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Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119311

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Alleviating bias to enhance sustainable construction dispute

Keyao Li*, Sai On Cheung
Construction Dispute Resolution Research Unit, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Hong
Kong, People’s Republic of China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Efficient dispute management contributes to cleaner production of construction works. Alleviating bias
Received 11 July 2019 has been identified as an effective way to enhance construction dispute settlement so as to improve
Received in revised form sustainability level of construction projects. In these regards, this study has two objectives. First, a robust
11 September 2019
bias conceptualization in construction dispute negotiation is developed. Data on practice of biased be-
Accepted 12 November 2019
Available online 16 November 2019
haviors in construction dispute negotiation (CDN) were collected from three sources: i) by self-reflection
of disputants; ii) by self-realization of disputants in a dispute negotiation simulation; iii) by observations
Handling editor: Zhen Leng of dispute resolution third-party neutrals. Consistent taxonomies of bias in CDN were obtained, and
these are: preconception, self-affirmation, optimism and interest-oriented. The second objective of the
Keywords: study is to suggest bias minimizing approaches to address the afore-mentioned biases. Bias minimizing
Bias approaches were firstly identified from literatures and their usefulness against biased behaviors was
Construction dispute negotiation evaluated by both the simulation and third-party neutral sample. Three bias minimizing approaches
Contextualized simulation were proposed: strategy-based, attitude-based and process-based. It has been found that strategy-based
Minimizing measures
approach is helpful in dealing with preconception bias and self-affirmation bias. Furthermore, attitude-
Sustainable construction
based approach works to alleviate interest-oriented bias and optimism bias, while process-based
approach is suitable for preconception bias and interest-oriented bias minimization. Successfully cur-
tailing the influence of bias would smooth and shorten the dispute resolution processes and save
valuable resources that can be better deployed for productive uses. Bias minimization in CDN contributes
to sustainability of construction projects in the aspects of economic, environment and social influence.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction engineering and construction fields. Most of the studies on sus-

tainable construction focus on improving construction techniques
Unprecedented globalization and urbanization stimulate the to reduce environment pollution (Martens and Carvalho, 2017;
boom of infrastructure developments and international construc- Cianciarullo, 2019; Hammad et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019) and opti-
tion business. Construction activities respond to human beings’ mizing construction designs and process to achieve energy con-
increasing pursuit of quality living by transforming natural re- servation and waste reduction (Chu, 2016; Bamgbade et al., 2019;
sources into social benefits (Gan et al., 2015; Carvajal-Arango et al., Gbadamosi et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019). However, few reported
2019). Sustainable construction emphasises the balance between studies focus on decision-making performance of construction
production and protection, aiming at reducing the undesirable contracting parties. Human factor in construction project is an
environmental, economic, and social influence throughout the often neglected area notwithstanding human decisions are one of
whole life cycle of construction projects (Shen et al., 2010; Gan the deciding factors on the efficiency and sustainability of con-
et al., 2015; Bamgbade et al., 2019). Sustainable construction has struction projects. Due to the complex nature, international con-
become a promising topic attracting the attention of researchers in struction projects usually require collaboration of contracting
parties with different backgrounds, various expertise and diversi-
fied culture (Cheung and Li, 2019). Disputes can arise in different
phases of construction projects (Cheung and Yiu, 2006; Love et al.,
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (K. Li),
2010; Cakmak and Cakmak, 2014). This study aims to increase the
hk (S.O. Cheung). sustainability of construction projects by improving the behaviors
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 K. Li, S.O. Cheung / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119311

of contracting parties in their settling of construction disputes. 2.1. Self-reflection of disputants

