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ARMA 08-053

Geomechanical Properties of a Conglomerate from Iran

Shafiei, A. and Dusseault, M.B.
Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1
Copyright 2008, ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association

This paper was prepared for presentation at San Francisco 2008, the 42nd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 2nd U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, held in San Francisco, June 29-
July 2, 2008.
This paper was selected for presentation by an ARMA Technical Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted earlier by the author(s). Contents of the
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ABSTRACT: This article addresses the geomechanical properties of a conglomerate that forms the geological strata along a 1.80
km length of a tunnel under construction in Iran. We present these data because there is little information extant in the literature
on the geomechanical characteristics of similar materials. The conglomeratic rock is part of a thick synorogenic molasse sequence
of Lower Miocene to Pliocene age. Molasse consists of tectonically undisturbed coarse-grained detritus produced by rapid erosion
of mountain ranges after the final orogenic spasms. Because of this timing, the sediments have not been significantly affected by
compression or shear and they are horizontally disposed. Conglomerates are common in molasse, forming thick layers in some
cases. The rock we studied is a mud-supported conglomerate, comprising well- to very well-rounded limestone, marly limestone
and radiolarite rock fragments in a clay matrix; according to field strength estimates, the rock is classified as a “very weak rock”.
Laboratory tests were performed according to ASTM standards and ISRM suggested methods on high quality core samples from
tunnel-axis vertical boreholes. Results from the field and laboratory investigations showed that the rock is of very poor quality,
which could lead to serious instability problems for the tunnel.

In this article, we highlight the properties of a conglom-

1. INTRODUCTION erate that forms the geological strata along a 1.80 km
From an engineering geology perspective, there are clear length of a tunnel under construction in Iran. The
relationships among physical and mechanical properties section is known as the Qomroud Long Tunnel Lot
of each geological stratum and its geological evolution: number 6 (QLT6), and the tunnel is part of the Dez-
provenance, composition, sedimentary and diagenetic Qomroud water conveyance project which consists of
history, metamorphism and weathering. For example, four tunnels with total length of 54 kilometers, a large
for most sedimentary rocks, an increase in the age of the dam and three small dams.
rock generally leads to an increase in its strength and a QLT6 is situated in the Zagros tectonically disturbed
decrease in its porosity and permeability. However, zone. The conglomeratic rock is part of a thick synoro-
these relationships may or may not be highly important
genic molasse sequence of upper Pliocene to Pleistocene
factors in the evaluation of widely different rock types,
age, the Bakhtiari Formation. The rock we studied is a
such as intrinsically strong quartzites and intrinsically
mud-supported conglomerate with a maximum thickness
weak clay shales. Interestingly, little is reported about of 200 meters in the study area. It is composed of well-
the geomechanical properties of conglomerates, and this to very well-rounded limestone, marly limestone and
is the focus of this article.
radiolarite rock fragments in a clay cement. According
Conglomerate is a terrigenous sedimentary rock type to UCS field estimates, the rock is classified as a “very
containing large, usually rounded rock fragments. weak rock”.
Conglomerates show a wide range of strength, as low as
Laboratory tests were performed on high quality core
1 MPa for a very weak lightly clay-cemented samples from tunnel-axis vertical boreholes. ASTM and
conglomerate to over 200 MPa for a very strong, low-
ISRM laboratory tests on intact rock specimens included
porosity, quartz cemented conglomerate rock. The latter
measurement of dry density, saturated density, porosity,
conglomerate we have in mind is the Witwatersrand
water content, durability index, uniaxial compressive
Conglomerate found in South African gold mines [1].
strength (UCS), indirect Brazilian tensile strength, and
There is little information extant in the literature on the the compressional and shear wave velocities (vP, vS).
geomechanical characteristics of weak conglomerate Results from both field and laboratory investigations are
rocks. This motivated us to present these data on rock presented and discussed in this article.
mechanics properties of a weak conglomerate.
