work sequence and safety requirements.

 Toolbox talk shall be conducted by the H&S team involving all Supervisors, Operators, and workers that

 focus on unloading and stacking materials in the site.

 Unloading and stacking works will be supervised by JGS construction operatives who will be working closely
with the quality and H&S teams.

 Once materials are transported to site laydown yard by truck, unload materials packages in a short time.

 According to the weight of packages or containers, use 50T or 100T mobile crane to unload to the ground.

 Load shall be placed on wooden chocks; not on direct ground.

 All Access and Egress routes to be identified with suitable people and vehicles/crane segregation in place

 during unloading and stacking materials in the site.

 For the bulk transportation, packages can be lifted directly to the stacking position. For the container

 transportation, packages must be pulled out by telehandler first, and then can be lifted to stacking area.

 The stacking area shall be even, solid, cleaned and dry, water can easily flow out.

 20cm x 20cm plywood or steel member will be placed under the material to enable through of lifting belt or
folk of forklift.

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 For the wrapped packages, they can be placed on the plywood, not covering. For the bare package, they
shall be covered by protective cloth.

 Painting materials shall be stored only in designated and approved Chemical Store.

 Ensures the works are performed in safe working environment and all H&S rules are strictly followed.

 Area shall be sufficiently barricaded to prevent access of unauthorized personnel.

 Constant supervision will be maintained throughout the operation.

 All necessary signs shall be put up in place at the most visible points.

 The area around the operation shall be clear and unobstructed without any risk of injury to personnel
engaged at work.

Assemble of Temporary Tower

 Site preparation will be commenced with the mobilisation of all workers and approved equipment as
identified for

 the work scope.

 Safety induction to all workers and staff involved shall be performed by the designated safety officer. Safety
team shall make sure that all involved workers are inducted and maintain the attendance record.

 All staff and worker who are involved in the steel structure works shall be trained with regard to the

 and sequence of works.

 All permits shall be kept available at work area. Approved RAMS shall be kept available at site.

 STARRT (Safety Task Analysis Risk Reduction Talk) brief shall be conducted by site engineer in each work

 location, work risk assessment that should also be available at the work site.

 All equipment used onsite shall have JV inspection (approval) sticker, equipment without sticker shall not
be used

 The designated work area shall be a restricted zone and fully barricaded by traffic cones and proper
signage’s will be available and only approved personal shall be allowed into the area. The supervisor will
ensure that no unauthorized persons enter the area. .

 Work at height (access to rear of trailer, for rigging / derigging loads), will be carried out using approved
means of safe access (i.e. Access tower). Scaffold shall be built by scaffolder with certificates, it will be used
only after insp-ection, daily and weekly check shall be carried out by competent person, & scaffold without
tag shall not be used.

 Full body harness and fall protection system will be used while accessing the height work. The full body
harnesses will be inspected and tagged (include colour of tag), user checks will be complete daily and if no
tags are in place, the harness will not be used.

 During all exercises, all operatives will maintain a constant vigilance on people, plant and services within the
work zone.

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 All lifting operations with PTW obtained from appointed person and supervision.

 Ensure the ground is firmly and lifting machine is operated properly and comply with lifting plan.

 Daily check of crane shall be carried out by lifting supervisor every day before start work.

 Never overload the equipment and no loose materials while lifting

 Follow the wind speed limit for the lifting.

 All electrical connections through ELCB only and all electrical cord are to be secured.

 Use tool bag and tool strap for the tools and equipment/tools to be hold firmly during operation.

 Adequate lighting, especially at night

 The MEWP must have all stabilizers, handrails, toe boards and electronic guards in place and fully

 Before works will be allowed to commence.

Assemble of V-Frame
 Safety induction to all workers and staff involved shall be performed by the designated safety officer.
Safety team shall make sure that all involved workers are inducted and maintain the attendance record.