Cognitive bias has been identified as a type of psychological
barrier against dispute settlement (Mnookin, 1992; Ross and Ward, First set of data is extracted from self-reflection of disputants
1995; Hollander-Blumoff and Tyler, 2008; Cheng and Li, 2019). collected in Li and Cheung (2018). Bias identification statements
Biases obviate rational decisions whereby the chance of reaching were developed by operationalizing effects of bias into biased be-
successful dispute settlement would be lowered (Thompson et al., haviors. Respondents were then asked to rate on the happening
2000; Guthrie et al., 2002; Guthrie and Sally, 2004; Brett and frequency of these bias behaviors with reference to their own
Thompson, 2016). Studies of bias in highly complex construction practice in CDN against a six-point Likert scale of frequency level.
dispute negotiation (CDN) therefore have great significance to- The respondents in Li and Cheung (2018) were approached again
wards the well-being of construction projects. Li and Cheung (2016) for participation in the simulation as introduced in the next part of
first explored the potential of bias happening in construction the study. Only the data provided by those respondents who
dispute negotiation (CDN). It was found that repeated evaluations completed both self-reflection survey in Li and Cheung (2018) and
were the breeding ground for cognitive biases. Successful bias simulation in this study were used. Profile of the same group re-
alleviation characterizes sustainable construction dispute man- spondents to both self-reflection survey and simulation is shown in
agement, which further contributes to cleaner production of con- Table 1. Responses of the same group (56 respondents) to the self-
struction works. reflection survey were extracted as the first set of data.
This study introduces the sustainable practice of alleviating Based on the first set of data, underlying bias constructs were
biases in construction dispute negotiation (CDN). With types of bias explored by principal component factor analysis (PCFA). Varimax
in CDN conceptualized and minimized, disputes that may occur rotation was applied and sampling adequacy and suitability of the
during the whole life cycle of construction projects would be data were supported by Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value of 0.697
resolved speedily and smoothly. To this end, construction project (0.6) and significant Bartlett’s test of sphericity result (<0.001)
delivery would be conducted efficiently without wasting valuable (Kaiser, 1958; Cerny and Kaiser, 1977). As suggested by Hair et al.
time and other resources. Hence, alleviating bias in CDN would (1998), eigenvalue greater than one was considered as significant
increase the sustainability of construction projects in the following for factor extraction. In extracting the factor structure, only mani-
aspects: 1) economic aspect-minimizing the expenses and costs of festations with factor loadings larger than 0.5 were retained
settling construction dispute by smoothing and shortening the (Reynolds, 1982; Kannan and Tan, 2005; Matsunaga, 2010). As a
protracted dispute resolution processes (Cheung and Li, 2019); 2) result, a four-factor structure without cross loading was extracted
environmental aspect-saving enormous resources and materials and shown in Table 2. PCFA extracted four constructs of bias
that would be wasted in the prolonged dispute resolution processes (Table 2 refers): preconception bias, self-affirmation bias, optimism
(Vazquez et al., 2011; Li and Cheung, 2018); and 3) social aspect- bias and interest-oriented bias. Preconception bias describes that
improving the intense relationship between the disputing parties disputants form preconception about the dispute before the
and enhancing partnership collaboration and healthy community commencement of CDN and they over-rely on the same for sub-
in construction industry (Xia et al., 2018; Carvajal-Arango et al., sequent assessments. Once the preconception was formed, it is
2019). hard to erase or change. Self-affirmation bias occurs when dispu-
Building on the exploratory work by Li and Cheung (2016), this tants in CDN selectively search and endorse information with the
study aims to first develop a robust bias conceptualization in CDN aim of confirming their held positions, while neglecting other
and then accordingly suggest bias minimizing measures. This study possible options. Optimism bias represents disputants’ unrealistic
is reported in five parts. The first part focuses on bias conceptual- elevated expectation that their requirements would be satisfied.
ization in CDN. The second is about bias minimizing approaches. Besides, singularly focusing on maximizing their own interests and
The third is the analysis on the usefulness of bias minimizing ap- missing win-win solutions are symptoms of having interest-
proaches. The fourth demonstrates implications on sustainable oriented bias. Biases hamper effective communication among the
construction. The fifth is the conclusion. Flow of the study is pre- disputing parties in CDN. IBM SPSS version 24.0 was used in this
sented in Fig. 1. study.

