Internship Report: On Customer Relationship Management of An Interior Design Firm: CHL Interiors

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Internship Report


Customer Relationship Management of An

Interior Design Firm: CHL Interiors

Submitted To
Department Of Marketing

Faculty of Business Studies

University Of Dhaka

Submitted By
Abdullah Arafat

Roll No. 195

Section: B

21st Batch

Department of Marketing

Faculty of Business Studies

University of Dhaka

Date of Submission: 9th April, 2019

Letter of Transmittal

April 9, 2019
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka

Subject: Submission of internship report on “Customer Relationship Management of an

Interior Design Firm: CHL Interiors”
It is my great pleasure to submit you my internship report on “Customer Relationship
Management of An Interior Design Firm: CHL Interiors” I Have tried my best to complete this
report properly following the guidelines provided by you and concerned organization. I have
confidence that the internship program has increased both of my theoretical and practical
knowledge to a great extent. I will be obliged to answer any query that may arise during
evaluation of this report.

So, I am fervently requesting and hoping that you would be kind enough to accept my report.

Sincerely Yours,
Abdullah Arafat
Roll: 195; Section: B
21st Batch
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka

This is high time for me to convey my deepest gratitude and sincere submission to the almighty
Allah for giving me the opportunity of accomplishing all the tasks related to my internship

I feel honoured to lay my sincerest gratitude to my honourable supervisor, SH KHAN, Professor,

Department of Marketing, University of Dhaka, for his help, encouragement, guidance and
valuable suggestions throughout the period of this study. Without which it would not have
possible to submit this report on time

It was a great opportunity for me to complete my internship program at CHL Interiors. I am also
very grateful to my internship supervisor Shazzad Rabbi Shohag, Managing Director, Corporate
Office, CHL INTERIORS, LA-58/1, Middle Badda, Dhaka-1212.

I have so far given my best effort to prepare and represent the report according to instructions of
my honourable supervisor. I hope my endeavour will be beneficial to the audience and urge for
exonerate eye for any mistake or error found in the report.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents whose influence and inspiration has enabled me to
complete this report.

Executive Summary

CHL Interiors is an initiative of Corporate Hub Limited. Corporate Hub Limited started its
journey back in July 2017. It has a large array of business activities from HR consultancy to
event management to food network and interiors. It aims at becoming market leader in every
endeavour it takes. Corporate Hub Limited is relatively a new company and still trying to
penetrate the market with unique service promise to its customers. In this study, the researcher
aims at providing a strong insight to the Customer Relationship Management of the CHL’s
interior section where the researcher actually gained his first-hand experience.

The economy of Bangladesh is booming. According to World Bank’s prediction, Bangladesh

might as well become the next big thing in Asian Economy. With a booming economy comes
increasing purchasing power of the people of that region. So, Corporate Hub Limited targets to
capture this favorable market condition to its advantage. With the rising economy and purchasing
power, the market becomes more inclined to spend on luxury items. Interior designing as a
luxury item for Bangladesh context can expect major profit in coming days. Corporate Hub
Limited is trying to be a major player of this game by becoming a reliable and familiar brand in
the customer’s mind with its CRM practice.

This internship report discusses about the impact of customer relationship management of an
interior designing firm: CHL interiors. A detailed description of the activities undertaken by the
company is given. This report covers the way CHL Interiors uses CRM and how the company is
benefitted from. This report also covers the customer retention as well as satisfied customers as a
result of CRM.

Table of Contents

1.1 Background of the study...................................................................................................................9
1.2 Origin of the study............................................................................................................................9
1.3 Objective of the study:...................................................................................................................10
1.4 Scope of the study..........................................................................................................................10
1.5 Methodology of the study..............................................................................................................11
1.6 Sources of Data:.............................................................................................................................11
1.6.1 Primary data:...............................................................................................................................11
1.6.2 Secondary data:...........................................................................................................................12
1.7 Literature review............................................................................................................................13
1.8 Limitations of the study..................................................................................................................15
ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW...................................................................................................16
2.1 Overview of CHL Interiors:..............................................................................................................17
2.1 Background....................................................................................................................................17
2.2 Vision.............................................................................................................................................18
2.3 Mission...........................................................................................................................................18
2.4 Services Offered by Corporate Hub Ltd...........................................................................................18
2.3 Company Organogram....................................................................................................................22
Internship Activity..............................................................................................................................23
3.1 Duties & Job Responsibilities..........................................................................................................24
3.2 Learning Outcomes:........................................................................................................................25
4.1 Customer Relationship Management in CHL Interiors....................................................................27
4.2 Benefits of CRM in CHL Interiors.....................................................................................................28
4.3How does CHL Interiors Uses CRM...................................................................................................28