 All staff and workers who are involved in the steel structure works shall be trained with regard to the
methodology and sequence of works.

 Task briefing before starting the works.

 Check the operation platform before start work, MEWP will be used for working at height; safe
exclusion zone to prevent unauthorized personnel.

 Full body harness with lanyard to be used while working at Height.

 Helmet must have chin strap and tools must have tool strap and workers must use tool bag.

 Method statement and risk assessment for assemble of V-frame shall be briefed to all individuals prior to
work commencement.

 The V frame assembly will be done using a 70MT crawler crane, each component lifting weight as it contain
in method statement.

 The V frame will be shifted from the assembly location to the lifting position using tire trolley. Subsequent
lifting will be done using 1250 MT and 300 MT crawler cranes. The V frame will be rotated and lifted up by
1250MT and 300MT crawler cranes

 Welding must be carried out by certified workers only, fire watch must be provided at welding scene and
hot work permit must be provided.

 Barricade the area with appropriate signage.

 Provision of safe working platform and access/egress.

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 46 of 77

 The Designated work area shall be a restricted zone, the supervisor will ensure that no unauthorized
persons enter the area.

 Vessel structure works will be supervised by JGS construction operatives who will be working closely with
the quality and H&S teams.

 Safety of workers is always the priority throughout the execution of work.

 Engineer will ensure that all work will start with a task briefing being performed for the workforce in the
work area on the work they are doing using the approved RAMS.

 JGS safety officer shall ensure that adequate safety measures are in place inspected and approved by third
party inspector.

 All personnel will be trained for the work they are performing and for the equipment they are using, they
will be in possession of their 3rd party training certificate/card where applicable.

 Adequate access in the form of ladder, platform, man basket, scaffolding and manlift etc. will be
provided for workmen to reach all parts of the work. Competent person shall inspect the access prior to its
usage and tag them safe for use.

Assemble of Compressor Ring

 Safety induction to all workers and staff involved shall be performed by the designated safety officer.
Safety team

 shall make sure that all involved workers are inducted and maintain the attendance record.

 All workers and staff involved must receive site induction and working training.

 Inspect operation platform before start work and MEWP will be used for working at high.

 Ensure to secure all sharp objects and provide oil collection kit.

 All tools to be used must be inspection and ensure that they are in good condition and must be color coded.

 • Safety controls measures will be put in place for any work that is executed at a height of over 1.5m.
Necessary precautions will be taken during the operation of MEWP such as cherry picker/ scissor lift etc.

 Safe lifting procedures shall be followed and safe working environment shall be provided during the
assemble of compressor ring.

Assemble of Vessel
 Safety induction to all workers and staff involved shall be performed by the designated safety officer.
Safety team shall make sure that all involved workers are inducted and maintain the attendance record.

 • The work will start with a task briefing being performed for the workforce in the work area on the
work they are doing using the approved RAMS.

 • Toolbox talk shall be conducted by the H&S department involving all Supervisors, Operators, and Workers
that shall focus on H&S topics of immediate concern. .

 • All staff and worker who are involved in the temporary support and vessel structure works shall be
trained with regard to the methodology and sequence of works.
Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 47 of 77
 • Temporary support and vessel erection works will be supervised by JGS construction operatives who will
be working closely with the quality and H&S teams.

 The construction of the vessel must be strictly as per approved MST/RAMS & lifting plan. .

 • All personnel will be trained for the work they are performing and for the equipment they are using, they
will be in possession of their 3rd party training certificate/card.

 • The Designated work area shall be a restricted Zone; the supervisor will ensure that no unauthorized
persons enter the area.

 All lifting activities will be done as per lifting plan and also as per lifting procedures.

 Walkie‐talkie shall be provided between crane operator and rigger for effective communication.

Lifting Activity
 Crane to be positioned and rigged as per lift plan.

 Only trained and competent operator to perform crane rigging.

 Crane supervisor to ensure lift plan conformity prior to Task Briefing commencement.

