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Name/Section: ________________________________________________________

Topic: Perception of Self and Others

Answer True/False [5]

1. Unfortunately, in some families, members do not fulfill responsibilities of helping to

develop accurate and positive self-concepts in other family members. Communicating
blame, name-calling, and repeatedly pointing out another’s shortcomings are particularly

2. Notions of self-concept and self-esteem have little meaning in individualistic cultures,

where your decision about taking a new job would likely be made collectively by your
family. Your salary, performance evaluations, and promotions would naturally be based
on how well the entire group, team, or department was functioning.

3. For example, suppose you prepare an agenda for your study group. Someone comments
that you’re a good organizer. If you spent your childhood hearing how disorganized you
were, you may not really hear this comment, or you may downplay it. If, however, you
think you are good at organizing, you will pay attention to the compliment and may even
reinforce it by responding, “Thanks, I’m a pretty organized. This is an example of self
fulfilling prophecies.

4. A professor may see a student’s purple spiked hair and numerous tattoos and assume the
student is a rebel who will defy authority, slack off on classroom assignments, and seek
attention. In reality, this person may be a polite, quiet, serious honor student who aspires
to graduate school. This is a case of stereo type which happens to be cognitive.

5. Question the accuracy of your perceptions calls for you to (1) watch the behavior of the
other person, (2) ask yourself “What does that behavior mean to me?” and (3) describe

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