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Name: Sam.

1. A sea port has been erected in close proximity to a river -> on the river bank.
2. A -> The factory in the central of city has been demolished and relocated to the
North of the city. (good)

Chỗ này nhà máy phải thêm “the” vì nó là vật bị chuyển đổi (xác định), và chuyển đổi
thành cái gì mới (mới xuất hiện nên ko xác định), nhưng nếu vật trong quá khứ thì dùng
“the” cả)

ví dụ câu này của simon em sẽ thấy rõ hơn

The village grew along the main road to the south between 1883 and 1922, and in 1909 a
railway line was built crossing this area from west to east. 

Hoặc câu này của giảm khảo Chris Pell

The government demolished the industrial estate and developed a sports ground

3. The old warehouses have been replaced by new hotels. (good)

4. The factory has been convert -> converted into apartment.
5. The post office and the bank in the central of town have been flattened to give way
for a new shopping center.
6. To the Southeast, the agricultural land has been turned into the new golf.
7. The maps illustrate some changes that occured -> occurred => taking place
(thường dùng từ này và rút gọn mệnh đề luôn để viết câu nâng cao) in the area
around ABC town from 1995 to 2010. (good)
8. The maps illustrate changes that occured -> occurred in the village of Stokeford
from 1930 to 2010.
Overall, this area witnessed a dramatic change and has become-> became crowded
and bustling. The striking features are that more houses springed up and this
emergences were -> the emergence of more houses was at the expense of the

 Việc này đã xảy ra và kết thúc ở quá khứ -> chia thì quá khứ đơn em nhé
Looking to the Northeast, there was a large area for the farmland in 1930,
however, this farm was flattened and partially turned into houses. Meanwhile, the
bridge over the Stoke river and the primary school near the farmland (in the East
of the map) were retained. In the Southeast, the gardens were diminished in half
size to give more space for retirement home which was built in the place of the
large house.
The appearance of tow-> a row of houses in the Northwest was at the expense of
the shops. In a close proximity to this area, the post office was stayed inact. To the
southwest of the map, the river also was kept inact, meanwhile, the farmland was
demolished and converted into houses.

Bài này em coi lại và thêm 1 số nhận xét vô nếu được nhé

The two maps illustrate several changes that took place in the village located beside River
Stroke in Stokeford between 1930 and 2010.

In general, over the period of 80 years, the village witnessed more dramatic urbanisation.
Specifically, the remarkable demolition of farmlands made way for other facilities and

To the northeast, the bridge crossing River Stoke was still stayed intact in the original
position, while the lands for agricultural purpose were completely transformed into the
resident places with a new road to facilitate for the transport after 80 years. In 2010,
the primary school in the east of the village was expanded with two additional blocks. In
contrast, the garden in the South-East was shrunk to give way to a row of houses,
making this area become bustling with residential areas. One of the impressive
details is that a half of the gardens was converted into retirement homes.
In the year of 2010, to the northwest, while the post office was still stayed intact to the
year 1930, two shops were knocked-down with an aim to make space for real estates. In
similarity to the areas of Northeast, a number of apartments and roads were erected in
place of the farmlands in close proximity to= near River Stroke in 2010.

(Written by Phan Quỳnh)

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