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Polyhedron 90 (2015) 41–46

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TD-DFT study of the electronic absorption spectra of iron(III)

 naitė a, Olegas Eicher-Lorka b,⇑
Erika Elijošiutė a, Dalia Janku
Department of Environmental Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, Radvilėnu˛ av. 19, LT-50254 Kaunas, Lithuania
Institute of Chemistry, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Goštauto 9, LT-01108 Vilnius, Lithuania

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The electronic structure of the iron(III) monoisothiocyanate complex has been studied using density
Received 13 November 2014 functional theory (DFT) calculations. Experimental and simulated electronic absorption spectra have
Accepted 31 January 2015 been analyzed. The electronic transitions have been identified by means of natural transition orbital
Available online 7 February 2015
(NTO) analysis. The effect of different solvation models (explicit and/or implicit water environment)
and position of SO24 ligand versus NCS ligand upon its geometry and electronic absorption spectrum
Keywords: has been evaluated. Obtained results show that TD-PBE1PBE//PBE1PBE calculation when [Fe(NCS)]2+
Iron(III) thiocyanate
complex is explicitly solvated with the SO24 ligand beside the NCS ligand is in the best agreement with
UV–Vis spectroscopy
the experimental [Fe(NCS)]2+ spectrum. NTO analysis indicates that the nature of transitions is mainly
DFT characterized as ligand-to-metal (LMCT) charge transfer, where NCS and SO24 ligands are the main ones
NTO responsible for the appeared absorbance peaks in the entire spectrum.
Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction studies combine experimental and theoretical (DFT) studies on

the structure of iron(III) complexes with various ligands [12,13].
In the resent studies thiocyanate-containing metal complexes The formation of iron(III) thiocyanate complexes can also be
are considered to be the most investigated systems because of characterized applying UV–Vis spectroscopic technique. Initial
their diverse structures and applications in the field of materials studies employing UV–Vis spectroscopy provided some data on
science [1]. Due to characteristic features of the iron(III)–thio- the formation of iron(III) thiocyanate complexes. It was concluded
cyanate complex, it is applicable to a range of quantitative analysis that in the excess of thiocyanate ion, the principal absorbing spe-
of lipid containing materials which are interesting for biomedicine, cies is [Fe(NCS)6]3 . In the excess of iron(III) ions the [Fe(NCS)]2+
food and industry [2]. Currently published papers refer to the complex is presented as the only absorbing species [7]. Additional-
application of iron(III)–thiocyanate system for the determination ly, the stability of formed [Fe(NCS)n]3-n (where n = 1–6) complexes
of pharmaceuticals [3,4]. Moreover, iron(III)–thiocyanate complex largely depends on the concentration of reacting component, solu-
plays an important role in the solvent extraction of gold from tion acidity and the presence of a non-aqueous solvent [14]. A red
thiocyanate solutions [5,6]. [Fe(NCS)]2+ complex is widely found in the aqueous solutions
According to van Staden et al. [7], the first investigation of the employed for the determination of chloride, iodine, mercury and
aspects of iron(III) thiocyanate complexation reaction appeared etc. ions in clinical, industrial and scientific laboratories [15,16].
in 1931. Later studies were mainly focused on the formation It should be emphasized that, despite the extensive experimental
kinetics and mechanisms of iron(III) thiocyanate complexes [8,9]. studies so far carried out for the [Fe(NCS)n]3 n complexes, the coor-
The formation equilibria of the pure iron(III) thiocyanate and the dination structure of Fe(III) ion in the iron(III) isothiocyanate com-
structure of the iron(III) thiocyanate having organic or inorganic plex has not yet been determined. Many factors such as: the nature
part were characterized by various techniques such as nuclear of central atom, steric factors, symbiosis of ‘hard and soft’ ligands
magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), extended X-Ray in the coordination sphere [17,18], solvent effects [19,20], metal
Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy [10,11]. Recent charge, and other coordinated ligands play an important role in
the coordination chemistry, especially when metal ion belongs to
the group of transition metal [17]. Recent study on the thermody-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +370 52729372. namics of Fenton reactions [21] has confirmed the introduction of
E-mail address: lorka@ktl.mii.lt (O. Eicher-Lorka). sulfate ligand SO24 into the first coordination sphere of iron(II) and

