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Molecular Psychiatry (1999) 4, 117–128

 1999 Stockton Press All rights reserved 1359–4184/99 $12.00


Anti-bipolar therapy: mechanism of action of lithium

RS Jope
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294,

This review introduces the concepts that multiple actions of lithium are critical for its thera-
peutic effect, and that these complex effects stabilize neuronal activities, support neural plas-
ticity, and provide neuroprotection. Three interacting systems appear most critical. (i) Modu-
lation of neurotransmitters by lithium likely readjusts balances between excitatory and
inhibitory activities, and decreased glutamatergic activity may contribute to neuroprotection.
(ii) Lithium modulates signals impacting on the cytoskeleton, a dynamic system contributing
to neural plasticity, at multiple levels, including glycogen synthase kinase-3␤, cyclic AMP-
dependent kinase, and protein kinase C, which may be critical for the neural plasticity involved
in mood recovery and stabilization. (iii) Lithium adjusts signaling activities regulating second
messengers, transcription factors, and gene expression. The outcome of these effects
appears likely to result in limiting the magnitudes of fluctuations in activities, contributing to
a stabilizing influence induced by lithium, and neuroprotective effects may be derived from
its modulation of gene expression.
Keywords: lithium; bipolar disorder; inositol; glutamate; cyclic AMP; AP-1

Recent research suggests that understanding how lith- and depression, as a relatively weak antidepressant,
ium works in the treatment of bipolar disorder requires and as an augmenter of the effects of many antidepress-
a different way of thinking about drug action. The vast ants. These multiple therapeutic effects of lithium
majority of drugs are designed, by evolution or syn- along with the complexities of mood disorders and the
thesis, to interact with single proteins, such as a spe- multiplicity of affected systems inherent in these ill-
cific receptor or enzyme. However, it now seems likely nesses suggest that it is unlikely that all these effects
that multiple sites affected by lithium contribute to its are due to a single biochemical site of action.
mood-stabilizing action. Thus, the therapeutic action This review focuses on advances made in recent
of lithium in bipolar disorder appears not to result years and is organized to follow the steps of neuro-
from an effect at a single target site, but rather as the transmission, beginning with presynaptic actions lead-
culmination of an integrated re-orchestration of a com- ing to receptor-coupled signaling systems which
plex concert of events which effectively adjusts neu- eventually culminate in modulating gene expression.
ronal activity at multiple levels. Numerous effects of Many comprehensive reviews1–15 discuss other aspects
lithium have been identified, and some of these may of bipolar disorder and the use of lithium, and provide
each provide a necessary, but individually insufficient, detailed coverage of important earlier progress in this
component of the therapeutic response. One of the cur- field that set the stage for the recent developments that
rent challenges is to distinguish those critical effects are covered here. Because the therapeutic concen-
from the many known biochemical actions of lithium,
tration of lithium is near 1 mM, coverage focuses on
many of which may have little discernible effect, con-
studies where significant effects were obtained using
tribute to side effects, or lead to toxicity. Another chal-
lithium near this concentration. Two directly associa-
lenge is to integrate the multiple effects of lithium into
ted targets of lithium, signaling systems and gene
a comprehensive picture of how neuronal function is
modulated by lithium. In retrospect, considering the expression, have attracted the greatest amount of
complexities of mood, it perhaps should not be surpris- investigative attention recently, and so are emphas-
ing that mood stabilization by lithium is also a com- ized. However, this emphasis should not detract from
plex process involving multiple actions. It is also other intriguing findings that remain to be investigated
important to keep in mind that lithium has efficacy as more completely. In accordance with the many actions
an antimanic agent, as a prophylactic agent for mania of lithium that are discussed in this review, the author
suggests that it is the integration of multiple effects of
lithium which is necessary to achieve the neurochem-
Correspondence: Dr RS Jope, Department of Psychiatry and ical balance facilitating the complex processes of mood
Behavioral Neurobiology, Sparks Center 1057, University of recovery and stabilization.
Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294-0017, USA.
E-mail: jope얀
Received 17 September 1998; accepted 14 October 1998
Mechanism of action of lithium
RS Jope