2. Bias conceptualization in construction dispute negotiation 2.2. Self-realization of disputants through a CDN simulation
Self-reporting data may suffer from the bias inherent with the
Li and Cheung (2016) first explored the potential of bias subjects. In this connection, the respondents were asked to answer
happening in construction dispute negotiation (CDN) by examining what they would do in a simulated construction project dispute
the characteristics and theoretical background of cognitive biases. resolution situation. The data collected from the simulation is
It was found that the possibility of cognitive biases creeping in identified as self-realization to distinguish from the way data were
during the repeated evaluations in CDN was real. This study aims to solicited in the self-reflection survey. Simulation allows the inclu-
develop a robust bias conceptualization in CDN with different sets sion of contextual information that engenders decision environ-
of data collected from different sources. The first set of data is self- ment closer to reality. The simulated dispute happened in a land
reflection by the disputants, which was collected in Li and Cheung reclamation project. There are four parts in the simulation. Part A
(2018) with sixteen identification statements operationalized. The introduces particulars of the project, including project scope, con-
second set of data is self-realization of the disputants, which was tract sum and contract period. Part B explains issues in dispute with
collected in this study with a designed construction project dispute detailed arguments and dispute amounts. In Part C, the re-
resolution simulation. Simulation allows the inclusion of contextual spondents went through the mediation of the dispute including
information, which engenders a decision making environment preparation before mediation, joint caucus and then private caucus.
closer to reality and makes the choice of action more tangible. The In Part D, respondents were asked to describe their decision-
third set of data was collected from practicing third party neutrals making approaches taken in the simulation by rating the bias
who would provide more objective assessment on the practice of identification statements that were developed by Li and Cheung
biased behaviors by the disputants. More details of the three data (2018) with a seven-point Likert Scale from “1 ¼ Strongly
sets are given seriatim. Disagree” to “7 ¼ Strongly Agree”. Higher scores would suggest
K. Li, S.O. Cheung / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119311 3

Fig. 1. Flow of the study.

Table 1
Profile of the subjects completed in both self-reflection survey and simulation.

Professional organization Percentage Dispute involved Percentage Years of experience Percentage

Contractor 26.8% Building services work 12.5% Below 5 years 19.6%

Client 37.5% Building (foundation) work 7.1% 5e10 years 46.4%
Consultant 35.7% Building (superstructure) work 46.4% 11e15 years 21.4%
Total 100% Civil engineering work 19.6% 16e20 years 8.9%
Maintenance work 14.3% Above 20 years 3.6%
Total 100% Total 100%

greater potency of happening of the biased behaviors. These bias respondents in Li and Cheung (2018), representing a response rate
identification statements have been modified in contexts with due of 53.3%. The profile of the subjects participated in the simulation is
regard for the simulation. For example, “I cannot get away with the shown in Table 2. When extracting the factor structure, PCFA sug-
assessments made at prior round of resolution of the dispute.” was gests a same four bias constructs as shown in Table 2. The same four
changed to “I cannot get away with my claim amount HK$ 1.13 bias constructs were validated with both the first and second Data
billion made before the mediation stage.” Sets.
56 valid responses to the simulation were received out of 105
Table 2
Bias constructs extracted in Data Set One, Data Set Two and Data Set Three.

Manifestations in CDN Data Set 1: Data Set 2: CDN simulation Data Set 3:
Self-reflection survey 3rd Party Observation

Factor Factor Factor

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1.328a 1.819a 1.540a 5.018a 1.540a 2.857a 1.866a 3.345a 1.313a 2.779a 4.480a 1.778a