4.4 Building Value for CHL Interiors Customers....................................................................................29
4.5 How do Different Business Functions of CHL Interiors Benefit from Using CRM:............................29
4.6Why CHL Interiors Want Relationship with Its Customers...............................................................31
4.7 Different Ways Corporate Hub Limited Build Customer Relationship.............................................32
4.8 Statistical Data & Analysis..............................................................................................................32
4.9 Key Notes:......................................................................................................................................41
Recommendation & Conclusion.........................................................................................................43
5.1 Recommendation...........................................................................................................................44
5.2 Conclusion......................................................................................................................................45
Appendix A...........................................................................................................................................47

Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the study
Gaining knowledge and learning on a particular subject can only be evaluated properly if it is
linked with theory and real - life practice. Theory is learned in a detailed manner from the
academic course. However, when it comes to attaining practical knowledge on the subject matter
to be studied, it is important to get a real life experience where the theory can be implemented.
This can be gained by a program named as “Internship”. The main purpose of internship is to
train the students and prepare themselves for the real work situation in job markets. After gaining
knowledge from my internship program from CHL Interiors under Marketing Department, I have
developed this internship report as a partial requirement to acquire the BBA degree under direct
supervision of SH KHAN. I tried my best to make this report with sufficient resources to make it
an informative and showcase my real-life knowledge.

1.2 Origin of the study

This report is a partial fulfilment of the internship program to complete my undergraduate
program from University of Dhaka. My supervisor at CHL Interiors Mr Shazzad Rabbi Shohag
assigned me with the topic “Customer Relationship Management of an Interior Design
Firm:CHL Interiors”. My internship period in CHL Interiors was about Three months (Jan19-
Mar19) and I got the opportunity to learn how customers of interior design firm have been
managed properly. I also learned about how CHL Interiors manage its interaction with actual and
potential customers, improve business relationships with customers, specially focusing on
customer retention, how different channels are used and collected data through these channels
like Company Website, Telephone, E mail, personal promotion, social media etc. & how these

data are used to learn more about target audiences and how to best to cater their needs.. With the
most updated information that I have closely looked at their activities, I have successfully
completed this report.

1.3 Objective of the study:

The major objective of this study is to focus on one broad issue that “Understanding the impact
of customer relationship management of CHL Interiors”.

Specific objectives:
 To be acquainted with CHL Interiors.
 To identify the company’s mission, vision.
 To identify how CHL Interiors use CRM & get benefit from it.
 To identify how different business functions of CHL interiors get benefitted from CRM
 To analyse how CRM helps to learn more about target audiences and how to best cater to their
needs for an interior design firm.
 To know whether customers are satisfied or not by the service of CHL Interiors

1.4 Scope of the study

This internship report discusses about the current business operation of CHL Interiors. A detailed
description of the activities related to customer relationship management undertaken by the
company is given. This report covers the different CRM Strategies used by CHL Interiors. This
report also covers how CHL interiors is getting benefitted by CRM as well as good business
relationships being built with target audiences.

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1.5 Methodology of the study
This study has been conducted on a systematic procedure starting from the selection of the topic
to final report preparation. The report has been prepared on the basis of the internship experience
in CHL Interiors, in the last three months. Descriptive research method has been conducted to
analyse the CRM strategy of CHL Interiors and the effectiveness of the marketing functions on
the basis of customer’s feedback. There are two reasons for that decision. One, the nature of my
topic insists me to conduct in depth research exclusively with the clients and the executives
related to this field which can be carried out through long interviews only. And two, there is
almost zero data regarding the interior firms or the industry in Bangladesh which has left me
with no choice but to conduct a descriptive research. Moreover, descriptive research
methodology is the appropriate tool for my study in my opinion. The report will cover
extensively the significance of customer relationship management of CHL Interiors.

1.6 Sources of Data:

1.6.1 Primary data:

The necessary primary data for the study have been collected through

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I. informal interviews
II. Surveys with customers and so on.

Field Visit

I’ve gathered many information regarding customer expectations and need through field/ market
visiting during the initial period of my internship. I have learned a great many deal regarding
what the customers think of an interior firm, who are those customers, what they really look for
from an interior company and the sort of work they want to do in contact with such firms.


Another great source of information for me in this internship period for this report was
telemarketing. I have contacted initially with the potential customers from predetermined
population set. And over the phone, I have tried to learn as much as possible about the
requirements of the said client. Importantly, this first touch point of contact determines a great
deal about the way the relationship will go.

