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1. What are the risks and cost of climbing Mount Everest?

climbing Mount Everest, there are many risks that climbers take, such as bad weather, which can be extreme
cold or snow storms. People who venture out pay a lot of money.

2. Even though climbing Everest is dangerous, many people do it every year. Why do you think they do it?

it is part of an experience there are many risky things that people do, if then are happy they do it

3. Who are Scott Fischer and Rob Hall?

They own adventure companies that prepare people to climb

4. How did Scott and Rob compete?

Their clients are the people who climb, so there is some competition to get clients

5. Was there any reason to worry about people climbing to the Summit on May 10?

there was bad weather and people ignored

6. Rewrite the story in your own words using at least 15 different adverbial clauses.

First they tell us about the 2 companies that prepare people to climb, then they tell us about 1966, which was the
date that most people died climbing Mount Everest, then they told us the real reasons why they died, which
They were to ignore the return to camp before dusk. Although Rob and Scott were men who knew the
environment, they could not do anything because many people decided to venture out to climb that year, the
important thing in this story is to realize that continuing instructions can save your life

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