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Table of Contents

I. Statement of Purpose …………………………………………………………………………… 1

II. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
III. General Objectives ………………………………………………………………………………… 2
IV. Statement of Risk Factors ……………………………………………………………………… 3
V. Financial Overview ………………………………………………………………………………. 4
VI. World Scape Productions Limited Partnership Agreement ……………………... 5
VII. Main Characters …………………………………………………………………………………… 8
VIII. Script Treatment and Outline ……………………………………………………………….. 10
IX. Progress to Date ………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
X. Production Schedule ……………………………………………………………………………. 23
XI. Budget ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
XII. Market Strategies and Campaign ………………………………………………………….. 25
XIII. Distribution Markets ……………………………………………………………………………… 27
XIV. Production Team Resumѐs …………………………………………………………………… 29
XV. Investor Evaluation Form …………………………………………………………………… 34

Statement of Purpose
All Aboard! is about cultural appreciation as a means of impacting personal growth in
young children.

All Aboard!, the first project of World Scape Productions, is intended to educate its viewers
on cultures around the world. In being exposed to various cultures, members of the
audience will learn tolerance while expanding their horizons as related to food, sports and
language. It is the intention of World Scape Productions that audience members are
inspired to hands-on learning, which may include cooking the dishes featured on the show,
playing the sports and games they learn in each episode and incorporating popular phrases
from different languages into their vocabulary.

Each episode will begin with an opening song. The characters—the child actors as well as
the puppets—will construct an airplane from blocks, which they will use to travel to the
destination featured in the particular episode. The children in the audience will be inspired
to use their imaginations. They will view the actors as role models, and the puppet
characters as friends. A full list of characters and a script from the first set is featured later
in this document.

General Objectives
I. All Aboard! teaches children to be tolerant of new cultures.
The countries featured in the episodes of All Aboard! feature cultural traditions
that children have likely not been exposed to. The episodes will demonstrate the
facts surrounding the cultural practices and will show that such practices are
unique, fun and something to be celebrated. The audience members will model
their attitudes after the positive and tolerant attitudes of the characters.
II. All Aboard! encourages children to get up and try new things.
The audience will be exposed to cultural aspects such as food, sports and
language. The show will tap into a child’s eager and adventurous nature and will
inspire the children to play outside, move around and try new sports. Some of
the characters in the show will be apprehensive but will ultimately try the
adventure and find that they like it, which will inspire timid audience members
to do the same.
III. All Aboard! nurtures a child’s imagination.
Episodes of the show require an element of imagination for the show to be
successful; that is, a member of the audience must be able to suspend disbelief
and simply enjoy what comes along in order to get the best experience from the
show. Episodes will challenge audience members to enhance their imaginations,
to travel to great distances and meet new cultures all while sitting in their living
IV. All Aboard! encourages appreciation and respect for others.
Audience members will learn important life skills such as taking turns, listening
when someone speaks, and working as a team. The skills are learned by
watching them in action as demonstrated by the characters.

Statement of Risk Factors

The purchase of partnership interests as described in this document entails a high degree
of risk and is suitable for purchase only by those who can afford a total loss of their
investment. The risk factors described in this document should be carefully evaluated by
each prospective purchaser; it should be noted that the risk factors detailed here do not
encompass all possible factors.

Investors who cannot afford a total loss of all monetary investments in this project should
not invest. However, investors are not responsible for any costs exceeding the value of
their investment; that is, partners risk losing only what they invest and are not responsible
for any additional costs incurred in the creation of this project.

This document is purely informational and is not binding for any parties. Interested parties
should seek more information by contacting a production team member:

Kristy McCluskey Monique Symes

375 Church St. 375 Church St.
Unit 5895 Unit 6991
North Adams, MA 01247 North Adams, MA 01247
(774) 230-0553 (413) 835-2562

Cecelia Von Tiesenhausen-Hush Timothy Hughes

375 Church St. 375 Church St.
Unit 7128 Unit 6873
North Adams, MA 01247 North Adams, MA 01247
(802) 922-6898 (516) 661-0293

Financial Overview
All Aboard!, a 22 minute educational children’s show produced by World Scape
Productions, will be financed in part by a Limited Partnership. The Partnership is in its
beginning stages; there are presently four General Partners and the search for Limited
Partners is now in progress. World Scape Productions is seeking eight Limited Partners or
ten investments of $10,000.

Minimum Investment: $10,000

Total Budget: $110,000

Net profits will be split 60/40 between General Partners/Limited Partners. Each $10,000
contribution represents 5% of the net profits.

The total capital contribution of $110,000 raised through Limited Partnerships shall be
repaid. Once contributions and potential loans have been paid, the General Partners and
Limited Partners shall share in the profits 60/40.

The General Partners have also applied for grants to ease the financial burden on the
Limited Partners and to increase net profits.