Neurotransmitter effects lithium was found to effectively inhibit glutamate-
induced neuronal calcium uptake and cell death28
Much of the early research on the actions of lithium
(Figure 1). These discoveries raise the intriguing possi-
focused on modulation of neurotransmitter synthesis,
bility that modulation of excitatory glutamatergic neur-
release, and uptake. Lithium was found to influence to
otransmission constitutes an important therapeutic
some extent virtually every neurotransmitter that was
action of lithium. Furthermore, it was recently shown
investigated, although most research focused on the
that glutamate receptors expressed in oocytes are
catecholamines and acetylcholine.2 This intensive
highly permeable to lithium, raising the possibility that
study of lithium’s presynaptic effects has largely, but
not entirely, been supplanted by other avenues of this may be an important mechanism and site for
research in recent years. This has occurred despite the localized accumulation of lithium.32 Taken together,
fact that many significant effects of lithium were ident- these reports indicate that some types of apoptosis and
ified without consensus conclusions being drawn. excitatory neurodegeneration can be attenuated by lith-
One of the most provocative recent developments in ium. This neuroprotective action may be mediated by
the study of neurotransmitter effects of lithium con- increased glutamate uptake, attenuated increases in
cerns its modulation of glutamatergic neurotransmis- intracellular calcium levels associated with excitatory
sion. Hokin and colleagues found that lithium acutely neurotransmission, and the recent finding that lithium
increased synaptic concentrations of glutamate which, up-regulated the anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2.33,34
upon chronic lithium administration led to an increase Investigations of other neurotransmitters have also
and stabilization in glutamate uptake transporter continued, although not with the intensity of previous
capacity16–20 (Figure 1). They speculated that this could years. In accordance with earlier studies, recent reports
mediate a reduction and stabilization in excitatory neu- continue to find that lithium reduces dopaminergic
rotransmission after lithium treatment. This action activity,35–38 and enhances cholinergic activity39–41 and
may contribute to a relatively large and diverse group the activity of inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmis-
of findings in the literature indicating that lithium has sion.23,42,43 Recent studies also report that lithium
neuroprotective effects, an action of lithium that has alters serotonergic neurotransmission,44–48 but as
been observed most often, but not exclusively, in cer- reviewed previously49 the varied observed effects of
ebellar cells.21–30 For example, chronic lithium admin- lithium on this system remain to be incorporated into
istration was found to block excitotoxicity induced by a cohesive scheme.
glutamate agonists,26–28 although little protection was Thus a clear outcome has not been reached concern-
afforded by lithium from kainate-induced damage.31 ing which, if any, neurotransmitter synthesis, uptake,
Perhaps most remarkable in these studies was the and release processes contribute to the therapeutic
recent finding that lithium administration to rats action of lithium, but the reported effects on cat-
reduced by 56% the size of the ischemic infarct meas- echolamines, acetylcholine, and GABA, as well as the
ured 24 h after occlusion of the left middle cerebral recent findings with glutamate, suggest that these may
artery.29 In a study of its neuroprotective mechanisms, make important, if as yet not completely defined, con-

Figure 1 Lithium modulates glutamatergic neurotransmission. The figure depicts a glutamatergic synaptic area, with the post-
synaptic sites containing N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors enlarged in the lower diagrams. Chronic lithium treatment
can increase the uptake of glutamate, and also can reduce the increase in intracellular calcium subsequent to activation of N-
methyl-d-aspartate receptors. These actions may provide mechanisms for lithium to reduce excitatory neurotransmission and
contribute to lithium’s neuroprotective effects against certain excitatory insults.
Mechanism of action of lithium
RS Jope

