The Soft Sell: The Implications of Softphone Technology For Your Company

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Create a Call Center in 5 Minutes

The Soft Sell

The Implications of Softphone Technology for Your Company


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TABLE OF CONTENTS Establishing a call center for your growing company or

replacing an old call center system can be a daunting
task. As you contemplate selecting a call center solu-
tion, one consideration looms large: Should I invest in
softphone or hardphone technology?
Chapter 1: Primer on Softphones
This choice is central to the efficiency, reliability and
Chapter 2: A History Lesson overall feel of your call center. Moreover, your call
center is likely to form the foundation of your customer
Chapter 3: Head-to-Head Comparison support strategy as a whole. Thus, the implication
of your decision to implement one technology over
Chapter 4: Talkdesk as an Example of Softphone Excellence another can have a ripple effect into all areas of your
company’s customer service.
In this Ebook, we investigate softphone technology to
help you evaluate whether it is the right choice for your
business. In Chapter 1, we go over the basic differences
between softphones and hardphones. Chapter 2 gives a
brief overview of the evolution of telephone technology.
In Chapter 3, we pit hardphones and softphones against
each other in a head-to-head battle. Finally, in Chapter
4, we hold up Talkdesk as an example of softphone

So, what’ll it be? Welcome to Talkdesk’s soft sell…

Chapter 1 : Primer on Softphones The modern world advances quickly. One minute you’re
Dr. Hardphone or How I Learned to Stop Worrying using a typewriter and struggling with your keys getting
and Love the Softphone crossed. The next, you have a personal computer under
your fingertips and struggling with auto-correct.

Let’s get started with the basics. Even though you’re look- Call center technology doesn’t seem to have gotten the
ing into call center solutions, you shouldn’t be expected memo about modernization. For various reasons, man-
to know all the jargon off the bat. Come on, ‘softphone’ agers and business owners are clinging to their hard-
and ‘hardphone’ aren’t exactly everyday words. So let’s go phones for dear life.
through some definitions. In the next few chapters, we’ll dissect these reasons.
For now, let’s address the specious justification at the
heart of most arguments against softphones:

“I’ve always used hardphones.”

This is an argument based off of aversion to change

and perceived convenience. Let’s analyze these justifi-
Hardphone Softphone cations individually:
A conventional, hardwired A software-based
telephone. telephone. Aversion to Change
Examples: Landlines, SIP Examples: Talkdesk, In our fast-paced world, some things are sacred. Your
phones, pay phones Skype, Google Voice call center technology shouldn’t be one of those things.

If your company currently has a hardphone call center

technology, do not feel wed to it. It’s true that your
current phones and database systems suffice, but
there’s a world of possibility with softphones.
Think of the legacy technology you use as a library Day-to-day, your hardphone is a hassle to operate. You
full of books. People love libraries. There is a place for probably have a devoted IT person, if not a whole team.
libraries in this world. But, nowadays, when you want When you want to make changes to the system or add
information fast and all in the same place, it’s only a agents, you have to call in to the call center company.
click away on the Internet. Let’s not even get started talking about the maintenance
hassle of the hardware.
Softphone technology enables you to have not only call
functionality but also centralized data. At Talkdesk, in Even if softphone technology wasn’t going to save you
particular, we’ve made it our mission to design an easy time, improve your efficiency and make your agents’ lives
to use, easy to set up and easy to customize interface. easier, it would still be worth it to switch so that you
don’t have to be constantly troubleshooting,
Our cloud-based call center software will save you updating and optimizing your legacy system.
time which will translate into increased customer satis-
In the future, we suggest you operate by this new motto:
faction and help your bottom line.
When a better option comes along, drop that
Perceived Convenience
Especially if you already have a system in place, it can
obsolete nonsense like it’s hot.
feel like a sisyphean task to replace it. Softphones are
a relatively new technology and perhaps you’re not
willing to risk the setup costs.

