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The country that I have selected is China.

The reason why this particular country has

interested me is that it is one of the fastest-growing nations of the world with an annual GDP

growth rate above 6% consistently. Despite this, the country faces many internal and external

threats, and due to this it always has a security plan .Its security characteristics that interest me

are terrorism, civil organized crimes, climate change, and energy, economic and human security.

China has both land and sea capability, and it has many bordering countries some are its allies,

and few do not have good relations with China.

Given its economic policy achievements, China experiences a series of challenges. It will

sustain a steady pace of development to reduce unemployment in metropolitan regions, which is

8-10%, thus preserving the climate and increasing social equity. The disparity in revenue

between rural and urban citizens has continued to rise. Chinese migrated from poorly developed

commercial areas to industrialized areas, and from the western region to the eastern coastline

region. Because of the late 1990s, social security improvements have covered disability care,

dental protection, workers ' compensation programs, maternal coverage, municipal pension

systems, and private pension plans. Those changes are failed to go a long way, and China has to

do even more to improve society.

Tibet and Xinjiang's uncertainty presents yet another defence risk for China. Although

China may monitor the nationalist movement in mutually self-governing regions, disturbance

there could expand Chinese mistrust of anti-China powers overseas and ultimately affect foreign

policy of China. Muslim militants still pose China in Sichuan with the most prominent threat of

terrorism which emerged in the late 1980s. The Muslim revolution in eastern Turkistan is

identified as a terrorist group by China, the United States and the United Nations. The

completion of the grand triangle Washington – Beijing – Moscow has weakened the geopolitical
significance of China for the United States. In the period following just after the cold war, China

attempted to change its principal potential threats.

The most current China danger analysis is, in terms of a Chinese expert, "the most

substantive. China had become a significant oil producer in 1993 .It is still the world's second-

biggest importer of oil and a natural gas. Around 60% of its refined products are imported from

the Middle East (expected to grow to 75% by 2015). Much of it is redirected through the

Malacca Strait occupied by pirates and vulnerable through times of major affecting disputes.

However, a persistent obstacle for Beijing has been territorial tensions with its

neighbouring countries. China has border conflicts with a range of countries, including the

Kashmir conflict with India, the Spratly Islands (Chinese Nansha). Many of them include Burma,

the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and probably Indonesia Paracel Islands (Xisha in Chinese) with

Vietnam, Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu) with Japan, Japan 's eastern China Sea middle section and

several Yalu Islands and Tumen Rivers with North Korea.

The problem of Taiwan is strongly related to the international safety and internal peace of

China. Outside, a military confrontation through the Taiwan Strait might finish up with an army

dispute amongst both China and the United States. Inside China, the mismanagement of the

Taiwan matter could trigger social instability and power struggle. With the finish of the Cold

War and the consequent fall of China's geopolitical role Significant for the United States, several

significant political tensions between Beijing and Washington have arisen over Taiwan. Taiwan's

stance has been evolving in support of Beijing since April 2005, when Lien Chan, former

Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT, the Chinese Nationalist Party), a competitor of the CCP for

over seven decades, and CCP Secretary-General Hu Jintao held a landmark conference in
Beijing. Ma. Ying-Jeou of KMT, having been elected President on 22 March 2008, sought to

alleviate tensions. Taiwan, however, remains a safety challenge for Beijing, as there is still tough

hostility to and distrust of China in Taiwan.

The military modernization of China has affected its defense policies and its neighbors',

particularly the Japanese. At the other side, the strengthening of national defence coordination is

a shared concern among all parties. It is essential that China start working on to develop

confidence amongst its neighboring countries and its allies and make sure that all security

related policies are implemented, and that internal politics do not hijack defence laws.

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