Potential investors are reminded of the great impact a production such as All Aboard! can
make on the community. All Aboard! will increase tolerance, awareness and imagination, as
stated in the General Objectives. The lessons learned in All Aboard! will prove valuable in
impacting the lives of children in the audience. Additionally, an investment in All Aboard!
will benefit the investors in the form of tax deductions.

World Scape Productions Limited Partnership

World Scape Productions
375 Church St.
North Adams, MA 01247

World Scape Production reminds interested investors that media projects entail a high
degree of risk. The purchase of a limited partnership is suitable only by those who can
afford a total loss of their investments.

Article I
The Limited Partnership Agreement is entered into at the time of the signing of an
individual investor’s contract. The acceptance of this Agreement establishes the formation
of a Limited Partnership and indicates the agreement of all parties to the terms and
conditions listed herein.

The general partners are:

Kristy McCluskey Monique Symes

375 Church St. 375 Church St.
Unit 5895 Unit 6991
North Adams, MA 01247 North Adams, MA 01247
(774) 230-0553 (413) 835-2562

Cecelia Von Tiesenhausen-Hush Timothy Hughes

375 Church St. 375 Church St.
Unit 7128 Unit 6873
North Adams, MA 01247 North Adams, MA 01247
(802) 922-6898 (516) 661-0293

The limited partners are:

Investor’s Name
Investor’s Address
Investor’s Contact Information

Article II
The name of the partnership shall be: World Scape Productions Limited Partnership Agreement.
The purpose of the partnership shall be to produce and distribute the pilot episode for the
children’s television program, “All Aboard!” The partnership’s principal place of business shall be
located at:

World Scape Productions

375 Church St.

North Adams, MA 01247.

Additional places of business may be decided by the general partners. Limited partners will be
promptly notified by the general partners of the addition of other places of business.

The partnership will commence on the date of this agreement and will continue until the first of
the following events:
1. May 4, 2014
2. The distribution, sale or abandonment of all partnership properties relating to the project
3. An agreement between the general partners and the limited partners to terminate the
partnership, to be determined on an individual investor basis
4. The resignation, bankruptcy, insolvency or death of one or more general partners, unless
a successor is elected by the remaining general and limited partners.
a. In the event of the resignation, bankruptcy, insolvency or death of all general
partners, the partnership will be terminated without the election of a successor by
the limited partners.

Article III
An individual capital account shall be maintained for each limited partner. A limited partner’s
capital account shall consist of his or her original capital contribution and will reflect any
additional capital contributions made by the limited partner. The limited partner’s capital
account will be increased by the partner’s share of partnership profits and will be decreased by
the partner’s share of total partnership losses.

Article IV
The general partners shall appoint the keeping of books of account in which all transactions
associated with the limited partnership shall be entered fully and accurately. The records shall
be maintained at all times during the term of the partnership and beyond that term if the general
partners deem such book-keeping necessary. All books of account related to the limited
partnership, together with copies of the certificate of limited partnership agreement and the
amendments to any of these documents, shall be made available to the limited partners during
reasonable business hours for inspection and examination by the general partners, limited
partners or their representatives. The partners and representatives reserve the right to make
copies of any of these books, certificates or documents at their own expense.

Article V
The partnership’s net profit or net loss shall be determined by the accountant who audits the
partnership books, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, as soon as is
conceivable after the close of the calendar year. The accountant will be appointed at the
agreement of the general partners.

Article VI
Distributions of partnership profits will be in proportion to the partners’ shares in the
partnership’s net profits, to be determined in an individual investor’s contract.

Article VII

The liability of each limited partner for partnership losses shall in no event exceed the amount of
the limited partner’s capital contributions to the partnership, including the capital contribution
made in the initial agreement and any subsequent capital contributions.

Article VII
At the end of each calendar year the books shall be closed by the accountant, who will prepare
statements regarding the financial condition of the partnership and its net profit or net loss.
Copies of the financial statements shall be given to all general and limited partners.

Article IX
A limited partner does not have the right to request or receive property other than cash in return
for his contributions to the partnership. Profits and expenses of the World Scape Productions
project shall be shared as discussed in the limited partner’s contract on an annual basis.

Article X
Any partnership business shall be conducted by and managed by the general partners. Limited
partners have no right to transact any business on the behalf of the limited partnership. The
general partners are defined at the beginning of this document.

Article XI
The general partners, without prior written consent of all general and limited partners, shall
have no authority to:
 Admit a person as a general partner
 Do any act in violation of the certificate of the limited partnership
 Do any act which would make it impossible to carry on the business of the partnership

Article XII

Net profits will be distributed to general and limited partners annually. The date of distribution
will be as soon as is conceivable after the accountant completes all of the calculations and other
necessary tasks. The general partners will announce a date of distribution not less than two
weeks prior to the intended date of distribution.