0277-5387/Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
42 E. Elijošiutė et al. / Polyhedron 90 (2015) 41–46

iron(III) aqua complexes in the aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid. Additionally, explicit solvation model was taken into account.
In this context, our recently published results [22] of combined Geometry optimization calculations with varied quantity (n = 1–4)
experimental and theoretical study on the molecular structure of explicitly added water molecules were performed. Our recently
and vibrational spectra of iron(III) monoisothiocyanate complex published results [22] showed that calculated Raman spectra
supplemented the findings of researches [21]. It was demonstrated correlates well with the experimental one when the energy mini-
that at the pH 2, the NCS , SO24 ions and H2O molecules are mized structure with explicitly added three H2O molecules was
found as ligands in the first coordination sphere of the Fe3+ ion. taken into account. In this context, the electronic spectra of energy
Therefore, the goal of this work was to perform a research on the minimized structure of Fe(III) monoisothiocyanate with explicitly
molecular structure and electronic excitations of iron(III) added three H2O molecules (Fig. 1) are further analyzed in this
monoisothiocyanate presented in the aqueous solution of sulfuric manuscript. The electronic spectra of Fe(III) monoisothiocyanate
acid by means of theoretical modeling and experimental UV–Vis complex were calculated with the B3LYP, CAM-B3LYP, PBE1PBE
spectroscopy. and PBEPBE [28] methods using TD-DFT approach on optimized
geometries. The virtual and occupied orbitals involved in the
electronic transitions were defined by the natural transition orbital
2. Experiment
(NTO) analysis [29]. For the visualization of electronic spectra the
Chemcraft graphical program was employed [30]. Spectroscopy
2.1. Reagents
data were processed and managed using the GRAMS/AI spec-
troscopy software [31].
All chemicals were of analytical-reagent grade, purchased from
Sigma Aldrich and used without further purification. Acidified dis-
tilled water was used as the solvent throughout the present study
3. Results and discussion
in order to avoid the hydrolysis of iron(III) salt.
3.1. Geometry optimization
2.2. Procedure
In order to determine the main features of the electronic
2.2.1. UV spectroscopic analysis absorption spectra of [Fe(NCS)]2+ complex in the acidic aqueous
The solution of [Fe(NCS)]2+ complex with the metal(III)–ligand solution as well as to assign the photoactive singlet excited states,
molar ratio of 1:1, in the level of 10 4 M, was prepared by mixing firstly the geometry optimization of complex using different solva-
the necessary volumes of the stock solutions of 0.5 M Fe2(SO4)3 and tion models (hypothetical cases) was performed. The explicitly (the
1 M KSCN. For the dilution of mixture to a known volume distilled water molecules are placed around the simulated solute molecule)
water was used. UV–Vis spectra of the sample were acquired on or explicitly–implicitly (the solvation effects are presented as
Lambda 35 UV spectrometer (PerkinElmer) in the range of 200– interaction between the solute and the solvent through a dielectric
700 nm using 1 cm quartz cuvette. The pH of the aqueous working continuum along with the placed around water molecules) added
solution was adjusted to 2 ± 0.1 by controlled addition of sulfuric water molecules in the first coordination shell were used.
acid. pH measurements were performed using the pH meter HI Moreover, the influence of SO24 and NCS ligand arrangement on
9321 (HANNA Instruments). the structural changes and final electronic spectrum of the
[Fe(NCS)]2+ complex was evaluated. The different positions of the
2.3. Quantum chemical calculations SO24 versus NCS ligand are shown in Fig. 1.
Selected bond lengths and angles of each energy minimized
All calculations were performed using the GAUSSIAN for Windows structure along with the values found in literature are listed in
03 (D.01) [23] and 09 (A.02) packages [24]. The geometry opti- the Table 1. All simulated complexes have the octahedral geome-
mization calculations were accomplished with the DFT method, try. Iron(III) ion is six-coordinated by one N atom of NCS ligand,
using the unrestricted B3LYP [25], CAM-B3LYP [26] and PBE1PBE two and three O atoms of SO24 and H2O ligands, respectively.
[27] functionals in the sextet high spin state (S = 5/2) [21]. For all Calculated Fe–N bond distances are shorter by 0.02–0.14 Å com-
atoms except the Fe, which was treated with pseudopotentials, pared with the experimental values listed in literature (Table 1).
the 6-31++G(d,p) basis set was used. The Stuttgart relativistic It should be noted that all values of experimentally determined
ECP 10MDF basis set for the Fe atom was applied. In order to eval- bond distances taken from literature are determined for the crystal
uate the solvent effect, some calculations were performed using structures mostly having an organic part. Nevertheless, it is clear
the polarizable continuum model (PCM), specifically integral that explicit-implicit solvation induces elongation of the bond
equation formalism (IEF) model, further referenced as IEFPCM. between Fe and N atoms compared with the explicitly solvated

