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Action Item

Subject: SY21 School Opening Update

In March 2020, the COVID-19 crisis required the cessation of in-person education in order
to protect the health and safety of students and staff. This led to a period of remote
learning which lasted from the original stay-at-home order in March, through the end of
the school year.

In anticipation of a modified return to in-person instruction for the fall of 2020, Proviso
Township High Schools (PTHS) convened transition teams in April of 2020, comprised of
stakeholders from all three schools, to develop blended and remote learning re-opening
scenarios based on research, Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and Illinois
Department of Public Health (IDPH) guidance, and survey data from students and
parents. These teams of administrators, teachers, and union leaders identified possible
challenges that could emerge in the fall due to the ongoing threat of COVID-19. They
developed detailed contingency plans to mitigate these challenges and provide high-
quality instruction in a safe learning environment.

Administration’s Analysis:
Per the Part 3 - Transition Joint Guidance from ISBE issued on June 23, 2020, return to
in-person instruction in the fall of 2020 is “strongly encouraged.” Data from a survey
administered by PTHS in June indicated that 65% of students, 71% of teachers, and 67%
of parents were in favor of in-person or combination of in-person/remote learning in the
fall. Therefore, PTHS believes the Blended and Remote Learning Plan developed by the
transition teams is the most appropriate model to begin the school year.

Blended and Remote Learning Plan

Section I. Academics and Student Support

Under the Blended and Remote Learning Plan, students will attend school onsite two days
per week, and remotely 3 days per week. This allows students to receive in-person
instruction and support while minimizing the human interactions that could spread

To reduce the number of students onsite on a given day, students will be assigned to
Group A or Group B. Approximately 50% of students will be assigned to Group A. The
other 50% will be assigned to Group B. This will reduce class sizes to allow for social

July 14, 2020

distancing. Students may elect to learn remotely everyday if they passed all classes during
remote learning in the spring or have health conditions which warrant remote learning.
These learners will be designated as Group R. Students who struggle with remote
learning, may be required to attend onsite more frequently.

• Group A students will attend onsite Monday -Tuesday.

They will learn remotely Wednesday – Friday.
• Group B students will learn remotely Monday – Wednesday.
They will attend onsite Thursday - Friday.
• Group R will receive instruction remotely Monday – Friday.

Instruction will be provided synchronously or asynchronously dependent upon the

objectives of the lesson.

• Synchronous Instruction: Teachers will provide live instruction to students onsite

while offsite students join the class via web conferencing. Promethean Boards with
cameras are being placed in all classrooms.

• Asynchronous: Teachers will provide live instruction for students onsite, while
offsite students work independently on assignments or projects that reinforce the
learning from their onsite days with access to teacher support.

Students who require services for learning or language needs will receive them directly
when onsite, and virtually when offsite. Students whose services cannot be delivered
remotely, can attend school 4 days a week instead of two. Services for social/emotional
support will also be available onsite and remotely.

Section II. Attendance

Students are required to receive instruction each school day unless they are ill.

Attendance will be taken each period. Students will be marked present when they satisfy
at least one of the conditions below:

1. Attend in-person instruction

2. Join a class virtually

3. Participate in the required online, learning activity or assignment

Parents should contact the attendance line as per the usual process to report student

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Section III. Bell Schedule

We will utilize a 2-Day Block Schedule. This schedule best meets the safety guidelines
while allowing for in-person interactions and quality instruction. The components and
benefits are described in the table below.

Schedule Component Benefit

Two, 2-day blocks with 75-minute periods Reduced transition periods - 4 class
and 4 periods each day. periods each day instead of 8.

Class periods long enough to receive an

hour or more of instruction and ample time
for teachers and students to engage in
safety protocols such as hand sanitizing
and cleaning work areas.

One day of remote learning with 40- Provides time for the custodians to
minute periods. All 8 classes meet. conduct a deep clean of the facility prior to
the start of Group B students and provides
a day off from wearing a mask or face
covering for teachers and students.

Reduces human interaction which reduces

the risk of spread.
Onsite dismissal at 1:15 pm. Shorter onsite day reduces exposure time
and allows additional time for cleaning.

Instructional time under this schedule is similar to the SY20 schedule, however, the
majority of instruction will be facilitated online until full in-person instruction for all
students can be safely implemented.

In SY20, each course met for 250 minutes per week. In SY21, each course will meet 190
minutes, plus 240 minutes of additional support remote learning time. Remote Learning
Support time will be used for providing additional instructional support, communication
with students/families, grading and/or providing feedback.