In the event that no net profits exist for distribution, the general and limited partners understand
that the limited partnership is experiencing a net loss and there will be no distribution of profits
for that calendar year.

Main Characters

Nate, played by Dylan Shoe

He is an adolescent boy between the ages of 12 and 15. Nate is a few years older
than audience members, which grants him an element of awe and respect from
the younger viewers. Nate is a strong and outgoing leader who tends to take
charge. He has a good sense of humor and a supportive nature.

Sarah, played by Emily Warren

She is an adolescent girl, ideally between the ages of 12 and 15. Like Nate,
Sarah has a few years experience over the typical audience member, which
makes her seem knowledgeable and wise. Sarah is a strong but quiet
leader. The young puppets and audience members admire and look up to

Penny, played by Annie Thompson

She is a 5 year old female puppet. Penny has an inquisitive nature and is
not afraid to ask questions. But when her friends are confused and
Penny has the answers, she is eager to lend a helping hand and never
belittles them.

Poppy, played by Jessica Don

At 4 years old, Poppy is the youngest puppet. She has a timid and
inquisitive nature, but is never too shy to ask questions. Poppy
internalizes her experiences; she learns from them, grows from them
and becomes less shy as she goes along.

Dean, played by Brendan Arrow

6 year old Dean is an adventurous puppet. He enjoys being active and
eagerly seeks new experiences. His enthusiasm is contagious. Dean is
never afraid to try something new, but is always careful to ask
questions to ensure his safety.

Clayton, played by Michael Row

Clayton is the oldest, at 7 years old, but is one of the most cautious
puppets. He seeks the guidance of his friends and encouragement of the
older human characters as he embarks on new adventures. He asks
plenty of questions and won’t hesitate to admit when he’s scared, but
Clayton understands that new adventures are fun when in the right

Script Treatment and Outline

The following page features a detailed script for the pilot episode of All Aboard! In the event that
the production is picked up by a distribution company, the details for subsequent episodes of the
first season will be developed. Members of World Scape Productions have outlined potential
episodes for the first season of the production. The content of these episodes is subject to change
and is strictly to present the investor with a potential season schedule.

All Aboard! Potential Episode Guide

Episode Number Area to be Visited Content to be Explored
1 Nicaragua Baseball

2 Pakistan Native Sport: Field Hockey

Various Religions

3 China Table Tennis

History of the Great Wall

4 Turkey Whirling Dervishes


5 Spain Bull Fighting

Spanish influences on food around the world

6 Brazil Jiu Jitsu

The difference between Portuguese and Spanish

7 USA Native American Tribes and their meanings


8 Australia Zen Do Kai

The Aborigines

9 Argentina Pato
Food Culture

10 Bahamas Sloop
African Influenced Dance

11 Wales Rugby

12 Sri Lanka Volleyball

Ancient Times

13 Germany Soccer

Episode 1
“Playing Catch and Exploring the Mountains”

Written by:

Kristy McCluskey, Cecelia von Tiesenhausen-Hush,

Monique Symes, Timothy Hughes

A World Scape Production


Cast List:

Dylan Shoe Nate

Emily Warren Sarah
Annie Thompson Voice of Penny
Jessica Don Voice of Poppy
Brendan Arrow Voice of Dean
Michael Row Voice of Clayton
Marion Lovell Motherly Voice

Scene 1

Setting: Backyard

There is a white fence that surrounds the entire backyard. The backyard is big enough
that you can’t see both ends of it. The grass is a bright fresh green. There is a patio in the
backyard that can be briefly seen on camera. From the barely seen patio leads a walkway to the
far corner of the backyard which leads to a little pond. The little pond is surrounded by rocks and
various amounts of flowers. In the opposite side of the backyard is a big play house that can
easily fit six children in it. It’s made of wood and painted various colors including red, orange,
yellow, green, blue and purple. There are multiple windows on it as well as two enormous doors
to let the children and puppets go in out and easily.

Setting: Play house

The play house is even bigger on the inside. Full carpeting is on the floor of the play
house. The size from the inside looks as though it were a regular sized house allowing the act of
imagination to be used more fully by the children viewers. There is a window on the far back
wall of the play house that will usually show bright skies unless the episode calls for a rainy or
snowy day. There are building blocks throughout the play house. At the farthest left of the play
house is the front part of a big cardboard airplane that has painted on it “All Abroad.” The
children can crawl into it with the puppets easily without having to bump into others.

Scene 2

Setting: Baseball Field

The children arrive in a baseball field in the middle of a field with not much vegetation or
grass. They are only briefly on this. There are children playing baseball on it.

Setting: Baseball Field Bleachers

The children are focused on here where they discuss and talk about the country they are
visiting while watching the baseball game. It is simple metal bleachers and wooden frame.
There is a sports team name written on the wooden frame.

Setting: Baseball Field

It is the same baseball field before. The characters run out onto it to play baseball with
the other children they had previously seen.