Fig. 1. Energy-minimized structures of [Fe(NCS)]2+ complex using PBE1PBE method. (a) [Fe(NCS)]2+ explicitly solvated, with the SO24 ligand beside the NCS ligand, (b)
[Fe(NCS)]2+ explicitly solvated, with the SO24 ligand on the opposite of the NCS ligand.
E. Elijošiutė et al. / Polyhedron 90 (2015) 41–46 43

Table 1
Selected bond lengths (Å) and angles (°) for the [Fe(NCS)]2+ complex in different hypothetical cases using B3LYP, CAM-B3LYP, and PBE1PBE methods: 1 – [Fe(NCS)]2+ explicitly
solvated, with the SO24 ligand beside the NCS ligand, 2 – [Fe(NCS)]2+ explicitly-implicitly solvated, with the SO24 ligand beside the NCS ligand, 3 – [Fe(NCS)]2+ explicitly
solvated, with the SO24 ligand on the opposite of the NCS ligand, 4 – [Fe(NCS)]2+ explicitly-implicitly solvated, with the SO24 ligand on the opposite of the NCS ligand.

Complex Experimental
Explicit Explicit– Explicit Explicit– Explicit Explicit– Explicit Explicit– Explicit Explicit– Explicit Explicit–
implicit implicit implicit implicit implicit implicit
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Bond length (Å)
Fe–N 1.90 1.95 1.90 1.95 1.89 1.95 1.89 1.94 1.89 1.95 1.89 1.95 2.03 [32], *1.97 [33]
Fe–O(SO)4 1.98 2.05 2.01 2.05 1.97 2.01 1.99 2.05 1.97 2.03 1.99 2.03 1.94 [36], *2.01 [37]
* *
Fe–O(H2O) 2.22 2.14 2.19 2.13 2.18 2.12 2.15 2.14 2.19 2.12 2.16 2.11 2.01 [34], **2.27 [35]
N@C 1.20 1.19 1.20 1.19 1.19 1.18 1.19 1.18 1.20 1.19 1.20 1.19 1.15 [32], *1.17 [33]
C@S 1.59 1.61 1.59 1.61 1.59 1.61 1.59 1.61 1.59 1.61 1.58 1.60 1.63 [32], *1.62 [33]
Angles (°)
Fe–N@C 176.0 177.6 178.6 176.9 176.3 171.7 178.8 176.1 176.7 179.2 178.8 177.4 176.0 [32], *177.2 [33]
N@C@S 179.5 179.8 179.9 179.9 179.4 179.7 179.9 179.9 179.5 179.9 179.9 179.9 179.6 [32], *178.9 [33]
Average value.
Calculated value.

