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‘UME YA RIAL UM - pecrsase AND _ CONRUER APPROACH OO + Introduction my * Insertion sort S + DFS yy + BFS » . “Topological aa] This Notes is valid $ - TIME TRADE OFFS - + only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Gec-2014 { n- to Dec-20. (Ln Intwoduch - Sox by Count "9 : QP t Enhancement in String Nat ching (CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC/ EEE /IT/ TC BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYA TUTORIALS Gualty indosty oriented taining for final yest Students and reser. We lo provie mens job ‘Also visit our website’ td ‘9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAVANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) wavOF_ARAD! GTS. RESERVED Write a note on the Decrease and Conquer. Approach < &xplain its ~3 major Variance. Decrease and Conquer Ae one op the most Sen problem solvin technique- te ais based on the paimeiple =o exploiting the yelationship . behoeen a solunon to the given problem ond a soluher tr. tht Wsmallty instance the same — pavblem “There ave twin —elhU olucreas and Conquer such os - G (i) Deevease by cons¥ant (ii) Deevease by eastont actor (ih) Variable ae | Deereas ° (Len ss: - ig such a_ technique i ; o) an instance ne m ta up + : Trp ct teed ‘ceonptamt . each fire iteration % dhe algoithm- it Rca a et represenked as shown This Notes Is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 eiaaa GIALIESHWARAM) DOPRBIL/GAVANAGAR), STHSHILL(VIUAVANAGAR) 9019831440NDIRANAGAR) vs OF _ARADHYA TUTORIALS® giGHIS RESERVED nese no: (8) 5 POS tg yom i a ine ’ ax poo n>) || This Notes is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 Decrease b a constan actos - fs such a whith the sire of -92” Instance technique in ig veduced by a ne constant Qin each time dusing he iteration & the algovitiem oe shown Ht can be Pee below - “OTORA EE LD gos si ue) 56 is uch a decrease and 2 Deewease - conquer technique that. the sie 0) : the yeduction paler vowies vO Ont ierah on to ‘anothey 4 the algowithm gee (n,m mod n») ty get (m7) eseeatad (MATT ESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) DOCUMENT OF HVA TUTORIALS: $ RESERVED Boe gf@ Insertion Sort _- upon the ——dDetvease and conques approach. In this technique we stan the sorted sub- avray 50m Jeyt to sight until the post A aaat weaker than or equal fd alm-i] is encountered. Then A lm] is Inserted vight bepere «hat —-glemenk: This. Ryecess 7S rtpeated fill the entire array iN py teal ~ is a sorting algoxithin based The Allgaxithnon p below ~ ALGORITHM InsertionSors(A[0.n — 1]) Sorts a given array by insertion sort ‘Maput: An array A[0.n — 1] ofn orderable elements ‘NOutput: Array A[0..n — 1} sorted in nondecreasing order fori —1ton—1do Ali] jei-i while j > 0 and A[j]> v do AU +1) + AU) sej-1 AU +1) This Notes is valid | |} only for the duration *| n-2014 to Dec-2034 | ‘OLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC/ EEE /IT/ TC BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYA TUTORIALS een ‘ABC for Java and Testing ‘Aradhye’s Brlince Centre for ava and teting is 2 sister concer of Aradhya tutorials. We provide quality Industry oriented taining for fal year students and freshers. We aso provide immense job ‘opportunities. We have already placed numerous students into the software industry. To know more, ke ou Facebook page ’ABC For Java and testing ‘Also visit our website’ ‘9848642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 GAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VLJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) eres) DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED Pees Breadth First Search - a is a traversal — method aE that Weleeds tain aq contenture §= manner E by visiting yet all the verhees = that ore adjacent to o startin verkx- Then all un-visiied vertices two edges apart yrm it are visited > THIS — paveess continues unbl all, — vertices °} the fae. a visikeel « ok & The atgozithen is. sheapy below - ALGORITHM BFS(G) ‘Mmplements a breadth-first search traversal of a given graph Mmput: Graph G = (V, E) Output: Graph G yith its vertices marked with