Scenes 3, 4, 5

Setting: Mountains

This will mostly revolve around props and sets. There will be plenty of stock photos and
footage to show the mountain area the children are talking about but the puppets and children
will be walking through cut outs that will be painted and crafted to ensure a realistic look. When
the children reach the top, they will be standing on a round stage that will have dirt and sand on
top of it for them to walk around. The backgrounds will be done with green screen and CGI.

Scene 6

Setting: Play house

The play house is setup exactly as it was before.



(4 minutes)

Introduction music

Fade in

Camera enters the fenced in front yard full of green grass. Nate and
Sarah are waiting

Hi, I’m Nate and this is my best friend Sarah!

Hey everyone we were just about to go on an adventure would you like
to come with us?

Tell them where we are going today Sarah, I’m so excited!

(Smiles and excitedly yells)
We’re going to Nicaragua!

But we need a few things to help us before we can go to this awesome
country! First we need all of you to use your imaginations to come
with us to Nicaragua!

And we also need our friends to come with us too, Poppy, Dean,
Penny, and Clayton!

Puppets pop out and exclaim that they would love to go to the
country with Nate and Sarah. All characters are excitedly jumping up
and down.

(Motioning over to the play house)
Come on everyone follow me!

Puppets, Nate and Sarah all pile into the play house. The camera
cuts over to a camera inside the play house. Once inside the play
house, Nate motions for everyone to get into the cardboard air

All Aboard!

Fade out


(4 minutes)

Fade in

Camera cuts to characters on a baseball field with other children,

playing baseball.

Why are we at a baseball game?


Yeah we are confused, are we in Nicaragua?

Yes! Don’t worry, the reason we are at a baseball game is because
Baseball is one of the most popular sports in Nicaragua.

(With a questioning look on his face)
It is? Are you sure Sarah?

Yeah, Sarah is right! It’s such a fun sport to play and Nicaragua
even has its own professional baseball league!

Kind of like our baseball teams here like the Red Sox and the

Poppy you’re exactly right! The first game in Nicaraguan’s
profession league was March 30th, 1956, so they have been playing for
a long time now!

That’s amazing; I can’t play baseball for that long!

No no Clayton, there are different players all the time one player
doesn’t have to play for that many years, that’s like a million

I don’t know about a million years Penny but it sure is a lot of

All characters watch the game for 1 inning. There are 2 base hits
and 1 home run. Everyone cheers when the home run is hit.

Can we play?

Sure let’s go!

They go and join the game. Clayton is the pitcher, Fean is an

outfielder, Poppy is at second base and Penny is at first base,
while Nate and Sarah take turns hitting. Sarah gets on first base
and so does Nate. Then another child hits a home run, and they all
run home. They then switch and take turns hitting while Sarah
pitches and Nate plays first base. They all run in for a team cheer.


(Everyone puts their hands together and yell)
Go team!

Fade out


(2 minutes)

Fade in

That was So much fun I’m so glad we came to Nicaragua!

Me too Poppy but what else is in Nicaragua that fun that we can do?

Well there are tons of mountains all around we could go for a hike!


Yeah! That’s fun!

All characters head toward the mountain


There are lot and lots of many different mountain ranges all over
Nicaragua. They are mainly in the center of the country.

Hiking is fun and it is also a great way to get exercise too. You
can look at all the pretty birds in the tress, and see how different
and alike Nicaragua is from where we live!

Birds are flying and everyone is walking and exploring.

Fade out


(6 minutes)

Fade in

Everyone is now about half way up the mountain.

Hey Nate what are those mountains over there? They look kind of

Those are actually volcanoes!



Nicaragua is also known not just for its mountains but also for its
volcanoes! But don’t worry all these volcanoes are dormant.

What does that mean?

It means that the volcanoes are sleeping and they haven’t woken up
yet, but there is nothing to worry about, volcanoes often sleep for
hundreds and sometime thousands of years before they wake up.

Well that’s good to know! I wouldn’t want to wake up a volcano!

Everyone giggles.

What’s the highest mountain in Nicaragua?

Well Dean the main part of these mountains is called Cordillera
Isabelia and the highest point is called Pico Mogoton

Wow! That’s a cool name!
Yeah I like it too!

The name is Spanish because that is the most spoken language in
Nicaragua; although there are some remote villages who speak their
own native languages.

Nicaragua is like a walking history book!

Yes, it is Clayton! There are so many wonderful things to explore
and find all over the whole world!

Nate can we go somewhere else tomorrow!?

Ha, ha of course we can explore everywhere!
They all reach the top of the mountain and are all staring out in
the vast other mountain ranges and all of Nicaragua that surrounds

Fade out


(4 minutes)

Fade in

Everyone has started to walk back down the mountain.


I hate to say it but we are going to have to get home soon

No! I want to stay! I love it here!

