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Kr SS f =A oy iy .MAN.2016.00. Tavs Issue Dates 1 August 25, 2016 QUALITY MANUAL, Approved by: Robert Nopfar VjLeyretana, CESO IL O1G/ Admilfistrator / Quality Management Kepresentative (QMR) LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY. Quality Manual 180 90012008 Ms Tasue Date: 1 August 25, 2016 Deputy Administrator / Quality Management Reprosentative(QUR) od Rapresnalaet (Quer) Table of Contents 1, INTRODUCTION. 1 PURPOSE OF THIS QUALITY MANUAL... I. LRA PROFILE... IL.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE IL2 LRA MANDATE.. 113 VISION. 1.4 MISSION, 11.5 OUR POLICY FOR QUALITY. IIL. LRA QMG........ Ps ices 10) ML1.1 SCOPE OF THE : aus. 111.2 LRA’s QMS PROCESS MAP... 111.2 MANAGEMENT PROCESSES. TI.2.1 STRATEGIC PLANNING. IIL.2.2 MANAGEMENT REVIEW 11.2.3 INTERNAL AUDIT... 11.2.4 IMPROVEMENT MANAGEMENT... a CONTROL OF NONCONFORMING PRODUCT/SERVICES .. 1112.42 CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ACTION... 1.2.5 FEEDBACK MANAGEMENT... CUSTOMER FEEDBACK... I1L.2.5.2 INTERNAL FEEDBACK. 11.3 CORE PROCESSES Page 2 of 36 Dacimont Code LRAC LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY — gy. Subject Expand aniroenetll Ronald A. Ortile, CESO IT Deputy Administrator / Quality Management Representative(QMR) IIL3 CORE PROCESSES TIL3.1 ORIGINAL REGISTRATION (Ordinary and Cadastral Land Registration Proceedings) r 1113.11 DOCKETING OF APPLICATION AND PUBLICATION OF NOTICB 00.0000 OF INITIAL HEARING. VERIFICATION OF STATUS AND PROJECTION OF THE ws. a SUBJECT LOT. es bs a Ww PLAN EXAMINATION... IIL3,1.1.4 AUTHENTICATICATION OF DECISION AND COURT ORDERS... 18 IIL. PREPARATION OF DECREE OF REGISTRATION ANI ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE... TRANSMITTAL OF DECREE OF REGISTRATION AND ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE TO THE REGISTRY OF DEEDS CONCERNED FOR REGISTRATION... . IIl.3.2 SUBSEQUENT REGISTRATION... ENTRY OF TRANSACTIONS. 19 PAYMENT OF FEES. IIL8.2.8 ENCODING OF TRANSACTIONS. ..sorcosonsese - 19 TIL.8.2.4 EXAMINATION OF TRANSACTIONS APPROVALIDENIAL OF TRANSACTIONS ... 11L3.2.6 SCANNING AND UPLOADING OF DOCUMENTS.. PRINTING OF TRANSACTIONS... I11.3.2.8 RELEASING OF TRANSACTIONS. z 20 113.3 ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATION, CERTIFIED TRUE COPY AND.. VERIFICATION (CY)... 11L.3.3.1 ISSUANCE OF CCV AT REGISTRY OF DEEDS AND CENTRAL OFFICE... 21 11.3.4. REGISTRATION OF CHATTEL MORTGAGES / RECORDING OF UNREGISTERED LAND / REGISTRATION OF PERSONAL PROPERTIE’ Page 8 of 36 Document Code w ; } LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY =e August 25, 2016 | Subject? QUALITY MANUAL Prepared and reviewed by 7 Approved by: Ronald) ile, CBSO TI | Robert Ne ‘Leyretana, CESO IT Deputy Adminisfrator / Quality Management | on istrator / Quality Representative(QMR) Man: epresentative (QMR) I11.8.4.1 ENTRY OF TRANSACTIONS . TIL. 3.4.2 PAYMENT OF TRANSACTIONS ..0.-0rsrrnso 22 IIL. 8.4.8 ENCODING OF TRANSACTIONS... I11.3.4.4 EXAMINATION OF TRANSACTIONS. I11.3.4.5 APPROVAL/DENIAL OF TRANSACTIONS... IIL. 3.4.6 SCANNING AND UPLOADING OF DOCUMENTS: 23 RELEASING OF TRANSACTIONS. IIL3.5 SUBDIVISION PLAN APPROVAL. ENTRY OF TRANSACTIONS... PAYMENT OF FEES, SCANNING, UPLOADING AND ENCODING PLOTTING AND EXAMINATION, 11L.3.5.5 APPROVAL OF PLANS IIL3.5.6 PREPARATION AND PRINTING OF TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 24 I11.8.5.7 RELEASING OF APPROVED PLANS AND TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION......24 11.3.6 RECONSTITUTION OF TITLE 25 IIL.3.6.1 ENTRY OF PETITION...... PLOTTING AND EXAMINATION, = SUBMISSION OF REPORT AND ORDER...... IIl.4 SUPPORT PROCESSES .. I1I.4.1 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ....1c.soosesscsnsonen eS II14.1.1 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION AND RECRUITMENT, I11.4.1.2 MANAGEMENT OF COMPENSATION AND PERSONNEL BENEFITS 26 I11.4.1.8 PERSONNEL COMPETENCE DEVELOPME! s I11.4.2 INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION MANAGEMENT c.co0nnss28 111.42. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY...... MANAGEMENT. Page 4 of 36 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY Document Code™ am JMS.MAN.2016.00. Tesue Dato: rT August 25, 2016 Deputy Adminjstrator / Quality Management Representative(QMR) I1.4.2.2 QMS DOCUMENT CONTROL AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT. 11.4.3 LEGAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT... 11.4.4 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. I14.5 INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT BUILDING AND FACILITIES ADMINISTRATION. INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE. TRANSPORTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE. IIL.4.6 SUPPLIES MANAGEMENT ... 111.4.6,1 PROCUREMENT/PURCHASING 1114.62 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT / DISPOSAL I1.4.7 OUTSOURCED SERVICES MANAGEMENT II.47.1 LAND REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. (LARES). JANITORIAL AND SECURITY SERVICES... FORWARDING SERVICES... Page 5 of 36 Document Code? MS.MAN.201¢ LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY Tasua Date? Subject: August 25, 2016 | Representative(QMR) L INTRODUCTION This Quality Manual sets out the Land Registration Authority's (LRA) policy and. directions to ensure that our services meet both the specified client requirements and our mandates in a consistent, economical and reliable manner. Moreover, this Quality Manual defines the manner in which LRA implements a Quality Management System (QMS) that satisfies the requirements of the internationally recognized ISO 9001 Standard (ISO 9001) and provides an important documentary guide to the system as a whole. Maintenance of this Quality Manual is the responsibility of LRA’s Quality Management Representatives (QMRs). 