5 HRWF Redwood Alert April 2007

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Volume 32, Issue 4 April 2007

Joy Finley, President

The Redwood Alert Patricia Welch, Program Chair

E u r e k a R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ,
F e d e r a t e d S i n c e 1 9 3 8


Anyone wishing to donate items for our troops through the Eureka Sirens may
bring them to our April meeting. They will be delivered to the Sirens for mailing.
Thanks, Chris Wennerholm
P r e s i d e n t ' s M e s s a g e
J o y F i n l e y
The Northern Division Spring Conference held in Eureka last month was a great success. It was so refreshing to
hear from Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa with his insider's look at what is going on in Sacramento. Damien Schiff
from the Pacific Legal Foundation gave a great report on our continuing fight for liberty in the courts. Mr. Schiff
asked us to mark the date, Saturday, June 2 when PLF will be back in Eureka.

The Friday night banquet was very special. Reagan advisor and author, Peter Hannaford spoke of the Reagan
legacy and the end of the cold war. It reminded me of our greatest President and how much I miss his leadership.
Saturday morning we had Craig Bradford and Lowell Diller address our group. There were 24 Clubs represented
at this Conference; and a total of 83 registrants.

It was a pleasure to show off the North Coast to all our guests. I wish to thank all the members of ERWF who
helped in any way and special thanks to those who joined me in attending the various sessions, luncheons and the

I need to know RIGHT AWAY if you would like to attend ADVOCACY WORKSHOP in Sacramento Monday and
Tuesday, April 23-24? Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will speak to us on Tuesday at 9am. Reservations were
due by April 8, but call me today, and we can do late registration.

Our April luncheon meeting (Thursday, April 19) will be very special. Our Speaker, Gary Opp will talk about a new
TV series: "Your Cancer Today".

I'm looking forward to seeing you on the 19th.

April Program by Patricia Welch, 1st Vice President

Everyone’s life has been touched by cancer, either you personally or someone you love. How difficult was it for
you or your loved ones to find credible, helpful information on the Internet that was not biased by a pharmaceutical
company? Today’s speaker will be presenting a new and exciting resource that will be the source of unbiased
information on the latest cancer treatments: a cable TV show and a website. Gary Opp, our speaker this month,
is the marketing director for Your Cancer Today™. Your Cancer Today is a newly launched television series dedi-
cated to inform and educate viewers from both the institutional and the patients’ perspective. The Internet website
allows viewers to replay the television show segments and provides for further information and investigation of
various cancer prevention, detection, treatments, alternatives and/or research being conducted on 200 prevalent
types of cancer at the present time, with more to follow.

The white pages on the website are free, and include a basic index of all cancers as well as their descriptions,
diagnostic and prevention clinics, medicines, break-through categories, clinical trials and any other information
pertinent to the patient. Your Cancer Today is also building a Your Yellow Pages of Cancer™ that will be also be free to the
user, but allows for physicians, hospitals, treatment centers and pharmaceutical companies to advertise.
Please join us for this timely and informative program. (See Gary Opp Bio on Back Page)
Page 2 April 2007

TAXES ANYONE? In honor of April 15th.... Chris Wennerholm

Tax his land, tax his bed, Permit Tax;CDL license Tax;Cigarette Tax;Corporate Income Tax;Dog
License Tax;Federal Income Tax;Federal Unemployment Tax
Tax the table where he's fed. (FUTA);Fishing License Tax;Food License Tax;Fuel permit
tax;Gasoline Tax (was 42 cents per gallon, now lots more);Hunting
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
License Tax;Inheritance Tax;Interest expense; Inventory tax;IRS Inter-
Teach him taxes are the rule. est Charges; IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax);Liquor Tax;Luxury
Taxes; Marriage License Tax;Medicare Tax;Property Tax;Real Estate
Tax his cow, tax his goat, Tax;Service charge taxes;Social Security Tax;Road usage taxes;Sales
Tax; Recreational Vehicle Tax;School Tax;State Income Tax;State
Tax his pants, tax his coat. Unemployment Tax (SUTA);Telephone federal excise tax;
Tax his ties, tax his shirt, Telephone federal universal service fee tax;Telephone federal, state
and local surcharge taxes;Telephone minimum usage surcharge
Tax his work, tax his dirt. tax;Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax;Telephone
state and local tax;Telephone usage charge tax; Utility Taxes; Vehicle
Tax his tobacco, tax his drink,
License Registration Tax; Vehicle Sales Tax; Watercraft registration
Tax him if he tries to think. Tax; Well Permit Tax; Workers Compensation Tax....