Yeah me too
Me too

Me too!

I know everyone loves it here I love it here too but we have to get
back before it gets dark here and before we miss lunch!

Sarah is right we should get going soon, just think we get back into
our airplane, and fly home and have lunch!


(With frown on their faces and heads down)

They reach the end of their mountain and board their plane.

All Aboard!

Fade out


(2 minutes)

Fade in

Characters are back in the play house.

That was the most fun I’ve ever had I want to go back tomorrow!


I know me too and I learned so much about Nicaragua.

Yeah, I didn’t know they had their own professional baseball league!

Or that there are lots of cool mountains and even some sleeping

Everyone laughs.

See everyone learned something interesting and still had fun while
we were all there together!

I’m so tired from all that traveling!

(Sighing and yawning)
Me too

Well I’m just glad that everyone could come with us and learn with
us today!

Yeah me too it was nice to learn with everyone!

(Offstage, Motherly Voice yells.)

Lunch Time! Come inside and wash up!

Everyone runs for the door as camera fades out and ending music


Progress to Date

 Objectives written
 Limited partnership contract written
 Characters designed and developed
o Actors signed on:
 Dylan Shoe, local teen, to play Nate
 Emily Warren, local teen, to play Sarah
 Annie Thompson, MCLA student, to be voice and puppeteer of Penny
 Jessica Don, MCLA student, to be voice and puppeteer of Poppy
 Brendan Arrow, MCLA student, to be voice and puppeteer of Dean
 Michael Row, MCLA student, to be voice and puppeteer of Clayton
 Marion Lovell, MCLA student, to be motherly voice
 Script written
 Sets designed on paper
 Grant applications complete:
o American Film Institute
o Corporation for Public Broadcasting
o National Endowment for the Arts
o National Center for Media Engagement
 Once pilot is shot, will apply for funding from Independent Television
Service as part of Open Call
 Partnered with MCLA
o Creation of Broadcast and Arts Management requirements featuring participation
in All Aboard!
 Production schedule set
 Distribution markets identified
 Marketing campaign developed
 Partnerships with The Sesame Workshop and Jim Henson Productions are in
 Confirmed partnership with Rachel Barrett, MCLA student majoring in Education and
Psychology. Barrett will monitor the show’s content to ensure that it is beneficial to the
children in the audience, per PBS standards.

Production Schedule
May 2010:
Hire all crew and cast. Identify countries that will be focused on in shows. Write script for pilot.

June 2010:
Build first set for MCLA TV studio.

July – August 2010

Production partner and camera crew travels to Nicaragua and 6 other countries to tape and

September- October 2010:

Filming in the MCLA TV studio starts on the first of the month.

November 2010:
Editing of the first show.

January 2011:
Pilot is aired on PBS.


World Scape Productions anticipates that the creation of this film will require approximately
$110,000. The producers intend to partner with the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts in the
making of this project to cut costs and to make the production a valuable learning experience for
aspiring media producers. MCLA will develop courses that allow students to work on the project,
which will benefit the students with hands-on experience. It will also benefit World Scape
Productions, as the initial costs on the development of All Aboard! will be low due to access to
MCLA’s studios and equipment. The proposed partnership will also be great for World Scape’s
reputation, as it will demonstrate the company’s belief in educating local community members of
all ages.

MCLA students will be responsible for the creation and construction of sets, the filming of the
show and the operating of the four puppets, among other tasks. The wide variety of tasks will
mean that work on All Aboard! can be incorporated into Arts Management and Broadcast

World Scape Productions will seek local adolescents to serve as the human actors in the
production, which further demonstrates the company’s dedication to reaching out to the

Projected Costs:
Local student actor 1 $7,000
Local student actor 2 $7,000
Construction of puppets $1,000
Director of Photography $25,000
Film stock and labs $0
Studio $0
3 camera operators $12,000 each/$36,000
Travel expenses $24,000
Accountant $3,000
Legal fees $5,000
Web site development $2,000
Total Costs: $110,000

The on-site filming will be done by students overseen by a head camera operator. The additional
camera operators will be used for off-site filming in the countries featured in the episodes. A
member of World Scape Productions will accompany the camera operators on their travels,
while the Director of Photography will attend all on-site filming and editing in the MCLA studio.

Market Strategies and Campaign

Like any television production, All Aboard! requires the careful development of a marketing plan
and strategy as a means of achieving financial success. Fortunately, All Aboard! is unique in that
its genre, children’s television, is a thriving market. In recent years there have been various
television programs in the genre that have flourished and demonstrated great success in
programming, educational values and obtaining a financial surplus.

In securing funding and support, All Aboard! will reach out to The Sesame Workshop and Jim
Henson Productions. These companies have been at the forefront of children’s productions in
recent years. Jim Henson Productions is especially knowledgeable in the development and
execution of work concerning puppets. The reputations of these companies will be a great asset
in creating World Scape’s initial establishment in the realm of children’s television.