Client Meeting

At some point I was appointed to meet the potential clients who responded positively after the
first contact. The meetings were held so that as a company we can learn more about our clients,
their specific needs, their issues with the project in depth. Every possible scenarios for every
options were discussed in such meetings. So this was the single most important source of
information that helped me developing this report.

1.6.2 Secondary data:

 Website of CHL Interiors.

 Informative documents provided by the company supervisors.
 Online search for more topic-related information.

1.6.3 Sampling

The customers of CHL Interiors within Jan 19 to Mar 19 have been selected by using convenient
sampling Technique.

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1.7 Literature review

Customer relationship management has been defined as “a business approach that integrates
people, processes, and technology to maximise relationships with customers” Goldenberg (2008,
p.3). Moreover, it has been stated that customer relationship management “characterises a
management philosophy that is a complete orientation of the company toward existing and
potential customer relationships” (Raab et al, 2008, p.6)
Mueller (2010) characterises customer relationship management aspect of the business as a
highly dynamic, and convincingly argues that businesses have to adopt a proactive approach in
devising relevant programs and initiatives in order to remain competitive in their industries.
Sinkovics and Ghauri (2009) relate the necessity for engaging in customer relationship
management to high cost of direct sales, highly intensifying level of competition in the global
level, and need for information about various aspects of the business in general, and consumer
behaviour in particular, that can be used to increase the levels of sales.
According to Peppers and Rogers (2011), there is global tendency in customer relationship
management that relates to the shift from transactional model towards the relationship model. In
other words, Peppers and Rogers (2011) argue that satisfying customer needs as a result of on-
time transaction is not sufficient today in order to ensure the long-term growth of the businesses.
Instead, businesses have to strive to maintain long-term relationships with their customers in
order to maintain flexibility to adopt their increasing expectations and thus achieving their life-
long loyalty. Peppers and Rogers (2011) further stress that, businesses that refuses to
acknowledge this tendency in the global marketplace would be risking their market share and
growth prospects in the future.
One of the most critical sources for the research is the book “Relationship Marketing and
Customer Relationship Management” authored by Brink and Berndt (2009). The book offers an
in-depth discussion of the concept of Customer Touch Map and discusses the role of information
technology in facilitating customer relationship management.

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The work of Mathur (2010) represents another significant contribution to the research area to be
used in the study. Namely, the author provides a wide range of specific customer relationship
management techniques and principles that are used by multinational businesses. The findings of
Mathur (2010) can be compared to the primary data findings in the proposed research, thus
enhancing the scope of the study.
Khurana (2010), on the other hand, discusses the concept of customer relationship management
in a great detail, and also addresses advantages and disadvantages associated with a range of
relevant software applications. The third edition of Pradan’s (2009) “Retailing Management” is
another noteworthy source that is going to be used in the study. Specifically, Pradan (2009)
identifies customer relationship management as an emerging aspect of marketing in retail and
discusses its importance for ensuring long-term growth for retail businesses.
A global approach towards the issues of customer relationship management is adopted by Raab
et al (2008) in “Customer relationship management: a global perspective”. The value of this
specific work to the proposed research can be explained in a way that it will allow the
comparison of customer relationship management principles to the similar principles exercised
by other multinational retailers in a global marketplace.
Bhatia’s (2008) work, “Retail Management” is also going to be used in the proposed study due to
the significance of the contribution of the work to the research area. Bhatia (2008) offers in-
depth discussions related to the use of loyalty cards by retailers, and this represents a
comprehensive analysis of the issue in the secondary data.
Moreover, Cox’s (2011) “Retail Analytics: The Secret Weapon” deserves also to be mentioned
in here thanks to the most modern and fresh perspective the author adopts in order to approach
the research issues. The most valuable part of this specific article is that it provides highly
practical recommendations to retailers of various sizes in terms of increasing the levels of
revenues through adopting a range of customer relationship management principles.
A range of academic models and writings relate to this research in direct and indirect ways and
some of the most relevant models are going to be explored in the study. One of the most models
to be used in the study is The Gap Model of Service Quality. “A model of service quality called
the gap model identifies five gaps that can cause problems in service delivery and influence
customer evaluations of service quality” (Lamb et al, 2011, p.189).

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These five gaps are a) the gap between customer wants and the management perceptions about
customer wants; b) the gap between the management perceptions about customer wants and the
specifications of service developed; c) the gap between the service specifications and the actual
service provided; d) the gap between the quality of service promised and the quality of service
provided, and e) the gap between expected service and perceived service on behalf of customer.
Another relevant model to be tested during the study constitutes Relationship Model of customer
relationship management proposed by Peppers and Rogers (2011). Specifically, the model
advocates adopting a pro-active approach in sustaining customer relationships and proposes a set
of specific principles that would assist to accomplish this task.