July 14, 2020

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Group A onsite Group A onsite All groups Group B onsite Group B onsite
Group B remote Group B remote Remote Only Group A remote Group A remote

Period 1 Period 8 Period 1 Period 1 Period 8

8:00 - 9:15 8:00 - 9:15 8:00 – 8:40 8:00 - 9:15 8:00 - 9:15
*Period 3 Period 2 Period 2 *Period 3 Period 2
9:20 - 10:35 9:20 - 10:35 8:45 – 9:25 9:20 - 10:35 9:20 - 10:35
Period 5 Period 4 Period 3 Period 5 Period 4
10:40 – 11:55 10:40 – 11:55 9:30 – 10:10 10:40 – 11:55 10:40 – 11:55
5a: 10:40 - 11:15 4a: 10:40 - 11:15 5a: 10:40 - 11:15 4a: 10:40 - 11:15
5b: 11:20 - 11:55 4b: 11:20 - 11:55 5b: 11:20 - 11:55 4b: 11:20 - 11:55
**Period 7 Period 6 Period 4 **Period 7 Period 6
12:00 – 1:15 12:00 – 1:15 10:15 – 10:55 12:00 – 1:15 12:00 – 1:15
7a: 12:00 – 12:35 6a: 12:00 – 12:35 7a: 12:00 - 12:35 6a: 12:00 - 12:35
7b: 12:40 - 1:15 6b: 12:40 - 1:15 7b: 12:40 - 1:15 6b: 12:40 - 1:15
1:15 – 2:30 1:15 – 2:30 Period 5 1:15 – 2:30 1:15 – 2:30
11:00 – 11:40
Teacher Lunch or Teacher Lunch or Period 6 Teacher Lunch or Teacher Lunch or
Plan Plan 11:45 – 12:25 Plan Plan
Period 7
Grab & Go lunch for Grab & Go lunch for 12:30 – 1:10 Grab & Go lunch for Grab & Go lunch
students with no students with no Period 8 students with no for students with
lunch period in lunch period in 1:15 – 1:55 lunch period in no lunch period in
Monday’s Tuesday’s Thursday’s Friday’s
schedule schedule schedule schedule

Remote Learning Remote Learning Professional Remote Learning Remote Learning

support for students support for students Learning & support for students support for
2:30 - 3:15 2:30 - 3:15 Collaborative 2:30 - 3:15 students
planning for 2:30 - 3:15
2:00 – 3:15

PTHS 2-Day Block Schedule Proviso East & Proviso West

* Period 3 is Period 7 at PMSA to accommodate lunch period.

** Period 7 is Period 3 at PMSA to accommodate lunch period.

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Section IV. Calendar

The PTHS Calendar approved March 2020 requires amending to accommodate a

staggered start for students to promote a safe transition, and Remote Learning Planning
Days for teachers per the ISBE guidance.

Instruction begins on Monday, August 17, 2020 with grade level, specific acclimation
weeks onsite. When not onsite, students will receive remote instruction.
During onsite week, students will attend classes following their 2-Day block schedule,
receive books and resources, and receive training for technology, safety protocols, and
expectations for blended learning.
August 14, 2020 Remote Learning Planning Day 1; Non-attendance day students.
August 17-21, 2020 Freshman Onsite Week.

August 24–28, 2020 Sophomore Onsite Week.

August 31–September 4, 2020 Junior/Senior Onsite Week.

September 8, 2020 Remote Learning Planning Day 2; Non-attendance day students.

September 9, 2020 Remote Learning Planning Day 3; Non-attendance day students.

September 10, 2020 All grade levels begin 2-Day Block Schedule with Group B students.

Section V. Training
Training for Parents

Training on the expectations of the blended and remote learning model and use of
related technologies will be provided via livestream to parents and families on the
following dates. Each training will be recorded for later viewing.

• Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 5:30 pm

• Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 8:30 am

Training for Staff

• Staff members will be presented Standard Precaution Training as a preventative

measure to support student knowledge on how to prevent the spreading of virus
and other airborne illness.

• Staff will encourage hand washing and basic respiratory hygiene, such as
wearing the mask at all times.

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• Each school nurse will be a resource person for student educational activities,
such as age-appropriate educational videos on handwashing, and how to wear a
mask if needed.
• Posters will also be made available for classrooms and school hallways.
• Health tips regarding hygiene will be shared on social media and website.
• Training for teachers on blended and remote learning best practices and related
technologies will take weekly throughout the school year.