2. BACKGROUND minary design purposes in the absence of laboratory data
(Table 1). Also, Deere and Miller (1966) [5] classified
Based on the classification scheme recommended for
rocks with uniaxial compressive strength of 1-25 MPa as
intact geotechnical materials by the International Society “very low strength” rocks in their proposed classification
for Rock Mechanics [2], soft rock refers to a category of of intact rock strength.
geotechnical materials with uniaxial compressive
strength of between 0.50 to 25 MPa including extremely According to Hoek et al. (2004) [6] the term Molasse
weak rock, very weak rock and weak rock. comes from a Swiss name originally assigned to soft
sandstone with marl and conglomerates of Miocene age,
Johnston (1995) [3], proposed that for both in situ and
found extensively in Switzerland. This term is now
laboratory geomechanical characterization of soft rock it applied to all synorogenic deposits of similar genesis.
is rational to apply soil mechanics and rock mechanics Molasse consists of a series of tectonically undisturbed
concepts and methods together. This is mainly because
sandstones, conglomerates, siltstones and marls produ-
the behavior of soft rocks can be affected by factors
ced by rapid erosion of mountain ranges after the final
which are particular to soils (e.g. capillary strength
orogenic spasms. Because of this timing, the sediments
issues) or somewhat harder rocks (e.g. brittle fracture). have not been significantly affected by compression or
Rock strength and deformability are the key parameters shear and they are horizontally disposed.
used in design of the large civil projects such as dams
As stated earlier there is little information extant in the
and tunnels. In the case of soft rocks, especially argil-
literature on the geomechanical characteristics of weak
aceous types, there are other behavioral issues that may
molassic rock masses. Hoek et al. (2005) [6] described
arise such as swelling, squeezing, shrinking and engineering properties of molassic formations from NW
collapsing. For example, North Sea Chalk is a “rock” Greece. The studied a tectonically undisturbed but
with porosity 40-45% and collapses during reservoir
lithologically varied sedimentary sequence composed of
drawdown. Hence, soil mechanics science should be
sandstone, silty and marly sandstone and siltstone. They
applied in characterization of these types of materials
reported UCS values of 10 MPa for silty and marly
along with the precepts garnered from rock mechanics.
sandstones members of the NW Greece molasse. UCS
Hoek and Brown (1997) [4] proposed a classification for of 15 MPa was also reported for a typical siltstone. For
field estimation of intact rock strength using simple clay rich members such as clayey siltstone, mudstone or
means, a geological hammer or a pocket knife, for preli- marl, a lower UCS of 5-10 MPa was reported.

Table 1. Field estimates of uniaxial compressive strength (Adopted from Hoek and Brown, 1997).

Term Uniaxial Comp. Point Load Field estimate of strength Examples

Strength (MPa) Index (MPa)
Extremely > 250 >10 Specimen can only be chipped Fresh basalt, chert, diabase,
Strong with a geological hammer gneiss, granite, quartzite
Very 100 -250 4 - 10 Specimen requires many blows of Amphibolite, sandstone, basalt,
strong a geological hammer to fracture it gabbro, gneiss, granodiorite,
limestone, marble, rhyolite, tuff
Strong 50 -100 2-4 Specimen requires more than one Limestone, marble, phyllite,
blow of a geological hammer to fracture it sandstone, schist, shale

Medium 25 -50 1-2 Cannot be scraped or peeled with a Claystone, coal, concrete,
strong pocket knife, specimen can be fractured schist, shale, siltstone
with a single blow from a geological
Weak 5 - 25 ** Can be peeled with a pocket knife with Chalk, rocksalt, potash
difficulty, shallow indentation made by firm
blow with point of a geological hammer
Very 1-5 ** Crumbles under firm blows with Highly weathered or altered
weak point of a geological hammer, can be peeled rock
by a pocket knife
Extremely 0.25 -1 ** Indented by thumbnail Stiff fault gouge
** Point load tests on rocks with a uniaxial compressive strength below 25 MPa are likely to yield ambiguous results.
A number of large civil projects such as dams and tunn- Iran has been divided into in eight geological-structural
els are designed and constructed on or in the weak provinces by Stocklin, 1968 [7], and the QLT6 section is
conglomeratic Bakhtiari Formation in Iran. located in the Zagros geological province (Fig. 1).