Tax his cigars, tax his beers, If he cries, Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the
then tax his tears. most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had
the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise
Tax his car, tax his gas, Find other ways the kids.
to tax his a**.
What happened??? And I still have to "press 1" for English...
Tax all he has, then let him know, you
won't be done till he's outa dough.
When he screams, tax him some more,
B a r b a r a H e c a t h o r n C h a i r
Tax him till he's good and sore. To date our membership total stands at 225. We finished last year
around 275, so you can see we still have some work to do! If you have
Then tax his coffin, tax his grave,
a friend or relative who you would like me to send a membership
Tax the sod in which he's laid. Put these packet to, just give me their name and I will be happy to send them
words upon his tomb, information and an application. Please help me welcome our eight
New Members: Debbie Bussman and Marion Cook of Bayside; Chris-
"Taxes drove me to my doom..." tine Barkdull of Fortuna; Della Chase, Patricia McDonald and Gail
Timmons of Arcata; Linda Vallery Hall of McKinleyville; and Mary
When he's gone, do not relax, It's time Anne Dominguez of Eureka. We are currently having discussions
to apply The inheritance tax. about our Membership Tea. Look for details in our next bulletin.
Accounts Receivable Tax; Building

R e p u b l i c a n P a r t y o f H u m b o l d t C o u n t y
By Patricia Welch, Chairman

Please plan to attend the Humboldt County GOP meeting on Thursday, April 12 at 6 PM. We meet at OH’s
Townhouse in Eureka ; dinner is available but not a requirement. Please come for food (if you so choose),
Republican camaraderie and pertinent information facing our county, state and nation.

I am looking for volunteers to help staff the headquarters a few days a week, help register voters at various festi-
vals in the county, and recruit volunteers; if you are interested, please let me know. I can be reached at

Please watch your snail mail and your email for information regarding an evening with Senator Tom McClintock
sometime in mid-June. This will be an exciting event that you do not want to miss!
Page 3 The Redwood Alert
Throughout our Nation's history, our citizens have prayed and come together before God to offer Him grati-
tude, reflect on His will, seek His aid, and respond to His grace. On this National Day of Prayer, we thank God
for His many blessings and His care of our country.
God has greatly blessed the American people, and in 1789, George Washington proclaimed: "It is the duty of
all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and
to humbly implore His protection and favor." Americans remain a prayerful and thankful people.
Through prayer, our faith is strengthened, our hearts are humbled, and our lives are transformed. May our
Nation always have the humility to trust in the goodness of God's plans.
The Congress, by Public Law 100-307, as amended, has called on our Nation to reaffirm the role of prayer in
our culture and to respect the freedom of religion by recognizing each year a "National Day of Prayer."
President George W. Bush from May 4, 2006, as a National Day of Prayer.

M a r k y o u r c a l e n d a r s ’ 0 7

APRIL 12 - Cen. Com. Mtg

19 - ERWF Luncheon Mtg - Red Lion
28 - Rhody Parade - Eureka
MAY 3 - National Day of Prayer
10 - Cen. Com. Mtg.
17 - ERWF Luncheon Mtg - Red Lion
JUNE 2 - PLF in Eureka
14 - Cen. Com. Mtg
21 - ERWF Luncheon Mtg - Red Lion
SEPT. 27-30 NFRW Convention - Palm Springs
CFRW 32nd Advocacy Workshop and Spring 2007
Board of Directors' Meeting, Hyatt Regency at Capi-
tol Park, Sacramento, April 23-24, 2007
NFRW Biennial Convention, Palm Springs, Septem-
ber 27-30, 2007
CFRW Biennial Convention, October 19-21, 2007,
Crowne Plaza, Foster City (San Francisco Bay Area)