complex. Calculated length of Fe–O(SO4) and Fe–O(H2O) bonds of experimentally observed spectrum. As far as the visible region is
each optimized structure is in the range of experimentally identi- considered, the calculations using the TD-PBEPBE functional dis-
fied bond length given by other authors (Table 1). Comparing the played several intensive absorption bands. Furthermore, in the
calculated Fe–O bond distances it was observed that different higher wavelengths region (over 550 nm), the high intensity band
solvation models cause the opposite effect on the changes of appeared which was not characteristic for the experimental
Fe–O(SO4) and Fe–O(H2O) bonds. The Fe–O(SO4) bond becomes spectrum. Moreover, it was found that the effect of simultaneous
weaker when the explicit–implicit solvation is used, while the application of explicit and implicit solvation model does not meet
Fe–O(H2O) bond always experiences bond strengthening. The spectral features of the experimental spectrum. The calculated
tendency is the same for the N@C and C@S bonds. The explicit– maximum in the visible region of the simulated spectrum usually
implicit solvation slightly strengthens the N@C bond, while the was the most intensive peak in the entire spectrum and exhibited
C@S bond is slightly weakened. Calculated values of the N@C and the shift towards longer wavelengths region (red-shift) compared
C@S bond distances are close to the experimental (Table 1). More- with the experimental one. On the contrary, blue-shifted absorp-
over, it can be seen that the calculated Fe–N@C and N@C@S angles tion maximum was usually observed in the UV region. Based on
correlate well with the listed experimental values. Based on the the simulation data it was also found that the theoretical absorp-
results of calculation the Fe–NCS group is essentially linear. The tion spectra when the SO24 ligand is on the opposite site of the
Fe–N@C angle is in the range of 176.0–179.2°. The more linear NCS ligand did not correspond to the experimental. In most cases
structure is characteristic for the NCS group in all hypothetical the maximum of main absorption band in the visible region shifted
cases. The bond angles of N@C@S in each case also do not fluctuate to the longer wavelengths up to 70 nm. Besides, simulated spectra
markedly and is in the range of 179.4–179.9° (by all three B3LYP, with such ligand arrangement were not able to reproduce spectral
CAM-B3LYP, and PBE1PBE calculations). Generally, it can be stated features of the experimental spectrum in the region below
that the presence of the linear N@C@S group, strong bond between 280 nm. Based on these findings and omitting the results which
the N and C atoms, and weak bond between the C and S atoms engendered in quite big discrepancies, more detailed comparison
confirm the high-spin ground state of [Fe(NCS)]2+ complex [31]. between experimental and calculated electronic spectra when
Generally, it was found that neither used B3LYP, CAM-B3LYP, SO24 ligand is beside the NCS ligand with explicit solvation model
and PBE1PBE methods nor different SO24 ligand arrangement do was performed.
not have significant influence on bond distances. Only in the case The experimental UV spectrum together with TD-DFT calculat-
of Fe–N@C angle data some differences could be observed (Table 1). ed ones for the complex 1 are presented in the Figs. 2–4.
Comparing the changes of bond distances between the central Fe Experimental spectrum gave one absorption band in the visible
atom and the surrounding O(SO4), O(H2O) and N atoms of each region with the maximum at 453 nm (Fig. 2). The absorption band
hypothetical case, it can be seen that the molecule is more compact of much higher intensity was observed in the near UV part with the
when the SO24 ligand is beside the NCS ligand, especially using peak maximum at 301 nm (Fig. 2). Additionally, experimental
only explicit solvation model. spectrum presents an intense band with the shoulder in the region
of the spectrum extending from 210 nm to 270 nm with the
3.2. Electronic spectra approximate maximum at 216 nm. Comparing all TD-DFT simulat-
ed and experimental absorption spectra (Figs. 2–4), it is clear that
In this study the performance of the different classes of func- regardless of the method used for the geometry optimization, the
tionals on the calculation of the UV–Vis spectra along with differ- TD-B3LYP functional performed the worst agreement with the
ent DFT methods used for the geometry optimization was experimental spectrum.
evaluated. Moreover, the effect of different solvation models and One can see that the absorption maximum in the visible part is
different ligand arrangement on the final electronic spectrum quite red-shifted with the deviation from the experimental
was also considered. maximum of about 25–40 nm (Fig. 2). Moreover, this absorption
The results of performed calculations revealed that TD-PBEPBE band tends to have a double-peak character with the second peak
approach applied on the optimizations using B3LYP, CAM-B3LYP, maximum in the range of 490–530 nm, which is not characteristic
and PBE1PBE methods was in the worst agreement with the neither for experimental spectrum nor for the TD-CAM-B3LYP and
44 E. Elijošiutė et al. / Polyhedron 90 (2015) 41–46