Training for Students

Training for students on safety protocols, the expectations of blended and remote
learning, and related technologies will take place during their onsite days during
designated weeks for each grade level. See Section IV. for dates.

Section VI. Health & Safety Guidelines

The chart below contains the requirements of the Illinois Department of Public Health
(IDPH) in order for in-person instruction to take place and shows the PTHS plan to
comply with these guidelines.

Illinois Department of Public Health PTHS Implementation Plan

Require use of appropriate personal All school personnel and students are
protective equipment (PPE), including required to wear face coverings while on
face coverings. the premises.

An initial order of 30,000 disposable

facemasks arrived in June 2020. Masks
will be provided to staff and students who
need one.
Prohibit more than 50 individuals from Staff meetings and other traditional
gathering in one space. gatherings of more than 50 people will be
held remotely.

Parent events such as Back to School

Night and parent-teacher conferences will
be held virtually.

The cafeteria will be partitioned so that

students can be organized into groups of

July 14, 2020

50 or fewer while adhering to social

Require social distancing be observed, as Students will be assigned to Group A or

much as possible. Group B. Group A students will attend
school onsite on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Group B will attend onsite Thursdays and
Fridays. This reduces the onsite class
sizes and allows for appropriate social
distancing. Students will learn remotely
when not onsite.

Signs that reinforce safety precautions

and social distancing will be placed
throughout the schools.

Staggered school entry and dismissal will

be implemented to limit the number of
students entering and exiting the
building. Social distance markers will be
placed on floors.
Require that schools conduct symptom Each morning, all students and staff will
screenings and temperature checks or be required to complete the Daily
require that individuals self-certify that Wellness Screener. The screener checks
they are free of symptoms before for symptoms of COVID-19. Anyone
entering school buildings. experiencing symptoms will be directed to
stay home and/or consult with a

Touchless thermometers arrived in June

2020. All students and staff will have
their temperature taken at school
entrances. Staff with temperatures over
100.4 ℉ will be sent home. Students with
temperatures over 100.4 ℉ will be
directed to the quarantine area to await

July 14, 2020

The CDC and IDPH require persons
experiencing fever to wait 72 hours after
the fever has resolved without medication
before returning to school and 10 days
must pass after symptoms first appeared.
The District is reviewing applications to
track COVID-19 symptoms.
Require an increase in schoolwide Buildings will be cleaned and disinfected
cleaning and disinfection. multiple times each day.

Disinfecting wipes will be available in all

locations for staff and students to clean
their spaces before and after use.

Each Wednesday, teachers and students

will engage in full return learning to allow
for dep cleaning of each building. Each
Saturday, the buildings will be deep

Recommendations for Parents/Guardians

• If a child has a pre-existing condition, parents are advised to speak with their
child's primary care physician about returning to school.
• Parents are encouraged to take students’ temperatures and assess students
before sending to school. Students who have an elevated temperature greater
than 100.4 ℉ and/or are exhibiting symptoms should stay at home.
• Parents are encouraged to give appropriate contact information and make
plans to ensure someone can pick up students if they become ill during school.
• Parents should discourage students from taking non-essential items to school.
Items taken to school should be sanitized as feasibly as possible.

Section VII. Transportation

Transportation will be provided per the safety guidelines provided by IDPH. The
administration is working with the transportation vendor on the process which will be
utilized. Per the ISBE/IDPH guidelines, all students who ride the school bus provided by
PTHS must:

• Wear a face covering while on the bus.

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• Self-certify that they are symptom-free, including having a temperature of less
than 100.4 ℉. Students may also have their temperature taken prior to boarding
the bus.

Students with temperatures 100.4 ℉ or above will denied entry and should return home
for remote learning. If a student is not well enough to participate, a parent must report
them as absent.

Section IX. Food Service

Lunch will be provided for students who are learning remotely. Procedures for pickup will
be released prior to school opening.

Section X. Athletics and Extracurriculars

All athletic teams, band, cheer, and academic clubs will follow guidance as applicable
during meetings, practices, transportation, competition, and other organized activities
provided by the IDPH, ISBE, and Illinois High School Association (IHSA).

More information will be provided as guidance from IHSA and IDPH become available.

Section XI. Modifications to Plan

This plan will be monitored weekly for effectiveness. Subsequent adjustments will be
made for the purposes of improvement and compliance with state and federal guidelines
and regulations.

Administration’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 accepts the
Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the Blended and Remote Learning Plan for
implementation at the start of the SY21 school year and authorizes the Superintendent
to take the steps necessary to implement the plan.

July 14, 2020

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