1.1 PURPOSE OF THIS QUALITY MANUAL ‘This Quality Manual, together with such other relevant QMS documents, shall have the following purposes: * To lay down the policies, define the procedures and processes that would demonstrate the LRA’s ability to deliver quality service to its clients, in conformity with the requirements of the applicable laws, rules and regulations: and * Toserve as a reference in its implementation and continual improvement in the evel of service to its client. IL LRA PROFILE In 1903, the LRA, as it is known today, was established by virtue of Act 496, otherwise known as the Land Registration Law enacted in November 6, 1902, creating the Court of Land Registration (CLR). It adopted the Torrens System of Titles which actually took effect on February 1, 1903. A subsequent law, Act 2347, enacted in July 1, 1914, transferred the power of the CLR to the General Land Registration Office (GLRO). In June 17, 1954, Republic Page 6 of 36 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY Ronald/A. Deputy Administrator / Quality Management Representative(QMR) Act 1151 was passed creating the Land Registration Commission (LRO), which brought the office under the executive jurisdiction of the Department of Ju (os). In 1981, Executive Order 649 (February 9, 1981) was issued changing the nomenclature of the office to National and Titles & Deeds Registration Administration (NALTDRA), under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice. Under the revolutionary power of then President Corazon C. Aquino, Executive Order 292, otherwise known as the Administrative Code of 1987, the agency's name was again changed to what is now known as the LRA. While at its inception, the agency is part of the judicial branch of the government, it has later evolved into being part of the executive branch; thus, it has been in the mainstream of the country’s justice system. It is headed by an Administrator and two Deputy Administrators. LRA has a central office and operates nationwide through its Registry of Deeds offices located all over the Philippines, each of which is headed by a Registrar of Deeds. Page 7 of 36 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY Subject QUALITY MANUAL Prepared and reviewed Py? —~ + Approved ly? ‘A‘Ortile, CESO II Robert Nomg¢ Vile Deputy Admisistrator / Quality Management Aédmifi yrosentative(QMR) Managoyhent 11.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 11.2 LRA MANDATE ‘The LRA exists for the sole purpose of implementing and protecting the Torrens system of land titling and registration, as well as registration of transactions involving personal properties. Through its Registry Offices, it constitutes as the central repository of all land records involving vegistered or titled lands as well as Page 8 of 36 QUALITY MANUAI, | Prepared and reviewed by} il Approved by: Ronald A. Ottile, CESO II Robert Ne -yretana, CESO II Deputy A jerator / Quality Management OIC Administrator / Quality Representative(QMR) Management Representative (QMR) registered transactions involving unregistered or untitled lands. It issues decrees of registration pursuant to final judgment of the courts in land registration proceedings and cause the issuance by a registrar of deeds the corresponding certificate of title. It is tasked to issue all subsequent or transfer certificates of title. It keeps the title history or records of transaction involving titled or registered lands. It provides legal and technical assistance to the courts relative to land registration cases, and to other government agencies with respect to registration of administratively issued titles. It likewise extends assistance to DAR in the implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). 11.3 VISION ALRA that ist * An independent corporate body exercising quasi-judicial funetions using automated systems and modern facilities: + An effectively managed organization responsive to the needs of its clients and its personnel; and « An entity conscious of its role to promote and attain the full trust and confidence of the public in the Torrens System and the titles, documents and other public records kept in its official custody. 11.4 MISSION ‘The LRA is mandated to issue decrees of registration and certificates of titles and register documents, patents and other land transactions for the benefit of landowners, agrarian reform-beneficiaries and the registering public in general; to provide a secure, stable and trustworthy record of land ownership and registered interests therein so as to promote social and economic well-being and contribute to national development. To achieve this mission, the LRA is committed to effectively implement the laws and regulations relative to the registration of land titles and deeds: to maintain and foster greater public trust and confidence in the Torrens System through honest, prompt and efficient service, and to preserve and maintain the integrity of land records: to provide vital, accurate and timely land-related information as well as to provide convenient working conditions and adequate incentives to all LRA personnel. Page 9 of 36 fein | | naa Crt LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY |, 224! vsmaXigoie 001 / | 1 ee 2016 QUALITY MANUAL, Approved by: “ Ortile, CESO TL Robert Nom; tana, CESO TI istrator / Quality Management ore trator / Quality ToplesontatiotQui Management Representative (QMR) IL.5 OUR POLICY FOR QUALITY We are committed to provide fast, reliable and accessible property registration services through the use of information and communication technology, thus, fostering the public's trust and confidence in the country’s Torrens system: promoting social and economic well-being of the citizenry and contributing to national development. To achieve this, we shall: * Keep abreast of the changing needs of the transacting public through open and interactive engagement with all our stakeholders: * Effectively implement the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements in property registration services: * Continue to enhance the effectiveness of our system through regular review of operations and processes against the established performance indicators: * Select highly qualified and competent personnel and empower them through continuous training and development programs, thus, optimizing the potential of each personnel to attain the organizational objectives: and + Maintain a proactive and collaborative partnership with service providers to enhance the delivery of quality public service Il. LRA QMS IIL.1.1 SCOPE OF THE QMS LRA QMS applies to all operations and processes required to deliver property registration services in the Central Office and in the Registries of Deeds. The scope covers the management, core and support processes of the LRA and its Registries of Deeds as indicated in the Process Map. LRA’s QMS satisfies the full range of requirements specified by ISO 9001 Standard. Page 10 of 86 Document =e MAN: ie Tey 2 20 2016 | LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY Subject : QUALITY MANUAL , _/ Prepared and reviewed by “Approved by: Ronald A. Ortile, CESO II Robert Noma: Deputy Admirlistrator / Quality Management OIC- Ay spresentative(QMR) Manage! TIL1.2 LRA’s QMS PROCESS MAP [EE Ee Or Verfenven/ ) Cotanamital gf beeree/oet_) Docketing =r [reoercon st Dsre/0ct_] Pistenise | Teach emis! raceog Eo mre L_Fseg Se tmimens | __Approvel_ eet _uploraing Uptording. = hy reomcuoccrcuce [irises Bar inal ere Page 11 of 36 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY -q,@NS-MN 1 August 25, 2016 QUALITY MANUAL, ‘Approved by? fr V,leyretana, CESO IL iMtstrator /Quality Representative(QMR) Managment Representative (QMR) II.2 MANAGEMENT PROCESSES The management processes constitute Strategic Planning, Performance Review Internal Audit, Improvement Management and Feedback Management. IIL2.1 STRATEGIC PLANNING ‘The LRA conducts annual strategic planning to serve as the venue for assessing the overall agency performance for the previous fiscal year, where strategic thrusts are defined, commitments are obtained, resource requirements are determined, and objectives and targets for the current and succeeding fiscal year are set at appropriate levels, During the strategic planning activity, the Work and Financial Plan (WFP) for the succeeding year will be determined, while the implementation plan/strategies on how to achieve the targets set in the Office Performance Commitment (OPC) for the current year shall be reviewed and finalized. Thereafter, the corresponding policy instructions shall be issued to all concerned units to achieve the WFP and the OPC targets. References: DOJ Circulars on Planning, Programming and Budgeting System DBM Circulars on Annual Budget Call GAA previous Fiscal Year NEP for current Fiscal Year COA Rules and Regulations Annual Accomplishments Report Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Guidelines 1.2.2 MANAGEMENT REVIEW Periodic review of the QMS is an essential part of our approach to continual improvement of its effectiveness and efficiency with the objective of enhancing client's total satisfaction. Page 12 of 36 Coser) a 4) eet RAQMS MAN.20 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY | goo yesepnses st August 25, 2016 . ‘Subject: / QUALITY MANUAL Prepared and revrRwed zi Ronald A. Ortile, CESO II Deputy Admin{strator / Quality Management epresentative(QMR) Review of the QMS’ suitability, adequacy and effectiveness are carried out during the quarterly Management Review (ManCom) meeting. This method evaluates the need for changes to our QMS including the Quality Poliey, targets as well as the assessment of improvement opportunities based on the review and analysis of performance trends. Effective reviews require the collation of meaningful performance data — performance of programs, services, processes and personnel that would allow a factual based decision making. The reviews include information on: ‘+ Results of internal and external audits * Customer feedback Review of the office performance through Office Performance Commitment Review (OPCR) Status of targets and measures Status of corrective and preventive actions Follow-up actions on previous reviews Changes that could affect the QMS Recommendations for improvement At the end of the Management Review (ManCom) meeting, the management shall issue the pertinent instructions to address, within a reasonable period of time, whatever issues and concerns that have been identified. References: Management Review minutes of the meeting Notice of Meeting LRA Circular 03-2016 — Procedures and Guidelines on the Conduet of Management Review 11.2.3 INTERNAL AUDIT ‘The Internal Audit Team is primarily tasked to ensure that the LRA QMS meets the quality policies and objectives set by the agency as well as the requirements mandated by the ISO 9001. In performing this function, the Internal Audit Team shall: Page 18 of 86 (es aig a) ‘Document Code® Arne, = LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY _itagnis man 26idor 7 1 August 25, 2016 Subject , CESO II istrator / Quality Management ipjstrator /Quality spresentative(QMR) ent Representative (QUR) | + Prepare the Annual QMS Audit Plan, setting out the internal quality audit schedule for a twelve (12) month period: * Conduct the internal quality audit of the core, support and management processes of the agency in accordance with the QMS Audit Plani * Prepare, deliberate and report to the top management of the ageney its audit findings during ManCom meeting: + Regularly monitor and verify the implementation of all corrective actions for nonconformities raised during the audit, and report the results thereof during the ManCom meeting. References: Internal Audit Procedure 11.2.4 IMPROVEMENT MANAGEMENT IIL.2.4,1 CONTROL OF NONCONFORMING PRODUCTYSERVICES In the event that nonconforming products/services are delivered by LRA to its clients, controls are established to ensure that these are addressed and resolved in time. Such controls inelude, but are not limited tot ‘Type of ProductiServiee ‘Non-Conformity Controls Decrees of « Error (clerical and | Incident registration/Certificates of | system) Reporting/Resolution Title ‘+ Lostidamaged © Request for System titles (vault copy) Update (RSU) Petition for reconstitution Gudicial or administrative) Registered Deeds + Error (lericaland |* Incident system) Reporting/Resolution + Lostidamaged + Request for System deeds Update (RSU) ‘+ Request for Certified ‘True Copy (CTO) Page 14 of 36 T | LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY | Sujet? QUALITY MANUAL Approved by! Robert Nomar. trator / Quality Management OIC — Adininisttator/ Quality Managemgnt Representative (QMR) Referenees: LRA Circular No. 51-2013 ( Request for System Update) PD 1529/ RA No. 26 as amended by RA No. 6732 LRC Circular No, 35 — Judicial Reconstitution LRA Circular No, 35 — Administrative Reconstitution I11.2.4.2 CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ACTION, ‘The LRA’s QMS aims to provide processes that will ensure the prevention and correction of occurrence and/or recurrence of noneonformities by eliminating the causes thereof. References: LRA Circular No. 51-2013 (Request for System Update) LRA Circular No, 52-2013 (Special Instruction) LRA Cireular No, 53-2013 ( Work Order) R.A. No. 26, as amended by RA No. 6732 Section 107, 108 and 109 of PD 1529 (Property Registration Decree) Nonconformance, Corrective / Preventive Action Procedure IIL2.5 FEEDBACK MANAGEMENT II.2.5.1 CUSTOMER FEEDBACK Our agency shall constantly monitor the needs and expectations of our stakeholders. In so doing, we commit ourselves to consider the valid concerns of stakeholders in the crafting of our strategic plans and objectives and thus, effectively enhance the delivery of our services. ‘The methods for capturing our customers’ needs and expectations, concerns and perceptions on whether