Marketing Plan of Coca Cola

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Greenwich University

Marketing Plan Of Coca-Cola


Shahzaib khan I

Bs55 6402


The ICoca-Cola ICompany Iis Ione Iof Ithe Ileading Imanufacturers, Idistributors, Iand Imarketers

I of Inon Ialcoholic Ibeverage Iconcentrates Iand Isyrups. IThey Iproduce Inon Ialcoholic Ibeverage

I concentrates Iand Isyrups Iwhich Iare Isold Ito Ibottling Ipartners. IThe Ibottlers Iusually Iadd Icarbonated

I water Iwith Ithe Iconcentrates Iand Isweeteners Iand Ithen Ibottle Ithe Iproduct Iand Isell Iit Ito Iwholesalers

I or Iretailers. ICoca-Cola Iowns Imore Ithan I400 Ibrands Iin Iwhich Ithey Imarket Ifor Iin Iover I200

I different Icountries I(Coca-Cola IDatamonitor, I2007). ICoca-Cola Isells Ia Ivariety Iof Isoft Idrinks,

I juices, Isports Idrinks, Iteas, Iand Iwater. IThey Ioperate Iin Ieight Isegments, Ibut Imost Iof Itheir Irevenues

I come Ifrom Ithree Iof Ithose Isegments. ITheir Ithree Imajor Isegments Iare INorth IAmerica, ISouth IAsia

I and Ithe IPacific IRim, Iand IBottling IInvestments. ITheir Ifive Iother Isegments Iinclude IEurope; INorth

I Asia, IEurasia Iand IMiddle IEast; ILatin IAmerica; IAfrica; Iand ICorporate. ICoca-Cola Ialso Ihas Ithe

I leading Ibrand I(Coca-Cola IDatamonitor, I2007).

Their Ivision Iis Ito Imaximize Iprofits Iand Ireturns Ito Ishareholders. ICoca-Cola Iwants Ito Ihave

I skillful Iworkers Iand Iinspire Ithem Ito Ido Ithe Ibest Ithat Ithey Ican. IThey Iwant ICoca-Cola Ito Ibe Ian

I enjoyable Iplace Ito Iwork Iat Iand Ifor Iemployees Ito Ibe Imotivated Iin Icoming Ito Iwork. IThe Icompany

I likes Ito Iobtain Ia Iproduct Iline Iof Ibeverages Ithat Isatisfy Ithe Ineeds Iand Iwants Iof Iconsumers. ICoca-

Cola Iwants Ito Ibuild Itrusting Irelationships Iwith Itheir Ipartners Iand Isuppliers Ialong Ithe Isupply

I chain. IAlso ICoca-Cola Iprides Iitself Iin Imaking Ia Idifference Iin Itheir Icommunity Iand Itheir Imany

I contributions Ithat Iwork Ito Iimprove Ithe Ienvironment. IThe Ibusiness Idecisions Ithat ICoca-Cola

I makes Iare Iguided Iby Itheir Ivalues. ITheir Imain Ivalues Iinclude: Ileadership, Ipassion, Iintegrity,

I accountability, Icollaboration, Iinnovation, Iand Iquality I(Coca-Cola ICompany I2006). ICoca-Cola

I has Iremained Isuccessful Iby Imaintaining Istrong Ivalues, Ivisions, Iand Imission.

Marketing objectives

Future Igrowth Ifor ICoca-Cola Iwill Iemerge Ifrom Itheir Ifocus Ishift Itowards Ithe Iglobal Imarket Ias Iwell

I as Ithe Ihealth Iconscious Imarket. IThey Iare Iimplementing Iand Icontinuing Ito Ibuild Ion Itheir Iglobal

I strategy I(FrontPage, I2007). ICoca-Cola Iwould Ilike Ito Icontinue Ito Imarket Ito Icountries Iaround Ithe

I world Ioutside Iof Ithe IUnited IStates. IThey Iare Ihaving Igrowth Iin Iemerging Imarkets Iin ILatin

I America, Ithe IBRIC, Iand IWestern IEurope I(FrontPage, I2007). IThis Iwill Ibe Itheir Imajor Ifocus Iin Ithe

I future, Ibecause Ithey Ifeel Ithis Iis Iwhere Itheir Imajor Igrowth Iopportunities Ilie.