The average television production tends to advertise on billboards and commercials on the
network the show will premiere on. The marketing strategy is relatively straightforward; the
objective is to create hype and anticipation. But children’s shows require marketing to two
separate audiences. Advertisements must reach out to the children who will be the viewers of
the program. But they must also attract the parents of the children, with whom the responsibility
of programming decisions ultimately lies. Though critics may argue that parental control in the
United States has significantly changed in recent years and that the programming decisions now
lie with the children, World Scape Productions will not take any chances by acting on the
theories of such critics. To market only to an audience of children would be a huge risk, which
goes against the principals of general business practice. The most wise move is to guarantee that
the target audience will buy into the product.

The producers of All Aboard! intend for the show to become a household name. Success, as
defined by the producers, means recognition. It means children singing along after hearing just a
brief clip of the show’s theme song. It means children remembering and reciting jokes, melodies
and other program content. Such successes will not come without struggle; for instance, the
adolescent actors will ultimately grow up. World Scape will address this issue by placing an
emphasis on the puppets, whose identities are timeless. The Sesame Workshop and Jim Henson
Productions have excelled in this field for many years and will be able to provide perspective and
expertise when marketing the puppets. In marketing the productions and promotional material
such as toys and commercials, the identities of the puppets will be a strong area of focus. But the
actors will not be forgotten, for they serve to bridge the gap between the show and the audience.
The audience will be able to relate to them, to see the actor’s ready acceptance of the puppets
and their imaginations. This will also appeal to parents, who can view the adolescent actors as
role models for their children.

The marketing and advertising of All Aboard! will be a collaborative effort between the members
of World Scape Productions, The Sesame Workshop and Kim Henson Productions.
Wieden+Kennedy will also be recruited to offer advice and criticism in the construction of the
advertising campaigns. Though they have no prior experience in the children’s television market,
they have started successful campaigns such as the Lance Armstrong yellow bracelet program
and multiple campaigns with Nike, Coca-Cola and Old Spice. This company was selected because
of its independence from corporations, its multiple charitable campaigns and the extreme focus,
control and success involved in each campaign it has handled. Wieden+Kennedy understand the

lack of surprlus funding associated with this newly formed production company, which is why it
will be responsible for advice and criticism rather than developing the entire marketing

Where will World Scape start? It seems best to begin with help from The Sesame Workshop,
which currently has a vast and elaborate marketing plan. The first product of interest to World
Scape is children’s juice products, which will appeal to the main audience. But the production
company recognizes that starting up a juice line is not within its capabilities, nor a wise
marketing move. Instead, World Scape will team up with The Sesame Workshop for the next two
years to have the All Aboard! logo included on juice products associated with The Sesame
Workshop, namely the Apple & Eve products. The campaign will also include Earth’s Best
Organic products. These children’s lines feature many charaters and puppets associated with The
Sesame Workshop, which is a perfect place for the characters of All Aboard! to make their debut.

Billboards will appear in the advertising strategy toward the end of the pre-release campaign.
They will revolve around the focus of ‘late-reminders’ to parents and children, to remind them of
the show’s upcoming premiere.

The electronic campaign will focus on the production of television commercials. They will feature
all of the characters, both actors and puppets. The characters will be briefly introduced so as to
appeal to the audience and invite a connection. The ads will portray the main purpose of the
show, to teach children about other countries, to educate them about different cultures and to hit
home the point of accepting others regardless of superficial differences.

Commercials geared toward children will not be elaborate or filled to the brim with excessive
details. They will be straight forward and memorable. Commercials will feature snippets of the
theme song, with which the children will become familiar after several exposures. The
commercials will be featured during the airing of major PBS children’s shows. Commercials will
also be aired on major networks such as ABC and CBS, which have a huge viewership of
parents.The campaign will also target talk shows and ask hosts to mention how the show will be
beneficial in the mental and intellectual growth of children.

World Scape Productions is confident that the initial campaign will be successful. After the
premiere of the show has gathered an audience, the campaign will progress to its second stage.
Commercials and billboards will remain in place. Advertisements on juice products will progress
on to World Scape’s own line of products, if the success of the show warrants such a step.
Merchandise will include juice, toys, clothing and books. The toys will be made up of dolls and
play mats featuring images of the puppets from the show. Clothing will have a similar focus and
will also display images of the actors. CDs and MP3s featuring episode soundtracks and songs
produced for the show will be released. At the end of each season of All Aboard!, a DVD will be
released containing episodes from that season as well as additional content featuring more facts
and adventures from each country visited that season. Such products will be offered for sale to
Wal-Marts, K-Marts and Kids R Us stores in the region, as well as to online retailers.