K. Li, S.O. Cheung / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119311

Preconception bias 1. My final assessment has been influenced by the first offer of E. 0.732 0.580 0.807
2. My assessment has been influenced by unsubstantiated 0.774 0.766 0.769
figures raised by E during the resolution process.
3. My decision has been adjusted because of the ambitious 0.766 0.586 0.655
arguments of E.
4. I cannot get away with my claim amount HK$ 1.13 billion 0.540 0.611 0.786
made before the mediation stage.
Self-affirmation bias 5. When receiving new information, I have paid more attention 0.585 0.570 0.741
to the information that is consistent with my prior knowledge of
the dispute.
6. I have inclined to interpret further information as evidences 0.625 0.667 0.732
to justify my assessment of the claim.
7. I search for information that confirms my assessment. 0.840 0.849 0.685
8. I would endorse information that supports my assessment. 0.688 0.847 0.679
Optimism bias 9. I have been very optimistic about the likelihood of winning 0.556 0.646 0.794
irrespective of the arguments of E.
10. I totally believe that the outcome of the resolution will be 0.737 0.679 0.873
good for my party.
11. I am very confident that my ambitious arguments will 0.778 0.699 0.770
12. If the mediation fails to reach a settlement, I believe I know 0.661 0.605 0.630
this outcome all along.
Interest-oriented bias 13. I think that E is having bias. 0.712 0.664 0.822
14. If the mediation fails to reach a settlement, I believe E should 0.857 0.862 0.847
take greater responsibility.
15. If the mediation fails to reach a settlement, I believe the 0.506 0.856 0.631
arguments of E during the mediation are unreasonable.
16. If the mediation fails to reach a settlement, I believe the 0.822 0.698 0.502
failure of mediation is inevitable because of the opportunistic
attitude of E.
The initial eigenvalues for each factor.
K. Li, S.O. Cheung / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119311 5

Table 3
Profile of the third party neutral respondents.

Years of experience Percentage (%) Roles in CDN Percentage (%)

Less than 5 years 6% Mediator 42%

5e10 years 11% Arbitrator 53%
11e15 years 7% Adjudicator 3%
16e20 years 17% Others 2%
More than 20 years 59% Total 100
Total 100

Disputes Type Percentage (%) Cause of the disputes Percentage (%)

Building Services Installations 4.5 Risk uncertainty 7.6

Building (Foundation) Work 7.6 Collaboration among the parties 19.7
Building (Superstructure) Work 36.4 Contract incompleteness 42.4
Civil Engineering Work 39.4 Opportunistic behavior 12.1
Maintenance Work 9.1 Affective conflict 1.5
Others 3.0 Others 16.7
Total 100 Total 100

Fig. 2. Practice locations of the respondents.

2.3. Observations of third party neutrals backgrounds in terms of nationality, practice location, jurisdiction
of admission and dispute resolution expertise. The contacts of po-
To explore the bias constructs from a more objective perspec- tential respondents were collected from learned societies,
tive, the third Data Set was collected from practicing construction including Society of Construction Law Hong Kong (SCLHK), the
dispute third party neutrals, including accredited mediators, arbi- Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), the Hong
trators and adjudicators in CDN. The validated bias identification Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited (HKMAAL), the
statements previously used were distributed to third party neutrals Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (HKIAB) and the Hong Kong
to solicit their opinion on the frequency of disputants having these Institution of Engineers (HKIE).
behaviors with a frequency scale from “1 ¼ Never” to “7 ¼ Always”. The survey was distributed online through email with a cover
As an international business and financial centre, Hong Kong has letter introducing the background information of the study. In total,
comprehensive and reputable dispute resolution services. World’s 66 valid responses were received out of more than 600 question-
leading dispute resolution organizations based in Hong Kong pro- naires distributed. Among the respondents, 76% of them have more
vided lists of accredited third-party neutrals with varied than 15 years’ experience in CDN, nearly 60% of them have worked

Table 4
Magnitude of biases in Data Set One, Data Set Two and Data Set Three.

Bias Magnitude in CDN

Data Set One Data Set Two Data Set Three

Bias type MS (6 point Scale) MS (7point Scale) Rank Bias type MS (7point Scale) Rank Bias type MS (7point Scale) Rank

Pre-conception 2.85 3.22 4 Pre-conception 4.16 4 Pre-conception 4.06 4

Self-affirmation 4.17 4.80 1 Self-affirmation 5.32 1 Self-affirmation 5.05 2
Optimism 3.38 3.86 3 Optimism 4.33 3 Optimism 4.59 3
Interest-oriented 3.40 3.88 2 Interest-oriented 4.38 2 Interest-oriented 5.13 1
6 K. Li, S.O. Cheung / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119311