1.8 Limitations of the study

Through the research, this is well planned but there has some limitations which are not controlled
by the researcher.
 The study has been undertaken based on a very small sized sample.
 The sampling has been done in different places in Dhaka only.
 Authentication of primary data cannot be ensured and therefore collecting it is really
 To maintain confidentiality, it is obvious that supervisors might be sceptical about
sharing certain company information with the interns. Therefore, getting the exact picture
is always a challenging.

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2.1 Overview of CHL Interiors:

2.1 Background
CHL interiors is an initiative of Corporate Hub Limited. Corporate hub limited is a service &
consultancy firm that has been dedicated to offering a wide range of services aiming at providing
best consultation & services on Digital marketing, Motion Graphics video, HR management &
Consultation, Event management, Architectural Services along with various training programs.
Customers receive Professional, yet personal, approach when they do business with CHL.
CHL was established in 2017 and incorporated in 2018. They adjust with the needs and budget
of every company. They provide all corporate services in a comprehensive range of solutions
with a business focus. Corporate Hub is a dynamic organization that excels in different types of
marketing and event services. CHL works closely with their valued customers to increase their
readiness level to implement in their company. Working with leading organizations, government
and commercial bodies, goal of CHL is to unlock potential for growth and innovation and create
long term sustainable effect.
Main goal is to offer customers with excellent professional services in the most affordable prices.
Its’ number one objective is maximum customer satisfaction. Team of specialists consistently
delivers outstanding results combining creative ideas with their vast experience. It has also
marketing and event management professionals working at Corporate Hub Ltd. CHL maintains
transparency with its’ clients throughout the entire process, from concept to completion. It has
also its’ own in-house team of Event and Marketing specialists, allowing to work in partnership
with clients, offering experience and guidance at each and every stage. Corporate Hub Ltd owns
custom built team building equipment which is perfect for corporate and team building

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2.2 Vision
To be the top-of-mind corporate service provider in the country by providing excellent quality
services and generating the most creative and innovative ideas, with commitment and
unwavering dedication in an effort to provide its clients the finest personalized services they
aspire for.

2.3 Mission
To develop distinctive, client centred, corporate solution concepts and programs that support
business goals and provide a unique, cost effective, one stop source for all corporate needs. Our
mission is to build a binding and continuous relationship with organizations seeking
Management support and provide them with continuous capabilities improvement through
Continuous consultancy and continuous tools development and upgrade.

2.4 Services Offered by Corporate Hub Ltd

Marketing Services
CHL helps its’ customers to promote their business & connect with their customers to increase
their brand value in most effective ways. Marketing services offered by CHL are as follows:
Advertising and promotion
To make awareness of brand, CHL offers following advertising & promotional services:
 Logo design & redesign
 Business card, ID card, flyer
 Note book, notepad, text pad
 Product catalog, ticket, coupon
 Paper ad, website ad, online ad
 Marketing material, diary
 CD label, DVD label
 Shopping bag, swatch card

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 Wall calendar, desk calendar

Digital Marketing
CHL offers its’ customers following digital marketing services to connect with their customers
and make customers feel supported and valued:
 Data driven marketing strategy
 Social media marketing
 Video marketing
 E-mail marketing

Creative Ad Making
In the mid of clutter of advertisement, CHL offers creative, eye- catching and inspiring ads
which are inspiring for people to buy products.
 Display ads
 Social media ads
 Video ads

Content Writing
CHL offers high quality, original and engaging content for article, website and social media
Brand Promotion
Creative brand promotion team of CHL leverages traditional and digital medium to build your
brand identity.
Management Consultation
CHL analyzes the clients’ company & project requirements and provide efficient human resource
& help clients to turn their HR professionals into a team of expert. Following management
consultation services are offered by CHL:
HR Consultancy

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CHL provides broad spectrum of strategic HR consulting services to support client’s business
Placement Services
CHL provides skilled workforce by analyzing requirement of client’s organization.
Payroll Management
CHL offers individual solution to clients’ payroll problems and helps to stay focus on their
Event Management
CHL event management recruits, trains and manages large teams to execute an event/program
toward a common vision. CHL covers following events:
 Seminar & conference
 Trade shows
 Appreciation events
 Team building events
 Product launching event
 Board meeting & shareholder meeting
 Convocation

Architectural Services
CHL assures its’ customers to turn their empty indoors into mind blowing spaces with right color
combination and assortment of furniture selected by their experts.
Following architectural services are provided:
 Interior design & consultancy
 Corporate design
 Bank & financial institutions design
 Interior project management
 Retail outlet design
 Educational institutions design
 Hospital design

Training Services

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 AutoCAD 2d & 3D (Civil)
Auto CAD civil training makes students or professional efficient working with ‘AutoCAD
professional’ at work place.
 3Ds Studio Max
3Ds Max covers architectural visualization modeling & rendering that makes one professional
with 3Ds Max architectural visualization works.
 Professional Training on structural
Analysis and design by using “STAAD Pro” software.