Consumers Iare Imoving Itowards Ia Ihealthier Ilifestyle, Iwhich Iin Iturn Iis Icausing ICoca-Cola Ito

I expand Itheir Iproducts Ito Icontinue Ito Imeet Itheir Ineeds. IThey Iwould Ilike Ito Ifocus Ion Iproviding

I juices, Isport Idrinks, Iand Iwater Ilines Ithat Iwill Iaim Iat Ithe Imore Ihealth Iconscious Imarket. ICoca-Cola

I has Ibeen Iperforming Itrials Ion Itheir IMinute IMaid IHeart IWise Iorange Ijuice Ito Iprove Ithat Iit Idoes

I help Ilower Icholesterol Iand Iimprove Ihealth. IAlso Ithey Iare Ihaving Itrials Ifor Itheir IEnviga Igreen Itea

I which Ican Ihelp Iboost Imetabolism. IThis Inew Imarket Iis Ihuge Iand Icreates Ia Ilot Iof Igrowth

I opportunity Ifor ICoca-Cola I(Credeur, I2007). I“The Icore Iof Iour Ibusiness Iis Ihealthy Iand Iit’s Ipoised

I to Icapture Isignificant Igrowth Iover Ithe Icoming Iyears” I(Credeur, I2007). IConsumer Ibehavior Iis

I changing Itherefore ICoca-Cola Imust Iadjust Itheir Imarketing Istrategies Iand Iproduct Ilines Ito Imeet

I the Iconsumers’ Ineeds. I


Industry IAnalysis

The ICoca-Cola ICompany Ifalls Iin Ithe Ibeverage Iindustry Iwith Imany Iother Ideveloping

I companies. ILeading Ithe Ibeverage Iindustry Iby Igenerating Irevenues Iof I$24,088 Imillion Idollars,

I Coca-Cola’s Iclosest Icompetition Iin Ithis Iindustry Iis ICoca-Cola IEnterprises Iand IAnheuser-Busch.

I Others Ithat Ifall Iinto Ithe Iindustry Iinclude IPepsi IBottling, IMolson ICoors IBrewing, IConstellation

I Brands, IPepsi IAmericas, Iand IBrown-Forman I(Fortune I2007).

The Ibeverage Iindustry Iis Imoving Itoward Ithe Imore Ihealth Iconscious Iconsumer. IThe Imarket Iis

I shifting Ifrom Isoft Idrinks Ito Ijuices, Isport Idrinks, Iand Iwater Iproducts. ITo Iremain Icompetitive ICoca-

Cola Imust Ialso Ienter Iinto Ithis Imarket Iand Ifollow Ithe Ihealthier Itrends. I” IIn Imany IEuropean

I countries, Ithe Iincreasing Iconsumer Itrend Itoward Ia Ihealthier Ilifestyle Icontinues Ito Igrow Idemand

I for Ifunctional Ibeverages Ithat Ioffer Iphysical Ior Imental Iwell Ibeing, Ilower Icalories Iand Iother Iadded

I values” I(Fuhrman, I2007). IConsumers’ Ivalue Iproducts Ithat Iare Igoing Ito Ihelp Ithem Ilive Ia Ihealthy

I lifestyle Iand Ifeel Ibetter Iboth Iphysically Iand Imentally. I

SWOT IAnalysis


Coca-Cola Ihas Ia Ilot Iof Istrength Iin Itheir Imarketing Iplan Iand Ibusiness. IThey Iare Ithe Iworld’s

I leading Ibrand Iname, Iand Ithey Ihave Ia Ilarge Iscale Iof Ioperations, Iand Ihave Icontinuing Irevenue

I growth Iin Iall Iof Itheir Ithree Isegments. ICoca-Cola’s Ithree Imajor Isegments Iare ILatin IAmerica; IEast,

I South IAsia, Iand IPacific IRim; Iand IBottling IInvestments. IThese Iare Ithe Isegments Ithat Iearn Ithe

I highest Irevenues. IEach Iof Ithese Isegments Icontinuously Igrows Iin Irevenues Ieach Iyear. IThe

I revenues Iearned Iin Ithese Isegments Ihave Ihelped IThe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ito Igrow Iand Iexpand

I (Coca-Cola IDatamonitor, I2007).

Coca-Cola’s Ibrand Iname Iis Ivalued Ihigher Ithan Itheir Ibiggest Icompetitor, IPepsi. IBusiness

I Week Ivalued ICoca-Cola Iat I$67,000 Imillion Iand IPepsi Iat Ionly I$12,690 Imillion. IThe Ibrand Iof

I Coca-Cola Iis Iknown Iglobally Iand Iallows Ithe Icompany Ito Ienter Inew Iand Iemerging Imarkets.

I Having Ia Istrong Ibrand Iname Ialso Iallows Ithem Ito Iexpand Itheir Icompany Iby Iadding Iproducts Isuch

I as ICherry ICoke Iand ICoke Iwith ILemon, Iand Iallowing Ithem Ito Imeet Idifferent Iconsumers’ Ineeds.

I Coca-Cola Iowns Ithe Ibrand Inames Iof ICoca-Cola, IDiet ICoke, ISprite, Iand IFanta Iwhich Iare Ifour Iof

I the Ileading Ibrands Iin Isoft Idrinks I(Coca-Cola IDatamonitor, I2007).

Coca-Cola, Iwith Ilarge Iscale Ioperations, Iis Ithe Ileader Iin Imanufacturing, Idistributing, Iand

I marketing Inonalcoholic Ibeverage Iconcentrates Iand Isyrups. ISelling Iin I200 Icountries, ICoca-Cola

I owns I32 Ibeverage Iconcentrate Imanufacturing Iplants. IThey Ialso Iown Ibottle Iwater Iproduction Iand

I beverage Ifacilities. IThe Icompany’s Ilarge-scale Iof Ioperation Iallows Iit Ito Ifeed Iupcoming Imarkets

I with Irelative Iease Iand Ienhances Iits Irevenue Igeneration Icapacity” I(Coca-Cola IDatamonitor,

I 2007).