E R W F 2 0 0 7 E l e c t e d O f f i c e r s
POSITION NAME phone email
President Joy Finley 845-2575 loanldy@sbcglobal.net
1st V-President Patricia Welch 227 6562 patriciawelch@mindspring.com
2nd V-President Vee Sorenson 822-2359 veesign@aol.com
Rec. Secretary Eileen Amos 442-4834 smileygop@yahoo.com
Treasurer Cindy Lewis 442-1187 liberty741776@sbcglobal.net
Director-at-large Mary Feist 445-2125 mwfeist@hughes.net

Chaplain's Message by Rita O'Connell

A prayer by Daniel Webster is as appropriate today as it was when he composed it. "If we and our posterity reject
religious instruction and authority, violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and
recklessly destroy the political constitution which holds us together, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may
overwhelm us that shall bury all our glory in profound obscurity." If we are to save our nation, we must oppose
immorality in all of its forms - from our dishonest leaders clear down to the efforts to destroy our children with false
Page 4 April 2007

Small Business Fact Sheet from The Leonard Letter by Bill Leonard, Member State Board of Equalization
More and more movies these days portray the villains as “businessmen.” When people are polled about whether
“businesses” should pay more taxes or be responsible for providing health care, the knee-jerk response is, “absolutely.”
Yet, a look at some figures recently assembled by the Assembly Republican Caucus should remind people that most
“businesses” are not big corporations but small firms, owned by your neighbors, operating in your community, laboring
under excessive state regulations.
The following figures come from the U.S. Small Business Administration:
·California has about 14% of the nation’s small businesses. ·Small businesses represent 92% of all businesses
in the state.
·Such firm employed 53.1% of the state’s workforce in 2004.·Small employers with fewer than 20 employees on
the payroll contributed 71% of all dollars paid to employees in 2004.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, of the 696,301 firms in California:
· 319,053 have between 1 and 4 employees · Another 120,000 have 5 to 9 employees
· 73,958 have 10 to 19 employees · 65,681 have 20 to 99 employees
· 12,951 have 100 to 499 employees · 5,447 have 500 or more employees.
When you consider the huge number of small businesses, the following rankings are frightening:
· The Small Business and Entrepreneurialship Council ranked California 49th out of the 50 states for small business
friendliness in 2006. That ranking was determined by high personal income, capital gains and corporate income taxes,
as well as the high minimum wage, health insurance mandates, and increasing government spending.
· The Tax Foundation’s State Business Tax Climate Index ranked California 45th in the nation on corporate taxes, indi-
vidual income taxes, sales tax, unemployment insurance tax, and property tax.
· The Tax Foundation puts California’s top individual income tax rate as the highest in the nation.
· The state’s 8.84% flat corporate tax rate is the highest in the western U.S., and at $193 per capita in 2004, the 7th
highest nationally.
Perhaps if the state changed the way it conducted itself, thousands and thousands of more small businesses could flour-
ish in the state, creating tens of thousands of jobs and changing for the better the lives of innumerable families who own
and operate them.

Be Blankty-Blank Careful Who Gets Your Vote by Colleen Hedrick

The last election saw some conservatives voting for liberals or refusing to vote. The idea was to show elected Republi-
cans just how disgusted many conservatives were with their job performance.

Granted promises of being more fiscally responsible, opting for smaller government, as well as shutting down the all out
gifting of earmarks to any group or area that held the promise of 59 or more votes for the person delivering the bounty
often fell by the wayside. We had no trouble finding ample reason to want to shake the confidence of the Republican

We also saw enough examples of moral failure and political stupidity to last us for a long time so wanting to send a mes-
sage or get even was not a big reach. Locally Republican Women’s Eileen Amos spearheaded a strong and credible
effort to get out the conservative vote.

