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HF Electromagnetic Waves


Lecture – 3

Dr. Mustafa Habib Chowdhury

Electric Fields
IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 1
Electric field distribution

Here we will consider the electric field due to

Point charge
 Positive or negative charge, Q
Volume charge
 Volume charge density, v
Line charge
 Line charge density, L
Sheet charge
 Surface charge density, S

IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 2

Coulomb’s law

“Coulomb (French army engineer Col. Charles Coulomb) stated

that the force between two very small objects separated in a
vacuum or free space by a distance which is large compared to
their size is proportional to the charge on each and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them”.
F k 2
where Q1 and Q2 are the positive or negative quantities of charge,
R is the separation, and k is a proportionality constant, in SI unit
which is given by
4 0
IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 3
Coulomb’s law (contd..)

Constant 0 is called the permittivity of free space and has the


 0  8.854 10 12
 109 F/m

Therefore, Coulomb’s law become

4 0 R 2

IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 4

Coulomb’s law (contd..)

The vector form of Coulomb’s law

F a12
4 0 R12

where a12 is a unit vector in the direction of R12 and is given by

If Q1 and Q2 have like signs, the vector force F2 on Q2 is in the

same direction as the vector R12.
IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 5
Example 1

Consider a charge of 310-4 C at P(1,2,3) and a charge of –10-4 C

at Q(2,0,5) in a vacuum. Find the magnitude of the vector force.


So, the magnitude of the force is 30N.

IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 6

Electric field intensity

Consider one charge (say Q1) fixed in position and move a

second charge (test charge Qt) slowly around so that there exists
everywhere a force on this second charge.

Therefore, according to Coulomb’s law, this second charge is

displaying the existence of a force field, which is given by
Ft  a
4 0 R1t
2 1t

Electric field intensity is defined as the force per unit charge and
is given by
Ft Q1
E  a
Qt 4 0 R1t
2 1t

IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 7

Field due to a volume charge distribution

Consider a region of space filled with a tremendous number of

charges separated by minute distances, which can be considered
as a volume charge density denoted by v.

The small amount of charge Q in a small volume v is

Q  v v

Therefore, the volume charge density denoted by v is

 v  lim
v 0 v

Total charge is Q   dQ    v dv
vol vol

IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 8

Example 2

Find the total charge

contained in the 2 cm
length of the electron
beam shown in figure
below. Given the
volume charge density
.  5 10 6 e 10 z C/m 3 .


IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 9

Example 2 (contd..)


IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 10

Field of a line charge

Assume a straight line charge, with a uniform line charge density

L, extending along the z axis in a cylindrical coordinate system
from - to +, as shown in figure.

It is seen that we have only an

E component and it varies
only with .

For a line charge the electric

field intensity can be written as
L L
E a E 
2 0  2 0 

IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 11

Field of a sheet of charge

Another basic charge configuration is the infinite sheet of charge

having a uniform density of S C/m2. Such a charge distribution
is commonly known as surface charge.

Let us place a sheet of

charge in the yz plane and
again consider symmetry.
We see first that the field
cannot vary with y or with
z, and hence only Ex is
present, and this
component is a function
of x alone.

IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 12

Field of a sheet of charge (contd..)

Let us use the field of the infinite line charge by dividing the
infinite infinite sheet into differential-width strips as shown in

The line charge density, or

charge per unit length is

 L  S dy
The distance from this line
charge to the general point
P on the x axis is

R  x 2  y2

IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 13

Field of a sheet of charge (contd..)

The contribution to Ex at P from this differential-width strip is

 S dy  S dy x 2  y2
dEx  cos  cos
2 0 x  y
2 2
2 0  x  y 
2 2

S xdy

2 0 x 2  y2


IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 14

Field of a sheet of charge (contd..)

If the point P were chosen on the negative x axis, then

Ex  
2 0

In vector form

E aN
2 0

IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 15

Field of a sheet of charge (contd..)

If a second infinite sheet of charge, having a negative charge

density -S, is located in the plane x = a, we may find the total
field by adding the contribution of each sheet.

IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 16

Next class

Flux Density

IUB Dr. Mustafa Chowdhury 17

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