 Crane/Lifting equipment to be configured as per lift plan.

 Only trained and competent operator to perform crane rigging.

 Crane supervisor to ensure lift plan conformity prior to Task Briefing commencement.

 Taglines to be used to control load • Anti-collision system to be fitted to all cranes with the same working

 Crash radio system in place for operators and supervisors can coordinate crane movement.

 Crane working requirements to be discussed prior to work start for planning and coordination.

 Zoning system fitted to crane, programmed to avoid permanent structures, offices, amenities, etc… crane
supervisor to manage crane movement and coordinate with other supervisors and operators regarding
crane movement.

 Crane operator to be briefed on hazards specific to crane movement.

 Hand held anemometer provided to lift supervisor.

 Maximum operational wind speeds for individual cranes to be specified in lift plan.

 Wind speed to be monitored at regular intervals and lifting to be performed accordingly.

 Only loads assessed and detailed in lift plan to be lifted at all times. Unscheduled load to be reported to
crane supervisor/Appointed Person immediately and lifting not to proceed until full assessment has been
carried out. Crane supervisor present during lifting operations at all times. Weekly coordination meetings to
be held between construction and lifting departments to discuss new loads that require lifting.

Document Reference number: JGS-HSE- PLAN-0001-01 Page 48 of 77

 All members of lifting team to be trained and competent. All members of lifting team to be briefed on lift
plan, method statement and risk assessment. All members of lifting team to be briefed daily on work
schedule, changes in the site conditions and alterations to lift plan, method statement and risk assessment.

 Two-way radio system used when riggers/signallers are not visible to crane operator. Constant contact to
be maintained on radio while blind lift is in progress. 3 second rule to be maintained at all times, if constant
is lost for more than three seconds stop lift operation.

 Working at heights to be limited through use of access equipment where possible. Edge protection to be
installed where possible. Fall arrest equipment used as last resort. Safe System of Work to be provide for
use of cranes with adequate training.

 All members of lifting team to have basic understanding of spoken and written English. HS team member on
site capable of translating safety topics to operatives.

 Daily/weekly pre-use inspections to be implemented and recorded where necessary by crane

operator/crane supervisor. Periodic inspections to be carried out by trained and competent person (six
monthly for lifting accessories and cranes for lifting people and yearly for other cranes). Any damaged
crane/lifting equipment to be taken out of service immediately, reported to crane supervisor and marked
with red colour code to indicate quarantine.

For Tandem Lifting with two cranes:

 All Tandem lifting activities shall properly be planned by competent person, appropriately supervised and
carried out in safe manner.

 Designers to check load calculations and carry out trial lifts.

 Centre of Gravity to be issued by designers or properly calculated.

 Use experienced signallers to control lifting operations.

 Take load tension up in small increments.

 Use cranes of same size and make (ideally identical cranes to be used to minimize risk). Cranes operated at
minimum speed. Operator shall use one motion at a time. Extra personnel used to monitor plumb of lines
and position of hook block.

Welding and Cutting of Temporary Tower

The primary hazards of welding and cutting are electric shock, toxic fumes, explosions, burns from hot material,
heat from infra-red and ultra violet rays. Adequate precautions will be taken to guard against all of these
hazards. Welding equipment is not to be used unless you have been trained to use it.

The following will be observed by personnel using or assisting in the use of all welding equipment:

 Permit-to-work must be obtained by the welders from JV safety department and HSE Engineer shall ensure
that any hot work or spark potential activity is not being performed without Permit-To-Work.

 In all welding operations appropriate personal protective equipment will be used.

 A fire extinguisher will be made available in all areas where a fire is likely to occur.

 Disposable cigarette lighter and matches are not to be used for lighting oxy-acetylene torches. SPARK

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 LIGHTER ONLY is approved.

 Oxygen and Acetylene cylinders must be placed in safe location chained when in an upright position.