Lean in close, we’re going to tell you a secret: The

reason you feel like it’s a huge deal to replace your
current call center is because your current call center is
Chapter 2: A History Lesson The original telephone transmitter was a drastic tech-
The Evolution of Telephone Technology: nological leap that had implications Alexander Graham
From Transmitters to Softphones Bell and the many other inventors could not have fore-
seen. As such, it had the major pro of being the first of
its kind. As to cons, there are too many to list. The call
Let’s take a look back at how far we’ve come and where
quality was poor, the cost was exorbitant, the tech-
we’re headed with telephone technology.
nology was not commercially available and there were
The Wikipedia article on the History of the Telphone does some serious geographic constraints.
a great job of giving an overview of telephones generally
Telephonic infrastructure improved over time, from
and citing a variety of sources. For our purposes, we’re
switchboards to telephone poles to fiber optic cables.
going to skip tin can telephones, the telegraph and the
These were high-level changes, literal ‘changes from
dispute over who was the actual inventor of the tele-
above.’ They paved the way for every innovation that
phone. If you want to fall down that rabbit hole, try this
enabled personal telephone use.
article about a 1,200 year old gourd-and-twine device.
On the individual level, there were a series of updates
In this chapter, we’re going to drill down to your funda-
in telephone hardware. The candlestick telephone
mental concern: What features can I expect from my call
was an affordable commercial solution with a sepa-
center solution? To do this, we’ll trace the history of tele-
rate receiver and mouthpiece. Next, the French phone
phone features by citing the major advances throughout
merged the two, often with a rotary dialer. The push
the years. As with any technology, telephone innovation
button phone followed thereafter, with the innovation
has been iterative, so you can safely assume, unless
of no-spin dialing.
otherwise specified, that each telephone has all the pros
of the previous technology.
Next came portable/ cordless phones. This again center was itself a revolution. It redefined the concept
was an improvement on hardware. Now, callers could of customer support, reshaped the sales landscape and

hold the headset without being bound to the base. Of transformed fundraising efforts. Call centers allowed
course, there were spatial limits but this made way companies to connect with their customers and pros-
for the mobile phone, which was not only a hardware pects in ways that were simply unimaginable before.
upgrade but also software, as telephonic infrastructure
Hardphone technology is generally what you picture at
changed and texting was introduced.
the mention of a call center. Agents are sitting at their
All roads led to the smartphone, which turns out to be desks, tied down by a phone jack. Those black-and-
a heck of a lot more than just a phone. The essential white women? They’re using hardphones.
innovation of the smartphone was the idea that phones
In conjunction with their hardphones, agents are likely
didn’t have to just make and receive calls. In the world
using a computer to access customer information.
of modern technology, integration is key.
At the very least, they’re using two different pieces of
A few auxiliary technologies came about during the technology. It’s probable, however, that they are also
evolution of the telephone, including answering accessing numerous systems on their computer to find
machines, call waiting and caller ID. All of these the information they need.
were meant to supplement the deficiencies of the
Hardphones, like early telephone technology, are not
telephone itself.
particularly user-friendly. The technology is expensive,
The first call centers emerged in the 1950s. This is the complicated and requires trained IT professionals to
technology being used by the all the smiling women in implement and alter even the slightest change.
all those black-and-white photos. The concept of a call
Softphone call center technology can be seen as
analogous to the smartphone. With softphones,
developers asked themselves, “What if call center
technology could do more than make and receive calls?”

Softphones empower agents to work from wherever

they have Internet access. The errors made by manually
dialing are eliminated by click-to-call functionality. And,
best of all, call center software enables agents to record
data and integrate their systems with other technolo-
gies like CRMs and helpdesks.

Softphones are also much cheaper and much easier to

use than hardphones. Further, they don’t require trained
IT staff.
Chapter 3: Head-to-Head Comparison
The history of telephonic features is a clear evolution
Winner Take Call: Softphones vs. Hardphones
towards greater ease of use, lowered costs and integra-
tion of technologies. Why should call center software In our Winner Take Call grudge match, we pit hardphones
not follow this pattern? Innovation and iteration enable against softphones to see which technology can take the
individuals and companies to accomplish tasks in heat. Blow for blow, which call center
smarter ways. solution is better?

One fight, winner take call. Let’s get ready to rumble.