we have fulfilled and satisfied their requirements are done in various ways, to wit: © Walk-in queries * Phone/Mobile Call queries. Electronic Communication Page 15 of 36 Document Code LRAQMS.MAN.2016:085 =" | LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY gg) passe Das | ae August 25,2016 | ] Subject | 1 QUALITY MANUAL Prepared and rove Ronald A. Ortile, CESO II Robert Nom: Deputy Adminigtrator / Quality Management orc Representative(QMR) Man: (ont Representative (QMR) | Postal Mail (private/public) Suggestion Box/PACD Logbook Feedback form/Survey form ARTA Reports, ‘Commendations/Compliments Customer concerns and/or complaints may be resolved by the PACD-RD and LRA- CSC Bilis Aksyon Partner or endorsed to the concerned office for appropriate action. References: OSC Rules and Regulations ARTA Law Guidelines on Feedback Collection LRA Cireular 31-2007 — Dissemination of Client Feedback Forms Corrective / Preventive Action Procedure I1L.2.5.2 INTERNAL FEEDBACK Internal feedback is ensured through various meetings at respective departments and RD's. In addition, information is transmitted directly on notice boards, email, voice over internet protocol (VOIP), etc. Other vital channels include: + Requests for correction, corrective and preventive actions on identified or anticipated nonconformities + Review of each process performance against its targets Planning and development of service processes Management review to draw up decisions and actions to improve services, processes and identify needed resources Results of QMS audits, monitoring and measurement of processes, and services Feedback Tools Phone/Mobile Call Electronic Communication Postal Mail (private/public) Completion of job accomplishment reports/OPCR/IPOR/SPMS ARTA Reports Commendations/Compliments Page 16 of 36 Docient Cade? LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY | LRAQMS.MAN.2016: 1 ‘August 25, 2016 QUALITY MANUAL, capella : , CESO IL Robert Nomay tana, CESO II Deputy Administrator / Quality Management Orc -. strator / Quality Representative(QMR) Management Representative (QMR) References? Minutes of Meetings SPMS ARTA Survey Guidelines on Internal Feedback Management IIL8 CORE PROCESSES ‘The following constitute our Agency's core processes? UL3.1 ORIGINAL REGISTRATION (Ordinary and Cadastral Land Registration Proceedings) IIL8.1.1 DOCKETING OF APPLICATION AND PUBLICATION OF NOTICE, OF INITIAL HEARING Upon receipt of application from the court, the same shall be docketed and the Notice of its Initial Hearing shalll be caused to be published in the Official Gazette, IIL3.1.1.2 VERIFICATION OF STATUS AND PROJECTION OF THE SUBJECT LOT ‘The subject lot contained in the expediente shall then be subjected for verification to determine whether it has been subject of a previous ordinary / cadastral registration proceedings. Thereafter, the lot shall be referred to the pertinent unit for projection / plotting of the plan in the Municipal Index Map to determine whether or not it overlaps with any decreed / titled properties. TIL3.1.1.3 PLAN EXAMINATION The subject expediente is then referred to the land registration examiner for the examination of the original survey plan to determine its correctness and the technical description of the subject lot and whether it conforms with the adjoining decreed lots and those still pending registration proceedings. Page 17 of 36 SS LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY Tasute Date: August 25, 2016 rl Document Code? on ei .20) ee 1 Subject ye Approved by: LE Robert Nomar. Léyretana, CESO I istrator / Quality Management OIC— Adminigtbator / Quality Managemént tative (QMR) Thereafter, a Preliminary Report shall be submitted to the Court, and in some eases, require other relevant government agencies to issue certification status whether or not the Lot/Survey Plan sought to be registered is covered by any kind of public land application or patent, or is a portion of, or identical to any approved isolated survey and is within the area classified as alienable and disposable land. 11L. AUTHENTICATICATION OF DECISION AND COURT ORDERS. The Decision and the Order for Issuance of Decree of Registration received from the Court shall then undergo authentication process. I1L. PREPARATION OF DECREE OF REGISTRATION AND ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE The LRA Administrator shall then cause the preparation of the Decree of Registration and the Original Certificate of Title including the Owner’s Duplicate Copy thereof, for his final approval. A copy of the signed Decree of Registration shall be filed in the LRA Central Office. TRANSMITTAL OF DECREE OF REGISTRATION AND ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE TO THE REGISTRY OF DEEDS CONCERNED FOR REGISTRATION ‘The final copy of the decree of registration and the Original Certificate of Title including the Owner's Duplicate Copy thereof, shall then be transmitted to the Registry of Deeds concerned, which shall enter the same in its Registration Book with assigned Title number. References: PD 1529, otherwise known as (‘The Property Registration Decree”) Act. 2259 (Cadastral Registration Act) LRA Circular No. 51-A Implementing Guidelines on Electronic Registration of Land Titles and Deeds and Processing of Central Office ‘Transactions Page 18 of 36 | LRaQMS MAN.2016% LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY | g,,-BAQMS.MAM! 1 August 25, 2016 Subject: Managenfont Representative (QMR) 11.3.2 SUBSEQUENT REGISTRATION ‘The activities for subsequent registration are performed by the Register of Deeds concerned, involving the following processes: ENTRY OF TRANSACTIONS ‘The documents / instruments subject of the transaction, together with the surrender of the Owner's Duplicate Copy of the subject title (in case of voluntary transactions) shall first be entered in the Electronic Primary Entry Book (EPEB), which shall be given the corresponding EPEB number. PAYMENT OF FEES ‘The proper registration fees /IT fees shall then be paid to the Cashier. II1.3.2.3 ENCODING OF TRANSACTIONS ‘The appropriate annotations, and the details of the new title (if the transaction requires issuance of new title), shall then be encoded. NOTE: All subsequent transactions that require Central Office intervention (Le Subdivision transactions, Reconstitution of Title) shall then be electronically transmitted to the Central Office for plotting and verification back to the RD concerned for the continuation of the transaction. II1.3.2.4 EXAMINATION OF TRANSACTIONS ‘The entered documents and the encoded annotations as well as the new title, in case of issuance of new title, shall then be examined and proofread. I11.3.2.5 APPROVAL/DENIAL OF TRANSACTIONS, Approval or Denial of the registration by the Register of Deeds. The Register of Deeds, after considering all the legal requirements of transaction shall decide whether to approve or deny the transaction. If approved, the system shall automatically transmit to the Scanning module the transaction. In case of issuance, a Page 19 of 36 Dobaea Cole LRAQMS.MAN.30 Fax! | Tose Date i August 25, 2016 7 QUALITY MANUAL Approved by LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY Robert Noma¢’V. JJeyretana, CESO II trator / Quality Management OIC Hldmix{btrator / Quality i Managenfent Képresentative (QMR) new title number shall be electronically generated by the system. In case of denial, a notice of denial shall be printed for delivery to the registrant. 