 Professional training on architectural modeling & rendering using REVIT software.

 Professional training on structural analysis and design using ETABS & SAFE software

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2.3 Company Organogram

Masuma Akter

Sazzad Rabbi Shohag

Managing Direcetor

Md. Sazzad Hossain Sojib


Marketing Architect Civil Engineer CRM Accounts Purchase

Md. Sumon Raja Md. Saifur Rahman Nahid Farzana Ether Md. Mahtab Uddin Md. Shifat Rabbi
Aminul Islam Omy Mihad
Manager Head of Architect Manager Manager
Head of Department Officer

Abdullah Arafat Era dey Omita Akter Rajbe Zubaer Muaarshed

Executive Senior Architect Senior Executive Shovon

Robaed Razin Mahmod Nilofar Yesmin

Asraf Shanto
Executive Executive
Md. Parbes Hasan

Papia Sultana
Tanzila Akter

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3.1 Duties & Job Responsibilities
I got such opportunity to work with honourable and knowledgeable person of CHL Interiors.
My work was to work with them as a helping hand and learn how to do that work properly. The
responsibilities that I had:

 Direct Marketing: I communicated directly to customers through a variety of media

including cell phone, text messaging, email, catalogue distribution & brochures and
understand their needs and requirement & stored the required data into the data base.

 Meeting with client: I have attended the meeting with clients, tell them the company
policy, noted down their requirements, pen down the work order & took advance
payment for the design charge. The meetings with clients were the most adventurous &
exciting parts of the internship tenure.

 Negotiation and Instant decision making: I had to negotiate with the clients based on
their customized requirements on the premise and so sometimes I had to take instant
decision regarding the service.

 Supervising the Projects: I have directly supervised three projects and assisted in
others too. Keeping continuous communication with the clients, their requirements,
ensuring the coordination of other project members and inspire, motivate them during
the project tenures, meeting the deadline pressure, collecting proper feedbacks from the
clients, ensuring the completion of payment from the clients, follow up the projects &
documentation & preparing a complete report after the completion of the projects are the
exciting part of the job.

 After Sales Service: To keep a good business relationship with the firm, I used to keep
communication with the clients. If they face any sort of problem with our service, I
jotted them down and tried to solve them with help of other project members as early as

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 Content of the website: I have updated the content of the website of CHL Interiors
which was also an interesting part of my internship period to showcase my creativity.

3.2 Learning Outcomes:

 Soft Skills:

 Advance in Microsoft Excel Application.

 Get more speed about typing
 Using tools to work in advance
 Negotiation Skills

 Corporate Skills:

 Co-operate with different types of customers.

 Solve customers’ Problems by taking instant decisions
 Work without comfort zone
 Maintain confidentiality

 Personal Skills:

 Time management
 Work under pressure
 Do various tasks together
 Stay calm in sensitive situation

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4.1 Customer Relationship Management in CHL Interiors
The way CHL Interiors views Customer Relationship Management:

Customer Relationship Management (or CRM) is a phrase that describes how your business
interacts with your customers. CRM is also about what you do with that information to better
meet the needs of your existing customers and identify new customers, resulting in higher profits
for you. (, 2019)

CHL Interiors prefers intimate relationship with its clients. It believes that the clients are the
strengths of its business. Customer Relationship Management is paramount in the business
operation at CHL interiors. It developed its business strategy putting significant importance on
CRM. Every business decision is made after analyzing how that decision might affect or
influence its customers. CHL Interiors maintains marketing philosophy in its business doings and
it uses customer relationship management as a crucial tool in that regard.

Now, what CHL Interiors means by CRM is not that of a complex academic arguments. From its
philosophy to the business practice, CHL Interiors believe that customers are the kings. And the
company is merely trying to satisfy the customers with all its resources. To satisfy someone one
must know him/ her intimately. His/ her preferences, special needs, sense of uniqueness etc. can
be accommodated only when the company knows its customer as closely as possible. So, the
CRM means to CHL Interiors is knowing the customer deeply and letting them know of their
options, informing them of the vast possibility that they might not aware of. This reciprocate
interaction is what CHL Interiors believes to be CRM, from top management to employees.