tributions. The overall consequences of these actions There is little doubt that signals emanating from
may be that lithium readjusts the balance between receptors coupled to the phosphoinositide signal trans-
excitatory and inhibitory activities, as well as the earl- duction system are affected by lithium, but exactly how
ier postulated balance between catecholamines and this occurs remains under intense scrutiny. Sherman
acetylcholine, so that it is the adjusted balances and colleagues1 first found lithium to be a potent
(increased GABA/glutamate and acetylcholine/ inhibitor of inositol monophosphatase, the enzyme
catecholamine activity ratios, in a generalized manner), that converts inositol monophosphates to free inositol.
rather than actions on a single neurotransmitter, that This led to the ingenious proposal,50 known as the
facilitate mood recovery and stabilization. inositol depletion hypothesis, that this action of lith-
ium might result in sequestration of inositol in the form
of inositol monophosphate. It was proposed that this
Signal transduction systems/protein
action may result in the depletion of inositol-contain-
ing lipids and thereby attenuate receptor-coupled
A concerted effort has been directed towards under- phosphoinositide signaling. However, only marginal
standing how lithium influences signal transduction effects of lithium on phosphoinositide concentrations
systems, especially the phosphoinositide and cyclic have been found.11 Having explored this hypothesis in
AMP signaling systems, which followed earlier investi- exquisite detail, several groups suggested that lithium
gations of lithium on receptors using binding methods may cause not a global depletion of phosphoinositides,
which failed to provide conclusive evidence about but rather highly selective localized depletions.51–56
whether or not lithium altered receptor-binding This modification limits the hypothetical conse-
properties.2,49 Instead of having a single target site quences of lithium exposure to those cells with the
within each of these signaling systems, it appears that lowest endogenous sources of inositol, which may
multiple sites are affected by lithium and that the over- make them most susceptible to inositol depletion,
all outcome has to do with the balances achieved and/or to cells experiencing the greatest stimulation of
between negative and positive modulatory effects of phosphoinositide signaling activity, which would
lithium rather than resulting from an individual site of make them most dependent on inositol recycling to
action15 (Figure 2). maintain signaling activity. An important strength of

Figure 2 Lithium can bimodally modulate signaling systems dependent on the endogenous level of basal and stimulated
activities. (a) Depiction of signaling with normal basal and stimulated activities. (b) Signaling system with depressed basal
activity can be corrected by lithium-induced increases in basal activity. (c) Signaling system with excessive response to a
stimulus can be corrected by lithium-induced inhibition of the maximal response. (d) Signaling system with depressed basal
activity and excessive response to a stimulus can be corrected by lithium-induced increases in basal activity and inhibition
of the maximal response. Evidence suggests that this bimodal mechanism of action of lithium may be applicable to its effects
on cyclic AMP production and AP-1 activation.
Mechanism of action of lithium
RS Jope