Setup and Upkeep In terms of upkeep, softphones do not require a team
Hardphones come with baggage, literally. As you might of experts, which will save you money. Softphones are
guess, hardphones have hardware. This means that for designed to be easy to customize, change and scale in
your initial setup and for every new agent onboarding, real-time. If necessary, headset replacement is a cheap
you will need to physically install the call center tech- and easy fix. Softphones rely on the Internet, so there
nology. This is not only costly, but time-consuming. would be some very important IT needed if the Internet
went down. Then again, you’d need that no matter what
When considering both setup and upkeep, realize that
because the Internet is indispensable to modern busi-
hardphones require specialized IT professionals, either
ness generally.
provided by the vendor or present within your ranks.
It’s great to have a friendly specialist there to help you.
Winner: Softphones
On the other hand, this means that any time you’d like
They’re a cinch to set up and a breeze to maintain.
to change the settings or scale, you’ll require assis-
tance. Again, this is going to cost you.
Easy of Use
Softphone setup is plug-and-play. All you need is an Hardphones have an advantage here, given that they’re
Internet connection and a headset. The cost is minimal an older technology. People of all ages know how to
because there are fewer moving parts. Dependent use a hardphone. But there’s more to ease of use than
upon the softphone you choose, the initial customiza- knowing how the technology works.
tion of the settings and integrations may take time.
Hardphones require manual dialing, which can reduce
Luckily, even if you don’t choose a call center software
efficiency because it takes time to do so and increases
known for its quick and easy set up, you’ll be able to
the odds of misdials. Further, hardphones are not inte-
configure any settings yourself from within the
grated with data systems. Your agents will have to
softphone interface.
operate both their hardphones and a CRM while they
are speaking with callers.
As a newer technology, it may seem that softphones Winner: Softphones
would be difficult to adjust to. This turns out to be They’re designed to be intuitive and
incorrect. The whole point of new technology is that it allow for a variety of functionality that hardphones
is an improvement upon legacy systems. It’s designed simply can’t provide.
to be user-friendly.
Softphones tend to have one-click dialing functions,
Hardphone technology is about as flexible as the
which reduce the time it takes to look up a number
hardphone itself. That is to say, it’s not. Customizing
and to dial it, as well as decreasing dialing errors. Each
the settings of your hardphone call center software
moment of saved time and frustration each day can
requires assistance from trained IT professionals.
add up to a serious amount of gained efficiency.
You’ll have them on speed dial; for helping onboard
Further, softphones are tied directly into your new team members, changing your IVR settings,
computer. This means that both your phone and your customizing your business hours and so on. So much
data system are in the same place. Deep integra- for quick scaling.
tions with CRMs and helpdesks bring your company
If there’s a chance you’ll have an agent who needs
to the forefront of business technology. Imagine full
to work remotely, even once, a hardphone is not for
call center functionality from within the same window
you. The ‘hard’ in hardphone stands for hardwired.
where you can view customer data and history, transfer
Your team is literally tied to your offices. That’s fine if
callers and write notes in contacts’ files.
you’re from the 1950s, but, nowadays, modern tech-
nology is specifically designed to release you from the
binds of time and space. Can you imagine only being
able to check your email from your office computer?
Softphone technology is about as flexible as gymnas- In the past, hardphone vendors beat this point into
tics gold medalist Gabrielle Douglas. Softphones the ground. And they were right. Softphones echoed,
enable you to customize your call center settings from dropped calls, didn’t connect easily. But that’s simply
within the software itself. No need to speak to repre- not the case anymore. Softphone technology evolves, it
sentatives or train IT staff. Onboarding? No problem. iterates and it’s able to fix problems.
Changing menu prompts? A snap. Scale effortlessly.
High-speed Internet access is ubiquitous. It’s afford-
Since softphones are software-based, they are able, available and reliable. Companies rely on Internet
extremely nimble. This means that your agents are free access for many of their other functions, so it’s no
to work from home or on their mobile device, anytime problem to also use it to operate the phone. Insofar
and anywhere. You can even set up international call as echoing, technologies like Talkdesk cloud-based
centers tied to the same softphones that operate in call center software are designed specifically to avoid
your office. There are no geographic restrictions; the reduced voice quality based off of a softphone connec-
world is your call center. tion and better match the audio quality traditionally
associated with hardphones.
Winner: Softphones
They’re flexible, so your company can adapt, Winner: It’s a draw
grow and change unhindered. Hardphones no longer have the advantage, but
softphones haven’t yet surpassed them.
This is hardphone technology’s strong suit; the one Agent Access to Customer Information
legitimate reason to think it has a fighting chance. This is a trick question for hardphones. Hardphone
Hardphones are very reliably connected to a telephone technology does not incorporate data. The amount and
line. You will not have trouble placing or receiving calls ease of agent access to customer information is not
with hardphone technology. The call quality will also be dependent upon hardphone technology whatsoever.
reliably strong, with minimal echoing.