Coca-Cola Ihas Ithree Imajor Iweaknesses Ithat Ioccur Iinternally Iin Ithe Icompany, Ithey Iinclude:

I negative Ipublicity, Ipoor Iperformance Iin INorth IAmerica, Iand Idecrease Iin Icash Ifrom Ioperations. IIn

I 2006, ICoca-Cola Iwas Iaccused Iof Iselling Ia Iproduct Iwith Ipesticide Iresidues Iin IIndia Iand Ireceived

I negative Ipublicity. IThese Iresidues Icontained Iharmful Ichemicals Ithat Icould Idamage Ithe Inervous

I and Ireproductive Isystems Iand Icould Ipotentially Icause Icancer. ICoca-Cola Iwas Iplagued Iwith

I harmful Ipublicity Imuch Ilike Ithis Iscenario Ithroughout Ithe Iyear. IThis Itype Iof Ipublicity Ican Iaffect

I their Ibrand Iimage Iand Idecrease Idemand Ifor Itheir Iproducts I(Coca-Cola IDatamonitor, I2007). ICoca-

Cola Ifocuses Ion INorth IAmerica Ias Itheir Imajor Itarget Imarket; Itherefore Iit Iis Iimportant Ifor Ithem Ito

I have Ia Igood Iperformance Ifor Ithe Itarget Imarket. IIn I2006, ICoca-Cola Idid Inot Iperform Iwell Iand Iits

I market Igrowth Iceased Iin INorth IAmerica. IThe Icompany Iactually Igot Iworse. IIf Ithis Ipoor

I performance Icontinues, Iit Icould Iaffect Ithe Ioverall Icompany’s Igrowth Iin Ithe Ifuture Iand Icould

I allow Itheir Icompetitors Ito Isurpass Ithem I(Coca-Cola IDatamonitor, I2007). ICoca-Cola Ihad Ia

I decrease Iof I7% Iin Icash Iflows Ifrom Ioperations Iin Ithe Iyear I2006. IThis Iaffected Ithe Icompany Iby

I reducing Ithe Iamount Iof Ifunds Iavailable Ifor ICoca-Cola Ito Ireinvest Iin Ithe Icompany I(Coca-Cola

I Datamonitor, I2007). ICoca-Cola Imust Ithen Ifinance Itheir Igrowth Iwith Idebt Iwhich Imakes Ithem

I vulnerable Ito Iinterest Irates.


Major Iopportunities Ifor Igrowth Ifor ICoca-Cola Iinclude Iacquisitions, Ithe Ibottled Iwater

I market, Iand Ithe Igrowing IHispanic Ipopulation Iin Ithe IUnited IStates. IThis Igrowing Idemographic

I segment Igives ICoca-Cola Ian Iopportunity Ito Itry Iand Ireach Inew Iconsumers Iand Iexpand Itheir

I product Ilines. ISome Iacquisitions Iof Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Iare IKerry IBeverages ILimited Iin

I 2006 Iwhich Iis Iheadquartered Iin IHong IKong. IBy Iacquiring IKerry IBeverages ILimited ICoca-Cola

I gained Icontrol Iover Idistribution Iand Imanufacturing Ijoint Iventures Iin Inine Imajor IChinese

I provinces I(Coca-Cola IDatamonitor, I2007). IThey Ialso Iacquired IApollinaris Iin IGermany, Iwhich

I sells Isparkling Iand Imineral Iwater. ICoca-Cola Ialso Itook Iover ITJC IHolding, Ia Ibottling Icompany

I located Iin ISouth IAfrica. IThey Ieven Iacquired Icompanies Iin IAustralia Iand INew IZealand. IThis

I enabled ICoca-Cola Ito Ihave Ia Istrong Ihold Ion Ithe Iglobal Imarket, Iwhich Ias Ia Iresult Ihelped Itheir

I international Ioperations Igrow Iand Iget Istronger. IIt Ialso Igives Ithem Ian Iopportunity Ifor Igrowth Iand

I to Ienter Iinto Inew Imarkets.

The Iincreasing Ihealth Iconscious Imarket Iis Ijust Ione Iof Ithe Inew Imarkets Ithat ICoca-Cola Ihas

I shown Ia Igrowing Iinterest Iin, Ilike Ithe Ibottled Iwater Imarket. I“Bottled Iwater Iis Ione Iof Ithe Imost Ifast-

growing Isegments Iin Ithe Iworld’s Ifood Iand Ibeverage Imarket Iowing Ito Iincreasing Ihealth Iconcerns

I (Coca-Cola IDatamonitor, I2007).


