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This is the story of a princess named Elsa who had the power of turn everything she touches

into ice. When Princess Elsa and Princess Anna of Arendelle were little girls, they were the best
of friends. 
One day, she was playing with her sister, Princess Anna.

ANNA: Elsa, Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

ELSA: Anna, go back to sleep.
ANNA: No, we have to play.
ELSA: No, I don’t want
ANNA: I want a snowman
ELSA: Fine
OLAF: Hi, I am Olaf and I like warm hugs.
OLAF: I love you (2)
ANNA: I want to play with Olaf
OLAF: Yes, come on, come on girls….
ELSA: Anna noooooooo…… I am sorry

But she freezes Anna accidentally. As a result of this accident, the sisters were almost
imprisoned in their castle until Elsa learns to control her super power. She was afraid to play
with her sister Anna, she was alone for years.

ANNA: Come out the door Elsa

ELSA: Go away Anna
ANNA: Do you want to build a snowman?
ELSA: No, I don’t want
ANNA: We were best friends
ELSA: I told you, go away Anna!!

CANCIÓN / BAILE (do you want to build a snowman?)

Years later, it was time for Elsa to become the queen of Arendelle. For just that day, the castle
gates were opened. Hundreds of people attended the coronation ceremony. Elsa worked hard to
hide her feelings and powers. In this day, Elsa accidentally, revealed that she had magical
powers. She was so upset that she ran away.

ELSA: I have to go away

ANNA: Elsa no please!
ELSA: It is the best decision
ANNA: No, You are my only company!
ELSA: I am sorry, bye
ANNA: Elsa no please!

Anna made up her mind to bring Elsa home. Anna rode through the fierce wind, her horse threw
her into the snow and ran off back to Arendelle. Luckily, she met a prince named Kristoff.
Together, they set off to look for Elsa.

ANNA: Help me please!

PRINCE: Are you ok?
ANNA: No, I have to find my sister
PRINCE: Don’t worry
PRINCE: I am going to help you
ANNA: thank you

As they climbed the mountain, Anna and Kristoff discovered a beautiful winter wonderland.
They found their snowman named Olaf who knew where Elsa was and wanted to help them
bring back summer.

PRINCE: hey you!!! We are looking for Elsa

OLAF: I know where she is!!!! Come!
PRINCE: Anna! We found your sister
OLAF: Elsa, Anna is here for you!!!
ANNA: Elsa, come back home, please!!!!
ELSA: I miss you Anna
ANNA: I miss you too Elsa
ELSA: I will come back home Anna
PRINCE: that’s the best news!!!
OLAF: I am sooooo happy

Anna’s love for Elsa had saved both of them and the Kingdom. The two sisters were best
friends again and summer had returned to Arendelle. Elsa even made Olaf a little snow cloud to
keep him from melting. Now everything was the way it was supposed to be. Anna was happy to
be at home with the people she loved. Elsa learned to control her powers and ruled Arendelle
one more. Anna and Elsa were together again!

CANCIÓN / BAILE (let it go)

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