In later parts of this report I will describe more about the business operation of CHL Interiors.
That way, you will have more clear understanding of what the company does to ensure that it has
a healthy and fruitful relationship with its customers.

The CRM Building Blocks in CHL Interiors:

• A database that collects information about its customers.

• A way to analyze the information in the Corporate Hub Limited database.

• A strategy for applying the analysis to better meet CHL Interiors clients’ needs and identify
potential customers.

• Collecting data to ensure its strategy is effective.

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4.2 Benefits of CRM in CHL Interiors
The purpose of CRM is to make every customer that they have a one-to-one relationship with the
company. That means they should remain confident that CHL Interiors will cater to every unique
and special needs of its customers. Effective CRM will show CHL Interiors customers that:

 CHL Interiors knows and recognizes them.

 The company understands them.
 CHL Interiors cares about their needs, concerns and questions.
 It wants to deliver the product and services they need the most.
 It appreciates their unique needs.
CRM also helps CHL Interiors by allowing it to:

 Develop superior service to cater to the distinctive needs of its customers.

 Direct marketing toward the most profitable customers that CHL Interiors can serve most
 Anticipate future business need by anticipating based on the database and historic trends.
 Increase CHL’s customer base as it develops new ways to engage in business.

4.3How does CHL Interiors Uses CRM

The table below displays the types of information CHL Interiors collects along with the
questions it seeks to improve its business data.

Types of information Questions

Customer Profile  Who are they?
 Are they an office or residence?
 Where are they located?
 If they have an office, how big is their
 If it’s an office, what it does?
 Why do they need our product?
 How do they communicate with CHL
 How long have they been our
Customer Buying Profile  How often do they buy?
 When do they buy?
 Is there a pattern?
Customer Buying preferences  What do they buy?
 Do they always buy the same things?
 Why do they buy?

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Customer Service Profile  What kinds of problems do our
customers encounter when they decide
to buy our product?
 What is the current status of their issue
or problem?
 How many cases have been resolved?

Building Value for CHL Interiors

By recording and analyzing this information CHL Interiors can then build a strategy with this
information to:

 Maximize repeat business opportunities by anticipating existing customer’s needs.

 Identify its best customers.
 Identify potential customers.
 Identify complementary products CHL Interiors can sell to its clients.
 Target marketing campaigns and promotions.

4.4 Building Value for CHL Interiors Customers

More ideas on how CHL Interiors uses this information to increase its perceived value to the
customer include:

 Make ordering and buying easier for the customers by enabling them to fill up the pre-
filled order forms and e- mail reminders.
 Tailor the buying experience for the customers according to their specific needs.
 Make the customers aware of the different consequences their decisions have.
 Offer incentives for future purchases.
 Offer free products for stand out customers.

4.5 How do Different Business Functions of CHL Interiors Benefit

from Using CRM:
While the importance of CRM has traditionally been as a sales and marketing tool, some of the
biggest gains can come in other areas, such as customer service, HR, supply-chain and partner

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Sales Team Can Use CRM for Better Understanding of Their Sales Pipeline in CHL

Sales managers of CHL Interiors can access reliable information about the progress of individual
team members in achieving their sales targets, for example, and see how well individual sales
teams, products and campaigns are performing too.

Sales representatives benefit from reduced admin, a deeper understanding of their clients, and the
opportunity to spend more time selling and less time inputting data.

Marketing Can Use CRM to Make Forecasting More Simple and Accurate

Marketing department at CHL Interiors can get clear visibility over every opportunity or lead,
and map out the whole customer journey from enquiry through to sale, so giving them a better
understanding of the sales pipeline or prospective work coming in.

It’s also possible to include information from customers’ public social media activity – their likes
and dislikes, and their sentiment about specific brands and businesses.

Customer Service Can Track Conversations across the Channel Using CRM

A customer might raise an issue in one channel – say, Twitter or Facebook – but then switch to
email, phone or live chat to resolve it in private.

Without a common platform for customer interactions, communications can be missed or lost in
the flood of information – leading to an unsatisfactory response to a valued customer.

Supply-chain, Procurement and Partner Management Teams Can Manage Relationships


They can track meetings with suppliers and partners, record requests made, add useful notes,
schedule follow-ups and stay on top of expected next steps.

Reporting enables businesses to compare the efficiency of suppliers and so manage their entire
supply chain more effectively.

The HR Team Can Use CRM to Accelerate the Recruitment Process and Track Employee

CRM can help the HR function by speeding up the on-boarding process, automating the process
of managing candidates, analysing resourcing needs and identifying skills gaps, and supporting
the pursuit of staff retention targets.