Even Ia Ilarge Iand Isuccessful Icompany Ilike ICoca-Cola Ihas Iexternal Ithreats. IThree Iof Itheir

I major Ithreats Iare Iintense Icompetition, Idependence Ion Ibottling Ipartners, Iand Islow Igrowth Iof

I carbonated Ibeverages. IThe Inonalcoholic Ibeverage Iindustry Iis Ihighly Icompetitive, Ileaving ICoca-

Cola Iwith Imany Icompetitors Iin Itheir Iindustry. ITheir Ilargest Iones Iare IPepsiCo, INestle, ICadbury

I Schweppes, IGroupe IDanone, Iand IKraft IFoods. IThis Iintense Icompetition Iinfluences ICoca-Cola

I and Itheir Istrategies. IKey Iaspects Ithat Iare Iaffected Iare Ipricing, Iadvertising, Isales Ipromotion

I programs, Iproduct Iinnovation, Iand Ibrand Iand Itrademark I(Coca-Cola IDatamonitor, I2007).

The Ihigh Idependence ICoca-Cola Ihas Ion Itheir Ipartners Iand Isuppliers Imakes Ithem

I vulnerable. IMost Iof Ithe Irevenue Ithat ICoca-Cola Igenerates Icomes Ifrom Iselling Iconcentrates Iand

I syrups Ito Ibottlers, Iin Iwhich Ithey Ihave Ino Iownership Icontrol. IThese Idistributors Iand Ibottling

I partners Imake Itheir Iown Ibusiness Idecisions Iand ICoca-Cola Ihas Ino Isay Iin Ithe Ichoices Ithey Imake.

I Not Ihaving Icontrol Iover Ia Imajor Iaspect Iof Itheir Ibusiness Iis Ia Imajor Ithreat. I(Coca-Cola

I Datamonitor, I2007).

Target IMarket

As ICoca-Cola’s Imission Istatement Istates Iit Iwants Ito I“refresh Ithe Iworld” I(Coca-Cola

I Company, I2006). ITherefore Ithe Icompany’s Itarget Imarkets Iare Iany Iand Iall Iconsumers Ithat Ihave Ia

I thirst Ithat Idemands Isatisfaction. IHowever, Ithere Iare Isome Ibrands Ithat Itarget Ispecific Iconsumers.

I For Iexample, ICoca-Cola’s IPowerAde Iis Ia Isports Idrink Ithat Iis Iaimed Iat Iathletic Imen Iand Iwomen,

I where Ias Iits Idiet Isoft Idrinks Iare Itargeted Iat Iconsumers Iwho Iare Iof Iolder Iage I(Clark, I2005). IThis

I type Iof Imarketing Iapproach Iis Ireferred Ito Ias Imarket Isegmentation. IMarket Isegmentation Iis

I defined Ias I“the Iprocess Iof Idividing Ia Imarket Iinto Imeaningful, Irelatively Isimilar, Iand Iidentifiable

I segments Ior Igroups” I(Hair, ILamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I212). ITwo Iways Iin Iwhich ICoca-Cola

I segments Iits Itarget Imarket Iare Iby Idemographic Iand Igeographic Isegmentation. IBefore I1960 Ithe

I Coca-Cola ICompany Ionly Ihad Ione Ibeverage Iaimed Iat Ithe Ientire Isoft Idrink Imarket I(Hair, ILamb, I&

I McDaniel, I2006, Ip. I212). ICurrently ICoca-Cola Ioffers Ia Iwide Irange Iof Iproducts Iincluding Icoffee,

I tea, Isports Idrinks, Ienergy Idrinks, Iwater Iand Itheir Iwell-known ICoca-Cola Isoft Idrinks I(Coca-Cola

I Datamonitor, I2007).

Market Isegmentation Iallows Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ito Imarket Ito Ipeople Iwith Idifferent

I product Ineeds Iand Ipreferences. IFor Iexample, Iin Ithe Ipast Iyear Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ifelt Ilike

I they Ineeded Ito Ifocus Ion Ithe Ineed Ithat Itheir Iproducts Isatisfy Ifor Itheir Iconsumers. IThey Icame Iout

I with Ia Ibeverage Iportfolio Ibased Ion I“seventeen Ineed Istates” Iof Itheir Iconsumers. ISome Iof Ithese

I included Irelaxation, Ihydration, Iweight Imanagement, Iand Iheart Ihealth I(MacAuthor I&Thompson,

I 2006). ITherefore Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany’s Itarget Imarket Istrategy Iis Ito Isegment Ithe Ientire Isoft

I drink Imarket Ito Ibetter Iunderstand Iand Idesign Imarketing Imixes Ithat Ispecifically Imatched Iwith Ithe

I characteristics Iand Idesires Iof Ieach Isegments.