The Karkheh reservoir dam and hydroelectric project, Berberain (1995) [8], subdivided the Zagros geological
127 m in height with a 3,030 m crest length, dams the province into five morphotectonic sub-zones based on
Karkheh River, the third largest river in the north of differences in topography, seismicity, stratigraphy and
Khuzestan province in SW Iran. The reservoir capacity deformation style. These sub-zones of the Zagros geolo-
at normal water level is about 5.60×109 m3, which makes gical province are separated by large-scale thrust faults
this dam the largest in Iran in terms of reservoir capacity. that create asymmetric topographic patterns. An increa-
The dam is founded on slightly to moderately cemented, sed rate of deformation during the Quaternary is evide-
weak Bakhtiari Formation conglomerate. nced along the margins of each sub-zone, and this higher
deformation rate is responsible for uplift, erosion, expo-
At the dam site, the Bakhtiari Formation is underlain by
sure, subsidence, sedimentation, or coverage of the older
the Lahbari Member of the Aghajari Formation, which is
formations in the different sub-zones.
mainly composed of carbonate-clast and polymict congl-
omerate, calcarenite, cross-bedded sandstone, siltstone, Quaternary deformation (uplift and compression) led to
marl, and lime-mudstone. From extensive field and lab- the accumulation of Bakhtiari Formation conglomerates
oratory engineering geological and geotechnical investi- with varying thickness, reaching 2,500 m in some areas
ngations, a UCS range of 1 to 10 MPa was determined in the Zagros zone.
for the mud-supported weak Bakhtiari Formation congl-
The QLT6 area is situated in the Simple Fold Belt sub-
zone. The Simple Fold Belt sub-zone of the Zagros is
The diversion tunnels of the Doiraj reservoir dam near limited to the northeast by the High Zagros fault (HZF)
Dehloran city in Elam Province (SW Iran) consist of two and to the southwest by the Mountain Front Fault (MFF)
tunnels, each 700 m long, 6 m diameter, excavated (Fig 1). According to Berberian (1995) [8], the sedime-
through the slightly to moderately cemented weak Bakh- ntary column in the belt is estimated to be up to 12 km
tiari Formation conglomerate using a mechanical excav- thick and includes most of the Phanerozoic without
ator (i.e. jackhammer). UCS values of 2-5 MPa were visible angular unconformities. The belt was folded
determined from laboratory and field tests for this weak, during the Miocene-Pliocene continent-continent collis-
mud-supported conglomerate rock. ion event. Embayment with thickening of the Bakhtiari
synorogenic molasse provides evidence of relative
Thanks to low water table in the diversion tunnel routes,
motion along the MFF and the Dezful Embayment fault
the weak rock mass was totally dry, and both tunnels
since Early Miocene times. Because of vertical motion
were completed without water-related incident.
along the MFF, the southwestern edge of the Zagros
The Qomroud Long Tunnel lot number 6 (QLT6), nearly Simple Fold Belt is being uplifted mainly along the
1.80 kilometers in length, is under construction as part of underlying MFF and the frontal asymmetric surface
the Dez to Qomroud water conveyance tunnel project in folds over it.
west central Iran, Lorestan Province. It has a total length
Alavi (2004) [9] interpreted the Bakhtiari Formation
of nearly 55 kilometers, involving four tunnels, three
conglomerate as the proximal facies of the wedge-top
small dams and a large dam. The QLT6 section will
depozone formed atop the frontal part of southwestward-
pass through the Bakhtiari Formation conglomerates
propagating Zagros thrust sheets, which are covered
except for a 100 meters section which passes through the
locally by modern alluvial deposits.