Among the non-voters and spite voters nationally some conservatives voted for “supposed to be moderate” Democrats.
Sometimes people would rather sit on their hands and complain or vote their spite than be realistic. And that happened
all over the country.

Nation wide six self proclaimed moderate Democrats replaced incumbent members of the House of Representatives. But
an examination of their voting record to date shows that each has voted right down the line with

Speaker of the House Pelosi. And that’s to the left enough to turn a conservative’s stomach even on a really good day.

The scraggly chickens are coming home to roost after the girls gone wild and the girly men get back from their Spring
Break. Worst may be the pending bill that sees troops not funded in a timely and realistic way, a stupid is as stupid does
plan for our departure from Iraq, and enough fat, vote-buying pork to season all the collard greens in the south for the
next 10-years.

Be careful who gets your contributions, who you campaign for, and plenty blankty-blank careful who gets your vote.
Your life and the lives of your family and friends could depend on it.
Page 5 The Redwood Alert
Education Update by Sheryl Fearrien
I just scanned the state senate and assembly website and found this.

"Subject: Vehicles: speed limits: school zones Summary: Extends school safety zones from 500 feet to 1,000 feet;
reduces the prima facie (first view, before investigation) speed limit of 25 miles per hour to 15 miles per hour when
approaching at a distance of 500 feet and passing a school."

Currently the limit is 25 miles per hour of the highway is posted with a standard "SCHOOL" warning sign, for specific

The fiscal effect is unknown, but the bill is supported by the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal
Employees, the Grey Panthers of California, and the Fifteenth District PTA. So far no opposition has been received.

"Comments: ...thousand of child pedestrians are hit each year due to limited school zone parameters and excessive
speed in school zones. The author points to a recently released January 2007 report, conducted by the California
Department of Transportation, entitled "Safe Routes to School Safety and Mobility Analysis" which details a high number
of such incidents near school zones....between January 1998 and December 2005, 11 children were killed, and 1,449
were injured in the vicinity of 350 schools in the study. Of these, 644 (44%) involved bicyclists, and 816 (56%) involved
pedestrians. Approximately 52% of those injured or killed were age 12 or younger."

My analysis...while 15 m.p.h. would slow down travel a bit, it seems reasonable to protect the little tykes as they are
going and coming from school. Remember, some of the primary grade children are very short and often hard to see.

Legislation Report
GOVERNOR TO ADDRESS Gaines-4, Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia-80,
ADVOCACY WORKSHOP Assemblyman Alan Nakanishi-10, Brad White of Yellow
Ribbon America, and Mason Harrison of California College
There is just a week to get your registration in for the 32nd Republicans.
Annual Advocacy Workshop. We received word late Friday
afternoon that the Governor will address the adults and FOCUS ON THE ASSEMBLY
students on Tuesday, April 24th at 9:00 a.m. PLEASE
EMAIL THE REGISTRAR IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO The CFRW supports Assembly Bills: 279, and 1600. Below
GET YOUR REGISTRATION IN BY APRIL 8TH. is a description of these bills.