Marketing IMix


In Iorder Ifor Ian Iorganization Ito Ibe Isuccessful Iit Ineeds Ito Ihave Ia Iwell-defined Imarketing

I mix. IThe Imarketing Imix Iconsists Iof Ithe Ifour IP’s; Iproduct, Iplace, Iprice, Ipromotion I(Hair, ILamb, I&

I McDaniel, I2006, Ip. I48). IProduct Iis Idefined Ias I“everything, Iboth Ifavorable Iand Iunfavorable, Ithat Ia

I person Ireceives Iin Iexchange” I(Hair, ILamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I48). IThe ICoca-Cola

I Company’s Iproducts Iconsist Iof Ibeverage Iconcentrates Iand Isyrups, Iwith Ithe Imain Iproduct Ibeing

I the Ifinished Ibeverages I(Coca-Cola IDatamonitor, I2007). ICoca-Cola’s Iproducts Ican Ibe Iviewed Ias

I both Ibusiness Iand Iconsumer Iproducts. IUltimately, Ithe Imain Igoal Iof Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany’s Iis

I to Isatisfy Ia Iconsumer’s Ipersonal Iwant, Iwhich Iis Ithe Idefinition Iof Iconsumer Iproducts I(Hair, ILamb,

I & IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I248). IThe Itype Iof Iconsumer Iproduct Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Icreates Iis

I convenience Iproduct. IConvenience Iproducts Inormally Irequire Ia Iwide Idistribution Iin Iorder Ito Isell

I sufficient Iquantities Ito Imeet Iprofit Igoals I(Hair, ILamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I285). IIn Iaddition,

I the ICoca-Cola ICompany Ioften Ipays Ia Icertain Iamount Ito Iretail Istores Ito Iresell Itheir Iproduct.

I Therefore Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Iproducts Ican Ibe Iconsidered Ia Ibusiness Iproduct. IThe ICoca-

Cola ICompany Ihas Ia Ifairly Ilarge Iproduct Imix Iwhich Icontains Iabout I400 Ibrands, Iincluding Idiet

I and Ilight Ibeverages, Iwaters, Ijuice Iand Ijuice Idrinks, Iteas, Icoffees, Ienergy, Iand Isports Idrinks I(Coca-

Cola IDatamonitor, I2007). IThe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ihas Iincreased Iits Iproduct Imix Iwidth Isince

I 1960. IThis Ienabled Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ito Ispread Irisk Iacross Imany Iproduct Ilines Irather Ithan

I depend Ionly Ion Ione Iand Ito Ihelp Igenerate Isales Iand Iboost Iprofits Iwithin Iits Iorganization I(Hair,

I Lamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I287). IThe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ialso Ipackages Iits Iproducts Idifferent

I sizes Ito Iappeal Ito Icertain Iconsumers I(Hair, ILamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I286). IFor Iexample, IDiet

I Coke Iis Iavailable Iin Itwelve-ounce Ior Ieven Isix-ounce Icans Iand Ivarious Iplastic Icontainers, Iranging

I from Itwo Iliters Ito Itwenty Iounces I(Coca-Cola ICompany, I2006). IThe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ihas

I increased Iits Iproduct Imix Iby Iproduct Iline Iextensions Ias Iwell Ias Icreating Inew Iproducts. IThe ICoca-

Cola ICompany Ihas Iextended Iits Iproduct Iline Iby Iintroducing Ia Ivariety Iof Idrinks I(“Will INew

I Cokes”, I2006). IThese Iinclude IVanilla ICoke, ICherry ICoke, ICherry IVanilla ICoke, ICoke IPlus Iand

I many Imore Ito Iattempt Ito Imeet Ithe Ineeds Iof Iall Iof Iits’ Iconsumers. IThe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ialso

I increases Iits Iproduct Imix Iand Ibroadens Iits Imarket Iby Ithe Iinnovation Iof Inew Ijuice Iand Isport Idrink

I products I(Marcial, I2007). IThis Ifairly Ilarge Iproduct Imix Ienables Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ito

I satisfy Ithe Ineeds Iof Itheir Iconsumers’ Ithirst, Iwhatever Iit Imay Ibe. IThis Itype Iof Iproduct Imix Iallows

I the ICoca-Cola ICompany Ito Iachieve Iits Imission Istatement Iin Iwhich Iit Istates Ithat Iit Iwants Ito

I “refresh Ithe Iworld” I(Coca-Cola ICompany, I2006).


Another Icrucial Ipart Iof Ithe Imarketing Imix Iis Iplace Iand Idistribution Iof Ian Iorganizations

I product. IPlace Iand Idistribution Istrategies Iare I“concerned Iwith Imaking Iproducts Iavailable Iwhen

I and Iwhere Icustomers Iwant Ithem” I(Hair, ILamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I48). IThe ICoca-Cola

I Company Istates Iin Iits Imission Istatement Ithat Iit Iwants Ito Ioffer Iits Iproducts Ito Iall Iconsumers

I globally I(Coca-Cola ICompany, I2006). IThe ICoca-Cola ICompany Iuses Iintermediaries I(i.e.

