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1.Sometime after 10.00pm a murder took place.

A witness claimed that the clock must have

stopped at the time of the shooting. It was later found the position of both the hands were the
same but their positions had interchanged. Tell the time of the shooting


2.Paul, the octopus who has been forecasting the outcome of FIFA world cup matches with
tremendous accuracy has now been invited to predict ICC world cup matches in 2011. We will
assume that the world cup contenders have been divided into 2 groups of 9 teams each. Each team
in a group plays the other teams in the group. The top two teams from each group enter the semi
finals (after which the winner is decided by knockout).
However, Paul has a soft spot for India and when India plays any team, Paul always backs India.
Alas, his predictions on matches involving India are right only 2 out of 3 times. In order to qualify
for the semi finals, it is sufficient for India to win 7 of its group matches. What is the probability
that India will win the ICC world cup?

3. A optical cable is to be run from a junction point on the bank of a river 900 meters wide to an
office that is located 3000 meters downstream on the opposite bank. If the cost of laying cable
under water is Rs. 5 per meter and that of laying overhead on land is Rs. 4 per meter, find the
point downstream where the cable is to cut across the river.

(a) 450
(b) 3900
(c) 1800
(d) 2100
(e) 2700

4. The storage space required is given by the function P(N) = 4000 √N, where N is the number of
boxes used. Find the percentage change in storage if the number of boxes is increased by 1%.

(a) 0.75%
(b) 0.25%
(c) 0.5%
(d) 1%
(e) 2%

5. A file is transferred from one location to another in 'buckets'. The size of the bucket is 10
kilobytes. The bucket gets filled at the rate of 0.0001 kilobytes per millisecond. The transmission
time from sender to receiver is 10 milliseconds per bucket. After the receipt of the bucket the
receiver sends an acknowledgement that reaches sender in 100 milliseconds. Assuming no error
during transmission, write a formula to calculate the time taken in seconds to successfully
complete the transfer of a file of size N kilobytes.

(a) 10.11 N
(b) 11.011 N
(c) 11.01 N
(d) 10.011 N
(e)10.101 N
6. An aircraft takes off from A (89o N Lat, 10o E Long) at 2.00 AM local time to B (32o N Lat, 70o W
Long). If the flying time is 10 hours what is the local time of landing at B?

(a) 5.40 AM
(b) 4.00 AM
(c) 6.40 AM
(d) 7.00AM
(e) 8.00AM

7. An aircraft takes off from A (89o N Lat, 10o E Long) at 2.00 AM local time to B (32o N Lat, 70o W
Long). If the flying time is 10 hours what is the local time of landing at B?

(a) 5.40 AM
(b) 4.00 AM
(c) 6.40 AM
(d) 7.00AM
(e) 8.00AM

8.Find the Value and Express in Decimal

If A= 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
B= 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
C= 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Then find the value of [A U C] U B and express it in decimal

9.Four Times as many Minutes

Fifty minutes ago if it was four times as many minutes past 3'o' clock, how many minutes is it to 6
'o' clock?
10. Ten boxes are there. Each ball weighs 100 gms. One ball is weighing 90 gms.
i) If there are 3 balls (n=3) in each box, how many times will it take to find 90 gms ball?
ii) with n=10
iii) with n=9

TCS Aptitude Questions

1) In the class of 40 students, 30 speak Hindi and 20 speak English. What is the lowest possible
number of students who speak both the languages?
(a) 5 (b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 10 (e) 30

2) If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by 30%, 20% and
10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.

3) A can do a piece of work in 20 days, which B can do in 12 days. In 9 days B does ¾ of the work.
How many days will A take to finish the remaining work?

4) If 20 men take 15 days to complete a job, in how many days can 25 men finish that work?

5) One fast typist type some matter in 2hr and another slow typist type the same matter in 3hr. if
both do combine in how much time they will finish.

6) The ratio of incomes of C and D is 3:4.the ratio of their expenditures is 4:5.Find the ratio of their
savings if the savings of C is one fourths of his income?
Agitate tranquil and serene paradox myth ...facetious candid...assessment
remarkably endorsement oppressive bankrupt imminent.. Restitution fascination
vogue censure dissolution relinquish ascent ...synoptic...insular subjective
investigative..Depraved wicked indolence unjust boredom iniquitous

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