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Speed Reading

1. EWPM and WPM online tests

2. Parkinson’s Law: A task’s perceived importance increases as time allotted for it decreases
3. Know the purpose of reading any text
4. Limit your reading material to only those that are relevant (eliminate what will waste your time)
5. Reading speed increases when topic is familiar to reader or has understanding of it
6. Always read the table of contents in a book (not in fiction books since you would be spoiling
7. Ask yourself questions before reading

8. Skip filler texts

9. Meta-guiding
10. Visualize
11. Keyword Search
12. Yoga or meditation
13. Pomodoro technique
14. Exercise helps improve your ability to focus after several hours of doing it
15. Regular exercise releases pent-up energy to help focus

Bad food:

1. Junk food:
a. Hyperactivity: contain a lot of sugar  too much energyinability to focus well
b. Crash and burn: Too much sugarspiking of blood sugar levelsinsulin lowers
them as fast as they spikedlack of energy and sleepinessinability to focus well
2. Tuna: if consumed excessively(more than twice a week)too much mercurycognitive
decline (alternatives rich in omega 3 are wild salmon, anchovies and trout)
3. Minimize (avoid): ice creamanti-cardio saturated fats + pure unadulterated
sugardiminished verbal memory + cognitive performance (try Greek yogurt + strawberries
or blueberries)
4. Diet soda: contains aspartame (artificial sweetener) that is bad for memory

Good foods:

1. Blueberries: antioxidantshealthy blood flow to braingood performance

2. Green Tea: Caffeine + L-theanineslowly release caffeine more energy time and avoid
caffeine crash(sleepiness due to drop of caffeine)tranquil alertness state for comprehension
3. Salmon + trout: Omega 3 fish fatty acids (best to bake not fry, you can roast slightly)
4. Water: body becomes dehydrated prior to feeling thirsty
5. Dark chocolate:
a. Caffeine and magnesiumhandle stress better
b. Facilitate release of endorphins and serotoninbetter mood
6. Herbs:
a. Ashwagandha
b. Shankpushpi
c. Gingko biloba
d. Rhodiola
e. Sage
f. Turmeric


1. Avoid exercising close to bed time

2. Turn off gadgets 30 mins before sleep (melatonin secretion)
3. Limit caffeine intake to 3 P.M at latest
4. Relax: if you can’t sleep, read a boring book, count sheep or meditate (don’t exert effort)
5. Aroma in the room (rose, sandal, jasmine)
6. Maintain a cool temperature in the room (18 °C)

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