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Verbs empeorarse to get worse ofrecer (yo ofrezco) to

aburrirse to be bored encontrarse (o:ue) to meet offer

acampar to camp (someone ojalá I hope
aconsejar to advise somewhere) patinar to skate
acostumbrarse (a) to get enojarse to get angry perderse to miss (out on
used (to) ensayar to rehearse something)
ahogarse to drown entrar to enter, to come in pertenecer (yo pertenezco)
alegrarse (de) to be glad entregar to turn in, to to belong
alquilar to rent deliver pescar to fish, to catch a
aprobar (o:ue) to pass (an entrevistar to interview fish
exam or course) enyesar to put in a cast planear to plan
archivar to file es una lástima it’s a pity poner una inyección to
armar to pitch (a tent) escalar to climb give a shot
arrancar to start (i.e. a escapar to escape preguntar to ask (a
motor) escuchar to listen (to) question)
arreglar to repair esperar to hope presentar to present
avisar to let know, advise esperar to hope proponer (yo propongo)
bromear to kid, to joke esquiar to ski quedar suspendido(-a) to
broncearse to get a tan estrenar to show for the fail (an exam or
burlarse (de) to make fun first time course)
(of) filmar to film, to make (a quedarse to stay
caerse (yo caigo) to fall movie) quejarse to complain
caminar to walk funcionar to work, to recetar to prescribe
casarse to get married function recomendar (e:ie) to
comparer to compare ganar to win recommend
compensar to compensate graduarse to graduate reírse* to laugh (irregular
conocer to meet (for the hospedarse to stay, to pg. 320)
first time) lodge (ie at a hotel) rogar (o:ue) to beg, plead
continuar to continue incluir (irr. boot) to romperse, quebrarse to
criticar to criticize include break
curarse to cure oneself, to insistir (en) to insist (on) sacar to get, to receive (a
get better interesar to interest grade)
depender to depend jugar al golf to play golf sentir (e:ie) to be sorry, to
descansar to rest mantener to maintain regret
describir to describe (conj. like tener) sonar (o:ue) to ring
desear to want matricularse to register sorprender to surprise
desempeñar to perform (a mejorarse to get better sugerir (e:ie) to suggest
job) merendar (e:ie) to have an sugerir (e:ie) to suggest
desomponerse to break afternoon snack temer to fear, to be afraid
down (i.e. motor) molestarse to bother terminar to finish, to end
dirigir to direct (doing something) to propose
divertirse (e:ie) to have fun mudarse to move (from toser to cough
doblar to turn one house to
doler* (o:ue) [like gustar] another)
to hurt obligar to force, to make
dudar to doubt

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