In addition to our two dynamic Republican women AB 279, Huff (R-60) would make it a crime for people to
luncheon speakers, Karen Hanretty and Melanie Morgan, protest at funerals of military personnel.
the Governor's Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet and Feder- Existing law makes it a crime for a person to disturb,
ated member Alice Dowdin-Calvillo will welcome those in obstruct, detain, or interfere with any person carrying or
Sacramento on Monday for the Board of Directors' meeting. accompanying human remains to a cemetery or funeral
Dennis Revell, husband of the late Maureen Reagan, will establishment, or engaged in a funeral service or an
also be speaking on Monday. Peter Barnes, author of the interment. This bill would make it an infraction, punishable
"White House Mouse" series of children's books will be on by a fine not exceeding $250, for a person to engage in
hand both days. He will have a good supply of books disruptive activity at a funeral of a member or former
available for purchase. These books are excellent MELP member of the Armed Forces, as defined, during the time
resources. period beginning one hour prior to the funeral and ending
The Red Jacket Rally is coming together. We will have one hour after the conclusion of the funeral. Because the
American flags available for all who are on hand. Our bill would create a new infraction, it would impose a
Republican legislators have been invited to participate in state-mandated local program. This bill contains other
this rally, which is currently scheduled for the North Capitol related provisions and other existing laws.
grounds - right across the street from the Hyatt. Remem- AB 1600, LaMalfa (R-2) seeks to change the dynamic
ber, we want to paint Sacramento red on Monday after- when people appeal tax judgments so that taxpayers are
noon. The group photo will follow the rally. Our Sacramento considered innocent until proven guilty instead of the other
office will be open following the photo and prior to the way around.
Ambassadors' Legislative Reception back at the Hyatt in
the beautiful Capitol View Room early Monday evening.
Existing law imposes various taxes that are administered
and collected by various state agencies. Existing law also
The confirmed speakers for Advocacy Day are: provides that the burden of proof, for specified issues in
Assemblyman Chuck DeVore - 70, Assemblyman Ted (Continued on page 6)
Page 6 April 2007

Legislation Report Our Web Site: www.EurekaRepublicanWomen.com

(Continued from page 5)

court proceedings for purposes of various tax laws, rests with the taxpayer. This bill would provide, for purposes of the
taxes and fees administered by the State Board of Equalization, that the board shall have the burden of proof by clear
and convincing evidence in sustaining its assertion of penalties for intent to evade or fraud, as provided, in any proceed-
ing, other than a criminal proceeding, with respect to a factual or legal issue related to ascertaining the tax liability of a
taxpayer. This bill contains other related provisions.


Assembly Bill 9, Huff(R-60). This bill would require voters to show proof of identification at polling places. Although this
bill failed it has been granted another reading. AB 9 is currently in the committee on elections and redistricting. The
CFRW supports this bill, so please write letters and place phone calls to the members of this committee and lets get this
common sense law passed.

Bob Huff wrote an article that appeared today regarding how important it is for a voter identification law to pass:

"If you look under 30 years old, you have to show it. If you drive a car, you have to carry it. If you want to cash a check, it
has to be valid. If you want to fly, it must match the name on your boarding pass. But, if you want to participate in the
most sacred right guaranteed by our Constitution -- engaging in the electoral process by casting a ballot to determine
who represents you at each level of government -- it is inconsequential -- in California at least. With the most registered
voters of any state in the nation, California has the bare minimum identification requirements to vote.

"In our state, voters who register by mail and do not provide ID verification with their registration must show ID before
voting -- the first time. But, non-photo ID is acceptable. That means anyone who mails a voter registration form need only
show up at their polling place on Election Day with a utility bill, bank statement or sample ballot in order to vote. It is
harder to buy a Value Meal at McDonald's with a debit card.

"It doesn't take more than simple math to see the loophole in this law. Even those who aren't smarter than a fifth-grader
can figure out how to cast a fraudulent vote with this system. But unlike other loopholes, this one poses a real and
serious threat to our democracy.

"Opponents of my bill to require photo identification, AB 9, cite the fact that of the millions of votes cast for candidates
throughout the state, the number of fraudulent votes that are being cast aren't sufficient to require photo identification for
everyone. Tell that to Trung Nguyen who just lost the Orange County Board of Supervisors election by 3 votes. Just one
vote can decide an election. Just one illegal immigrant registered to vote can affect the electoral process. But, according
to these opponents, that isn't as important as relieving voters of the burden of carrying their wallets to the polls.

"Florida and Indiana are two states who are at the forefront of preserving the integrity of the political process; both
require photo identification to cast a ballot. Many other states require some form of identification each time a voter goes
to the polls. But, California is in the minority -- only requiring non-photo identification the first time a voter casts a ballot in
the state.