 Acetylene cylinders must be used, transported and secured in an upright position only in trolley.

 Oxygen cylinders must be stored, used, transported and secured in an upright position only in trolley.

 Approved respiratory equipment must be used while welding in confined spaces or while brazing, cutting

 or welding any zinc, brass, bronze galvanized or lead coated material that will produce toxic fumes.

 Oxygen gas must never be used for ventilation.

 Face Shields or barriers must be placed around welding jobs to protect or prevent visual contact with
welding arc.

 Before welding, soldering or flame cutting any tank, pipe or container that held flammable substances, it

 must be drained cleaned and thoroughly purged.

 All welding cables, hoses and connections are to be inspected prior to use for defects. All defects are to

 be reported to your Supervisor for repair or replacement.

 Welding generators must be provided with the earthing rod, drip tray, appropriate type of fire extinguisher,
fire blanket and sand buckets.

Removing Temporary Tower

 There shall be adequate preparation for the removal of temporary support tower.

 Safety of workers is always shall be the priority throughout the removal temporary tower works.

 STARRT card shall be conducted in each work location by site engineer before start the work.

 Safe exclusion zone will be maintained throughout the dismantling of temporary tower to prevent
unauthorized person.

 Provision of safe working platform and access/egress during dismantling of temporary tower.

 The workers that will carry out the removal of the temporary tower shall take cognizance of the task, the
inherent risk and the hazardous positions they need to avoid.

 The structural integrity of the temporary tower shall be protected, prevent dangerous movement and

 To remove the temporary tower safely, firstly, winch/jack will be used to lift the upper part of the
temporary tower; then lower part will be removed. Thereafter, the upper part of temporary tower will be
lowered on the podium slab and crawler crane will be used to remove to remove the upper part from the
podium slab. The material will be taken out of site safely.

Painting Touchup
 Site preparation will be commenced with the mobilization of all workers and approved equipment as
identified for the work scope.
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 Before painting works, set appropriate access to the painting point and shielding measures to protect site
environment from polluting by painting and also protect steel components from polluting by wind and

 All permits shall be kept available at work area. Lifting plan and RAMS shall be kept available at site.

 STARRT card shall be conducted in each work location by site engineer before start the work.

 For v frame, which is assembled lying down on ground, painters can easily access to carry out painting
works. Scaffolding painting shed would be used to enclose the assembled v frame during painting works.
The painting shed shall be designed specially and get approved by 3rd party. Timber plate shall be used
under the painting area to prevent the ground from contaminant.

 For painting on ground, under the painting area, timber plate shall be used to cover the ground from
contaminant to the soil.

 For touch up works at height, it is mainly at the welding area, so the access and operation platform are the
same with welding works. Rolling painting method is used for touch up at height, it has little influence to
site environment, so there is no need to set shielding measures.

 All access and egress routes to be identified with suitable people and plant segregation in place for plant
and equipment use in the work zone.

 The designated work area shall be a restricted zone and fully barricaded with proper signage; only approved
personal shall be allowed to access the area. The supervisor will ensure that no unauthorized persons gain
access to the area.

 Painting work will be done in covering painting shield in painting yard, only authorized person with proper
PPE will be allowed to entry. For the onsite painting, area shall be barricaded to avoid unauthorized entry.

 • There shall be provision of well-ventilated, flameproof storage room complying with site requirement.

 There will be provision of sufficient fire extinguishers (9kg DCP) shall be provided; Spill containment and
spill clean-up arrangements are available.

 Provision of sufficient forced exhaust ventilation system to capture over spray and solvent vapour as close
to the source as possible the paint booth ventilation controls keep vapors in the mist below 25 percent of

 Any painting spills will be contained immediately by using spill containment kit.

 For safety reason, there will be minimum amount of paint kept in the site store.

 In case of emergencies project specific emergency response plan shall be adhered to.