Sourmeh Formation limestone.
Alavi (2004, 2007) [9,10] indicated that stratigraphic
In the next sections, the geological setting of the QLT6
units such as the Bakhtiari Formation conglomerate
and in situ and laboratory engineering geological and
display syndeformational sedimentary features such as
geotechnical investigations carried out for the purpose of
growth strata, and are interpreted as deposits of a wedge-
engineering characterization of the Bakhtiari Formation
top depozone under the influence of progressive deform-
conglomerate are presented and discussed.
ation in the orogenic wedge.
The Bakhtiari Formation conglomerate in the QLT6 site
3. GEOLOGICAL SETTING is classified as a thick synorogenic molasse sequence of
upper Pliocene to Pleistocene age. The major conglom-
The tunnel section called QLT6 is located 45 kilometers
eratic rock unit is a coarse-grained mud-supported brown
south of the Aligoudarz-Isfahan road. This area is ace-
conglomerate with a maximum thickness of about 200
ssible by Shoul-Abad road from Aligoudarz town,
meters in the study area, composed of well- to very well-
Lorestan Province, west central Iran (Fig. 1).
rounded limestone, marly limestone and radiolarite rock
fragments in a clay cement (Fig. 2).
The detailed tunnel axis investigations at the QLT6 tun-
nel site included drilling and sampling, in situ tests, and
laboratory tests on core specimens.
4.1. Geotechnical drilling program
After selection of the QLT6 tunnel route from reconna-
issance phase studies, three vertical boreholes were
drilled along the axis of the proposed tunnel route to
provide the subsurface conditions.
In a rock mass, a group of rock types with similar
lithostratigraphical and structural features are often
defined as a single Geomechanical Unit or GMU. For
engineering analysis, each rock mass must be divided
into a tractable number of GMU’s in order to ease the
problem of rock mass characterization. Each GMU is
distinct from other GMU’s in a rock mass (e.g. through
layering, fault separation or lithomechanical contrasts)
and has its own geomechanical characteristics. One
geomechanical unit (GMU’s) has been identified along
the QLT6 tunnel route.
Fig. 1. The study area in the Zagros Belt. Because of the simple geology of the study area along
the selected tunnel route in this section, comprising just
one geomechanical unit (the Bakhtiari Formation congl-
omerate), results from any field and laboratory geotec-
hnical investigation could be applied to other near-by
rocks in case of any significant change in the selected
QLT6 tunnel route.
High quality cores obtained from these three drilled vert-
ical boreholes were tested in a rock mechanics labora-
tory, and the drill holes were used for in situ tests such
as water pressure testing for permeability. The depth of
the water table in the boreholes was recorded for
hydrogeological studies and to monitor any water table
A geological profile along the QLT6 tunnel route is
presented in Fig. 3.
Based on results from drilling, the depth of the water
table is 8 – 11 m above the crown of the preliminary
Fig. 2. A view of the Bakhtiari Formation conglomerate in the
designed QLT6 tunnel route. Because of well-known
QLT6 tunnel site. deleterious effects of water exposure on the mechanical
integrity of clay-rich rocks such as the Bakhtiari
At the QLT6 site, the Bakhtiari Formation conglomerate Formation when confinement is reduced, deterioration of
has some clayey marl interbeds and is underlained by the mechanical properties of the conglomerate rock
older formations of the Fars Group with an angular along the QLT6 tunnel route is expected during advance.
unconformity with strata such as the siltstone Aghajari Study of the RQD values obtained from the drilling
Formation and the limestone Sourmeh Formation. program indicated that the RQD values for depths
About 100 meters of the QLT6 will be excavated thro- greater than 70 meters are essentially zero. This is mai-
ugh the dark grey and competent Sourmeh Form-ation nly because of the weak nature of the penetrated
limestone. formation and difficulty experienced in obtaining high
quality cores in such a material. One may estimate the
RQD directly from outcrops in the study area. In this
Fig. 3. Geological profile along the QLT6 tunnel route based on preliminary geotechnical investigations.

