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The ZigBee Alliance, the standards body

which defines ZigBee,[1] also publishes
ZigBee is the name of a specification for a
application profiles that allow multiple
suite of high level communication protocols
OEM vendors to create interoperable
using small, low-power digital radios based
products. The current list of application
on the IEEE 802.15.4-2006 standard for
profiles either published or in the works are:
wireless personal area networks (WPANs),
• Home Automation
such as wireless headphones connecting
• ZigBee Smart Energy
with cell phones via short-range radio. The
• Telecommunication Applications
technology is intended to be simpler and less
• Personal Home
expensive than other WPANs, such as
Bluetooth. ZigBee is targeted at radio-
frequency (RF) applications that require a
ZigBee is the name of a specification
low data rate, long battery life, and secure
for a suite of high level communication
protocols using small, low-power
ZigBee is a low-cost, low-power, wireless
digital radios base on the IEEE
mesh networking standard. The low cost 802.15.4-2006 standard for wireless
allows the technology to be widely deployed personal area networks (WPANs), such
in wireless control and monitoring as wireless headphones connecting
applications, the low power-usage allows with cell phones via short-range radio.
longer life with smaller batteries, and the The technology is intended to be
mesh networking provides high reliability simpler and less expensive than other

and larger range. WPANs, such as Bluetooth. ZigBee is

targeted at radio-frequency (RF)
applications that require a low data ZigBee 2007 network, the same as ZigBee
rate, long battery life, and secure 2006 or ZigBee 2007 devices must become
networking. ZEDs on a ZigBee Pro network.

The relationship between IEEE 802.15.4 and
There are three different types of ZigBee
ZigBee is similar to that between IEEE
802.11 and the Wi-Fi Alliance. The ZigBee
• ZigBee coordinator (ZC): The most
1.0 specification was ratified on 14
December 2004 and is available to members capable device, the coordinator

of the ZigBee Alliance. The first ZigBee forms the root of the network tree

Application Profile, Home Automation, was and might bridge to other networks.

announced 2 November 2007. There is exactly one ZigBee

The first stack release is now called Zigbee coordinator in each network since it

2004. The second stack release is called is the device that started the network

Zigbee 2006, and mainly replaces the originally. It is able to store

MSG/KVP structure used in 2004 with a information about the network,

"cluster library". including acting as the Trust Centre

Zigbee 2007, now the current stack release, & repository for security keys.
• ZigBee Router (ZR): As well as
contains 2 stack profiles, stack profile 1
(simply called ZigBee), for home and light running an application function a

commercial use, and stack profile 2 (called router can act as an intermediate

ZigBee Pro). ZigBee 2007 is fully backward router, passing data from other

compatible with ZigBee 2006 devices. Due devices

• ZigBee End Device (ZED): Contains
to differences in routing options, ZigBee Pro
devices must become non-routing ZigBee just enough functionality to talk to

End-Devices (ZEDs) on a ZigBee 2006 or the parent node (either the
coordinator or a router); it cannot the other hand, an uncertified physical layer
relay data from other devices. This that malfunctions could cripple the battery
relationship allows the node to be lifespan of other devices on a ZigBee
asleep a significant amount of the network. Where other protocols can mask
time thereby giving long battery life. poor sensitivity or other esoteric problems in
A ZED requires the least amount of a fade compensation response, ZigBee
memory, and therefore can be less radios have very tight engineering
expensive to manufacture than a ZR constraints: they are both power and
or ZC. bandwidth constrained. Thus, radios are
tested to the ISO 17025 standard with
Software and hardware: guidance given by Clause 6 of the 802.15.4-
The software is designed to be easy to 2006 Standard. Most vendors plan to
develop on small, inexpensive integrate the radio and microcontroller onto
microprocessors. The radio design used by a single chip.
ZigBee has been carefully optimized for low
cost in large scale production. It has few History:
analog stages and uses digital circuits
• ZigBee-style networks began to be
wherever possible.
conceived about 1998, when many
Even though the radios themselves are
installers realized that both WiFi and
inexpensive, the ZigBee Qualification
Bluetooth were going to be
Process involves a full validation of the
unsuitable for many applications.
requirements of the physical layer. This
• The IEEE 802.15.4 standard was
amount of concern about the Physical Layer
completed in May 2003.
has multiple benefits, since all radios
• The ZigBee specifications were
derived from that semiconductor mask set
ratified on 14 December 2004.
would enjoy the same RF characteristics. On
• The ZigBee Alliance announces A ZigBee network can adopt one of the
public availability of Specification three topologies: Star, Tree, Mesh. These
1.0 on 13 June 2005, known as are illustrated on the left and briefly
ZigBee 2004 Specification. described below.
Star Topology :
A Star network has a central node, which is
linked to all other nodes in the network. All
messages travel via the central node.
Tree Topology :
Origin of the term ZigBee: A Tree network has a top node with a
An urban myth perpetuated by the Zigbee branch/leaf structure below. To reach its
Alliance is that the term “ZigBee” originates destination, a message travels up the tree (as
from the silent, but powerful method of far as necessary) and then down the tree.
communication used by honeybees to report Mesh Topology:
information about food sources. The myth A Mesh network has a tree-like structure in
says that the communication system is which some leaves are directly linked.
known as the “ZigBee Principle" . By Messages can travel across the tree, when a
"dancing" around in a zig-zag waggle dance, suitable route is available.
a bee is able to share critical information,
such as the location, distance, and direction
Node Types
of a newly discovered food source to its
This section describes the types of node that
fellow hive members.
are used in a ZigBee network. Reference
will be made to the toplogies introduced on
ZigBee Topologies the previous page (Star, Tree, Mesh), but
Topology Overview : these topologies will be described in more
detail later in this module.
The ZigBee standard has the capacity to • Selects the frequency channel to be
address up to 65535 nodes in a single used by the network (usually the one
network. However, there are only three with the least detected activity)
general types of node: • Starts the network
• Co-ordinator • Allows other devices to connect to it
• End Device (that is, to join the network)
• Router The Co-ordinator can also provide message
These node types are described below. routing (for example, in a Star network),
Co-ordinator security management and other services.
All ZigBee networks must have one (and End Device
only one) Co-ordinator, irrespective of the End Devices are always located at the
network topology. extremeties of a network:
• In the Star topology, the Co- • In the Star topology, they are
ordinator is the central node in the perimeter nodes
network. • In the Tree and Mesh toplogies, they
• In the Tree and Mesh topologies, the are leaf nodes
Co-ordinator is the top (root) node in This is illustrated below, where the End
the network. Devices are colour-coded in light blue.