in CDN for more than 20 years. The profile of the respondents is suggesting that 3rd party neutrals in CDN observed a higher fre-
shown in Table 3. Practice locations of the respondents have been quency of happening of biased behaviors as compared to the self-
presented in Fig. 2. reported results. It could also be explained by the inclusion of
PCFA was again conducted to explore the constructs of bias contextual information whereby the respondents can more readily
based on the responses received under Data Set Three. KMO value relate to their practices. In other words, contextual information of
of 0.68 and significant Bartlett’s test of sphericity result supported CDN scenario makes biased behaviors more conspicuous. Third
the sampling adequacy and data suitability (Cerny and Kaiser, party neutrals’ responses were based on their observations of
1977). Again, only manifestations with factor loadings larger than disputing parties’ biased practices in real CDN situations. Thus, it is
0.5 were retained and factor matrix extracted is shown in Table 2. understandable that the third-party neutrals observed more
As a result, a same four bias factors were extracted, indicating that frequent happening of biased behaviors than the self-reflection of
third party respondents observed the same four types of bias the disputants in Data Set One. Besides, disputants may have the
occurring in CDNdpreconception, self-affirmation, optimism and tendency to project positive self-image whereby they were more
interest-oriented. Thus, these four bias sources were further veri- reluctant to admit that they had made biased decisions (Edwards,
fied by Data Set Three. The robustness of the bias constructs is 1957; Phillips and Clancy, 1972). Their self-reflection on their
enhanced by the consistent results obtained from different Data biased behaviors in Data Set One may have been discounted. Be-
Sets. sides, the bias magnitude ranking in Data Set Three is slightly
different from the results in Data Set Two and Data Set One. Third
party neutrals consider that interest-oriented bias rather than self-
2.4. Magnitude of the biases affirmation is the strongest bias displayed by disputants. It sounds
reasonable when the nature of these two biases are considered.
Magnitude score (MS) was used to indicate the potency of the Self-affirmation bias focuses on disputants’ suboptimal choices in
four sources of bias (Wong and Cheung, 2004). MS for each source information searching and interpretation. Interest-oriented bias
of bias was calculated as the average of the mean scores of the bias explains why aggression is used even without justifiable causes.
identification statements under each bias type. MS was calculated Interest-oriented bias is thus more notable and observable. For
with the following formula: example, it is easier for the third party neutral to objectively
Pn observe that the disputants are bargaining for their self-interest by
j¼1 BSij
MSi ¼ (1) insisting on their positions without any will to compromise.
n However, it is harder to observe disputants’ behaviors of biased
information analysis as these are mental processes.
where MSi is the magnitude score of bias type i; BSij is the mean
To summarize the findings for objective one, with three
score of the j th bias identification statement of bias type i; n is the
different data sets, four types of bias in CDN have been identified
number of bias identification statements in bias type i.
and supported. The following section of the paper deals with the
The MSs of the biases were calculated and listed in Table 4. In
work for the accomplishment of objective two.
Data Set One, the assessment of bias practice was based on a six-
point Likert Scale frequency level. In Data Set Two and Three,
seven-point Likert Scale was employed. Transformation of the as- 3. Bias minimizing approaches
sessments in Data Set One was conducted for easy comparison with
the following formula as recommended by statistical handbook For objective two of this study, a literature review was con-
(Little, 2013):
ducted and identified four bias minimizing approaches: 1) allow
adequate time and effort in making decisions; 2) consider the
R6  1
R7 ¼ 6þ1 (2) opposite and question oneself; 3) be rational and consider long-
term benefit; and 4) dispute resolution mechanism design. These
where R7 is the rescaled variable, which is 1e7 scale in this study; approaches were further operationalized into twenty bias mini-
R6 is the original scale, which is 1e6 scale in this study. mizing measures. The afore-mentioned bias minimizing measures
After the MSs were transformed into a same metric, it can be and their respective references are listed in Table 5.
noted that the MSs of the biases in Data Set Two (CDN simulation) These bias minimizing approaches collected from literatures
are larger than the MSs in Data Set One (self-reflection survey). The were validated in this study. Bias minimizing measures were
results indicate that with the same group of respondents, use of incorporated in the CDN simulation in section 2.2 as consulting
simulation made biased behaviors more notable. Besides, the mediators’ suggestions. In Part D of the simulation, respondents
relative magnitude rankings of the biases remain unchanged for were asked to evaluate the usefulness of these bias minimizing
Data Set Two and Data Set One. Hence, in both Data Set Two and measures from “1 ¼ Helpless” to “7 ¼ Absolutely helpful”. The
Data Set One, self-affirmation bias was identified as the strongest practicality of these bias minimizing measures was also considered
and most frequently-happened bias of disputants. It thus was by the practicing third party neutrals in section 2.3. Third party
confirmed by the disputants that they tended to defend themselves neutrals were asked to comment on the usefulness of these mea-
at the expense of collecting and interpreting information in a sures with the same scale. With the ratings by the disputants and
biased way. Interest-oriented bias was ranked as the 2nd strongest, third party neutrals, the relative helpfulness of these bias mini-
which represented confession of the disputants about their mizing measures were calculated. The helpfulness index (HI) of
interest-maximization strategy. Optimism and preconception were each single bias minimizing measure was formulated as (Johnson
ranked 3rd and 4th, indicating that although the disputants are and Bhattacharyya, 1996; Ezeh et al., 2013):
overly optimistic and affected by previously formed perception, P7
they believe these two types of behaviors happen less frequently i¼1 ðai *xi Þ
Helpfulness Index ¼ P7 (3)
than self-affirmation and interest-oriented tendency. 6 i¼1 xi
The MSs of the biases as observed in Data Set Three were
calculated and shown in Table 4. The four types of bias in Data Set Where ai ¼ constant expressing the weight assigned to the i th
Three have higher MSs than these obtained in Data Set One response; ai ¼ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6 for i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, respectively;
Table 5
Usefulness of bias minimizing approaches and measures.