case, a RQD value of 100 can be deduced for the in agreement with this finding; because of high permea-
conglomerate formation from field observations because bility, water drains readily into the nearby valleys.
there is no distinguishable discontinuity in the field, so Hence, this drops the depth of the measured water table
the studied formation can be assumed to be a continuous in the formation and in the study area; the water table
rock mass. Layering effects can be ignored in RQD cal- depth varies between 106 – 116 meters depending on the
culation as there is no sensible mechanical difference topography.
between layering and the rock material.
However, a Lugeon value of zero was measured for the
4.2. Field observations QLT6 tunnel level, indicating an impermeable stratum.
Based on field observations, the Bakhtiari Formation It should be noted that in this situation, the quantity of
conglomerate layers at the QLT6 site are horizontal and water inflow can be considered as a secondary effect of
there is no evidence of tectonic activity such as joints, the hydrogeology on the QLT6 tunnel route. In other
folds and fault structures. This is in agreement with the words, the effect of water on the mechanical behavior of
syn- to post-tectonic deposition of the formation as a the formation that QLT6 will pass through is much more
molasse sequence over a period of time from the upper important than the probable influx rate to the tunnel.
Pliocene to the Pleistocene epoch of Quaternary period, This water-weakening effect must be considered in
roughly 0.5 to 2 MYBP. There is no evident mechanical geotechnical design of the QLT6 tunnel.
separation surface between the different layers in the
4.4. Laboratory tests
Bakhtiari conglomerate, and the bedding structures do
Laboratory experiments on core specimens of the
not appear to be especially weak or strong, compared to
Bakhtiari Formation conglomerate were carried out
the rock material itself.
based on ASTM (1981) [11] standards and ISRM sugge-
Field examination of rock strength in the field using the sted methods [12]. Test results are summarized and pres-
simple means defined in Table 1 (Hoek and Brown, ented in Table 2. Results quoted are for a minimum of
1997) [4] showed that the rock material can be crumbled 10 specimens in each case.
under a firm blow with the point of a geological Table 2. Physical and geomechanical properties of the
hammer. Also, it can be easily peeled by a pocket knife. Bakhtiari conglomerate Formation at the QLT tunnel site.
From the field observations, the rock material from the
Bakhtiari conglomerate is classified as a weak rock. Geomechanical Properties of the Bakhtiari Formation
Obviously, great care is necessary in rock mass evalu- Density Dry 2.55 – 2.65
(g/cm3) Saturated 2.61 – 2.80
ation of this weak rock mass using engineering rock
mass classification systems designed for rock masses Water content (%) 0.23 – 3.28
dominated by discontinuities. The combined use of field Porosity (%) 0.57 – 8
observations, lab data and past experience is need for UCS (MPa) 1.20 – 5.0
reasonable estimation of rock mass parameters to form Brazilian tensile strength (MPa) 0.25 – 0.51
the basis of the geotechnical design. Durability Index 67 – 81
4.3. Water pressure tests Elasticity Modulus (GPa) 0.70 – 3.0
During drilling, water injectability tests (Lugeon tests) Poisson’s ratio 0.24 – 0.37
were carried out and the permeability of the rocks VP (m/sec) Saturated 3,540
determined in terms of Lugeon values. Average Lugeon VS (meters/second) Saturated 2,130
values of > 100 were observed for the Bakhtiari congl-
omerate in the zone 20 – 25 m above the crown of the
preliminary designed QLT6 tunnel; this is interpreted as
a very high permeability. The depth of the water table is
5. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION encountered, and the issue of scale arises as well (congl-
omeratic fragment size as a ratio of specimen size).