TD-PBE1PBE simulated spectra. If we analyze the UV part of the

spectrum, we can see that this part also does not match with the
experimental absorption spectrum. The simulated absorption
spectrum using TD-CAM-B3LYP approach on all three optimized
structures experiences a less pronounced deviation (in the range
of 15–25 nm) from the experimental maximum in visible region
compared with TD-B3LYP (Fig. 3). Unlike the apparent red-shift
in the visible part, caused by the used TD-B3LYP functional,
the blue-shift using the TD-CAM-B3LYP was always identified in
the calculated spectra. Analyzing the UV region, we can see that
the TD-CAM-B3LYP functional gives absorption bands with a
general shape and tendency that are in a reasonable agreement
with the experimental spectrum. Actually, the third TD-PBE1PBE
functional used for all analyzed DFT methods was in the best
agreement with the experimentally obtained spectrum, even if
the reproduction of the band shape and intensities was not ideal
(Fig. 4). The deviation is 1 nm and 10 nm for PBE1PBE and B3LYP,
Fig. 2. The TD-B3LYP calculated absorption spectrum of explicitly solvated respectively, and no deviation was observed for CAM-B3LYP com-
[Fe(NCS)]2+, with the SO24 ligand beside the NCS ligand, using different DFT pared with the experimental maximum at 453 nm. It was noticed
methods on geometry optimizations. The inset shows magnified view of
that all TD-DFT computed absorption spectra (Figs. 2–4) have
experimental band in the visible region.
relatively higher intensity at the longer wavelengths (low-energy)
and relatively lower intensity at the shorter wavelengths
(high-energy). That is opposite to the experimentally observed
spectral features. Simulated electronic spectra show blue-shifted
maximum in the range of 260–280 nm compared with the peak
of 301 nm in the experimental spectrum. Nevertheless, the
characteristic spectral feature of experimental spectrum in the
200–230 nm could be identified in each TD-PBE1PBE calculated
spectra (Fig. 4). It is interesting to note that although it was found
that explicit-implicit solvation model failed to reproduce the
absorption in the visible part and UV part lower than 280 nm, it
was able reproduce correctly the large and intense experimental
band at the 301 nm. In this respect, the valuable information was
obtained from the excited state analysis. It was found out that
the main electronic transition at about 300 nm using explicit-
implicit solvation model corresponded to the water-to-metal
charge transfer. It could be assumed that this transition is sensitive
to the implicit solvation environment and as a consequence a good
compliance with experimentally observed band was obtained.
Fig. 3. The TD-CAM-B3LYP calculated absorption spectrum of explicitly solvated
Generally, results obtained in our study show that the choice of
[Fe(NCS)]2+, with the SO24 ligand beside the NCS ligand, using different DFT
methods on geometry optimizations. The inset shows magnified view of the functional used for TD-DFT calculations is much more impor-
experimental band in the visible region. tant than the choice of the method used for the geometry opti-
mization. The PBE1PBE and CAM-B3LYP methods used for
geometry optimization gave very similar absorption spectra, while
slightly different spectral tendencies using B3LYP were observed
(Figs. 2–4).

3.3. Analysis of excited states

Transition metal chemistry often involves open-shell systems

and excited states. Electronically excited states are of key impor-
tance for the photochemistry and for a variety of optical materials
applied in the development of new technologies. Hence, the
TD-DFT theory emerges as one of the most practical tools that
can be used to predict the electronic properties of transition metal
complexes. In order to demonstrate the role of different ligand in
the complex, the NTO analysis is a convenient method. This
method offers the most compact representation of the transition
density between the ground state and the excited state of the orbi-
tal involved in the transition. Moreover, the nature of transitions
that can be classified as ligand-to-metal (LMCT), ligand-to-ligand
(LLCT), or metal-to-ligand (MLCT) charge transfer is defined by
means of NTO.
Fig. 4. TD-PBE1PBE calculated absorption spectrum of explicitly solvated
[Fe(NCS)]2+, with the SO24 ligand beside the NCS ligand, using different DFT
Here we present the nature of the excited states obtained from
methods on geometry optimizations. The inset shows magnified view of TD-PBE1PBE calculation using PBE1PBE level of theory since the
experimental band in the visible region. latter functionals showed a good overall compliance, compared
E. Elijošiutė et al. / Polyhedron 90 (2015) 41–46 45

with the experimental [Fe(NCS)]2+ spectrum. The wavelengths, electron donor group (Fig. 5). However, due to the participation
singlet states, and molecular orbital (MO) interactions of the most of a small number of occupied MOs, at the same time the contribu-
important vertical transitions in terms of oscillator strength tion of the SO24 ligand based LMCT transition was identified.
(greater than 0.01) are listed in the Table 2. The classification in Unlike the transition 6, the second excitation transition in the
terms of transition character was based on the composition of visible region (transition 7) involves lower-energy occupied MOs
the occupied and virtual MOs of the dominant excitation (accord- which are mainly centered on the SO24 ligand (Fig. 5). Based on
ing to the transition coefficients) of the excited state considered for the results of NTO analysis it is clear that the electron donors are
the [Fe(NCS)]2+ complex. Some characteristic CTs (charge transfer) either three or four O atoms. Nevertheless, a small contribution
are visually shown in Fig. 5. By analyzing the main electronic from occupied MOs of the NCS ligand was also identified. It can
transitions summarized in Table 2, it was noticed that the visible be assumed that both NCS and SO24 ligands are the main ones
part of the spectrum refers to the two LMCT. Obtained transition responsible for the occurrence of absorbance peak in the visible
coefficients for HOMOs (highest occupied molecular orbitals) of part. Based on our results, all low-lying transitions in the near
the transition 6 indicate an extremely important role of the NCS UV region (200–380 nm) were still characterized as LMCT. It was
ligand where isothiocyanate definitively acts as the principal observed that at the intersection point of visible and near UV