Bias minimizing approaches and measures References HIs HIs

Data Set Two Data Set
(Rank) Three

✓ Strategy-based (for Preconception bias & Self-affirmation bias):

 Approach 1: Allow adequate time and effort in making decisions
A 40.10 (2) 47.6 (2)
1. Disputants should allow adequate time for making decision to avoid premature Chapman and Johnson (2002); Mussweiler et al. (2004); Epley and Gilovich (2006); 40.17 47.17
closure of thinking. Croskerry et al. (2013)
2. Disputants should review the case and the possible bottom line of the counterpart Galinsky and Mussweiler (2001); Croskerry et al. (2013) 42.17 43.50
when a very low offer was forwarded.
3. Disputants should check the accuracy of the evidences provided by the counterpart. Galinsky and Mussweiler (2001); Croskerry et al. (2013) 43.83 52.00

K. Li, S.O. Cheung / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119311

4. Disputants should delay forming an assessment until all the available information has Fisher et al. (2011); Galinsky and Mussweiler (2001) 34.33 45.00
been considered.
5. Disputants should be open to other alternatives even after a first assessment about the Anderson (1982); Heiman (1990); Hammond et al. (1998); Bentz et al. (2004) 40.00 50.50
dispute has been formed.
 Approach 2: Consider the opposite and question oneself
A 38.38 (3) 46.6 (3)
6. Disputants should consider information that may work against a prior assessment. Galinsky and Mussweiler (2001); Schulz-Hardt et al. (2002); Kray and Galinsky (2003) 37.83 45.83
7. Disputants should readily question the soundness of a prior assessment. Koriat et al. (1980); Hoch (1985); Kennedy (1995); Epley and Gilovich (2006) 37.83 47.00
8. Disputants should review the reasons of the counterpart. Koriat et al. (1980); Bazerman and Neale (1982); Mussweiler et al. (2000); Larrick (2004) 42.33 49.50
9. Disputants should ask for feedbacks and assistance from third party neutral. Alexander (1980); Landa et al. (2006) 35.50 44.17

✓ Attitude-based (for Interest-oriented bias & Optimism bias):

