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Digital Marketing Specialization

Module 5 – Task 2

Mekail Sarwar


Test and Control Plan
From the ‘eMarketing’ text, the four pillars of market research are:

Fig. 8: Four Pillars of Market Research

Based on the audience scenarios being considered for our content marketing
strategy, we have formed three objectives for our research:

1. What business ‘pains’ does a professional power tool manufacturer like Bosch address for
the maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) market? How should Bosch and Grainger
go about communicating to their target audience their ability to meet those ‘pains’?

This objective dives into understanding what factors would influence customers who
start on either web site or the web site (both new and
existing customers) to proceed to the Bosch power tools section of the Grainger site.

2. What is Grainger’s unique value proposition to the MRO market as a supplier of

(Bosch) power tools? What unique content should Grainger deploy on its web site
to promote the value of Bosch power tools and influence customers to purchase?

This objective investigates which factors would influence (a) customers who start on web site to proceed to the ‘Power Tools’ section of the
web site and (b) customers on the web site who are in the ‘Plumbing’ or
‘Power Tools’ section to proceed to the Bosch power tools section of the Grainger site.
3. What type of targeted e-mail content is most impactful for Bosch/Grainger
in order to get potential customers to convert and purchase a Bosch power
tool through Grainger? What type of information do prospective power tool
buyers want before they make a purchasing decision

This objective will provide understanding as to what elements of a targeted e-mail

campaign (content, frequency, links, etc.) pursued by either Bosch or Grainger (or both
Bosch and Grainger) for all five of the scenarios presented in Module 4.

General comments regarding Research Objective #1:

The results achieved in Research Objective #1 will be implemented in a series of landing
pages and display advertisements on both the Bosch and Grainger web sites that influence
audiences to select Bosch as their power tool supplier of choice through Grainger.
Grainger will measure cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-acquisition
(CPA) for banner ads displayed on the Bosch power tools site.
It will be important for Bosch to actively engage the MRO audience through
social media channels to establish itself as a subject matter expert on its
ability to meet the needs of the market from a power tool perspective.
Fig. 9: Activity Mapping for Research Objective #2

General comments regarding Research Objective #2:

The results achieved in Research Objective #1 will be implemented in a series of landing
pages and display advertisements on both the Bosch and Grainger web sites that
influence audiences to select Grainger as their supplier of choice for Bosch power tools.
It will be important for Grainger to actively engage the MRO audience through social media
channels to establish itself as a subject matter expert on the needs of the market and its ability
to service those needs by supplying quality products like Bosch power too
Fig. 10: Activity Mapping for Research Objective #3

General comments regarding Research Objective #3:

According to the eMarketing text, there are several KPIs that can (and should) be
measured for a targeted e-mail campaign. These metrics include:
Open rate
Click through rate
Number of emails
forwarded ROI
Number of social shares
Database growth Conversion rate (activity on your site generated
by the email) Delivery or bounce rate

Our goal will be an iterative process of sending out e-mail communications

approximately 3X per month where we intend to maximize all the KPIs listed
above (except for the bounce rate, which we intend to minimize). The e-mail
content will be modified or adjusted to reach our goals.


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