this hypothesis is that it pinpoints a specific locus of plexity in studies of lithium by indicating that only
lithium action, the inhibition of inositol monophos- abnormal signaling activity may be affected by lithium.
phatase. Support for this modified inositol depletion Although providing direct support in human brain for
hypothesis has been obtained in a number of creative the thesis that phosphoinositide signaling is abnormal
experiments using model systems,51–56 but demonstrat- in bipolar brain, these methods lack the capability of
ing such effects in more intact systems, especially in identifying more precisely the mechanism of action of
human brain,57,58 has been less successful and remains lithium, the sample number was small, it is difficult to
a formidable challenge. Nonetheless, an intriguing out- precisely correlate in vitro measures with in vivo sig-
growth of the inositol depletion hypothesis has been naling activity, and the use of postmortem tissue
the novel application of inositol as a pharmacological encompasses many uncontrollable factors concerning
agent which has shown promising utility in animal disease and the drug history of each subject.
models and therapeutic applications.13,59 Additionally, In part because of the ambiguities of if and how lith-
the concentration and uptake of inositol differs among ium actually affects phosphoinositide signaling,
regions of rat brain and reduced inositol levels in rat especially in human brain and in association with
brain following lithium administration were recently bipolar disorder, many investigators have turned to
reported to be limited to the hypothalamus,60–62 and studying lithium’s effects on signaling processes down-
lithium was also found to reduce inositol in astro- stream from phosphoinositide hydrolysis. Two pri-
cytes.63 Thus, each of these factors, brain region, cell- mary second messengers produced by the phospho-
type, and endogenous inositol cycles, introduces com- inositide signal transduction system are inositol
plexities in the relationship between lithium and inosi- trisphosphate, which raises intracellular calcium levels
tol which have made it difficult to define precisely how by releasing it from sequestered sites, and diacylgly-
lithium’s inhibition of inositol monophosphatase cerol, which activates protein kinase C. Surprisingly
affects phosphoinositide signaling. little has been published about lithium’s effects on cal-
Besides possibly causing inositol depletion in some cium, with a limited number of reports, mostly involv-
cells, there is also substantial evidence that lithium can ing non-neuronal cells, indicating reductions in stimu-
attenuate phosphoinositide signaling by inhibiting the lated increases in intracellular calcium concentrations
activation of G-proteins that couple receptors to phos- in tissue exposed to lithium.73–78 In contrast, modu-
phoinositide-selective phospholipase C.5,64,65 The lation of protein kinase C by lithium has been studied
majority of studies indicate that lithium reduces the extensively. Early studies found decreased protein kin-
functional activity, not the level, of G-proteins ase C activity in lithium-treated tissues using a variety
mediating phosphoinositide hydrolysis (but see66), of methods79–82 and evidence of activated protein kin-
with evidence that lithium interferes with magnesium- ase C associated with mania.83 Subsequently, specific
binding sites.67 Thus, lithium-induced impaired G-pro- isotypes of protein kinase C were reported to be
tein activity may contribute to some cases in which reduced by lithium.84 Since lithium was found to
lithium was reported to decrease phosphoinositide sig- reduce protein kinase C activity, a recent clinical
naling activity. At this time it may be most parsimoni- evaluation of tamoxifen, which is known to inhibit
ous to conclude from these studies that lithium has the protein kinase C, was undertaken to determine its effi-
potential to reduce the activation of phosphoinositide cacy in bipolar disorder. Initial results indicate that
signaling by more than one mechanism. tamoxifen, at doses sufficient to inhibit protein kinase
However, not all evidence supports the conclusion C, had a striking, and in many cases, rapid antimanic
that lithium directly impedes phosphoinositide sig- effect in 苲80% of the patients.85 Clearly the possible
naling. In rat brain, in vivo levels of inositol tris- contribution of estrogen receptor blockade or other
phosphate derived from phosphoinositide hydrolysis actions of tamoxifen cannot be ruled out, but these
are not reduced by lithium treatment.68–70 Hokin and intriguing results clearly warrant further studies
colleagues16–18 have emphasized species differences in related to protein kinase C activity. One of the major
the inositol-depleting effects of lithium and showed substrates of protein kinase C, myristoylated alanine-
that in primate brain slices lithium increases phospho- rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS), has been studied
inositide signaling through activation of glutamatergic extensively and lithium was found to reduce the levels
N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors. Therapeutic concen- of MARCKS, an effect that is also caused by direct acti-
trations of lithium also increased muscarinic receptor- vation of protein kinase C, suggesting a modulatory
stimulated phosphoinositide signaling in cultured cer- effect of lithium on protein kinase C activity which
ebellar granule cells.71 In studies using postmortem modulates MARCKS.81,86 MARCKS is involved in cyto-
human brain,72 a regionally-selective deficit in phos- skeletal architecture, indicating that this function may
phoinositide signaling was evident in bipolar com- be affected by lithium. MARCKS also inhibits phos-
pared with matched control tissue. Additionally, in the phoinositide signaling,87 suggestive that lithium may
affected brain region there was a direct relationship reduce this inhibitory influence on phosphoinositide
between bipolar brain lithium levels and phosphoinos- signaling as a consequence of down-regulating
itide signaling activity so that the deficit was greatest MARCKS. The extent and consequences of lithium’s
in tissues with the lowest lithium, suggestive of an effects on protein kinase C and its substrates remains
amelioration by lithium of deficient phosphoinositide a topic of great interest.
signaling activity. This also raises an additional com- Numerous studies have demonstrated that the cyclic
Mechanism of action of lithium
RS Jope