1IL.8.2.6 SCANNING AND UPLOADING OF DOCUMENTS The submitted documentary requirements are scanned and converted for digital storage. PRINTING OF TRANSACTIONS Print the generated annotation page or new title, For voluntary transactions, an annotation page or a new owner's duplicate certificate of title is printed, bearing the title number of the subject title, or the new system generated title number, in case of issuance of new title. I11,3.2.8 RELEASING OF TRANSACTIONS Copy of the registered document and/or new title shall then be released to the registrant, References: PD 1529, otherwise known as “The Property Registration Decree” Implementing Guidelines on Electronic Registration of Land Titles and Deeds and Processing of Central Office ‘Transactions Implementing Guidelines on Electronic Registration of ‘Transactions on Unregistered Land/Chattel Mortgages and other Personal Properties Page 20 of 36 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY QUALITY MANU. / Approved by: Rone ld A. Ortile, CESO I Robert Nor tana, CESO II trator / Quality Management ac istrator / Quality Representative(QMR) I1L.3.3 ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATION, CERTIFIED TRUE COPY AND VERIFICATION (CCV) ISSUANCE OF CCV AT REGISTRY OF DEEDS AND CENTRAL OFFICE Entry Entry of request inthe | Entry of request in the Electronic CCV Entry —_| Electronic CCV Entry L Book. Book. Payment Payment of the required | Payment of the required fees. fees. Verification /Approval | Approval by the Records _| Plotting / Examination by Officer. the assigned Examiner. Printing rinting of the Printing of the Certification, Certified | Certification of Status. True Copy and Verification. Releasing Release to the requesting | Release to the requesting party. party. Reference? Decree) Implementing Guidelines on Electronic Registration of Land ‘Titles and Deeds and Processing of Central Office ‘Transactions Implementing Guidelines on Blectronie Registration of ‘Transactions on Unregistered Land/Chattel Mortgages and other Personal Properties PD 1529, otherwise known as “The Property Registration Page 21 of 86 Ronafd A. Ortile, CESO II ; Deputy Admiristrator / Quality Management OIC — fdminidtrator / Quality Representative(QMR) Managedient Representative (QMR) 11.3.4. REGISTRATION OF CHATTEL MORTGAGES / RECORDING OF UNREGISTERED LAND / REGISTRATION OF PERSONAL PROPERTIES: The following procedures for chattel mortgage transactions, including the recording of unregistered land transactions and registration of personal properties shall be observed in the Registry of Deeds: TIL8.4.1 ENTRY OF TRANSACTIONS All basic information from documents received supporting the transaction shall be entered into the Electronic Primary Entry Book for Chattel Mortgage (EPEB-CM) or the Electronic Primary Entry Book for Unregistered Land (EPEB-UL) and Electronic Primary Entry Book for Personal Properties (EPEB-PP), as the case may be. The document shall be automatically assigned with an entry number as its control or reference number. I11.3.4.2 PAYMENT OF TRANSACTIONS The registration fees shall be automatically computed by the system and the corresponding electronic receipt generated upon payment. I1L.3.4.3 ENCODING OF TRANSACTIONS Alll data pertinent to chattel mortgage transactions shall be recorded in the Electronic Register for Chattel Mortgage (ER-CM) or the Electronic Register for Unregistered Land (ER-UL). I11.8.4.4 EXAMINATION OF TRANSACTIONS The electronic data as well as the pertinent documents shall then be examined by the registration examiner. The recommendation of the registration examiner shall be electronically transmitted to an approving authority for proper action. APPROVALDENIAL OF TRANSACTIONS If the transaction is approved, the documents shall then be signed. For chattel mortgage, a corresponding Chattel Mortgage Index (CMI) Number shall be assigned for every new Page 22 of 36 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY Subject: Representative(QMR) registration. For Unregistered Land, a corresponding Unregistered Land Inscription (UL!) ‘Number shall be assigned for every new recording. III.3.4.6 SCANNING AND UPLOADING OF DOCUMENTS ‘The documents submitted by the client shall be scanned, and the resulting images shall be stored into the database of the pertinent Registry of Deeds, After scanning, the documents shall be kept in the vault for safekeeping. If the transaction is denied, a notice of denial shall be issued to the client who may, without withdrawing the documents, elevate the transaction En Consulta, The documents may be withdrawn at any time before approval, If the transaction is withdrawn, the documents shall be released immediately to the client. IIL. 3.4.8 RELEASING OF TRANSACTIONS ‘The registered documents shall be released to the client who shall sign the acknowledgement slip generated by the system. 