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Author Topic Dependent Independent Methodolog Sampling Technique Findings Future

n variable variable y findings
0 Reven Determi Employee Job stress Quantitative 65 correlatio There is This study
1 io nants of performan factors survey n and significant recognizes
Jalaga Job ce. (role regression relationship the fact
t Stress ambiguity, analysis between job that there
and Its underutiliza stress and are
Relatio tion of employee limitation
nship skills, and performance. s as to the
on work When number of
Employ overload). analyzed the responden
ee Job independent ts, scope
Perform variables of the
ance individually study and
using the
regression variables
analysis, used.
results Therefore,
revealed that it is
both suggested
independent that
variables: further
underutilizat studies
ion of skills shall be
and work conducted
overload with
significantly larger
correlates to sample,
employee wider
performance scope and
while there inclusion
was no of more
significant variables
relationship as
between role appropriat
ambiguity e.
0 Sajuyi Impact Employee Reward Quantitative 100 Multiple On the basis Subsequen
2 gbe, of performan survey regression of the tly,
A. S.. reward ce. analysis. findings, it recommen
Olaoy on can be dations
e employ concluded were made
Bosed ee that reward to the
e .O perform dimensions manageme
(Mrs.), ance in have nt of
Adeye a significant organizati
mi selected effect on ons that
M.A manufa employees’ they
(Mrs.). cturing performance. should
compan buildup
ies in the
Ibadan, commitme
Oyo nt among
state, employees
Nigeria. by
0 Uzma Impact Employee Training Quantitative 356 Random The analysis it is
3 Hafeez of performan survey. sampling shows a suggested
& training ce. technique: positive that
Waqar on reliability, significant similar
Akbar employ descriptiv relationship study
ees e, between could be
perform correlation them and the directed
ance and results reveal on a
(Eviden regression that the more ‘bigger
ce from analysis the employee sample
Pharma gets training, size’ and
ceutical the more on
compan efficient their ‘different
ies in level of sectors of
Karachi performance Pakistan’
, would be and
Pakistan alongside
) with these
and some
nce’ &
ent areas’
might be
ed in order
to raise the
scope of
0 Employee
4 performan

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