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Preschool, Elementary, Middle and High School 01

“Passion for Education” Versión: 01
Resoluciones números 5496 de diciembre 7 de 2004 y 110262 del  10 noviembre de 2010 Fecha: 01/09/19

Writing Introductions

Exercise: A great introduction is similar to a great opening scene in a movie. List a movie that you have seen
and then give the reason why that opening was so memorable.
1. MOVIE TITLE: Pacific Rim
WHY: start whit the fight vs kaijus, and explain how human made all in his power to destroy the kaiju
Show human using missile, heavy weapons, but kaijus be stronger than the previous and humans made jaeger
project and can win to the kaijus and humanity get hope, show the life of 2 brothers and are the best but one
night vs a kaiju 1 of the brothers die.

2. MOVIE TITLE: pain & gain

WHY: movie start with Daniel lugo getting work and talk about how achieve success, later find 2 guys paul
doyle and Adrian Mackie and made a plan to kill victor and steal their millions.

 What is an introductory paragraph?

1. An introduction or introductory paragraph is the first paragraph in any multi-paragraph essay.

2. The function of the introduction is (to capture the reader´s interest, to provide background
information, to state the main idea of the essay in a thesis statement)
3. The parts of the paragraph are:





• “In my opinion…”
• “My paper is going to be about…”
• “I think that…”
Preschool, Elementary, Middle and High School 01
“Passion for Education” Versión: 01
Resoluciones números 5496 de diciembre 7 de 2004 y 110262 del  10 noviembre de 2010 Fecha: 01/09/19

• Don’t be vague or too broad in your claim

• Don’t write the title of the story as your thesis
• Don’t list facts
• Don’t ask questions

• Be specific
• Make a claim that you have to support
• Make a claim that you can make the strongest argument. (It may not always be what you agree with)

Directions: Write a “+” if the statement is a good thesis and a “0” if the statement is not a good thesis.
+ 1. Senator Debbie Stabenow works for Michigan.
0 2. My thesis is about how to get good grades.
+ 3. The Great Debate
0 4. While on vacation I experienced quite an adventure.
+ 5. Edgar Allen Poe was born in January 1809.
+ 6. Implementing school uniforms would have many benefits.
0 7. I am against school uniforms.
+ 8. Students think that being “cool” means having to sacrifice his or her morals, giving in to peer pressure,
and doing bad in school.
0 9. Comparing and contrasting the two poems will illustrate why “If” by Kipling is the best poem.


"Trying to be number one and trying to do a task well are two different things.”–Alfie Kohn
Preschool, Elementary, Middle and High School 01
“Passion for Education” Versión: 01
Resoluciones números 5496 de diciembre 7 de 2004 y 110262 del  10 noviembre de 2010 Fecha: 01/09/19

TOPIC: Many apply the law of the jungle (i.e. "the survival of the fittest") to human behavior. Is it more important to be
highly competitive or highly competent in order to be successful? Write an introductory paragraph giving your position
on this issue. Remember to use the parts of the introductory paragraph.

I don’t think that this is the true because human not are stronger but human made weapons and could kill animals.

But if you are in a room with only another person and an anfitrion and the anfitrion say you have to kill the other person
to go out in that case you can use the survival of the fittest

"Truly, to tell lies is not honorable; but when the truth entails tremendous ruin, to speak dishonorably is pardonable.”–

TOPIC: Is it always necessary to tell the truth, regardless of the consequences, or are there times when it is permissible
to tell a lie? What "rule" should guide a person in determining when to tell the truth or tell a lie? Write an introductory
paragraph giving your position on this issue. Remember to use the parts of the introductory paragraph.

Truth hurts and if a rule exist to say lies I think that only can use to don`t hurts others but in extreme case example to
help a person to don’t suicide, not the common lies like if you give your card number you’ll win a iPhone 11 pro max. or
lies of the dictatorship.

Information taken from: Myaccess home edition. Because writing matters:

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