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Basic steps to check peak flow:

Preventative Measures Controller Medications  Move the marker to the bottom of the
No matter how hard you try, asthma may Anti-Inflammatory drugs - reduce numbered scale
not be prevented. However, you can limit inflammation in the airway lining. They  Stand up straight
exposure to things that may trigger asthma. take time to work, and must be used every  Take a deep breath and your lungs all
 Make sure your home is kept smoke- day to be effective. the way
free. Rescue Medications  Hold your breath while you place the
 Keep pets outside Bronchodilators – these medications open mouthpiece in your mouth, between
 Breastfeed as long as possible. Breast the airways by relaxing the muscles your teeth
milk contains antibodies that can delay surrounding the bronchial tubes.  Close your lips around it. DO NOT put
or even prevent allergies. your tongue against or inside the hole
The most important thing you can do to  Blow out as hard and fast as you can in
 Keep your bedroom as dust-free as
control asthma severity is to take your a single blow
controller medication every day as  Write down the number you get. If you
 Read all food labels to avoid things to
instructed by your doctor. coughed or did not do the steps correct,
which you may be allergic.
do not write down the number; redo the
 Avoid the asthma triggers.
Asthma Treatment  Learn to recognize early warning signs.
 Move the marker back to the bottom and
 Check your peak flow and follow the repeat all these steps 2 more times. The
Asthma Management Plan that your highest of the 3 numbers is your peak
doctor and or Physiotherapist has flow number.
provided you. The peak flow reading should be taken
The peak flow meter is a calibrated, daily. If it falls below your safe zone you
portable, handheld device that is used MUST visit your doctor.
to measure how well air moves out of the
Produced by the Physiotherapy Services
lungs. Measuring your peak flow is an
Medications used to treat asthma can be important part of managing your asthma
grouped into two broad categories, symptoms and preventing an asthma
Controller and Rescue Medications. attack.  
If your airways are narrowed and blocked further information contact Physiotherapy
due to asthma, your peak flow values will Department, St Ann’s Bay Regional
drop. Hospital at: 8769722272 ext. 5037 or 5128
What Is Asthma? Causes of Asthma Some common asthma triggers include: Signs & Symptoms of Asthma
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder The fundamental causes of asthma are not  Animal dander (small particles from During an asthma attack, the sides of the
of the airways that causes three primary completely understood. fur, hair, feathers or skin) airways in your lungs swell, and the
changes in the lungs: The causes of asthma are different from one  Cockroaches and their droppings airways shrink. Less air gets in and out of
 Inflammation (swelling) of the lining person to another.  Dust mites (tiny animals that live in your lungs. The attack may include:
of the airways dust)  Wheezing
 Bronchoconstriction (tightening of the  Smoke, mainly tobacco smoke, second  begins suddenly,
bands of smooth muscles surrounding Risk Factors for Developing
hand smoke  may be worse at night or early
the airways) which reduces the width Asthma  Molds, pollen, fungus, yeast spores morning,
of the airways
The strongest risk factors for developing  may get worse when exposed to
 Excess mucus production that further
narrows the airways asthma are a combination of genetic cold air,
predisposition (inherited from parents or  may get worse during exercise
history of a family member having asthma)  Dry frequent cough that may progress
with environmental exposure to inhaled to a wet cough as the attack progresses
substances and particles that may provoke
 Excess mucus production Chest
allergic reactions or irritate the airways.
tightness, chest pain
 Shortness of breath
Can Asthma be Cured?  Increased breathing rate
No. Asthma is a chronic disease, which  Heart palpitations
most people will have for life. The severity  Difficulty speaking a full sentence.
of asthma may vary over time, from no
Some other symptoms that are sometimes
symptoms to mild or moderate symptoms.
Asthma is an obstructive disease that may  Common cold / flu viruses linked with asthma may include:
cause permanent changes (remodelling) if  Food allergies (peanuts, shell fish etc.)  Stuffy or runny nose
not properly treated. Asthma is a disease Asthma Triggers and sulphite additives (chemicals used  Sinus problems
that cannot be cured but its symptoms can Factors which irritate the airways and cause to keep processed foods fresh)  Nasal polyps (growths inside the nose)
be controlled. asthma symptoms are called “asthma  Weather changes
Because asthma often changes over time, triggers.”  Chemicals and strong scents (perfumes,
it's important that you work with your pesticides, cleaning agents, paints etc.)
doctor to track your signs and symptoms
and adjust treatment as needed.

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