I retailers Iand Idistributors) Iinstead Iof Idirectly Iselling Ito Idistribute Iits Iproducts Iworldwide I(Coca-

Cola IDatamonitor, I2007). IThe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ialso Iuses Iintensive Idistribution Istrategies Ito

I make Isure Itheir Iproducts Ican Ibe Iavailable Ieverywhere. IOne Ilow Iprofile Itype Iof Iretailing Ithat Ithe

I Coca-Cola ICompany Idoes Ito Iincrease Iits Idistribution Iof Iits Iproduct Iis Ithe Iuse Iof Iautomatic

I vending Imachines. IThese Ican Ibe Ifound Iin Ia Inumber Iof Iplaces, Isuch Ias Ischools Iand Iconcert Ivenues

I (Hair, ILamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I411). ISince Itheir Iproduct Iis Ia Iconvenience Iproduct, Iit

I requires Ia Iwide Idistribution Iin Iorder Ito Imeet Iprofit Igoals I(Hair, ILamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip.

I 285).

Recently Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ihas Ifocused Imore Ion Itheir Iglobal Istrategy Ito Ihelp Ithem

I increase Itheir Igrowth. IMuch Iof Ithis Igrowth Iis Icoming Iout Iof ILatin IAmerica, Ithe IBRIC, Iand

I Western IEurope I(“Innovation, Iacquisitions”, I2007). ICurrently Imany IEuropeans Iare Ibeginning Ito

I be Imore Iworried Iabout Itheir Ihealth, Iwhich Ihas Iincreased ICoca-Cola’s IDiet ICoke Iand ICoke IZero

I sales I(Fuhrman, I2007). IIn Iaddition, Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Iis Iin Imany Iother Icountries Iincluding

I India Ithat Iare Iin Ithe Igrowth Istage Iof Ithe Iproduct Ilife Icycle I(“Marketing: INew Iproducts”, I2007).

I The ICoca-Cola ICompany’s Igrowth Iin Ithese Iareas Iare Icaused Iby Itheir Iimproved Imarketing Ito

I consumers, Ibetter Irelationships Iwith Ibottlers, Itheir I“live Ihappily” Icampaign Iin I200 Imarkets, Iand

I the Ilaunch Iof ICoca-Cola IZero. IThey Ialso Ilaunched IMinute IMaid Ijuice Iin IIndia Ias Iwell Ias IChina

I and IKorea I(“Marketing: INew Iproducts”, I2007). ITheir Iinnovation Iand Iintroduction Iof Inew

I products Ias Iwell Ias Itheir I“winning Iculture” Ihas Ihelped Ithem Ibegin Ito Igrow Iagain Iworldwide.


The Ifourth Iaspect Iof Ithe Imarketing Imix Iis Ipromotion Iof Ia Iproduct. IThe Ipromotions Irole Iin

I the Imarketing Imix Iis Ito I“bring Iabout Imutually Isatisfying Iexchanges Iwith Itarget Imarkets Iby

I informing, Ieducating, Ipersuading, Iand Ireminding Ithem Iof Ithe Ibenefits Iof Ian Iorganizations

I product” I(Hair, ILamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I49). ISince Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ioperates Ion Ia

I global Iscale, Itheir Ipromotional Istrategy Ineeds Ito Iconsider Ithe Iexternal Ienvironment Iin Iwhich Itheir

I products Iare. IThese Iexternal Ienvironmental Ifactors Iinclude Iculture, Ieconomic Iand Itechnological

I development, Ipolitical Istructure, Idemographic Imakeup Iand Inatural Iresources I(Hair, ILamb, I&

I McDaniel, I2006, Ip. I77). IFor Iexample, Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ipromoted Iits Inew ICoke IZero Iin

I Australia Idifferently Ithan Iit Idid Iin Ithe IUnited IStates Ibecause Iof Ithe Idifferent Iexternal

I environmental Ifactors Iassociated Iwith Ithat Isegment I(Alarcon, I2007). IIn Iaddition, Ithe ICoca-Cola

I Company Ioften Ihas Ito Iadapt Iits Iadvertisements Iin Idifferent Icultures. IFor Iexample, Ian Iad Iin

I Singapore Iportraying Iteenagers Icareening Idown Ia Istore Iaisle Ion Ia Igrocery Icart Iwas Iperceived Ias

I too Irebellious I(Hair, ILamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I129). IThe Iultimate Igoal Iof Iany Ipromotion Iis Ito

I get Isomeone Ito Iby Ia Igood Ior Iservice. IThere Iare Ifour Imain Iaspects Iof Ithe Ipromotional Imix Ithat

I integrate Itogether Ito Icreate Ia Icompetitive Iadvantage Ifor Ian Iorganization. IThe Ifour Iaspects Iof Ithe

I promotional Imix Iare Iadvertising, Ipublic Irelations, Isales Ipromotion, Iand Ipersonal Iselling I(Hair,

I Lamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I411)

The Iadvertising Ipart Iof Ithe Ipromotional Imix Iallows Ithe Iorganization Ito Ireach Ithe Imasses

I with Iits Iproduct. IThe ICoca-Cola ICompany Iwas Ibuilt Iheavily Ion Iadvertising Iand Imarketing

I investments. IToday Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Ispends Imost Iof Iits Imoney Ion Iadvertising Ithat

I maintains Ithe Ibrands Iawareness I(Hair, ILamb, I& IMcDaniel, I2006, Ip. I468). IThus Iadvertising Iis Ia

I main Isource Iin Iincreasing Iconsumer Iawareness. IThe ICoca-Cola ICompany Iuses Imany Iforms Iof

I advertising, Ifrom ITV Iadvertisements Ito Imagazines Iand Ibillboards I(Steinberg I& IVranica, I2004).

