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Chapter 10: Sampling

1. __________ refers to the entire group of people, events, or things of interest that the
researcher wishes to investigate.
a. Population.
b. Sampling frame.
c. Sample.
d. Sampling unit.

2. The element or set of elements that is available for selection in some stage of the sampling
process is the:
a. Sample.
*b. Sampling unit.
c. Sampling frame.
d. Subject.

3. Probability sampling designs are used when the representativeness of the sample is of
importance in the interests of wider generalizability.
*a. T
b. F

4. Convenience sampling and quota sampling are examples of probability sampling.

a. T
*b. F

5. A researcher who investigates the relationship between the loyalty program of a specific
supermarket and the loyalty towards this supermarket, collects his data by questioning
consumers who leave the specific supermarket on several daily periods. The sampling
method used by this researcher is called:
*a. Convenience sampling.
b. Simple random sampling.
c. Stratified sampling.
d. Quota sampling.

6. When the properties of the population are not over-represented or under-represented in

the sample, we will have a representative sample.
*a. T
b. F

7. Cluster sampling is the least reliable and efficient among all probability sampling designs.
*a. T
b. F

8. Which of the following sampling designs is a form of non-probability sampling?

a. Systematic sampling.
b. Area sampling.
*c. Quota sampling.
d. Cluster sampling.

9. The bigger the sample size, the better.

a. T
*b. F

10. When samples are to be broken into subsamples, a minimal sample size of 10 is necessary
for each category.
a. T
*b. F

11. Snowball sampling and quota sampling are both non-probability sampling techniques.
a. T
*b. F

12. In probability sampling all elements of a population have a known and equal chance of being
a. T
*b. F

13. If representativeness of the sample is critical for the study, which of the following sampling
techniques would you choose?
*a. Simple random sampling.
b. Judgement sampling.
c. Convenience sampling.
d. Quota sampling .

14. Snowball sampling and judgement sampling are both non-probability sampling designs.
*a. T
b. F

15. With systematic sampling the population is first divided into meaningful segments;
thereafter, subjects are drawn in proportion to their original number in the population.
a. T
*b. F

16. From a statistical perspective, probability sampling is preferred over non-probability

*a. T
b. F

17. The results of probability sampling are less generalizable than the results of non-probability
a. T
*b. F

18. A researcher wants to investigate the relationship between the use of drugs and study
results of students. He would like to generalize the results to the population. Which of the
following sampling methods would usually be the best to use?
a. Stratified sampling
b. Judgement sampling
*c. Simple random sampling
d. Quota sampling
19. The most important disadvantage of a convenience sample is that:
a. It takes a lot of time and effort to find respondents.
*b. The research results cannot be generalized to the population.
c. Systematic biases are possible.
d. It is relatively expensive.

20. The sampling frame is a (physical) representation of all the elements in the population from
which the sample is drawn.
*a. T
b. F

21. The payroll of an organization would serve as the sampling frame if its members are to be
*a. T
b. F

22. The type of probability and non-probability sampling designs that is chosen depends on:
a. The extent of generalizability desired.
b. The demands of time and other resources.
c. The purpose of the study.
*d. All of the above.

23. A sample size of 40 is large enough.

a. T
*b. F

24. Non response error exists to the extent that those who did respond to your survey are
different from those who did not on (one of the) characteristics of interest in your study.
*a. T
b. F

25. Two important sources of non response are not-at-homes and refusals.
*a. T
b. F

26. Stratified samples are samples gathered in groups or chunks of elements that, ideally, are
natural aggregates of elements in the population.
a. T
*b. F

27. Which is the most correct statement?

The required sample size, n, is a function of:

*a. The variability in the population, precision or accuracy needed, confidence level desired, and
type of sampling plan used.
b. The variability in the population, precision or accuracy needed, and confidence level desired.
a. Precision or accuracy needed, confidence level desired, and type of sampling plan used.
b. The variability in the population, precision or accuracy needed, and type of sampling plan
28. If we want more precision, or more confidence, or both, the sample size needs to be
*a. T
b. F

29. As a sampling technique, qualitative research generally uses non-probability sampling as it

does not aim to draw statistical inference.
*a. T
b. F

30. The general rule in qualitative research is that you continue to sample until you are not
getting any new information or are no longer gaining new insights.
*a. T
b. F

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