The QLT6 tunnel route situated in the Zagros geological
province in west-central Iran will pass through the weak Based on the classification scheme recommended for
Bakhtiari Formation conglomerate, a Pliocene to Pleisto- intact geotechnical materials by the International Society
cene age synorogenic coarse-grained mud-supported for Rock Mechanics, the conglomerate of the Bakhtiari
brown conglomerate. This rock unit has a maximum Formation can be classified as a Soft Rock. With a UCS
thickness of about 200 meters in the study area, and it is of 1.25 to 5 MPa, this material belongs in the category of
formed of limestone, marly limestone and radiolarite Very Low Strength rocks in the classification of intact
rock fragments in a clay cement. rock strength proposed by Deere and Miller (1966) [5].
Most rocks have a low tensile strength and a Brazilian
Based on field geological observations, the Bakhtiari tensile strength of 0.25 – 0.51 MPa was determined for
conglomerate layers at the QLT6 site are horizontal and
the tested conglomerates from the Bakhtiari Formation,
there is no tectonic activity evidence such as joints, folds
which is about 1/5th to 1/10th the UCS value.
and fault structures. This is in accord with other
geological and tectonic interpretation in the study area. Based on results from uniaxial compression tests, as
shown in the Table 2, the tested samples taken from the
Field examination of rock strength in the field using sim- Bakhtiari Formation can be classified as Weak rock,
ple means based on a geological hammer and a pocket
according to Anon (1979) [13].
knife showed that the conglomerate rock should be
classified as a Very Weak rock according to the classifi- The elastic moduli of specimens from the Bakhtiari For-
cation proposed by Hoek and Brown (1997) [4] for intact mation conglomerate vary between 0.70 GPa and 3.0
rock estimation for preliminary design purposes. GPa. This rock unit can be classified as having Very
High deformability based on Anon (1979) [13].
Three vertical boreholes were sunk along the axis of the
proposed tunnel route for more detailed subsurface Franklin & Chandra (1972) [14] suggested a slake
investigations. Water table depth was measured at 8 – durability index to assess the resistance offered by a rock
11 m above the crown of the preliminary designed QLT6 sample to weathering and disintegration when subjected
tunnel route. to two standard cycles of drying and wetting. Slake
durability indices are based on the classification schemes
Study of the RQD values obtained from drilling of Gamble (1971) [15] and Franklin & Chandra (1972)
indicated that the RQD values for depths greater than 70
[14]. Slake durability indices for the conglomerates from
meters were essentially zero (fragmented core).
the Bakhtiari Formation vary between 67% and 81%,
Average Lugeon values of > 100 were calculated for the which show the retained weight % after two 10-minute
Bakhtiari conglomerate in the zone 20 – 25 meters above cycles, on a dry weight basis. Based on Gamble’s
the roof of the QLT6 tunnel design location, interpreted proposed slake durability classification (Goodman 1980
as a very high permeability, but Lugeon values of zero after Gamble, 1971) [16,15], the tested rock samples
was measured in the conglomerate at the QLT6 tunnel from the Bakhtiari Formation have Low Durability.
level indicating an impermeable stratum (clay matrix).
Based on laboratory results shown in the Table 2, mean
In situ water content and porosity of the tested compressional and shear wave propagation velocities of
conglomerates from the Bakhtiari Formation is between 3,540 and 2,130 m/s in a saturated condition were meas-
0.23 – 3.28 and 0.57 – 8%, respectively. Based on Anon ured for the Bakhtiari conglomerates.
(1979) [13] this conglomerate rock can be classified as
It should be noted that the designers decided to relocate
“Very Low to Medium porosity rock”.
the tunnel route based on the comprehensive engineering
Based on laboratory results, Table 2, dry density of the geological investigations and identification of the pote-
tested conglomerate rock samples from Bakhtiari ntial tunneling problems during construction of the
Formation vary between 2.55 – 2.65. According to QLT6 tunnel in the Bakhtiari conglomerate. The new
classification of Anon (1979) [13], the tested samples route of QLT6 is about 200 to 250 meters away from the
taken from the Bakhtiari Formation settle in the category originally investigated route. At the final route site, the
of rocks with “High dry density”. level of the tunnel is 20 meters closer to the ground
surface, just above the water table level and therefore
The UCS test method is intended to measure the uniaxial
avoiding saturated weak ground. The first 100 meters of
compressive strength of a rock sample with a regular
QLT6 passes through competent Sourmeh limestone.
cylindrical geometry. The test is mainly intended for
strength classification and characterization of intact rock. Initially QLT6 was supposed to serve as a water conve-
The value of UCS for the tested conglomerates from yance tunnel and a transportation tunnel with final diam-
Bakhtiari Formation is ranging from 1.25 to 5 MPa. eter of 10 meters and area of 65 square meters.
