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The communication process take place between humans or machines in both verbal or non-

verbal way. This is a relatively new model of communication for new technologies like web.

Field of Experience: Field of experience is the experience and knowledge that the source
possess which affects the message formation and interpretation. For example, the source’s
culture, social behavior, etc.

Concepts of Interactive Model

In Interactive model, whenever a source sends a message to a receiver (source), he/she
encodes the message first. The encoded message is then received by the receiver where it
is decoded to get the original information. Again, the receiver acts as a source, encodes
another message (also knows as a feedback) and sends it back to the sender.
The message formation of both sources are affected by their “field of experience”. Field of
Experience is a communication pattern alteration factor like culture, social, psychology,
situation and channels used. Overlapping field of experiences initiates conversation and
conversation, in turn, expands the communicator’s field of experience. All these factors also
affect the message interpretation.

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