AMP second messenger system is modulated by lith- in cyclic AMP production, such as by norepinephrine,
ium.3,5,11 In general, these show that lithium increases may be caused by an inhibitory effect of lithium on
basal levels of cyclic AMP but impairs receptor- the activation of Gs,3,5,92,93 but the specific mechanism
coupled stimulation of cyclic AMP production (Figure mediating this action is not entirely clear. Direct
3). One hypothesis is that these dual effects of lithium inhibitory effects of lithium on adenylyl cyclase also
are due to inhibition by lithium of the G-proteins that may contribute to its modulatory effects on the pro-
mediate cyclic AMP production. Receptor-mediated duction of cyclic AMP.92 Overall, it appears that these
production of cyclic AMP is controlled by a stimu- actions of lithium reduce the magnitude of fluctuations
latory G-protein, Gs, and a counter-balancing inhibi- in cyclic AMP levels by increasing the lowest basal lev-
tory G-protein, Gi. Under basal conditions, cyclic AMP els and decreasing maximal stimulated increases, thus
production is tonically inhibited by the prevailing Gi stabilizing the activity of this signaling system (Figures
influence. Increased basal cyclic AMP levels caused by 2 and 3).
lithium may occur at least in part because lithium One intriguing mechanism by which lithium may
reduces the activity of Gi, apparently by shifting its influence G-protein function is by modulating the post-
equilibrium between a free active conformation and an translational modification of ADP-ribosylation of G-
inactive heterotrimeric conformation towards the inac- proteins catalyzed by endogenous enzymes (ie, not by
tive form,5,66,88–90 but not all studies find such inhibi- added ADP-ribosylating toxins such as pertussis toxin).
tory effects.91 Therefore, inhibitory effects of lithium Administration of lithium was found to increase the
on Gi can elevate the basal level of cyclic AMP. On the endogenous ADP-ribosylation of G-proteins.94,95
other hand, attenuation of stimulus-induced increases Although the ramifications of this modification on sig-
naling activities remain to be established, these find-
ings raise the possibility of a new mechanism for mod-
ulating G-protein function.
A primary action of cyclic AMP is to stimulate the
activity of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase
(protein kinase A). Several studies found that lithium
can modulate stimulated protein kinase A-mediated
protein phosphorylation.80,96–98 Especially interesting
are a series of reports that lithium inhibits protein kin-
ase A-induced phosphorylation of cytoskeletal pro-
teins,99,100 an action that may contribute to long-term
modulation of neuronal structure and function by lith-
An exciting new story is rapidly developing involv-
ing the regulation by lithium of cytoskeletal protein
phosphorylation and function, and the consequential
effects on neuronal architecture. Protein phosphoryl-
ation of cytoskeletal proteins was recently found to be
affected by a newly discovered inhibitory effect of lith-
ium on glycogen synthase kinase-3␤101 (Figure 4). In
addition to its originally described function of phos-
phorylating glycogen synthase, this kinase also phos-
phorylates several other proteins, including microtu-
bule-associated proteins (MAPs) such as tau and MAP-
1B, which contribute to regulating neuronal cytoskele-
tal networks. A long-overlooked report had shown that
lithium inhibits an unidentified kinase that phos-
phorylates glycogen synthase,102 which was later ident-
ified as glycogen synthase kinase-3␤ and recently
shown to be the kinase directly inhibited by lithium.101
Figure 3 The production of cyclic AMP is bimodally modu- Several recent studies found that inhibition of glycogen
lated by lithium. (a) Basal cyclic AMP production is predomi- synthase kinase-3␤ by lithium reduces tau phosphoryl-
nantly controlled by the action of the ␣-subunit of the inhibi- ation.101,103–107 The majority of these studies have been
tory G-protein, Gi. Lithium appears to facilitate the formation conducted by investigators interested in developmen-
of the inactive heterotrimeric conformation of Gi, resulting in tal effects of glycogen synthase kinase-3␤ or microtu-
increased cyclic AMP production under basal conditions. (b)
bule dynamics, rather than lithium’s therapeutic
Receptor activation can stimulate the heterotrimeric G-pro-
tein Gs to dissociate, allowing the active ␣-subunit to activate effects, so acute treatments and supra-therapeutic con-
adenylyl cyclase (AC) to increase cyclic AMP production. centrations of lithium, generally 5–20 mM, were util-
Lithium appears to reduce receptor-activated stimulation of ized. Nonetheless, the dramatic effects of lithium that
Gs, resulting in decreased cyclic AMP production under were observed suggest that lower concentrations of
stimulated conditions. ␣␤␥ = heterotrimeric G-protein. lithium will have significant, though more subtle,
Mechanism of action of lithium
RS Jope

ings indicate that lithium can inhibit phospholipase
A2, an enzyme that mediates the production of arachi-
donate.115,116 Since arachidonate can contribute to the
activation of protein kinase C, it was suggested that its
reduced production after lithium may contribute to
reduced activation of protein kinase C.116 Further
investigations of these signaling systems are needed to
clarify how their regulation is integrated into the over-
all metabolic and signaling activity modulatory effects
of lithium.