House Keeping
The purpose of introducing a good housekeeping programme is to promote order and cleanness throughout the
project. The main objectives are:

 The elimination of accidents and fire hazards.

 The conservation of space, time, materials, and manpower.

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 To obtain and maintain good working conditions.

Bad housekeeping has been the cause of a large number of serious accidents on sites resulting in personnel
injury, damage to plant and equipment or fire.

JGS recognizes the importance of good housekeeping practices and to this end will impose a housekeeping
management regime that will ensure that sufficient storage areas will be allocated, materials properly stored
and stacked, sufficient rubbish skips provided and contents disposed of properly.

The monitoring of good housekeeping practice will feature largely in the site inspection regime.

Warning Signs
Safety Signs should be used to inform advice, instruct, warn of danger and improve H&S in the workplace. Signs
incorporate certain colors which have specific meanings as shown in the following table.

The provision and use of safety signs and signals which are required to be displayed or used when a risk
assessment shows that in spite of protective measures, the risk cannot be eliminated or sufficiently reduced and
a significant risk remains.

JGS use multi-lingual signs and H&S boards considering the foreign national operatives on site and ensure that all
necessary H&S precautions are understood clearly by the operatives.

Night Working
The general philosophy on the project is to eliminate, where possible, any work that continues into the hours of
darkness. With this in mind, the purpose of this procedure is to outline the requirements and responsibilities for
any work or activity that falls outside this general philosophy, whether programmed or otherwise. JGS will follow
QCS 2014 requirements on the allowable decibel especially during night shift. HSE coverage for the Night Shift
shall be as per SC & JV requirements.


The Site HSE officer will be responsible for the following:

 Ensuring that supervision and subcontractor management are familiar with this procedure.

 That any works carried out during the night are covered by this procedure.

 Monitoring site conditions and measuring the lighting provided to ensure it falls within the requirements of
this procedure.

 Ensure that provided lighting is adequate (minimum of 100 lux) and that personnel are not working in a

Drugs and Alcohol prevention

Use of drugs and narcotics is strictly prohibited at all work places as well as in the living camp. Anyone violating
the ban will be immediately removed from the site.


 Advice the Site H&S Personnel immediately and must initiate to evacuate the area without running, activate
the alarm.

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 Site H&S Personnel will contact the Emergency Response Team


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HBK CRCC JV Emergency Number 55 999 293

Project HS Manager – Eugene Okosun 5039 9910

Project Deputy HS Manager – Shanavas Shahul 3002 2842

Project Deputy HS Manager – Greg O. Ojeaga 3344 2876

The above will call the following:

Lusail Emergency Number 4497 7666

Lusail Security Control Room 4497 7800

Security Manager – Iresh Godagama 7056 7075

Project Director – Mr. Harish Vaswani 5554 1406

Sr. Construction Manager – Mr. Baskaran 5505 2961

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13 ANNEX- V JV Doctor & Site Nurse Contact Number

DENNIMON VS – 3340 7630

NISS THOMAS – 5511 8932

JOHIN - 6693 4438

DR. SURESH – 3030 1708

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16 ANNEX – VIII Project Directory

Lusail Stadium JGS Onsite Staff

Updated Date: 2018/08/19

NO. Name Position E-mail Mobile

1 Walt Zhang Project Manager 55233789

2 Yong Hu Technology Manager 50734382

3 Zhaorui Li 33374988

4 Michael Wang Business Director 55131858

Olajide Rufus
5 JGS-HSE Manager 30089907
6 Dave Deng 55530487
7 Andy Huang 66401708

8 Loida Salandanan Document Controller 50490682

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17 ANNEX – IX Flow Chart of Incident Reporting

Flow Chart of Incident Reporting

Information about Incident Reporting

JGS HSE Manager

HBK-CRCC HSE Manager/Team JGS Project Manager

Construction Manager Project Coordinator

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19 Annex XI ISOs

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