Softphones shine in this category. As with any improve- Chapter 4: Talkdesk as an Example of
ment on a past technology, softphones incorporate Softphone Excellence
the past with the present and future. That is, in addi- The Incredible, Intuitive Softphone
tion to a phone, softphones give you a data platform.
By merging the voice and data pipelines, softphones Softphones are superior to legacy call center tech-
streamline your agents’ work. They also cut the costs nology. That’s a no-brainer at this point. But it’s essen-
your company would spend on implementing separate tial to remember that softphones aren’t all made alike.
auxiliary data systems. Think of it this way: Cars are superior to horses, but
that’s no reason to think that a Maserati is equivalent
to a 1971 Ford Pinto.
Winner: Softphones
This one is not even a competition. Hardphones don’t incorpo- Talkdesk cloud-based call center software is designed
rate customer information and therefore to be more than just a standard softphone; it’s built
necessitate auxiliary technology. to be at the cutting edge of cutting edge technology.
Every element of Talkdesk’s call center software
Ouch. That was hard to watch. Some fights are over solution has been carefully thought out to maximize
before they begin. Then again, what do you expect the efficiency of your business.
when you pit cutting edge technology against a product
Softphone technology, in general, is prized for not
that has been around more than six times as long as
requiring hardware to operate. This enables agents to
Miley Cyrus?
be flexible in where they choose to work and eliminates
The winds of change blow softly, best follow them. much of the costs of legacy systems. All you need is a
headset, computer and Internet connection.
Talkdesk takes this innovation one step further by Softphone technology enables companies to monitor
getting rid of the need for coding and downloads. This their call centers in complex and specific ways. Talk-
means that the interface is easy to implement and easy desk offers real-time and historical reporting, call
to operate. It also . saves you money by negating the monitoring, call barging and many types of notifica-
need for IT staff. tions. There are also tools that allow for call forwarding
and logging call disposition codes and notes. These
Some of the newer softphones are quite powerful, but
combine to enable your company to make data-driven
not quite so user-friendly or easy to set up. This may
decisions and compile comprehensive information
be acceptable for companies with devoted IT staff
about your customers. Advanced technology that helps
interested in dictating every little element of their call
your company advance.
center solution and agents who are willing to spend
weeks learning to use the system, but most business Further, many softphones have advanced routing tools
just don’t have the time. such as interactive voice response (IVR) and skills-
based routing to help your customers get directed to
Talkdesk’s out-of-the-box functionality enables your
the right agent every time. Talkdesk offers these, as
business to hit the ground running. Our motto is
well as options like voicemail and forward-to-phone.
“Create a Call Center in 5 Minutes” and we ain’t joking!
Talkdesk’s greatest contributions to the efficiency of
For those who would like more control of the interface,
your company are our many integrations. We take the
Talkdesk is easily customizable, with most settings able
idea of being at the forefront of call center technology
to be configured with a single click.
seriously. We know that your call center is not useful
Agents will find our interface user-friendly, which will enough if it’s not integrated with your CRM, helpdesk
shorten onboarding time. Essentially, Talkdesk gives and other tools.
you the benefit of cutting edge technology without
requiring you to spend hours pouring over training
The principal choice you’re facing is whether you should
Our software was conceived as a way to solve the select a softphone or a hardphone. This is a big one,
problem of disparate data sources slowing call center but luckily for you, it’s an easy one. Let me ask you:
agents down. Your agents don’t have the time to click When you equip your team with technology, do you
through multiple systems seeking information and your offer them typewriters or laptops?
customers don’t have the patience.
Softphones are the latest, greatest call center tech-
Talkdesk is an example of softphone technology excel- nology. They’ve got everything hardphones do, plus a
lence. We’re not content to just make cloud-based call range of functionality that is only possible when your
center software. We’re looking to redefine the industry. agents work from within their computers. Softphones
Our first step is promoting a culture of innovation by save money, increase efficiency, reduce agent work and
helping companies move towards softphone tech- scale as your company grows.
nology. Our second step is to lead the way with cutting
Making the choice to invest in softphone technology is
edge technology that is both powerful and user-
so straight-forward and so obvious, it’s a soft sell.

Investing in a new technology can be intimidating. Your
choice now will have an immediate monetary and time
cost. In the long run, it can make all the difference in
how your company provides customer support.
About Talkdesk
Talkdesk is easy-to-use cloud-based call center
software that enables businesses to provide excellent
customer service with phone support. The intuitive
web-based interface and robust call center
functionality including IVR, skills-based routing and
comprehensive reporting make it possible for your
agents to have real-time, personalized conversations
with customers. With Talkdesk, you can create your
call center in minutes and integrate it with a variety of
top business tools, including Salesforce, and
Zendesk. Click the button below for your free trial of
Talkdesk and explore the possibilities of our
cloud-based call center software solution.

For more information, visit


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