I One Itarget Isegment Ithat Ithe ICoca-Cola ICompany Iis Ihaving Itrouble Itrying Ito Iadvertise Ito Iis Ithe

I more Ioutdoor, Ihealth Iconscious Iand Ienvironmentally Ifriendly Iconsumer I(Steel, I2007). IThe

I advertisers Iare Iunsure Ihow Ito Iadvertise Ito Ithem Iin Ia I“green” Ifashion Iwhere Ithe Iadvertisement

I achieves Iits Igoals Iof Ipersuading, Iinforming, Iand Ireminding Ias Iwell Ias Ibeing Ienvironmentally

I friendly.

Marketing IResearch

The ICoca-Cola ICompany Iis Ia Imass Icompany Iwith Imany Imarketing Ichannels. IThey Iare

I widely Idistributed Ithroughout Ithe Iworld. IMany Imarketing Idecisions Ithey Iface Iare Ibacked Iwith

I data Ior Iconflicts Ithat Iresult Iin Ithem Icreating Ia Ifancy Ior Ireasonable Isolution. IEven Ithough ICoca-

Cola Idoes Ian Iexcellent Ijob Iof Iquenching Ione’s Ithirst, Ithey Isometimes Ihave Itrouble Iunderstanding

I what Iregions Iof Ithe Iworld Ito Iemphasize Imarketing Icertain Iproducts Itowards.

To Istay Icompetitive, ICoca-Cola Iconducts Imarketing Iresearch Ito Itry Iand Ibetter Iunderstand Itheir

I consumers. ICoca-Cola Icreates Iproducts Iand Iservices Ithat Iwill Ihelp Ifit Iinto Ithe Ineeds Iand Iwants Iof

I their Imarketplaces. IThey Ihave Ifound Ithat Ipeople Iexpect Imore Ifrom Itheir Ibeverages. ITo Itry Iand

I fill Ithis Idesire ICoca-Cola Ihas Ideveloped Ithe IBeverage IInstitute IFor IHealth Iand IWellness. IThis

I institute Idevelops Iand Itries Inew Iproduct Iideas Ithat Ican Icontribute Ito Itheir Iproduct Iline. IIn

I additions, Ithe IInstitute Iworks Iwith Ithe IChina IAcademy Iof IChinese IMedical ISciences Ito Iresearch

I the Iactive Iingredients Iin IChinese Imedicinal Ibeverages Iand Isoups Ifor Ithe Ipotential Idevelopment Iof

I new Ibeverages” I(The ICoca-Cola ICompany IAnnual IReview, I2006). ICoca-Cola Iwants Ito Ibe Iable

I to Ikeep Itheir Imarket Ialive Iand Iconstantly Idrinking Itheir Iline Iof Irefreshments, Iso Ithey Icontinue Ito

I do Iresearch Ithat Iwill Ibenefit Itheir Iconsumers, Ias Iwell Ias Ibeing Ipotential Iprofits Ifor Ithe Icompany.

Coca-Cola Iwithin Ithe Ilast Idecade Ihas Ibeen Islowly Igrasping Ithe Iidea Iof Iintroducing Iand

I emphasizing Iproducts Ithat Imay Inot Ibe Iprofitable Iin Icertain Iregions Ito Iother Icultures Iwhere Ithey

I may Ifind Ivalue Iin Isuch Ia Iproduct. IFor Iinstance, ICoke IZero Iis Ia Iproduct Ithat Icarries Ino

I carbohydrates Ior Icalories Iand Iwas Inot Iquite Imeeting Ithe Iexpected Iprofits Iin Ithe IUnited IStates, Ibut

I Coca-Cola Istarted Ito Iadvertise Iit Imore Iin IEurope Ito Iareas Ithat Ito Ienjoy Iit. IThis Iregion Iseemed

I more Iconcerned Iabout Itheir Ihealth Iand Iwell Ibeing, Iwhich Icontributed Ito ICoke IZero Ibecoming

I more Iof Ia Iprofitable Iproduct.


Coca-Cola Ialso Idevelops Iinteresting Imarketing Itechniques Isuch Ias Ibusiness Ito Ibusiness

I strategies Ito Imake Itheir Iproducts Imore Iappealing Ito Ithe Iyounger Igenerations. IAccording Ito

I marketing Iresearch, Iyounger Igenerations Iwill Ipay Imore Iattention Ito Iconsumer Iproducts Iwhen

I they Iare Iadvertised Iin Ia Imodern Iand I‘hip’ Iway. IFor Iexample, ICoca-Cola Iunited Iwith IiTunes, Iso

I that Iwhenever Isomeone Ipurchased Ia ICoca-Cola Iproduct Ithey Iwould Ireceive Ifree Isongs Ito

I promote Iboth Iproducts I(Fuhrman, I2007).Since Iin Iyounger Igenerations Iare Ivery Imusic Ioriented.