 Approach 3: Be rational and consider long-term benefit
A 40.60 (1) 49.3 (1)
10. Disputants should consider mutually beneficial trade-offs between the parties. Lyons (2009); Bazerman et al. (2000); Drolet and Morris (2000); Fisher et al. (2011); 43.33 51.00
Li and Cheung (2018);
11. Disputants should avoid being emotional. Schwenk and Cosier (1980); Baron (1991); Forgas (1995); Hastie (2001); Fisher et al. 45.17 53.33
12. Disputants should try to understand the position of their counterpart Babcock and Loewenstein (1997); Hammond et al. (1998); Galinsky and Moskowitz 40.83 49.83
by stepping in their roles. (2000);
Galinsky and Ku (2004)
13. Disputants should respectfully listen to their counterpart’s grievances. Babcock and Loewenstein (1997); Hammond et al. (1998); Galinsky and Moskowitz 40.33 49.33
Galinsky and Ku (2004)
14. Disputants should consider long-term relationship and future collaboration Baron (1991); Sedikides et al. (1998); Thompson et al. (2000); Soll et al. (2014) 39.83 46.83
with their counterpart in handling the dispute.
15. Disputants should consider the chance of settlement failure. Arkes (1991); Hirt and Markman (1995); Larrick (2004); Sanna and Schwarz (2004) 36.83 48.50
16. Disputants should think about their own responsibilities when the dispute fails to settle. Soll et al. (2014); Williams (2018); 37.83 46.17

✓ Process-based (for Preconception bias & Interest-oriented bias):

 Approach 4: Dispute resolution mechanism design
A 35.38 (4) 36.4 (4)
17. Disputants should receive de-biasing training before participating in resolution processes. Fischhoff and Beyth-Marom (1983); Arkes (1991); Mowen and Gaeth (1992); 33.50 37.33
Thompson et al. (2000); Larrick (2004); Croskerry et al. (2013)
18. To start a new round of resolution, the resolution team should include new members. Larrick (2004); Burke (2007) 34.00 30.17
19. Re-assessment and reconstruction of decisions are required to start a new round of Ashton and Kennedy (2002); Fisher et al. (2011) 36.50 38.50
20. A process to ensure needs are reviewed is required at each round of resolution. Ashton and Kennedy (2002); Fisher et al. (2011) 37.50 39.67