At the network level, the Co-ordinator is

mainly needed at system initialisation. The The main tasks of an End Device at the

tasks of the Co-ordinator at the network network level are sending and receiving

layer are: messages. Note that End Devices cannot

relay messages and cannot allow other nodes However, in all topologies (Star, Tree and
to connect to the network through them. Mesh), Router devices can be located at the
An End Device can often be battery- extremeties of the network, if they run
powered and, when not transmitting or applications that are needed in these
receiving, can sleep in order to conserve locations - in this case, the Router will not
power. perform its message relay function, unless in
Router a Mesh network (see above).
Networks with Tree or Mesh topologies The possible positions of Routers in the
need at least one Router. The main tasks of a different network topologies are illustrated
Router are: below, where the Routers are colour-coded
• Relays messages from one node to in red:
• Allows child nodes to connect to it
In a Star topology, these functions are
handled by the Co-ordinator and, therefore,
a Star network does not need Routers.
In Tree and Mesh topologies, Routers are Note that a Router cannot sleep.
located as follows:
• In a Tree topology, Routers are
ZigBee Software Architecture:
normally located in network
ZigBee builds upon the physical layer and
positions that allow messages to be
medium access control defined in IEEE
passed up and down the tree.
standard 802.15.4 (2003 version) for low-
• In a Mesh topology, a Router can be
rate WPAN's.
located anywhere that a message
The specification goes on to complete the
passing node is required.
standard by adding four main components:
• network layer
• application layer APS layer. An application object interacts
• ZigBee device objects (ZDO's) with the APS layer through an interface
(keeping of device roles, known as a Service Access Point (SAP).
management of requests to join a Service Access Points
network, device discovery and A Service Access Point (SAP) implements a
security) set of operations to pass information and

• manufacturer-defined application commands between layers. There are usually

objects which allow for four types of operation implemented by a

customization and favor total SAP:

integration. Request: Typically, a layer using the

On completing this section, you will be able services of another layer generates a Request

to describe: to the lower layer.

• the three basic levels of the ZigBee Confirm: In general, the lower layer

software stack responds with a Confirm, which indicates

• application endpoints that reside in a whether it has accepted or rejected the

ZigBee node request. A rejection could occur if the

• the components of the basic stack Request is invalid or the layer does not

levels SAPs that allow an application implement the operation concerned (the

to communicate with lower software operation could be defined as optional).

layers and remote applications Response: Normally, Requests result in

some sort of Response from the lower layer.