Table 2
Main electronic transition of the benchmark [Fe(NCS)]2+ complex calculated with TD-PBE1PBE//PBE1PBE.

Transition MO interaction* Transition type Wavelength (nm) Oscillator strength (f )

6 HOMO?LUMO LMCT 455 0.1857
7 HOMO-2?LUMO LMCT 444 0.0623
17 HOMO-1?LUMO+4 LMCT 372 0.0215
18 HOMO?LUMO+4 LMCT 368 0.0143
27 HOMO-5?LUMO+2 LMCT 270 0.0279
28 HOMO-5?LUMO+2 LMCT 268 0.0168
32 HOMO-7?LUMO+1 LMCT 252 0.0719
34 HOMO-8?LUMO LMCT 248 0.0338
39 HOMO-5?LUMO+3 LMCT 237 0.0144
41 HOMO-5?LUMO+3 LMCT 232 0.0160
56 HOMO-10?LUMO+1 LMCT 212 0.0205
58 HOMO-1?LUMO+6 LLCT 210 0.0268
66 HOMO-13?LUMO LMCT 202 0.0113
68 HOMO?LUMO+8 LLCT 201 0.0221
71 HOMO-11?LUMO+2 LMCT 200 0.0238
According to the highest transition coefficient.

Fig. 5. The TD-PBE1PBE/PBE1PBE calculated singlet electron transition (illustrations) for selected transitions.
46 E. Elijošiutė et al. / Polyhedron 90 (2015) 41–46

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NCS-based MO, to the empty MOs of the H2O ligand. Petersson, H. Nakatsuji, M. Hada, M. Ehara, K. Toyota, R. Fukada, J. Hasegawa,
Generally, the excited state analysis allowed us to determine M. Ishida, T. Nakajima, Y. Honda, O. Kitao, H. Nakai, M. Klene, X. Li, J.E. Know,
that both NCS and SO24 ligands are the most active substituents H.P. Hratchian, J.B. Cross, C. Adamo, J. Jaramillo, R. Gomperts, R.E. Stratmann,
O. Yazyev, A.J. Austin, R. Cammi, C. Pomelli, J.W. Ochterski, P.Y. Ayala, K.
governing spectral properties of the aqueous [Fe(NCS)]2+ complex. Morokuma, G.A. Voth, P. Salvador, J.J. Dannenburg, V.G. Zakrzewski, S.
Dapprich, A.D. Daniels, M.C. Strain, O. Farkas, D.K. Malick, A.D. Rabuck, K.
Raghavachari, J.B. Foresman, J.V. Ortiz, A. Liashenko, P. Piskorz, I. Komaromi,
4. Conclusions
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G. Scalmani, V. Barone, B. Mennucci, G.A. Petersson, H. Nakatsuji, M. Caricato,
tions. The influence of methods and functionals used on the X. Li, H.P. Hratchian, A.F. Izmaylov, J. Bloino, G. Zheng, J.L. Sonnenberg, M.
geometry optimizations and electronic spectra calculations of the Hada, M. Ehara, K. Toyota, R. Fukuda, J. Hasegawa, M. Ishida, T. Nakajima, Y.
[Fe(NCS)]2+ complex, respectively, was investigated. Additionally, Honda, O. Kitao, H. Nakai, T. Vreven, J.A. Montgomery Jr., J.E. Peralta, F. Ogliaro,
M. Bearpark, J.J. Heyd, E. Brothers, K.N. Kudin, V.N. Staroverov, R. Kobayashi, J.
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Pomelli, J.W. Ochterski, R.L. Martin, K. Morokuma, V.G. Zakrzewski, G.A. Voth,
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Dr. Juozas Šulskus is acknowledged for the theoretical calcula-
tions using CAM-B3LYP method.

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