"Predictably, the ACLU and MALDEF were on hand for Tuesday's committee hearing to offer arguments for allowing
potential voter fraud to continue. They were there to defend the rights of all those Californians who don't have any form
of photo ID. They even invoked racism in their defense, claiming that more Latinos and African Americans lack photo ID
than others. Of course, they offered no empirical evidence of these claims but, nevertheless, the Democrat-majority on
the Elections Committee was convinced. Maybe a fifth-grader would agree with them.

"But those who are smarter than a fifth-grader know one thing: there is no more precious right than the right to choose
who governs us. Men and women have died to preserve that right for us; men and women are sacrificing their lives to
preserve that right for others. And, failing to protect that
right, failing to demand accountability in the electoral Treasurer’s Report by Cindy Lewis
process, is shameful. Weighing the burden against the Balance 2/28/07 $5427.91
consequences -- requiring photo identification versus Income March 2007 + 589.00
compromising the integrity of our entire political process -- Expenses March 2007 -1041.79
is simple math too, and the arguments against requiring Balance 3/31/07 $4975.12
photo identification just don't add up."
Page 7 The Redwood Alert



1118 SIXTH STREET (707) 443-2781
EUREKA, CA 95501 FAX (707) 443-0608


THE REDWOOD ALERT 2007 Advertising Rates

Odonnell Entertainment®
William Tufts Odonnell
Space is currently available for advertising. PO BOX 771, Bayside, CA 95524
Per Issue Phone: 707-442-4117 * E-Mail: billjr@odonnell.ws
Business Card $10
Quarter Page $20 “Last One Out, Turn Off the Light”
Full Page $75 About St. George Reef Lighthouse (DVD)
Please contact: Joy Finley at 845 2575 www.CreationFamily.com
E-mail: loanldy@sbcglobal.net
Prepayment is required FAITH OF GORGE W. BUSH (DVD) SALE $12.00 EACH
Ad Copy Due Date: Last Thursday of each month. PUBLISHER OF ERWF NEWSLETTER

WAYS & MEANS Linda Jo Alexander

This month we are having a 50/50 drawing so bring your cash and expect to win half of the pot!
Thanks again to all of you who make this club work.
Good luck to all of you!!!

The Redwood Alert STANDARD
Eureka Republican Women, Federated U.S. POSTAGE
c/o Eileen Amos PAID
3950 Tess Court, Eureka, CA 95503 EUREKA, CA
May 3rd PERMIT NO. 60

Interested in learning more

about Fred Thompson's
run for the White House?
visit www.volpac.org

NEXT LUNCHEON MEETING: Thursday, April 19 at The Eureka Red Lion

Guest Speaker: Gary Opp * Lunch: $14 Program and beverage-only $6
Please contact Margaret Stafford, 822 3255 to make a reservation, if you were not reached by our Telephone Committee.

Gary Opp business background is in Insurance and Investments. He has owned his own
agency for the last 12 years, specializing in asset protection and private placement money
investments for pre-IPO’s. Prior to this Gary owned several wholesale and retail businesses.
Currently, He is Director of Marketing for Your Cancer Today™. Gary is married to Patricia
Welch for 14 years, and they reside in Ferndale, CA.
(See front page for more details.)

Iraq War Emergency Supplemental—March 26,2007

President Bush: "I'll veto a bill that restricts our commanders on the ground in Iraq, a bill that doesn't
fund our troops, a bill that's got too much spending on it. … We stand united in saying loud and clear
that when we've got a troop in harm's way, we expect that troop to be fully funded; and we've got
commanders making tough decisions on the ground, we expect there to be no strings on our
commanders; and … we expect the Congress to be wise about how they spend the people's money."

SEND EILEEN AN EMAIL . . . if you are one who would like to save our Club money on printing, paper and postage, and
would like to receive The Redwood Alert ONLINE, then please send your request to Eileen at
smileygop@yahoo.com with a Subject Line of ALERT ONLINE PLEASE.
Each month you will receive an email notice that the bulletin is "up" and ready for you to download.

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