World Scape Productions has taken careful steps in creating the marketing campaign for All
Aboard! Team members will be careful not to flood the market with merchandise from the show
unless there is a demand, for it is not the intent of the production company to overwhelm the
audience with the presence of its products. With the strategies outlined in this proposal, All
Aboard! is on track to becoming a timeless show loved by several generations.

Distribution Markets

Primary Market: PBS—Public Broadcasting Service

The Public Television Audience


 PBS averaged a 1.1 primetime rating during the 2008-2009 season.**

 More than 59 million people in 37 million households watch public television on-air
during an average week. Each month, more than 110 million people watch their local
stations and more than 18.7 million people access PBS content online.

**Source: Nielsen Media Research. Public television primetime AA rating and full day weekly
cume averages from October 2008-September 2009, and monthly cume and online unique
visitors (Google Analytics) from October 09.

 PBS’ primetime audience is significantly larger than many of the commercial channels
frequently cited as competitors, including HBO (0.9), History Channel (0.8), Discovery
Channel (0.8), CNN (0.8), The Learning Channel (0.7) and Bravo (0.5).

PBS Member Stations

 168 noncommercial, educational licensees operate 356 PBS member stations.

 Of the 168 licensees, 87 are community organizations, 56 are colleges/universities, 20 are

state authorities and five are local educational or municipal authorities.

PBS in Brief

 PBS is a private, nonprofit corporation, founded in 1969, whose members are America’s
public TV stations.

 PBS provides quality TV programming and related services to 356 noncommercial

stations serving all 50 states, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and American Samoa.

 PBS acquires content and provides content distribution and promotion; education
services; new media ventures; fundraising support for stations; engineering and
technology development; and home video marketing.

Time Slot

World Scape Productions hopes to obtain a time slot for All Aboard! at 2:30 pm on Thursdays.
The time slot follows the airing of Arthur, one of the top-rated PBS programs. Arthur has been the
recipient of four daytime Emmy awards and the George Foster Peabody Award, which is
awarded for excellence in radio and television broadcasting. Arthur is a timeless, well-loved
program. Arthur airs at 2 p.m. daily; All Aboard! would work best directly after Arthur, as it could
initially piggyback off of Arthur’s audience. Thursday afternoons are ideal, as children in the

audience are likely to be worn out from their weeks, and All Aboard! can serve as the perfect

Secondary Market: Educational Videotapes with Scholastic


Scholastic categorizes its businesses in four operating segments: Children's book publishing and
distribution; educational publishing; media, licensing and advertising; and international.

Media, Licensing and Advertising (8.2% of fiscal 2009 revenues) includes the production and
distribution of children’s media and electronic products and programs — children's televison
programming, videos, DVDs, software, feature films, interactive and audio products, promotional
activities and non-book merchandise.

Scholastic InSchool Marketing is an educationally based consumer-marketing agency

specializing in the development and distribution of branded in-school and consumer marketing
programs. Programs include: Brand Awareness, Direct to Home Marketing, Retail Tie-In,
Consumer Loyalty, Cause-Marketing, QSR Programs, One-to-One Marketing, Public Relations Tie-
Ins, and more. For more information, please contact Ann Amstutz Hayes at or (212) 343-6573.

World Scape Productions

Producers Resumѐs

Producer Name Resumѐ Page

Kristy McCluskey ……………………………………………………………………………… 30
Cecelia von Tiesenhausen-Hush ………………………………………………………… 31
Monique Symes ………………………………………………………………………………… 32
Timothy Hughes ……………………………………………………………………………….. 33

Kristy McCluskey
375 Church St., Unit 5895
North Adams, MA 01247
(774) 230-0553

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, Massachusetts
Bachelor of Arts in English/Communications
Concentrations in Public Relations, Journalism
Minor in Sociology
Graduating May 2011

Career-Related Courses
Public Relations Publication Design and Typography
Media Law and Ethics Popular Arts as Business
Writing and Reporting the News I, II Intro to Mass Media
Business Writing and Presentation

Work Experience
Resident Advisor; Mass. College of Liberal Arts; Fall 2009 – Spring 2010
o Helped develop and maintain a sense of community
o Designed monthly bulletin boards and door decorations to educate and enforce
senses of community and well-being
o Planned twice-monthly programs to educate, entertain and bring residents
o Developed Cultural Impact programs to promote diversity and encourage
o Learned budgeting, event planning and advertising skills
o Worked to maintain a living environment that was safe and comfortable for all
Teaching Assistant: Intro to Mass Media; Mass. College of Liberal Arts; Fall 2009
o Offered study sessions for students
o Collected and offered feedback on assignments
Teaching Assistant: Publication Design; Mass. College of Liberal Arts; Spring 2010
o Oversee labs to offer one-on-one assistance with assignments
o Attend class sessions and serve as resource to bridge gaps between students and
Peer Tutor; Mass. College of Liberal Arts; Fall 2008
o Helped students study and otherwise succeed in psychology and self-and-society
Volunteer Tutor; Dudley Middle School; 2005 – 2007
o Offered homework and study skills to fifth through eighth graders

