Cell Phone Safety

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Many people are wondering if it is safe to talk on the phone while driving.

There have been

quite a few accidents while drivers were talking on the phone. Some research is being done
to find out if driving while talking on the phone is dangerous.

When there is a car accident police officers will find out if any of the drivers were using a
cell phone. They will write this information in a report. The information will be saved and
later studied.

There have been some very bad car accidents caused by drivers being distracted by cell
phones. Drivers sometimes forget to watch the road carefully when they are using their
phones. Not paying attention to the road can dangerous, even deadly.

It is important for drivers to focus on the road. They need to pay attention to what is going
on around them. They might need to stop or swerve quickly.

People want to make sure that the roads are safe for everyone. Studies will be done using
the information police officers collect at accidents. Maybe someday this information will lead
to laws about driving and using cell phones.

How dangerous is it to use a cell phone while driving? A new bill under consideration at the
State Capitol could provide some answers.

The state Assembly has passed legislation that would require officers to include information
about the use or abuse of cellular phones in automobile accident reports. Officers would
even need to note if a cell phone was present in the car, even if it wasn't being used at the
time of the accident.

A crash last year near Lodi is a good example of how distracting and dangerous it can be to
talk and drive at the same time. A teenage driver crashed her car while trying to hang up
her phone. She was killed and her passenger was critically injured.

CHP officers say cell phone use is just one of many things distracting drivers nowadays.
"People can actually have personal computers. They can set up printers. People are
drinking coffee. People are eating," said CHP Officer Max Hartley.

If the bill does become law, the statistics from accident reports would be studied by the
Office of Traffic Safety. The results would be used for a variety of purposes, including
framing future cell phone laws.
1.  _____ sometimes forget to watch the road carefully when they are using their phones.

a. Walkers

b. Drivers - Correct Answer

c. Bike riders

d. Passengers

2.  Some research is being done to find out if driving while talking on the phone is _____.

a. fun

b. illegal

c. difficult

d. dangerous - Correct Answer

3.  Information about phone use might lead to _____ about driving and using cell phones.

a. laws - Correct Answer

b. thinking

c. promises

d. talks

4.  Police officers will write this information in a _____.

a. binder

b. report - Correct Answer

c. message

d. ticket

5.  Drivers need to pay attention to what is going on _____.

a. at home

b. around them - Correct Answer

c. on the phone

d. in other cars

6.  People want to make sure that the roads are _____ for everyone.

a. dangerous

b. smooth

c. bumpy

d. safe - Correct Answer

7.  Many people are wondering if it is _____ to talk on the phone while driving.

a. illegal

b. fun

c. hard

d. safe - Correct Answer

8.  There have been some very bad car _____ caused by drivers being distracted by cell

a. attacks

b. accidents - Correct Answer

c. prices

d. thefts

9.  It is important for drivers to focus on the _____.

a. conversation

b. road - Correct Answer

c. radio

d. phone

10.  When there is a car accident _____ will find out if any of the drivers were using a cell

a. witnesses

b. drivers

c. police officers - Correct Answer

d. passengers

Do you think that it is safe for people to talk on the phone while driving? Why?

no, i don´t Because it´s dangerous to drive while talking on the cell pone.
Muchas personas se preguntan si es seguro hablar por teléfono mientras conduce. Ha habido
bastantes accidentes mientras los conductores hablaban por teléfono. Se están realizando algunas
investigaciones para averiguar si conducir mientras se habla por teléfono es peligroso.

Cuando hay un accidente automovilístico, los oficiales de policía averiguarán si alguno de los
conductores estaba usando un teléfono celular. Escribirán esta información en un informe. La
información será guardada y posteriormente estudiada.

Ha habido algunos accidentes automovilísticos muy graves causados por conductores distraídos
por teléfonos celulares. Los conductores a veces olvidan mirar la carretera con cuidado cuando
están usando sus teléfonos. No prestar atención a la carretera puede ser peligroso, incluso mortal.

Es importante que los conductores se centren en la carretera. Deben prestar atención a lo que
sucede a su alrededor. Es posible que necesiten detenerse o desviarse rápidamente.

La gente quiere asegurarse de que las carreteras sean seguras para todos. Los estudios se
realizarán utilizando la información que los policías recopilan en los accidentes. Tal vez algún día
esta información lleve a leyes sobre conducir y usar teléfonos celulares.

¿Qué tan peligroso es usar un teléfono celular mientras se conduce? Un nuevo proyecto de ley
bajo consideración en el Capitolio del Estado podría proporcionar algunas respuestas.

La Asamblea estatal aprobó una legislación que exigiría que los oficiales incluyeran información
sobre el uso o abuso de teléfonos celulares en los informes de accidentes de automóviles. Los
oficiales incluso deberían tener en cuenta si había un teléfono celular en el automóvil, incluso si no
se estaba utilizando en el momento del accidente.

Un accidente el año pasado cerca de Lodi es un buen ejemplo de lo distraído y peligroso que
puede ser hablar y conducir al mismo tiempo. Un conductor adolescente chocó su auto mientras
trataba de colgar su teléfono. Ella fue asesinada y su pasajero resultó gravemente herido.

Los oficiales de CHP dicen que el uso de teléfonos celulares es solo una de las muchas cosas que
distraen a los conductores en la actualidad. "La gente realmente puede tener computadoras
personales. Puede instalar impresoras. La gente está tomando café. La gente está comiendo", dijo
el oficial de CHP Max Hartley.

Si el proyecto de ley se convierte en ley, las estadísticas de los informes de accidentes serían
estudiadas por la Oficina de Seguridad del Tráfico. Los resultados se utilizarían para una variedad
de propósitos, incluida la elaboración de futuras leyes sobre teléfonos celulares.

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