Transcription factors, gene expression, and

protein levels

Figure 4 Inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3␤ (GSK-3␤)

Transcription factors fulfill the critical functions of
by lithium modulates the phosphorylation and function of transmitting and regulating signals to the nucleus,
the microtubule-associated proteins tau and MAP-1B. GSK- allowing cells to respond to a changing environment
3␤ phosphorylates tau (␶), which decreases its binding to through alterations in gene expression. Thus transcrip-
microtubules, and phosphorylates MAP-1B, which increases tion factors may be selectively influenced by lithium
its binding to microtubules. By inhibiting GSK-3␤, lithium both as a result of lithium’s modulation of the activities
decreases the phosphorylation of tau and MAP-1B, increasing of specific signaling systems and as targets for lithium
tau microtubule binding and decreasing MAP-1B microtubule to modulate the expression of genes selectively.
binding. Although each binds microtubules, tau and MAP-1B Studies with lithium have focused on transcription
are not functionally interchangeable and each of their actions
factors coded by immediate early genes, those
may predominate in different neuronal compartments.
responding rapidly and transiently to cell signals, such
as the AP-1 transcription factor which is composed of
modulatory effects on neuronal cytoskeletal modifi- dimers of the Fos and Jun protein families. Following
cations mediated by glycogen synthase kinase-3␤, and the initial discovery that lithium increased c-fos mRNA
evidence of such effects with 1 mM lithium were levels,117 several reports have appeared with a confus-
reported briefly in some studies.101,103–105 Dephos- ing array of results after lithium treatment, including
phorylation of tau at the glycogen synthase kinase-3␤ increases, decreases, and no changes in c-fos mRNA
sites, which is caused by lithium, enhances the binding levels in a variety of cultured cells and in regions of
of tau to microtubules, which promotes microtubule rat brain,118–128 but only limited information is avail-
assembly.108 Therefore, this action of lithium suggests able about the effects of lithium on the expression of
that it may stabilize microtubule-based neuronal struc- Jun family members.121,125,128 These inconsistent
ture. However, inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase- results with c-fos may be related to cellular and brain
3␤ by lithium also dramatically decreased MAP-1B regional differences in the response to lithium com-
phosphorylation.109,110 Dephosphorylation of MAP-1B, pounded by the complexity of factors regulating mRNA
in contrast to tau dephosphorylation, decreases its levels and the activation of immediate early genes.
ability to bind and stabilize microtubules and therefore More functional information may be gained from
results in more dynamic microtubules, and this examining transcription factor DNA binding activity.
response to lithium treatment also was reported to This was first employed only in 1995, but is now
cause increased axonal spreading and increased receiving much attention. Stimulation of AP-1 DNA
growth cone area.109 These recent findings suggest that binding activity in rat brain was found not only to be
neuronal cytoskeletal rearrangements may be a signifi- attenuated by lithium, but also to be influenced by cir-
cant consequence of lithium administration. The cadian rhythm.129 This attenuation of stimulated AP-1
opposing effects of dephosphorylation of tau and of by lithium was confirmed in cultured cells, but elev-
MAP-1B, promoting microtubule disassembly and ated basal AP-1 DNA binding activity was noted as the
assembly, respectively, caused by lithium’s inhibition concentration of lithium was increased.125,130 Lithium
of glycogen synthase kinase-3␤, support the theme of also increased basal AP-1 in several cultured cell lines
this review that lithium acts at multiple sites to adjust and in rat brain, although with evidence of differential
the balance between opposing influences rather than lithium concentration sensitivities among cell
having unidirectional effects (Figure 4). Undoubtedly types.126,128,131 The opposite actions of lithium on
ongoing studies will shed more light on the precise stimulated (decrease) and basal (increase) AP-1 DNA
effects of lithium on these critical components of neu- binding activity at first appeared to be contradictory.
ronal structure. However, these have been proposed to reflect actions
Other signaling systems also have been shown to be of lithium at different sites which are cellularly inte-
modulated by lithium. In accordance with earlier grated to reduce the magnitude of fluctuations in AP-
reports, more recent evidence was obtained that lith- 1, and consequently of AP-1-responsive gene
ium may modulate the production of cyclic GMP111,112 expression, so after lithium treatment minimal basal
as well as nitric oxide.41,113,114 In addition, new find- levels are elevated and maximal stimulated levels are
Mechanism of action of lithium
RS Jope