Other Skills
Computer: Proficient in Word, Powerpoint
References available upon request

Cecelia von Tiesenhausen-Hush

372 Buck Hill Road
Arlington, Vermont

Miss Hall’s School 492 Holmes Road Pittsfield, MA 01210 413-443-6401
Graduation: June 6th, 2006
High School Diploma

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, 375 Church Street, North Adams, MA 01247
Date of Graduation: May 22nd, 2010
Expected Degree: BA

Job Experiences

Winter 2008-Present
Winter Game Manager MCLA Athletics Department
Announcer for MCLA women’s home basketball games

June 2009-August 2009

Intern at Church Pension Group 445 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York
Helped transfer 13,504 files into a Central repository
Streamlined process for customer, consumer service initiatives, in supporting customers for business

March 2009 – June 2009

Assistant Lacrosse Coach for Northern Berkshire Team Adams, MA
Assistant Girl’s High School Lacrosse Coach
Supervisor: Maria Bartini, Head Coach
Summer 2005 - Summer 2008
Bagel Works Café 13 Riverside Heights Street, Manchester Center, VT 05255
Supervisor: Keith Flaharty 802-362-5082
Sandwich Maker

Summer 2007 - Summer 2008

Rock Point Summer Conferences 15 Rock Point Road, Burlington, VT 05218
Camp Counselor

College Activities:
MCLA Women’s Soccer Fall 2006-Fall 2009
MCLA Lacrosse Club President 2008-Present

Monique Symes
624 Cummins Hwy Boston, MA 02126 617.835.2562
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, Class of 2011 – Cumulative GPA: 3.2
Education Major in English with a concentration in Broadcast Media
Minor in Political Science
Boston Latin School, Class of 2007

Volunteer Experience
Step Instructor – Berkshire Coalition 2007-2009
Choreograph steps and routines for children 6-17 years of age
 Chaperone students on community field trips
 Organize practices once a week
Pathways Coordinator – MCLA, Center for Service 2008-present
 Organize program for over 25 student volunteers for youth program visits
 Facilitate visits about the importance of higher education
 Correspond with community leaders and program directors
 Meet weekly with volunteers and director for the Center for Service
 Manage $1500 program budget
Disc Jockey/ Teen Mentor – Grlz Radio 2005- 2008
 Research local, national and international news for daily shows
 Recommend music to be played on station which is broadcasted online
 Assist with program events

Employment Senior Academic Advisor, Learning Services, MCLA Summer 2009-

 Supervise staff of 6 Academic Tutor Counselors Present
 Assist Program Director with academic duties
 Lead bi-weekly staff meetings
Resident Advisor , Residential Programs and Services, MCLA
 Organize community development activities for college students Fall 2008-Present
 Mediated disputes between students
 Documented unacceptable college behavior
Academic Tutor Counselor, Learning Services , MCLA Summer of 2008

 Assisted teacher in College Writing summer class for incoming freshmen

 Supervised students on field trips and in the resident hall
 Administered quizzes and homework assignments
 Graded tests and reviewed papers
Executive Intern, Ward Fellowship , State House, Public Liaison Office Summer of 2007

 Attended hearings in the State House and wrote reports on observations

 Assisted in hosting volunteer expo for state employees
Honors & Co-Founder of the MCLA Step Squad- NEXXUS, President 2007-present
Awards Student Leadership Achievement Award- “Rising Star” 2008
Lorraine B. Maloney Service Award 2009

23 Merritt Avenue
Massapequa, New York 11758
(516) 661-0293

To get the first step in the business world by pursuing a job in sales, marketing and business.

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts 2006-Present North Adams, Massachusetts

On schedule to graduate in May 2010 to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Business with concentrations in
Marketing & International Business.

H. Frank Carey High School 2000- 2006 Franklin Square, New York

Marketing Experience
MCLA Beacon Newspaper North Adams, Massachusetts

Advertising Manager September 2008- Present

Responsible for the management of the advertising department of the MCLA newspaper, including the
sale and design of advertisements to businesses in the North Adams and Williamstown areas. Other
responsibilities included the management of the advertising representatives and the development and
implementation of the newspaper’s delivery schedule

Advertising Representative January-May 2008

Worked as an advertisement representative for the MCLA newspaper; responsibilities included the sale
of advertisement space in the school newspaper as well as the design of the advertisements.
Boardman’s Housing Complex North Adams, Massachusetts

Advertisement Designer January 2009- Present

Responsible for the design and the placement of advertising in local newspapers and online media

 Excellent verbal communication skills
 Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel
 Ability to design advertisements from the ground up in Adobe Photoshop
 Able to type an average of 90 wpm
 Skillful in newspaper design program Quark
 Understanding of Marketing, Management and International Business

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