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os" The NE602 could very well become the RF experimenter’s “555” chip. Learn about this fascinating and versatile device for your next RF project. very now and then a chip ‘comes along thot strikes the public imagination, so it gets used in alot of projects. he 741 oper- cational ompitfer wos tke thot in the ‘early 19705. Als0 reaching ahigh pitch of popularity was the 555 IC timer hip. Both of those chips reached uch heights because they were both \seful and well-behaved (le. they did what they cid with ile muss of fuss). The radio frequency (RF) hobbyist, however only recently found a chip that meets those requirements: the _NE602 from Signetics. ‘The NE6I2 device Is. monolithic Integrated clreutt containing a dou- ble balanced mixer (DM) anid an in- fetnal cscilator circult The DBM has boloniced inputs (pins 4 and 2), bal- ‘enced oulpuis(pins4.and),andcan ‘operate ct up to 500 Miz. The intemal ‘eciictor clrcult provides on emitter connection and a boss connection to the outside world, Figure 4-< shows the block diagram, ond fig. -b the pinouts for the NE6O2 device, The NE602 is meant fo be used as the recelver front-end in VHF portable telephones, buta lotofamateurradio ‘onclelectronies enthusiasts have used the chipforawider variety of applica- tions, sorne of which we'll talk about here. The NE602's astiong candidate. Whenever you want to build a fre- quency converter or translator, or ‘even @ signai-generator circuit. We can do that with oscillator circults ‘consisting of inductor-capacitor (\-C) variable frequency oscillators, oF lezoslechic crystals in either vott- ‘age-luned or swept-frequency ar- rangements, We're going fo explore ‘some of the various configurations of ccutts for the NE6O2 device, includ- ing the DC-power-supply connec- tions, the RF-input configurations, the ocal-oscillator circuits, and the out- put circuits The NE602 version of the device op- erates over atemperature range ot 0- 40 +70°C, while the related $4-602 device operates over an extended temperature ronge of —40- to +85°C, The most common form of the NE602, ond rost useful for the hobbyist ond experimenter, is the NE6O2N, which isin on elght-pin min- OP pockoge. An eight-lead surfoce- mount package (NE6020) Is also available. Heart of the NE6O2. Because the NE602 contains both a DBM and a local oscillator (L0}, it can be used as the entire front-end of a radio re- calvet Figure 2 shows a partial ew of the Internal cirouit of the heart of the NE602: the double-bolanosd mixer stage. That eenfiguration is known a8 @ Gilbert transconductance cell It CCOnsisls Of G-Pair of cross-coupled dif ferential ompiiiers, One feature of the ‘design |s that it offers a very good USING THE NE602 noise figure, which is typically 5 08 ot 45 MHz. The third-order Intercept point is —15-dam referenced to a matched input. Unfortunately the dy- ‘nomic fonge Is not what It could be, 40.0 9001! Kea is to be sure that the input signal levels donot exceed =25 ‘dln (=3:16 mW}, Thot signal level is Sinailarto about 12.6 mV intoa50-ohm load, or 68 mV into the 4.500-ohm in- ut impedance of the NE6O2. The NE602 is capable of providing 02-uV sensitivity without the need for erder- nal RF amplification. Although the straight NE602 sutfers from dynamic range problems, the improved NE6O2A fs sald to solve that problem. oof [veo}ey 1080 Wel 2 7 JenTTER ose oso ols 3 JSS cunfa}! | Joure 8 Fig. 1. The NE6O2 contains a double- balanced mixer and local oscillator. Here are its Block diagram (A) and Pinouts (B) may sooner ‘L661 Amrugay Electronics Now, February 1997 me oe cL oo - ooure -- Fig. 2. The heart of the NE6O2: a Gilbert ransconductance cell used for the double- balanced mixer. Frequency Translation. The pio- ess of frequency translation or con- version is called heterodyning. When two frequencies (Ft and F2 in Fig. 3) are mived together in a noniinear ci uit, « collection of diferent frequen- ies will appear at the output. Those frequencies are characterized as mF+ /-nF2m, where n and m are in- tegers orzer0 ( Forthe sake of simplicity, we normally consider only the cases where rm and n are either 0or,s0 the output frequencies ore Fi, F2, F1-F2 (difference), and F4+F2 (sum). To make a super- heterodyne receiver (the rmost com mon modein form), select either the sum (F4 + F2) ordiference (Ft -F2)fre- quency 0s the receivers intermediate frequency (F). The NE602 contains « double-bolonced mixer so when itis properlyimpedance matched, itsup- presses the two input frequencies (#1 ‘ond F2) at the output, and only pro- duces the sum and difference fre quencies. In order to pfovide frequency trans- lation by heterodyning, itis necessary 0 provide an LO circu. The LO circuit inside the NE602 consists of transistor Mixer ns Oe ose 2 Fig. 3. Ima basic mixer circuit, the sum (F1+F2) and difference (F1~F2) of two input frequencies appear at the output. with its bose and emitter elements available to the outside world. Os- cillators using that circuit will operate up to 200 MHz. Any form of oscillator can be built, as long as the circuit does not need a connection to the collector of the oscillator transistor. Be- cause of that restriction, both L-C and crystal variants of the Colpitts, Clapp, Hartley, Butler and other oscillator cir- cuits can be built, while the Pierce ond Miller circuits are not possible. The power is applied to the NE6O2 between pins 3 (ground) and 8 (V+), The DC power supply voltage ranges, +485- to +8-volts DC, with a current doin ranging from 2.4 fo 28 mA The DC power supply terminal (pin 8) must be decoupled with a 0.01- to ‘-uF capacitor (0.1 uF is most com- mon). The bypass capacitor must be mounted a8 close as possible fo the body of the NE602, and must be ca pable of good performance at RF tre- quencies (some capacitors act lke complex RLC networks at RF) Figure 4 shows several possible DC power-supply configurations for the NE602. In Fig. 4-0, the DC power sup- ply voltage is between +4.5and +8- volts DC, which is the normal operat- ingrange of the device. Aresistor, usu- ally 100 to 180 ohms, is placediin series with the V+ line fo the NE602. If the ctcuit is operated from a 9-volt DC power supply (e.g. a 9-volt DC tran- sistorradio battery), then the resistor should be increased to value be- ween 1,000 and 1500 ohms, asin Fig, 4, If the DC power supply voltage is either unstable, or at a value higher than 9-volts DC, you might want to use some form of voltage regulation. In ve oe ahd g ay 4-49 ey I cr RI °

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