8 K. Li, S.O. Cheung / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119311

a1 ¼ 0 is assigned to “Helpless”; a7 ¼ 6 is assigned to “Absolutely project team, disputants would obtain a better picture of the cur-
helpful”; Xi ¼ the percentage of the degree of helpfulness; rent situation and a more holistic view of the construction project.
X1 ¼ percentage of frequency of “Helpless” responses; Making an assessment until all the available information was
X7 ¼ percentage of frequency of “Absolutely helpful” responses. considered would avoid disputants from forming an early precon-
The HIs of these bias minimizing measures were calculated and ception about the dispute issue. Hence, enough time and effort paid
shown in Table 5. Helpfulness of each approach was calculated as in making assessment would avoid a premature closure of thinking
the average of the HIs of the bias minimizing measures under the and minimize the influence of stubborn preconception. Besides,
approach. The helpfulness of these approaches was ranked in readily questioning previously held positions would help contact-
Table 5 as well. According to the seven-level rating scale from ing parties to objectively review their earlier assessments about the
“1 ¼ Helpless” to “7 ¼ Absolutely helpful”, helpfulness indices were issue in dispute. Seeking feedbacks and assistance from third party
grouped in Table 6 to show the respondents’ evaluation. neutrals (consulting mediators and dispute resolution advisors)
From Tables 5 and 6, it can be seen that disputants rated the four would also help disputants to get an outsider point of view and
approaches as “Moderately Helpful”. Third party neutrals rated jump out of their tendency of self-affirmation. Therefore, approach
Approach 1: Allow adequate time and effort in making decisions, one and approach two are strategies helping project contracting
Approach 2: Consider the opposite and question oneself and parties obtain a holistic view of the dispute and keep an open-mind
Approach 3: Be rational and consider long-term benefit as to further information. Preconception bias and self-affirmation bias
“Reasonably Helpful”. Approach 4: Dispute resolution mechanism would be minimized correspondingly.
design was rated as “Moderately Helpful”. Therefore, these bias
minimizing approaches were validated by both disputants (Data 4.2. Attitude-based
Set Two) and third party neutrals (Data Set Three).
Besides, both the disputants and third party neutrals gave the Approach three (be rational and consider long-term benefit)
same rankings of the four bias minimizing approaches. They minimizes bias by adjusting project contracting parties’ attitude
believe Approach 3: Be rational and consider long-term benefit as and restraining their negative emotions in making decisions. This
the most helpful comparing to other approaches, thus emotion attitude-based approach is effective in alleviating disputants’
control was considered the most instrumental in minimizing bia- interest-oriented and optimism biased behaviors. By considering
ses. Staying rational, enhancing mutual understanding and mutual beneficial trade-offs, long-term relationship and potential
focusing on long-term benefit and reputation were rated as valu- future collaboration with the counterpart, project contacting
able suggestions that would curb biased decision makings. parties would curb their short-term interest-maximizing tendency.
Approach 1: Allow adequate time and effort in making decisions They would love to work for an amicable partnership to seek long-
was ranked as the 2nd helpful, therefore, adequate time and effort run benefits. Besides, when they try to step in counterpart’s role
in decision making were confirmed in calming heated disputants and understand their positions and grievances, they may be able to
and encouraging a considerate and mature decision. Approach 2: show empathy with the counterpart and agree to look for a win-
Consider the opposite and question oneself and Approach 4: win position that is good for both contacting parties. In addition,
Dispute resolution mechanism design were ranked 3rd and 4th by thinking about the possibility of settlement failure and their
helpful respectively. responsibilities therein, disputants would calm down and be less
unrealistically optimistic. All in all, when the disputants refrain
4. Usefulness of bias minimizing approaches from emotional thinking and overly optimistic expectations, they
are more ready for rational decisions in construction dispute
This part of the paper discusses the usefulness of the bias negotiation (CDN).
minimizing approaches with reference to the types of bias identi-
fied for objective one. The discussion was arranged according to the 4.3. Process-based
nature of the bias minimizing approaches. Accordingly, three cat-
egories of approaches are used: strategy-based, attitude-based and Approach four (dispute resolution mechanism design) aims to
process-based. Table 5 gives the tabulated framework together minimize bias by optimizing the CDN process. This process-based
with the HIs. approach points to the minimization of preconception bias and
interest-oriented bias. By incorporating pre-resolution training,
disputing parties would be reminded of decision making biases.
4.1. Strategy-based
They would be equipped as more mindful to detect and skip
possible bias minefields. Including new members would bring fresh
Approach one (allow adequate time and effort in making de-
new ideas to the CDN team, which would decrease the obstinate
cisions) and approach two (consider the opposite and question
adherence to old positions. Re-assessment and reconstruction of
oneself) were grouped into strategy-based approach in minimizing
the decisions at the beginning of a new round of CDN would help
biases. By taking enough time to review the case and by carefully
the disputants to re-organize and rethink the information and
considering the offer and evidence provided from the counter
assessment in mind. More considerate judgment would be gener-
ated and preconception bias would be mitigated. A process of
Table 6 reviewing initial needs would help project disputing parties to
Helpfulness groups and indices. realize that the current impasse is not conducive in achieving their
needs. Disputing parties are encouraged to think about other al-
Helpfulness group Helpfulness index (HI)
ternatives that would better serve for their essential interests and
Helpless 0e14.3
at the same time could be accepted by the counterpart.
Slightly helpful 14.3e28.6
Moderately helpful 28.6e42.9
Reasonably helpful 42.9e57.2 5. Implications on sustainable construction
Very helpful 57.2e71.5
Most helpful 71.5e85.8 This study improves sustainability of construction projects by
Absolutely helpful 85.8e100
enhancing the performance of contracting parties in settling
K. Li, S.O. Cheung / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119311 9

construction disputes. Efficient dispute management contributes to bias and self-affirmation bias; ii) attitude-based approach works to
cleaner production of construction works. As biases were identified alleviate interest-oriented bias and optimism bias; and iii) process-
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tainable practice of alleviating biases in construction dispute oriented bias minimization. Curbing biases would minimize the
negotiation (CDN) was proposed. Bias minimization in CDN con- expenses and costs incurred in the protracted dispute resolution
tributes to sustainability level of construction projects in the as- processes. Enormous resources and materials could thus be saved
pects of economic, environment and social influence. with more effective bias-free decisions. In this regard, efficient
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