Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute Ministry of Popular Power For Education Mechanical Maintenance Engineering English II

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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Santiago Mariño Polytechnic University Institute

Ministry of popular power for education

Mechanical Maintenance Engineering

English II



Teacher: Student:

Jimenez, Mayaribe Orta, Nelson


Ciudad Guayana, July 2020


En inglés existen varios tipos de condicionales y, entre ellos, el third

conditional. Este tipo de condicional se utiliza para pensar en situaciones del
pasado que no ocurrieron e imaginarnos qué resultados hubiesen tenido. Una
condicional es una clause que expresa una condición y que va acompañada
por otra clause que expresa el resultado de dicha condición. Normalmente
las conditional clauses empieza con if, aunque hay otras fórmulas.

En inglés existen cuatro tipos de condicionales básicos: el zero conditional,

la first conditional, el second conditional y el third conditional.
Condicional example

1) I would go to the mall if the quarantine were over

2) If my sister came home today I would make her favorite meal
3) If you stopped your cough syrup you could get worse
4) If they were silent I could hear better
5) You would work today if it weren't a holiday
6) If you text me I would remember what you asked me to do for mom

1) What would you do if you won the lottery?

If I won the lottery, I would travel to different states and start a new business
about cars.

2) What would you do if your sister asked you to stay home and help her
with dinner the night you had decided to go out with your better friends?

if my cousin asked me to stay apartment and help her with breakfast the
morning I had decided to go out with my better friends I would tell her to start
early so we finish it and I can be on time to go out with my friends.

Third conditional

El tercer condicional en inglés se usa para hablar de situaciones que no han

tenido lugar realmente, se trata de hipótesis. Muy a menudo se usan para
hablar de algo de lo que nos arrepentimos, pero también para reprochar algo o
sencillamente para imaginar una situación que podía haberse desarrollado de
otra manera.
Se forma de la siguiente condición:

If + pasado perfecto and would + perfecto infinitivo

Se tiene que tener en cuenta que en algunos casos el if puede omitirse

cambiando de posición el verbo de la frase que expresa la condición.


Had I known before that I would fail, I would have studied less.

If I had found a job in Mexico I might have never come back.

I would've go to the mall if the rain had stopped

If you had helped me with the homework I would've finish it earlier

If the quarantine had been over I would've celebrate my birthday party

If you had been born on December 25th you would've been Capricorn

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