Application Framework and SAPs This may be a simple status message

indicating that the Request has been
Application Framework
performed, or may contain further
The Application Framework (AF) contains
information that the Request has asked for.
the application objects and facilitates
Responses can be immediate or delayed:
interaction between the applications and the
• Synchronous Response: Responses Forming a ZigBee Network:
may be generated immediately after The Co-ordinator is responsible for starting
the Request has been issued - for a ZigBee network. Network initialisation
example, if the information or involves the following steps:
command is available on the local 1. Search for a Radio Channel
node. The Co-ordinator first searches for a suitable
• Asynchronous Response: A radio channel (usually the one which has
Request may require messages to be least activity). This search can be limited to
sent over the network to a remote those channels that are known to be usable -
node, in which case there will be a for example, by avoiding frequencies in
delay between issuing the Request which it is known that a wireless LAN is
and the arrival of the Response. operating.
The SAP mechanism allows both types of 2. Assign pan id
Response to be handled and delivered to the The Co-ordinator starts the network,
higher layer. assigning a PAN ID (Personal Area Network
Indication: An Indication is generated when identifier) to the network. The PAN ID can
the lower layer has unsolicited information be pre-determined, or can be obtained
or commands to be delivered to the higher dynamically by detecting other networks
layer, possibly as a result of a Request from operating in the same frequency channel and
a remote node for local information. choosing a PAN ID that does not conflict
with theirs.
At this stage, the Co-ordinator also assigns a
network (short) address to itself. Usually,
this is the address 0x0000.

ZigBee Initialisation and Operation

3. Start the Network 3. Send Join Request
The Co-ordinator then finishes configuring The node then sends a message to the
itself and starts itself in Co-ordinator mode. relevant Router or Co-ordinator asking to
It is then ready to respond to queries from join the network.
other devices that wish to join the network. 4. Accept of Reject Join Request
The Router or Co-ordinator decides whether

Joining a ZigBee Network the node is a permitted device, whether the

Router/Co-ordinator is currently allowing
Once the network has been created by the
devices to join and whether it has address
Co-ordinator, other devices (Routers and
space available. If all these criteria are
End Devices) can join the network. Both
satisfied, the Router/Co-ordinator will then
Routers and the Co-ordinator have the
allow the device to join and allocate it an
capability to allow other nodes to join the
network. The join process is as follows:
1. Search for Network
The new node first scans the available Message Propagation
channels to find operating networks and The way that a message propagates through

identifies which one it should join. Multiple a ZigBee network depends on the network

networks may operate in the same channel topology. However, in all topologies, the

and are differentiated by their PAN IDs. message usually needs to pass through one

2. Select Parent or more intermediate nodes before reaching

The node may be able to ‘see’ multiple its final destination. The message therefore

Routers and a Co-ordinator from the same contains two destination addresses:

network, in which case it selects which one • Address of the final destination

it should connect to. Usually, this is the one • Address of the node which is the

with the best signal. next “hop”
The way these addresses are used in • If the target node is in range, only
message propagation depends on the the “final destination” address is
network topology, as follows: used.
Star Topology • If the target node is not in range, the
All messages are routed via the Co- initial “next hop” address is that of
ordinator. the first node in the route to the final
Both addresses are needed and the “next destination. The message
hop” address is that of the Co-ordinator. propagation continues in this way
Tree Topology until the target node is reached.
A message is routed up the tree until it Route Discovery
reaches a node that can route it back down The ZigBee stack network layer supports a
the tree to the destination node. “route discovery” facility in which a mesh
Both addresses are needed and the initial network can be requested to find the best
“next hop” address is that of the parent of available route to the destination, when
the sending node. The parent node then sending a message. Route discovery is
resends the message to the next relevant initiated when requested by a data
node - if this is the target node itself, the transmission request.
“final destination” address is used. The last Route Discovery Options
step is then repeated and message There are three options related to route
propagation continues in this way until the discovery for a mesh network (the required
target node is reached. option being indicated in the message):
Mesh Topology Supress route discovery: The message is
In this case, the propagation path depends on routed along the tree.
whether the target node is in range: Enable route discovery: The message is
routed along an already discovered mesh
route, if one exists, otherwise the Router

initiates a route discovery. Once this is 2.Maintenance free networks:
complete, the message will be sent along the 3.Energy savings:
calculated route. If the Router does not have 4.Business applications
the capacity to store the new route, it will Uses
direct the message along the tree. ZigBee protocols are intended for use in
Force route discovery: If the Router has the embedded applications requiring low data
route capacity, it will initiate a route rates and low power consumption. The
discovery, even if a known route already resulting network will use very small
exists. Once this is complete, the message amounts of power -- individual devices must
will be sent along the calculated route. If the have a battery life of at least two years to
Router does not have the route capacity, it pass ZigBee certification.
will route the message along the tree. Use of Typical application areas include
this option should be restricted, as it • Home Entertainment and Control
generates a lot of network traffic. • Home Awareness — Water sensors,
power sensors, smoke and fire
Standards: detectors, smart appliances and

The following standards are included in this access sensors.

comparison. • Mobile Services — m-payment,

Wide Area like Flash-OFDM,Wimax. mmonitoring,mhealthcare.

Local Area like Wifi. • Commercial Building

Personal Area Bluetooth, Wibree,Wireless • Industrial Plant -energy

USB. management, industrial device

1.Characteristics(Large data speeds and low
• Low cost (device, installation,
energy consumption)

• Low power consumption, simply
• Zigbee devices will be more
ecological than its predecessors
saving megawatts at it full
• High density of nodes per network
Zigbee is poised to become the
global control/sensor network


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