11.8.5 SUBDIVISION PLAN APPROVAL ENTRY OF TRANSACTIONS Entry of the submitted complete survey returns. I1L.3.5.2 PAYMENT OF FEES Payment of subdivision survey fees. SCANNING, UPLOADING AND ENCODING Scanning, uploading of survey returns and encoding of general information of the subject lot and its technical description. Page 23 of 36 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY Subject Representative(QMR) PLOTTING AND EXAMINATION Plotting and examination of the technical deseription and other relevant documents to determine the correctness of its geographical position and its relation to the adjoining Jots/surveys. APPROVAL OF PLANS. ‘The submitted subdivision/ consolidation/ consolidation - subdivision plan shall then be approved by the LRA Administrator. PREPARATION AND PRINTING OF TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ‘The narrative technical description shall then be proofread and printed. I1L.3.5.7 RELEASING OF APPROVED PLANS AND TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Release of the approved plan and its corresponding narrative technical description. References: Sec. 50 of PD 1529 ( Subdivision and Consolidation of Plans) Memorandum Circular No. 27 ~ Procedure and Approval of Subdivision Survey Relevant Legal Opinion issued by the Law Division of the LRA Implementing Guidelines on Electronic Registration of Land Titles and Deeds and Processing of Central Office ‘Transactions Page 24 of 86 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY 11.8.6 RECONSTITUTION OF TITLE 1118.6. ENTRY OF PETITION Entry of the petition for administrative and judicial reconstitution. IIL.8.6.2 PLOTTING AND EXAMINATION Plotting and Examination of the technical information pertaining to the certificate of title subject of Reconstitution. I11.3.6.3 SUBMISSION OF REPORT AND ORDER For Judicial Reconstitution, Report shall then be submitted to the Court, for its consideration. For Administrative Reconstitution, an Administrative Order of Reconstitution is issued and then transmitted to the Registry of Deeds concerned for implementation. References: PD 1529, otherwise known as “The Property Registration Decree” LRC Circular No. 35-Implementing Rules for Judicial Reconstitution RA 26 as amended by RA 6732 LRA Circular No. 13 111.4 SUPPORT PROCESSES II1.4.1 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT I11.4.1,1 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION AND RECRUITMENT ‘To ensure that LRA maintains an organization of qualified and competent personnel, the Human Resource Development Division (HRDD) adopts a system for recruitment based on standards set by the Civil Service Commission and the provisions of BO 649 for generic positions, and PD 1529 for positions unique to LRA, subject to Qualifications Standards and applicable laws, rules and regulations. Page 25 of 86 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY QUALITY MANUAL/ Approved by! Ronajd A. Ortile, CESO IT Robert Nomaf V/Veyretana, CESO TI istrator / Quality Management OIC Admitistrator / Quality Representative(QMR) Manageyhent Representative (QMR) ‘The HRDD ensures that the process of recruitment is in accordance with the LRA Merit Selection and Promotion Plan (MSPP), pertinent Circulars and Memoranda on Recruitment Process Flow and Policies. References? CSC Rules and Regulations EO 649, Reorganizing the LRC into the NLTDRA and Regionalizing the Registrars of Deeds PD 1529, otherwise known as “The Property Registration” Merit Selection and Promotion Plan (MSPP) ‘Memorandum on Acceptance and Deliberation of Applicants Operational Guidelines in the Conduet of Receipt of, Applications; Selection and Preparation of the Appointment Papers by the LRA-Personnel Selection and Promotion Board. LRA-PSPB) Amending the Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Receipt of Application; Selection and Preparatory of Appointment I1].4.1.2 MANAGEMENT OF COMPENSATION AND PERSONNEL BENEFITS Apart from the regular functions of processing the monthly payroll of employees, HRDD also effectively implements the release of employee benefits, such as, allowances, bonuses, monetization of earned leave, processing of step increment, and other incentives under the Civil Service Rules and Regulations and the LRA PRAISE. HRDD also implements various relevant activities, such as, team building and service- delivery seminars, as a means of motivating personnel towards higher productivity and having a more innovative approach to work. Moreover, physical fitness and wellness programs supporting work life balance are carried out year-round in the LRA. References: Work and Financial Plan ARTA Seminars and Workshops PRAISE Guidelines LRA Cireular on Physical Fitness and Wellness/Sportsfest Page 26 of 36 ey PT a eR” LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY 3 Teas aga 1 August 25, 2016 Representative(QMR) I11.4.1.8 PERSONNEL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT ‘The LRA SPMS is the tool utilized by the HRDD in the assessment of employee performance through the Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (PCR) and competency assessment forms. The results of these assessments are used as basis in providing the proper training or in determining the appropriate developmental interventions for an individual employee or group of employees concerned. ‘To determine the effectiveness of the training provided or intervention taken in terms of attainment of objectives, the HRDD conducts process evaluation and post training/intervention evaluation which can be the basis in further enhancing future human resource development programs. References: PCR (Individual Performance Commitment and Review) Competency Assessment Forms Competeney Needs Analysis, ‘Training Evaluation Form Page 27 of 36 Document Code LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY | q,LRAQMS.MAN.2016,00 a August 25, 2016 Bajos F QUALITY MANUAL / eared ae anyal 7 iporsveti Ro A. Ortile, CESO IT Robert Nomar, tana, CESO IT Deputy Adminjstrator / Quality Management Orc - istrator / Quality ‘Reprosentative(QMR) Managemdnt Reprebentative (QMR) _ 11.4.2 INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION MANAGEMENT LRA QMS Documentation Framework Quality Procedures & Process Work Flows ‘The document defining LRA’s mandate, QUALITY MANUAL mission, vision, quality policy and processes. | QUALITY Documents that provide information and PROCEDURES guidelines on how to achieve activities AND __ PROCESS and processes consistently. WORK FLOWS - RECORDS Documents and records that provide “objective evidence of activities and use as references for decision making. Page 28 of 36 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY QUALITY MANUAL Approved by: je, CESO TL Robort Nomar, tor / Quality Management O1C= A Reprosentative(QMR) Manage: I11.4.2.1 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT ‘The Information and Communications Technology Division handles all the ICT-related concerns of the agency. Its major roles include, but not limited to, the following: 1. Oversees Preventive Maintenance activities in Registries of Deeds; Performs Audit and Inventory of all IT equipment both in Central Office and in Registries of Deeds: 3. Performs maintenance and repairs of all LRA provided IT equipment: 4. Performs all other I'T-related work for the Ageney 5. Reviews compliance of applications against specifications during User-Acceptance Testing: 