consecutive integers iin the order they have been visited by the BFS traversal mark each vertex in V with 0 as a mark of being “unvisited” count 0 for cach vertex vin ¥ do This Notes Is valid aaa }* only for the duration * ou) Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 bfs(v) Iivsits all the unvisited vertices connected to vertex v by a path +> Hand assigns them the numbers in the order they are visited tivia plobal variable count count count +1; mark v with count and initialize a queue with v Cee ee : for each vertex w in V adjacent tothe front vertex do rt iff w is marked with 0 count < count +1; mark w with count add w to the queue remove the front vertex from the queue |OLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC/ EEE /IT/ TC BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYA TUTORIALS 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAVANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) DOCUMENT oF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED ide ne: 6/0) =o Depen Piet bem ou is a traversal, method m whieh on each _—itevahion , the atgoaithe proceeds tb an ~ un-vrsited oe that rs adjacent bh dhe one a d fs currently in. This rn tes¢ confin nes until a dead-end (a verter _ : i - 4 IS encoy a ital onde ip at “up till a stage — soheve can, ‘peer , tontinue FS nce “ng process continues till atl verbres are visi mi Nae! Algorithm, pr 7 se PS Aoi OS ALGORITHM DFSG) the the namely and pre -steucharing enhanteement — apprva the input anel Mmput — obtainecl solving « In input pre-prvcess additonal Problem apprah , cilitate poster to data - in pre struchering it used to # jlexibte acess input enhancement appavach appreach- shore 2 approaches we “the actelevate th, extra space - and more gre = Sorat Sit This Notes Is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 ohat fs meant %y ; sosting by counting 2 Explain oe “a a ty countin ig ale called. as alpen mou in g\. Tt is) gone the oe approaches whroh uses the input enhancement technique to sost the data- In this method , y each element the list to be gor: total mo: 4 elements smatley “than — these elements ave recorded im a table. These vetorded numbers woutd imdtcate the positions °4 the elements -in the sorttd isk - ee 9sasei2i44 SH 99727 6 ssLL11¢ QIALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VLJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) CUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVE! page no: ‘The ae + Coa by Coun ws as ieee belvr - This Notes is valid * only for the duration * ALGORITHM ComparisonCountingSor(Al.n~1)) |} Jan-2044 to Dec-2014 ‘Sorts an array by comparison counting SS =e ‘Moput: An array A(0.n~ 1Yof orderable elements Ouiput: Array S{0.n ~ 1} of A's elements sorted in nondecreasing order fori may pceus {lpwin Q possibilities patiern searching - “Ty the requivedl character 18 mole Present n the attrn, then the patton is shiped by its ieugih i }OLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC HIT / TC BRANCH ‘SUBJECTS IADHYA TUTORIALS 2845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAVANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) ure) pocuMEnr oF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED page no: a 4 the chavoctey = oceuvs = im the tent then the — paleo *s shined based on the entry present in “phe — shith fable ; either The above rocess * repeated! vil ele the pateyn P is pond opine. (eexGasts exhausted: The _algnithm > prepare the shi iow is as shown beloro - aay ALGORITHM ShifiTable(P(O-m ~ 1) LIFills the shift table used by Horspool's ‘Minput: Pattern P(0.2n ~ 1] and an alphabet of possible characters ‘Output: Table(0..size ~ 1} indexed by the alphabet's characters and 11 filled with shift sizes computed by formula (7.1) = initialize all the elements of Table with m This Notes is valid forj-<-Otom—2 do Table PUN} «= m — 1 — fer Olam 2 ae Tenisieym «m1 —_4\* only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 3 SM stoing matth is ALGORITHM. HorspoolMatching P10. ~ 1), T10.n—1)) ‘ShifirTable(P{0.m — 1) _igenerate Table of shifts tem st . eee | * oe | while

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