BHEL Is One of The Largest Manufacturing Enterprise in India in The Energy Related

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BHEL is one of the largest manufacturing enterprise in India in the

energy related/ infrastructure sector, today. BHEL was established more than 45 years ago,
ushering in the indigenous Heavy Electrical Equipment Industry in India-a dream that has been
more than realized with a well recognized track record of performance. The company has been
earning profits continuously since 1971-72 and paying dividends since 197-77.
The first plant set up in Bhopal in 1956. In Bangalore, BHEL has three divisions:
The Electronic Division, electro proclaim division and industrial system group. The three units
are in the business of power plant, solar photovoltaic system for terrestrial and space
applications, space-quality batteries, smart card based pre-paid energy meters, bulk material
handling, distribution business, water based management system products for steel and oil
sectors and new insulator.
BHEL shares the growing concern on related to environment an occupational
health and safety (OHS) and is committed to protecting environment in and to providing healthy
and safety environment to all employees. For fulfilling these obligations, a health, safety and
environmental policy has been formulated and implemented through management systems.
The recognition of its commitment to the quality system and procedures, the unit
is certified for ISO9001. EDN is the first electronic industry in Bangalore to get ISO14001
environment management system certification. BHEL has also joined united nations “GLOBAL
COMPACT” and has committed to support the set of core values enshrined in its nine principles
in the area of human rights, labor standards and environment.
BHEL has acquired certifications to quality management system (ISO9001).
Environment Management Systems (ISO14001) and Occupational Health and Safety
Management System (OHSAS 18001) and is also well on its journey towards total quality
management (TQM).


 CII-EXIM award for business excellence 2006: commendation certification certified
received for “strong commitment to Excel” in journey towards business excellence in
November 2006.
 International safety award 2005 received for 4 th consecutive year from British safety
council in January 2007.
 ISMS certificated received form STQC for “Establishing and Maintaining Information
Security Management System” as per BS 7799 part 2 : 2002 in may.
 Re-certification of ISO 9001-2000 received in April 2006.
 Re-certification of EMS as per ISO 14001-2004 received in June 2006.
 EDN has won three awards in 15th chapter convention on quality circles organized by
quality circle forum of India. Bangalore under par Excellence and Distinction category in
September 2006.
 BHEL-EDN got the first prize in the ‘Inter Unit Rajbhasha Spiel Yojana’ started three
years back by corporate office. EDN go this award three years by corporate continuous
third time.

A world-class Engineering Enterprise Committed to Enhancing Stakeholder value.

To be an Indian Multinational Enterprise providing Total Business Solutions through Quality
Products, Systems and Services in the fields of Energy, Transportation, Industry, Infrastructure
and other potential areas.

Zeal to Excel and Zest for change
Integrity and Fairness in all Matters.
Respect for Dignity and Potential of Individuals.
Strict Adherence of Commitments
Ensure Speed of Response
Foster Learning, Creativity and Team-Work.
Loyalty and pride in the company.


BHEL has always sought to be value driven organization. These values continue to direct the
group’s growth and business. The core BHEL values underpinning the way they do business are:

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