31 | P a g e
4.6Why CHL Interiors Want Relationship with Its Customers
The fundamental reason for companies wanting to build relationship with customer is economic.
CHL Interiors is no different. It recognizes that its loyal customers are the most valuable asset.
Companies tend to do better result when they manage their customer base in order to identify,
satisfy and retain their most profitable customers. This is a key CRM strategy. So, CHL Interiors
does everything in its power to maintain that relationship with the customers.

Moreover, improving the customer retention rate has a positive impact on increasing the size of
customer base. The following figure compares two companies. Company A has a churn rate
(customer defection rate) of 5 per cent per annum; company B’s churn rate is 10 per cent. Put
another way, their respective customer retention rates are 95 and 90 per cent. Starting from the
same position and acquiring an identical number of new customers each year,

Year Company A (5% churn) Company B (10% churn)

Existing New Total Existing New Total
Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer
Base Base
2014 1000 100 1100 1000 100 1000
2015 1045 100 1145 990 100 1090
2016 1088 100 1188 981 100 1081
2017 1129 100 1229 973 100 1073
2018 1168 100 1268 966 100 1066
company A’s customer base is 19 per cent larger than company B’s after 4 years: 1268
customers compared with 1066 customers.

With that example in mind, CHL Interiors focus more on retaining existing customer and
improve the customer base revolving around existing customers rather than investing more and
more on finding, acquiring and developing fresh relationship entirely.

It has proven many a times that, investing on fresh customer to make a business out of them is
more costly than investing on existing customers. Existing customers already know CHL
Interiors. They are not much vulnerable to other company promotion or offer. They don’t take
much time from the company to build the trusting relationship because there already exist a
trusting relationship. Considering everything, CHL Interiors puts much value to its existing
customer base. It tries to improve upon existing relationship by treating loyal customers with
more service that they will not likely to have in another company.

On the other hand, new customers need time and adjustments to provide any profitable business
transaction to this company. A complete stranger does not necessarily give in to the promises
CHL Interiors make. Time and effort spend with this segment does not provide as much for the
company. That’s why CHL Interiors always tries to make a relationship lasting and true.

32 | P a g e
4.7 Different Ways Corporate Hub Limited Build Customer
Corporate Hub Limited has their own strategy for building customer relationship. As the
company values its customer as the most important asset, it takes extra care for building the
relationship from the very beginning. Here are the ways the study observed with which CHL
builds relationship with its customers for interior designing and execution purpose:

 Connects via Phone Calls: Corporate Hub Limited tracks its customer from different
sources, for example, phone directory, field visiting etc. collects the contact number and
then approaches them by phone and asks them for a convenient time when the customers
can talk to CHL personal. He/ she maintains the contact and informs the potential
customers about CHL, how it works, and the way the company can serve them.
 E-mailing: Corporate Hub Limited collects prospective customers email. Then sends a
formal mail expressing interest (EOI). With the mail there attached a short company
profile that informs briefly yet precisely about the company and its services.
 Meeting: CHL calls for meeting with potential customers. In these meetings the company
shows how much care they have for customer’s unique need. The company tries to ensure
that it understand and recognize distinct tastes of different customers. It presents the
potential clients the history of other satisfied customer, former project it had carried out
successfully so that the potential customers can put their trust on CHL.
 Reminder SMS: After initial contact the contact person for a customer sends reminder
SMS to remind the customer that CHL has not forgot him/ her. The company is ready to
provide the service the customer wants at any time.

4.8 Statistical Data & Analysis

To know the effectiveness of CRM and customer satisfaction level
I have done a survey on the customers of CHL Interiors. I asked them few questionnaires and on
the basis of their answers I made these statistical data. Different customers have different
opinions, different thoughts about CHL Interiors’ customer service operation. During my
interview some customers also express their problems those they have faced from CHL
Interiors. I have done this survey on 25 people. Among them, 10 were home owners, 05 were

33 | P a g e
Managing Directors, 05 were the owner of restaurants & 05 were of Show rooms ((Car, Bike,
Gun Shops)

Survey participants





Home owner MD Restaurant owner Show room owner

34 | P a g e
 How consumers do know or become aware about CHL Interiors?

Customer awareness about CHL Interiors





Telemarketing Websites
Personal selling/presentaion Others

70% of the customers become aware of CHL Interiors through telemarketing;
10% through websites, 10% through personal Selling/ presentation, 10% through others like
word of mouth, reference of others etc.

 Have you ever used an interior designing firms before CHL Interiors?




Yes No

35 | P a g e
75% of the survey customers have taken the services of other interior firms before taking the
service of CHL interiors.