dampened15 (Figure 2). The decrease in receptor- The mRNA levels for neuropeptide Y and somatostatin
coupled stimulation of AP-1 could result from inhi- were increased, and cholecystokinin decreased, by
bition by lithium of phosphoinositide hydrolysis, lithium administration in some rat brain regions.141,142
reduced second messenger activities (protein kinase C Especially intriguing is the recent discovery that lith-
or calcium), or other effects that regulate stimulation ium increases levels of the anti-apoptotic protein bcl-
of AP-1. On the other hand, the increased basal level 2 which may have important consequences for the neu-
of AP-1 activity is likely due to inhibition by lithium roprotective actions of lithium.33,34 Additionally, the
of glycogen synthase kinase-3␤, an enzyme that is con- method of differential display holds great promise as a
stituitively inhibitory towards AP-1, so blockade by method capable of distinguishing drug-induced alter-
lithium can elevate basal AP-1. These combined effects ations in the expression of specific genes, and the first
of lithium on basal and stimulated AP-1 may model study with lithium using this method identified 2⬘,3⬘-
how multiple actions of lithium are integrated to stabil- cyclic nucleotide 3⬘-phosphodiesterase, an enzyme
ize fluctuations in this, and other, signaling systems potentially involved in neuronal growth and repair, as
which impact to also stabilize gene expression activi- being up-regulated after lithium treatment.143
ties within a lithium-modified range of maximal and Overall, although a variety of effects of lithium on
minimal levels. Investigators are now in the process of mRNA and protein levels have been reported, there is
identifying other transcription factors and genes that not yet a consensus about which of these may be of
are regulated by lithium. Recently lithium was also primary importance in the therapeutic response, and
shown to modulate two other transcription factors, the the mechanisms accounting for these changes caused
cyclic AMP responsive element and NF-␬B, confirming by lithium have not been identified. At present these
that lithium’s effects doubtlessly extend to additional findings are most useful as leads for further investi-
transcription factors besides AP-1.126,130,132 Current gations aimed at identifying the critical affected pro-
investigations should provide greater insight into the ducts, as well as for confirming that lithium clearly
mechanisms and outcomes of these modulatory effects does have selective modulatory influences on neuronal
of lithium on transcription factors. gene expression and protein concentrations.
It seems likely that alterations in neuronal gene
expression and consequently protein levels induced by
Physiological effects
lithium contribute to its therapeutic effect. Not surpris-
ingly considering the foregoing discussion, lithium has Potentially important additional actions of lithium
been reported to alter the expression of a number of appear to warrant further investigation. Modulation by
genes and/or the levels of proteins, processes that may lithium of the Na+-K+-ATPase remains a viable con-
underlie the necessity for long-term treatment with tributory factor in lithium’s actions.144 There has been
lithium to achieve optimal therapeutic responses. This surprisingly little research in recent years examining
time-delay may be required for neuronal proteins to hormonal effects of lithium, although hormonal fluc-
reach new steady state levels in the presence of lithium tuations likely contribute to susceptibility and episodic
that mediate structural and/or functional neuronal onset. However, several reports provide confirmation
alterations. However, it remains to be determined of earlier studies that thyroid hormone activity is affec-
which of these are therapeutically critical products. ted by lithium.145–147 Circadian rhythm disturbances
As previously reviewed,10,11 lithium has been may be a factor in bipolar disorder, and recent findings
reported to alter the expression of several proteins continue to support earlier reports that the circadian
involved in signaling systems, and recent reports con- period can be altered by lithium.148 This limited num-
tinue to find effects on G-proteins.133–135 Lithium also ber of recent studies clearly indicates the need for
increased mRNA levels for nitric oxide synthase type- further investigations of the hormonal and circadian
2.114 It is difficult to know whether this preponderance influences of lithium.
of evidence that the expression of proteins involved
in signaling systems is affected by lithium reflects a
predominant action of lithium on these proteins or
reflects the current interests of investigators examining Although many clues have been obtained in recent
the effects of lithium. Nonetheless, it appears likely years, there is still not a clear understanding of the
that altered levels of signaling proteins contribute to mechanism of action of lithium. One of the primary
the signal and mood stabilizing actions of lithium. difficulties is that there is still no means to test which
Several additional mRNA or protein levels were of the multitude of described actions of lithium are
modulated by lithium. Glial fibrillary acidic protein critical for its therapeutic effect, and there is a dearth
was increased by lithium136 and lithium modulated of schemes which consolidate this information. Thus,
stress-induced alterations in polyamine enzymes.137 In from the many biochemical actions of lithium that have
PC12 cells, treatment with a high concentration of lith- been discovered, investigators are faced with the formi-
ium (20 mM) in combination with other agents dable tasks of identifying which of these are critical for
increased neurotensin/neuromedin N expression,138 lithium’s therapeutic actions and integrating these into
increased melanin-concentrating hormone mRNA and a comprehensive picture of how neuronal function is
decreased tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA.139 Lower levels modulated by lithium. There is clearly a need for ani-
of lithium increased tyrosine hydroxylase levels.140 mal models that would help to distinguish the actions
Mechanism of action of lithium
RS Jope