6. Reviews and witnesses implementation of Work Orders, Special Instructions, Request for Data Extraction and Request for System Update: 7. Prepares and implements the LRA Information System Strategic Plan 8. Develops applications not covered by the LTCP: 9. Ensures that the activities undertaken by LARES such as deployment of new application build, system configuration, database administration, network administration, comply with the existing security policies’ 10. Reviews proposal of LARES for upgrading of I’ Facility; and 11. Ensures that PHILARIS data are backed up regularly. © QMS DOCUMENT CONTROL AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT To be able to demonstrate effective implementation of the QMS, a documented procedure for records management shall be established the document filing system applicable to each office shall be properly defined ‘* a master list of records identifying the actual location of the document shall be maintained for each office ‘* retention period shall be based on the National Archives of the Philippines’ (NAP) retention disposition schedule References: Control of Records Procedure Control of Documents Procedure Electronie Master Document Register Page 29 of 36 114.8 LEGAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT In relation to the core functions of the LRA, the Legal Service Department prepares resolutions and/or orders on appeals elevated en consulta pursuant to Section 117 of PD. 1529. ‘The Legal Service Department likewise provides such pertinent services, as follows: + Resolves administrative cases and miscellaneous cases relative to complaints filed against officers and employees of the Registries of Deeds and the LRA’s central office; + Issues legal opinion on matters eoncerning land registration raised by the public, the officers and employees of the Registries of Deeds and the LRA’s central office, and other government agencies; + Attends hearings in court, executive and legislative tribunals and committees for and on behalf of the LRA. References: RRACS, otherwise known as “ The Revised Rules on Administrative Cases” EO 292, otherwise known as “The Revised Administrative Code” Givil Service Rules PD 1529, otherwise known as “The Property Registration Decree” Consulta Resolutions 11.4.4 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. Financial Management is carried out to ensure proper processing of financial transactions covering the utilization of annual budget of LRA and monitoring of all collection reports from all revenues derived from registration fees and other fees. It shall cover the budgeting system, the disbursement system, the revenue system and the financial reporting system. Page 30 of 36 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY Tssue Dit August 25,2016 Subject / Representative(QMR) Managerpent Representative (QMR) References: General Appropriations Act (GAA) Government Accounting Manual DBM Circulars Manual on the New Government Accounting System COA Rules and Regulations Bureau of Treasury Circulars LRA Circulars 11.4.5 INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT BUILDING AND FACILITIES ADMINISTRATION ‘The ultimate objective of an effective and sound infrastructure management and work place organization is to enhance public service delivery and to improve the working condition of its personnel. LRA provides, maintains and monitors its infrastructure facilities and work environment consistent with existing and applicable laws and the requirements of the public clientele, towards the satisfaction of both the LRA workforee and the public. The LRA also provides transport facilities for its personnel as well as for their maintenance to ensure the personnel's safety. ‘The General Services Division (GSD) is mandated to perform the abovesstated tasks/functions to ensure that the work environment is clean and sanitized, and that transport vehicles are safe to use. INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE ‘The GSD performs regular inspection of LRA constructed building / offices and recommends necessary action to be taken. ‘The GSD Chief, after receiving report from the end-users (Registrars of Deeds), causes inspection of the reported damage on the building. The designated GSD personnel assess the damage and prepare the Plan, Bill of Quantities, Bstimates and Seope of Work of the repair recommended to be done. Page 81 of 36 Document Code i io) LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY 8. La a Ref brecontativo(QhiR) Managenfent R&p Contract is prepared after public bidding or, in ease of emergency repairs where repair costs is below 15, 000, repair works are executed immediately. I11.4.5.3 TRANSPORTATION FACILITY MAINTENANCE End-users report the subject of repair to the Motorpool Unit of the GSD. GSD calls for inspection and evaluates the report. GSD staff performs minor repair on the subject vehicle or through work orderfjob order, as the ease may be. The GSD adopts a set of established procedures for the corrective and preventive maintenance of RD offices and transport facilities. References: Infrastructure/Transport Maintenance Procedures II1.4.6 SUPPLIES MANAGEMENT 111.4,6.1 PROCUREMENT/PURCHASING. ‘The LRA ensures that procurement of goods, services and materials complies with the procurement process pursuant to R.A. 9184 otherwise known as “The Government Procurement Reform Act”. The Property and Supply Section consolidates, prepares and monitors the implementation of the Annual Procurement Plan of the LRA. Common-use Supplies and Equipment (CSE) are procured through the Procurement Service (PS) pursuant to DBM Circular Letter No. 2011-6 in line with the directives of Administrative Order No. 17 July 28, 2007. Other supplies and equipment that are not available in the PS are procured through public bidding or other methods as prescribed by R.A. 9184. All other purchases other than those covered by the APP shall be covered by an approved Supplemental Supply Procurement Program (SSPP) or Supplemental Equipment Procurement Program (SEPP). Procured goods are inspected by the Inspection and Acceptance Committee to determine conformity with the specifications of the requesting party, Page 82 of 86 LRAC LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY i QUALITY MANUAL ‘Approved by: , CESO TL Robert No: syretana, CESO II Deputy. lerator / Quality Management ore trator / Quality Repkesentative(QMR) Managément Representative (@QMR) Reference: RA 9184, otherwise known as “The Government Procurement Reform Act” I11.4.6.2 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT / DISPOSAL A Supplies Ledger Card shall be maintained by the Property and Supply Section to monitor its issuances and shall submit its monthly Report of Supplies and Materials Inventory (RSM to the Bookkeeping Section for accounting and auditing purposes. Equipment issued to the Registries of Deeds and to the offices in the Central Office are monitored through the mandatory conduet of the annual physical inventory of all office furniture, equipment, books and other properties issued to their respective offices, ach office submits their respective Inventory Reports for Serviceable and Unserviceable Properties including the physical count of inventories as per LRA Circular No. 14-2015 dated 10 July 2015 for consolidation and submission by the Property and Supply Section of the annual inventory of properties and supplies pursuant to Paragraph 2a, Section 490, GAAM. Disposal of unserviceable equipment, furniture and fixtures in the Central Office is facilitated by the LRA Disposal Committee and the Property and Supply Section Disposal of unserviceable equipment, furniture and fixtures in the Registries of Deeds is facilitated pursuant to the provisions of LRA Circular No. 15-2014 dated 22 August 2014 in accordance with the existing auditing rules and regulations. References: RA. 9184 Administrative Order No. 17/ DBM. CLNo. 2011-6 LRA Cireular No. 14-2015 dated 10 July 2015 / Par. 2a, Section 490, GAAM LRA Cireular No. 15-2014 dated 22 August 2014 R.A 9470 ~The National Archives of the Philippines Act Page 83 of 36 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY Fev. Issue Date: 1 August 25, 2016 Subjoot Representative(QMR) 11.4.7 OUTSOURCED SERVICES MANAGEMENT LRA implements the following controls on its outsourced service providers: I1L.4,7.1 LAND REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. (LARES) ‘The Land Registration Systems, Inc., at its cost, develops, installs, integrates, successfully tests, operates and maintains the computerization of the Land Titling System in strict compliance with the technical requirements and specifications as prescribed in the technical proposal and performance standards of the Build-Own Operate contract between LRA and LARES, LRA contracted LARES, thru public bidding, to implement the computerization project of the agency. The business process, architectural design and all other technical aspects of this project are jointly decided by LRA and LARES. However, to protect the interest of the government, and for effective control and supervision of the activities of LARES vis A-vis the project, LRA has instituted controls on the activities undertaken by LARES on the matter of Build update of the system, maintenance of IT facility, systems upgrading, data conversion, ete., as follows: 1. Prior to “going live” of a site, LRA conducts user acceptance testing on the constructed or rehabilitated building and on the IT equipment deployed on site to ensure that these are compliant with the approved specifications. Thereafter, an operational testing of the system is conducted by LRA on site to ensure smooth operation of the system. 2. Enhancement of the system is done upon review of specifications change by both LRA and LARES, conduct of User Acceptance Testing by LRA to ensure that the enhancements as approved are deployed in the system and that such enhancements shall have no adverse impact on the entire system. Deployment of new system build is likewise witnessed by LRA to ensure compliance to the existing security policies. 3. Accomplishment reports for each component of the LTCP are submitted by LARES to LRA twice a month. 4. LRA conducts testing of the data conversion system to ensure compliance to the approved Data Conversion Plan. Page 84 of 86 LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY | Subjece: ni QUALITY MANUAL Propared and ro q Approved by? Ronald A. Ottile, CESO II Robert N Leyretana, CESO II Deputy Adminjstrator / Quality Management orc. istrator /Quality Representative(QMR) Management Kepresentative (QMR) 5. Incidents encountered on the operation of the system are monitored through helpdesk application and through status reports submitted by LARES. References: LRA-LARES BOO Agreement Business Process Specifications Acceptance Testing Plan Data Conversion Plan JANITORIAL AND SECURITY SERVICES ‘To ensure effectiveness in the implementation of general administrative services, the LRA provides and monitors outsoureed services such as janitorial and security: Janitorial personnel are deployed in the LRA Central Office and its Registries of Deeds nationwide to provide clean and orderly environment for its personnel and the transacting public. Likewise, Security Guards are posted in the Central Office and in the Registries of ‘Deeds purposely to ensure the safety of its officials, personnel and properties The General Services Division monitors the performance of janitorial and security personnel through the designated Supervisor and Security Officer, respectively. A Certificate of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory performance is issued every month by the General Services Division Chief. Controls A public bidding for janitorial and security is conducted annually where the Terms of Reference is prepared unless there exists legal and justifiable reasons in not conducting the same by the Bids and Awards Committee. After the Award to contractor with the lowest, calculated and responsive bid, a Contract of Service is entered into by LRA with the agency/contractor. Deployment to the Central Office and to the Registries of Deeds is made by the GSD on the date specified in the Contract. GSD likewise monitors the performance of janitorial and security personnel through the monthly submission of their performance rating by Page 35 of 36 “EX - CT eapy LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY =, aes August 25, 2016 ae MAN.201665 1 QUALITY MANUAL / Approved by: Robert No; tana, CESO IT istrator / Quality Management OIC f Admifjistrator / Quality Management Representative (QMR) the Register of Deeds concerned and GSD Chief or GSD Supervising Officer, as the case may be. Reference: Memorandum — Performance Evaluation Form / Sheet IIL.4.7.3 FORWARDING SERVICES Delivery and Service Quality are constantly monitored and timely reported to the service provider through quarterly performance report by the Property Section of the General Services Division. References: RA 9184, otherwise known as “The Government Procurement Act” ‘Terms of Reference COA Circulars Page 36 of 86

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