I This Irelationship Iproves Ito Ibe Ieffective Iin Ipromoting Itheir Iproducts Iand Iattracting Ito Ithe Iyouth.

Even Ithough ICoca-Cola Ihas Iinteresting Iways Ito Ipromote Itheir Iproducts, Ithey Ineed Ito Ifind

I an Ieffective Iway Ithat Iwill Isell Iand Ipromote Itheir Iwhole Iproduct Iline. IWith Imore Imarketing

I research, ICoca-Cola Iis Inow Ibeing Iscrutinized Ifor Iselling Itheir Iproduct Iin Ipublic Ischools. IUpset

I parents Iand Ischool Ifaculty Isee Ithe Icarbonated Idrinks Ias Icontributing Ito Ithe Ination’s Iobesity. IThe

I ban Ilimits Ithe Icompany Ito Iselling Iproducts Iin Ischools Ito Ichildren Iless Ithan Itwelve Iyears Iold. IThe

I company Ihas Ialso Iagreed Ito Ionly Iadvertise Ihealthier Iproducts Itowards Ithis Itargeted Imarket.

Organizational IStructure Iand IPlan

Coca-Cola Iimplements Ian Iorganizational Istrategy Ithat Ibetter Iinvolves Ithe Iemployees Iand

I customers. IThe Iultimate Igoal Iof ICoca-Cola’s Istructure Iis Ito Icontinually Ibuild Icustomer

I relationships. ICoca-Cola Ilikes Ito Ihave Ia Iflexible Iorganizational Istructure Ithat Iwill Ibe Icompatible

I with Ithe Imarket Ienvironment. ISince I2006, Ithe Imarket Ihas Ibeen Iseen Ias Ia Icomplex Ienvironment

I and Ito Ihelp Ifix Ithis Iproblem, ICoca-Cola Iconducted Ia Ithorough Icompany Ianalysis Ithrough Itheir

I departments Iand Isegments. IThey Iassembled Ia Idiverse, Imulti-functional Iexecutive Igroup Imix

I from Iseparate Icountries Iand Idivisions. IThey Imixed Ithese Iexecutives Ifrom Ithe Iorganizational

I levels Iand Icreated Ia Inew Ibusiness Imodel Ithat Iwould Iaccommodate Ito Ithe Icentralized Ias Iwell Ias

I local ICoca-Cola Idivisions.

Coca-Cola Iclaims Ithat Ithe Iimpacts Iand Ibenefits Iof Ithis Inew Ibusiness Imodel Iare Ialready

I showing Iimprovements. IFor Iexample, I“Among Iour Iresults, Iwe Iimproved Iour Iefficiencies

I throughout Ithe Isupply Ichain, Igrew Iour Ivolumes Iof Isingle-serve Ipresentations, Iand Iincreased Iour

I (The ICoca-Cola ICompany IAnnual IReview, I2007). ICoca-Cola Ihas Ibeen Imaking Inew

I improvements Iall Iover Ithe Iglobe Ifor Itheir Ioperating Isegments.

The Ieight Ioperating Isegments Iin Ithe ICoca-Cola Iempire: INorth IAmerica; IEurope, INorth

I Asia, IEurasia Iand IMiddle IEast; ILatin IAmerica; IAfrica; IEast Iand ISouth IAsia, Iand Ithe IPacific IRim;

I Bottling IInvestments Iand ICorporate. IThen Ieach Iof Ithese Iregions Iis Ibroken Idown Iinto Ismaller

I segments. IThe ICoca-Cola Isegments Iwork Itogether Ias Iwell Ias Idependent Ifrom Ieach Iother Ito Ifit

I their Idemographic Isegments. IBut Iall Igroups Iprove Ito Ibe Isuccessful Iof Ishare Ithe Isimilar Iapproach

I and Iidea Ito Ioperating: Ito Icreate Ihappy Iconsumers Ithrough Itheir Iproducts.

Recently Iin I2006, ICoca-Cola Idecided Ito Imove Ithe Ioperating Igroup Iheadquarters Ito

I Johannesburg, ISouth IAfrica Ifrom Iits Iprevious Ihome Iin Ithe IUnited IKingdom. IThis Ienabled Ithe

I company Ito Ibe Icloser Ito Imore Ipotential Iand Icurrent Ibusiness, Iand Ibe Iable Ito Iexpand Itheir Iempire

I through IAfrica. IThey Ialso Iopened Ia Inew Ioffice Iin ICairo, Iwhich Ihelped Iincrease Ithe Iproducts

I volume Isale Iin Ithat Iarea Iby I23 Ipercent I(The ICoca-Cola ICompany IAnnual IReview, I2006). ICoca-

Cola’s Irepositioning Iand Istructure Iallows Ithem Ito Ibe Imore Iintact Iwith Itheir Iconsumers Iand

I business.

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