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PMF Biblical Seminary

School for Church Planters – Foundations for Christian Leadership (FCL) Course
Series of Messages in the Book of Revelation

The “Great City” and the “Beast” (Revelation 17)

A. The “Great City” = Satanic City. It is described as a woman who:

1. Who rules the world (vs. 1, 18). This city is described as powerful over many nations.
2. A prostitute (vs. 2, 4-5). But this city is also morally lewd and uses sex without limits for
enjoyment and to entice many to follow her
3. Rich (vs. 3-4). This city is also wealthy, full of flourishing businesses.
4. Persecutor of the saints (v. 6). But this city does not like Christian beliefs and disciples.
5. Rides on the beast (v. 3) or depends on the Beast.
NOTE 7: Just as God’s people is described in many ways, “the people who do not believe in
Christ” is described also in varied ways. In the Book of Revelation, they are called “the
Great City” or “Babylon the Great”. The term “Babylon” originated with the nation that
conquered and destroyed the city of Jerusalem in 587 BC. In 1 Peter 5:13, the city of
Rome is nicknamed as “Babylon”. Rome destroyed the city of Jerusalem in AD 70. In
the Great Tribulation, Satan will use a “group of people” (society, city or nation) to
persecute God’s people and make war against God. It is hard and sometimes unwise to
identify in our time what this “present city” is in the world. In fact, all cities in the world
that do not worship Christ and respect the Bible seems to be a candidate!

B. The “Beast” = Satanic Ruler. He is described as:

1. With 7 heads (7th is not yet; act as the 8th king). Revelation 13:3 explains that the Antichrist is
the 7th ruler who “was wounded” and because he recovered or was healed, he became the 8 th
ruler or king. Magical or counterfeit miracles can be done by the Antichrist.
2. With 10 horns (kings who made the “beast” as king). The Antichrist became the ruler of the
“Great City” with the help of 10 rulers or kings or cities.
3. He lost against the Lamb. The Antichrist is no match for the Lord Jesus Christ.
4. He burned the “woman” or destroyed the Great City.
NOTE 8: Just as it is hard and unwise to identify in our time what is “Babylon the Great”, it is true
also with “the Antichrist”. In fact, all rulers in the world now that do not worship Christ
and respect the Bible is also a candidate! However, there are key ideas which the Book
of Revelation concerning the Antichrist. They are as follows:
a. He is one that controls that “great city” (Note 7, 17:10).
b. He is the 8th Ruler of the historical world powers but who actually is the 7 th Ruler. The 7
historical world powers in the world are Egypt (1 st), Assyria (2nd), Babylon (3rd), Persia (4th),
Greece (5th), Rome (6th), and the “Great City” or “Babylon the Great” (7th). If we cannot
decide or identify what is this “great city”, then it would be harder to decide or identify who is
the Antichrist. Or, may be, that “great city” is the “whole world” that do not believe and are
antagonistic to Christ and His people. And, also, the Antichrist is “any world ruler” ready to
do evil and desiring to be fully possessed by the Devil for selfish motives.
c. In 2 Thessalonians 2:5-6, there is something that stops or withholds the appearing of the
Antichrist. For Pre-Tribulation View, the one that hinders the full appearance of the Antichrist
is the “church”. Hence, rapture will occur before the start of the Great Tribulation. For Post-
Tribulation View, the one that hinders the Antichrist is not the church but the “restraint of law
and order” in the world. Today and with the spread of post-modern philosophy, “biblical
morality” is utterly disregarded by too many people giving us a hint that the Antichrist is
very near in his coming or is now in the world.
d. He will be destroyed by the Lord Jesus Christ at His 2nd coming (19:19-21).
Conclusion: We must live what we believe about Christ though it may be hard. During the Great
Tribulation, life for believers will be harder.

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