of lithium that are critical for a therapeutic on the cytoskeleton at multiple levels, including sig-
response.4,149,150 There is also a need for information nals from glycogen synthase kinase 3␤, cyclic AMP-
about the intracellular concentrations of lithium that dependent kinase, and protein kinase C, and these
are required for therapeutic responses. The intracellu- actions may be critical for the neural plasticity
lar concentration of lithium has traditionally been esti- involved in mood recovery and stabilization. (3) Lith-
mated from gross measurements of extracts of brain ium adjusts signaling activities regulating second mess-
regions. Such estimates are clearly inaccurate, since in engers, transcription factors, and gene expression. The
recent years it has become evident that spatial, as well outcome of these effects appears likely to result in lim-
as temporal, gradients of molecules are achieved in iting the magnitudes of fluctuations in activities, con-
neurons. Identifying the spatial and temporal gradients tributing to a stabilizing influence induced by lithium,
of lithium’s distribution is a critical, and challenging, and neuroprotective effects of lithium may be derived
issue. This limitation is emphasized by a recent study from its modulation of the expression of genes
addressing the intraneuronal concentration of lithium involved in regulating degenerative and regenerative
which concluded that localized concentrations of lith- mechanisms.
ium near transport sites are likely to be much higher In summary, this review introduces the concepts that
than 1 mM.32 multiple actions of lithium must be considered critical
Even with these limitations, however, there is begin- in the therapeutic response, and that these complex
ning to emerge an understanding that rather than look- effects support neural plasticity and stabilize neuro-
ing for a single site of action, many actions of lithium transmitter balances, signaling activities, and gene
must, and can, be integrated to obtain a cohesive pic- expression, each of which may make a necessary, but
ture of how neuronal function is modulated by long- individually insufficient, contribution to lithium’s
term exposure to lithium (Figure 5). Three systems therapeutic effects (Figure 5). Multiple actions of lith-
appear especially enticing as critical sites of actions of ium, rather than a single site of action, may be neces-
lithium which appear most likely to contribute to the sary because lithium has antimanic, antidepressant,
multiple therapeutic actions of lithium, and each of and prophylactic stabilizing actions, and because
which can influence the others. (1) Lithium seems to bipolar disorder is a complex illness involving mul-
alter the balance among neurotransmitter activities and tiple systems. Thus, it may be too much to expect that
to have neuroprotective effects. Modulation of neuro- these multiple effects of lithium could be accounted for
transmitter balances, in conjunction with decreasing by either an action that is unidirectional, rather than a
glutamatergic activity and toxicity, is likely to modu- bimodal balancing action, or a single site of action,
late excitatory and inhibitory synapses and networks, rather than the culmination of multiple actions. The
as well as contributing to neuroprotection. (2) The neu- critical property of lithium appears to be that it is able
ronal cytoskeleton is much more than a structural to act at multiple sites to adjust the balance, and
framework, but is a dynamic system contributing to dampen the magnitudes of fluctuations, of positive and
neural plasticity. Lithium modulates signals impacting negative inputs to neuronal function, allowing it to

Figure 5 Summary of the major sites of action of lithium emphasized in this review. Evidence reviewed in this article indicates
that more than a single site of action of lithium is likely to contribute to its therapeutic effects. Furthermore, this review notes
that lithium has a widespread tendency to alter balances between opposing pathways, rather than having unidirectional actions,
to modulate the magnitudes of fluctuations in systems. The figure depicts sites of signaling systems that appear to be the most
critical sites of action of lithium. NT = neurotransmitter. Rec = receptor.
Mechanism of action of lithium
RS Jope

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