Sanskrit: Project

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• अस्ति कस्तमिंस्चिदधिष्ठाने दरिद्रो •
द्रोणनामा ब्राहमणः प्रतिग्रहिनः, सिििं In a town there lived an extremely
विशिष्टितरानल ु ेपनगन्िमाल्यालाकाििा poor brahmin by the name of
म्बल ू ाददभोगपरििस्ििः, Drona. His livelihood depended on
प्ररूढकेिचमश्रुनखिोमेपधििः, people's charity and alms. He could
never enjoy good clothes, beauty
िीिोष्णिाििर्ााददशभछ परििोवपिििीिः aids, perfumes, ornaments, betel,
। ितय ि केनावप यिमानेनानक ु म्पया etc. His beard, moustache and nails
शििग ु ोयगु िं दत्तम ् । ब्राहमणेन ि were always untrimmed. Summer,
बालभािादािम्य rains and inclement weather had
याधििघि ृ िैलयिसाददशभः सम्बर्धया made his body emaciated. A man
सप ु ष्ु टम कृिम ् । performing a yagya noticed the
abject penury of the brahmin and
gifted him with a pair of calves.
Right from the time the calves
were young, the brahmin would
collect oil, ghee, grass, etc and feed
• िच्ि दृष््िा सहसैि • A thief noticed the brahmin's calves
कस्चिच्िौिस्चिस्न्िििान ् -- "अहमतय and decided "I will steal this
ब्राहमणतय गोयुगशमदमपहरिष्याशम" इति Brahman's pair of calves". During the
तनस्चित्य तनिायािं बन्िनपाििं गहृ ीत्िा night, he collected a rope and left
याित्प्रस्तिितिािदिामागे his home with the intention of
प्रििलिीक्ष्णदन्िपास््िः, उन्निनासाििंिः, stealing the calves. Half way down
प्रकटि्िान्िनयनः, the road he saw a ferocious looking
उपधिितनायुसन्ििगारः, िष्ु ककपोलः, person with a row of sharp teeth,
सुहुिहुििहवपागलचमश्रुकेिििीिः कस्चिद upraised nose, large red eyes, large
दृष्टः । दृष््िा ि ििं िीव्रभयरतिोऽवप veins showing on his body, lean face,
िौिोऽब्रिीि ् -- "को भिान ् ?" and flame-coloured beard and
moustache. Looking at this person,
the thief got scared. Yet, he
mustered enough courage and asked
this person, -- "Who are you?"
• स आह -- "सत्यििनोऽहिं • The person answered, -- "I
ब्रह्मिाक्षसः । भिानप्यात्मानिं am a brahmin-devouring
तनिेदयिु ।" demon by the name of
Satyavachan. Please
introduce yourself."
सोऽब्रिीि ् -- "अहिं क्रूिकमाा
िौिो, दरिद्रब्राहमणतय गोयग ु िं The thief replied, -- "I am a
हिुुं प्रस्तििोऽस्तम ।" thief by the name of
Kroorkarma. I have started
from home in order to steal
the pair of calves of the
poor brahmin."
• अि िािप्रत्ययो िाक्षसोऽब्रिीि ् • Reposing his trust in the
-- "भद्र! र्ष्ठाह्नकाशलकोऽहम ् thief, the demon said,
। अितिमेि ब्राहमणद्य "Friend! I have not eaten
भक्षतयष्याशम । ित्सन् ु दिशमदम ् since six days. I shall
। एककायाािेलायाम ् ।" now eat the brahmin.
Really good! We both
अि िौ िर गत्िैकान्िे have the same kind of
कालमन्िेर्यन्िौ स्तििौ । work."

Both reached the

• प्रसुप्िे ि ब्राहमणे िद्भक्षणािुं • Watching him sleep, the
प्रस्तिििं िाक्षसिं दृष््िा िौिोऽब्रिीि ् demon with the intention
-- "भद्र ! नैर् न्यायः । यिो to eat the brahmin, moved
गोयुगे मयाऽपहृिे पचिात्त्िमेनिं towards him. The thief
भक्षय ।" called out, -- "Sir, this is
not right. You eat the
सोऽब्रिीि ् -- "कदाधिदयिं ब्राहमणो brahmin after I have stolen
गोिब्दे न बुर्धयिे िदानिाकोऽयिं and taken away the calves."
ममािम्भः तयाि ् ।"
The demon said, -- "If the
brahmin wakes up from the
noise of the calves then for
me all is in vain."
• िौिोऽप्यब्रिीि ् -- "ििावप यदद • The thief said, -- "While
भक्षणायोपस्तिितयान्ििे you are eating the brahmin
एकोऽप्यन्ििायः तयाि ्, िदाहमवप if some hurdle comes our
न ि्नोशम गोयुगमपहिम ुा ् । अिः way then I will not be able
प्रिमिं मयापहृिे गोयग ु े पचिात्त्िया to steal the calves.
ब्राहमणो भक्षतयिव्यः ।" Therefore, I will take the
calves first, then you eat
इत्ििं िाहमहशमकया ियाविािदिोः the brahmin."
समत्ु पन्ने द्िैिे प्रतिििििाद्
ब्राहमणो ििागाि । Their argument increased,
both were opposing each
other and in the midst of
this discussion the brahmin
• अििं ििं िौिोऽब्रिीि ् -- •
"ब्राहमण ! त्िामेिायिं िाक्षसो On seeing the brahmin
भक्षतयिुशमच्छति" इति । awake, the thief said, "O
brahmin! this demon
िाक्षसोऽप्याह -- "ब्राहमण ! wants to eat you."
िौिोऽयिं गोयग ु िं
िेऽपहिुशा मच्छति ।" Promptly, the demon
said, "O brahmin, this
thief wants to steal the
pair of calves."
• एििं श्रत्ु िोत्िाय ब्राहमणः • On hearing both of
साििाने them the brahmin
भत्ू िेष्टदे ििामन्रर्धयाने stood up and became
नात्मानिं alert, and remembered
God. By remembering
िाक्षसादद् ु गणू ल
ा गड
ु ने ि God, he was able to
िौिाद् गोयुगिं ििक्ष । save himself from the
demon. He then
picked up a stick and

•िरिोऽवप दहिायैि वििदन्िः पितपिम ्

• An enemy can also become a well-

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