Difficulties in preparing cylindrical specimens were
Considering results from this study, the designers deci- roof of the preliminary designed QLT6 tunnel, but
ded to reduce the diameter of the tunnel to 4.50 meters almost impermeable at the tunnel level.
with area of 26 square meters in order to reduce the risk
of tunnel instability, ease the tunnel excavation and o The Bakhtiari Formation conglomerate, with a UCS
reduce the support cost. range of 1.25 to 5 MPa, is in the category of Very
Low Strength rocks in the Deere and Miller (1966)
QLT6 was excavated successfully taking into account [5] classification of intact rock strength. It is
the engineering geological considerations discussed classified as a Soft Rock based on ISRM recomm-
herein. One incident happened during the excavation of ended classification.
QLT6, causing a three-month shut-down for impleme-
ntation of mitigation measures. Excavation of QLT6 o Brazilian tensile strengths of 0.25 – 0.51 MPa were
was completed using a road header and a permanent measured; these are about 1/5th to 1/10th the UCS
strength value.
concrete lining is currently being installed, along with
grouting. It will be completed in 2008, to serve as a o Based on UCS results on specimens from the Bakh-
water conveyance tunnel for the Dez-Qomroud project. tiari Formation, it can be classified as Weak rock,
according to Anon (1979) [13].
o The stiffness of the Bakhtiari conglomerate is found
A number of large civil projects in Iran, such as dams to be in the range 0.70 to 3.0 GPa. This rock unit
and tunnels like the Karkheh reservoir dam and the can be classified as a rock of Very High deform-
Doiraj diversion tunnels, are designed and constructed ability, based on Anon (1979) [13].
on or in the weak Bakhtiari Formation conglomerate.
o According to Gamble’s slake durability classifica-
Construction of the QLT6 tunnel, situated in the Zagros tion (Goodman 1980 after Gamble, 1971) [16,15])
geological province and Simple Fold Belt sub-zone in the rock samples from the Bakhtiari Formation can
the west central Iran, will be completed by late 2008. be classified as rocks with Low Durability.
QLT6 will pass through the weak Bakhtiari conglo-
o Laboratory test results show that average vP and vS
merate, a Pliocene to Pleistocene age synorogenic coarse
values for saturated Bakhtiari Formation conglo-
grained mud-supported brown conglomerate. This rock
merates are 3,540 and 2,130 m/s, respectively.
unit has a maximum thickness of ~200 m in the study
area, and is formed of limestone, marly limestone and Engineering geological and rock mechanics investing-
radiolarite rock fragments in a clay cement. ations, field and laboratory test results and computations
indicated that the proposed QLT6 tunnel route can be
The geomechanical properties of the conglomerate at the
safely constructed within the weak Bakhtiari Formation
QLT6 tunnel site was characterized using field and
conglomerate. Prudence dictated a significant change in
laboratory engineering geological and rock mechanics
the final tunnel diameter choice, and a slight lateral
relocation to place the tunnel axis above the water table,
o Based on field geological observations the conglo- to avoid the weakness associated with the saturated rock.
meratic Bakhtiari Formation layers at the QLT1 site
are horizontal, without tectonic activity evidence
such as joints, folds and faults. REFERENCES
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merate at the QLT6 site can be classified as a Very classification of deep and ultra-deep Witwatersrand
mining areas, South Africa. Miner. Dep. 32: 335–348.
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