 What are the selection criteria of an interior designing firm?

Selection Criteria



Design Consultation Design Execution

Service Delivery On Time Cost


45% of the customers put their importance on Design Execution, 25%

customers’ selection criteria for an interior design firm is Design Consultation, 15% like service
delivery on time and other 15% are cost conscious for selecting an interior designing firm.

36 | P a g e
 Which criteria of have you liked most about the service of CHL Interiors?

Criteria of CHL Interiors




Design Consultation Design Execution Service Delivery on Time Cost


65% of the clients of CHL Interiors like the design consultation of the firm where
else 15% like the firm’s service delivery on time, 10% like the cost the company charges and
10% like the design execution of the firm.

37 | P a g e
 Which of the following words would you use to describe our Service?

Service Rating
20% 10%


Bad Fine but there are some issues

Fine Great


65% of the customers of CHL Interiors rated the service as Fine; 20% rated as
great; 10% opted that service is fine but there are some issues; 05% rated the service as bad.

38 | P a g e
 Does the firm inform you about the new services / changes in the services on time?



Yes NO


82% of the customers think that the firm inform them about the new services/
Changes in the services on time and the rest 18% doesn’t think so.

 What have you liked most about CHL interiors?




Quick Response Customization On time service

After sales service Others

39 | P a g e

55% of the customers like customization, 15% like quick response 15% like on
time service, 10% like after sales service & rest 5% like others.

 What is your response regarding the meeting procedure of CHL Interiors?

Meeting Procedure


Bad Good but there are some issues

Good Excellent


60% of the clients feel that the client meeting procedure taken by CHL Interiors
are good, 20% feel that it is excellent, 15% feel that it is good but there are some issues & 5%
feel the procedure is not up to the mark i.e. bad.

40 | P a g e
 Have your queries been answered properly by the sales staff?

Cusomer Query



Yes No


70% of the participants find that their queries have been met properly and other
30% believe there queries have not been met properly.

41 | P a g e
 Have you suggested others about the service of CHL interiors?

Suggestion to others



Yes NO

55% of the participants have suggested others about the Service of CHL

4.9 Key Notes:

1. It has been found that the majority of the awareness about the company among customers has
been created through the telemarketing where the telemarketing team calls to the customers from
phone directory if they have requirement of interior designing.

42 | P a g e
2. Among the survey participants, 75% of the participants have been taken the service of other
interiors firms before taking the service of CHL Interiors. The firm should be aware that why
they have shifted to the CHL Interiors to gain competitive advantage from others.

3. 45% of the participants prefer the design execution for selecting the service of interior
designing firms.

4. It is notable that 65% of the participants like more about design consultation provided by the
firm than the design consultation which is alarming for CHL Interiors. The company should give
their more attention to design execution for better customer satisfaction.

5. 65% of the customers has rated the service as good where 10% rated as great which says there
are more space of improvements for the company.

6. 82% of the participants has agreed that the company informed them as about the service/
changes about the service on time which is significantly good.

7. 55 % of the participants feel that customization is an area of strength for CHL Interiors.

8. 60% of the participants have liked the client meeting procedure of CHL Interiors.

9. 70% of the participants find that their queries have been met properly that means there are
opportunity of improvement of sales team and telemarketing team.

10. 55% of the participants have stated that they have suggested others about the service of CHL

43 | P a g e

Recommendation &

44 | P a g e
5.1 Recommendation
There is no perfect business. Modern business always are looking for improving the existing
business practice. CHL Interiors, too, believes in continuous improvement in business
procedure, especially managing its customer relation. Here are some recommendations for
Corporate Hub Limited based on this study.

 Database Automation: Though CHL maintains a digital database for customer

relationship management, which is not automated. Nowadays, many companies use
automated data software which enables them with unprecedented data storing and
analyzing power. Corporate Hub Limited is modern in its outlook. So, it should invest in
acquiring such sophisticated technique for database automation as it views itself as a
customer centric business venture.
 Reduce Contact Personal for Customers: CHL Interiors cares for its customer too very
much. It has different teams for telemarketing, marketing, purchase etc. Sometimes in
some projects, I have noticed that a customer comes across with multiple channels
within the organization. Such situation can cost the company dearly as the company
message may get distorted through several contact person presenting the same message
in their own way.
 Range of Information: The questionnaire CHL Interiors maintains while collecting
customer feedback may be enough for now. But, even broader range of questions would
help the company make more knowledgeable of individual customer requirements.
 Enhancing Customer Relationship Management: So far CHL Interiors uses Strategic
CRM. In some case maybe analytical CRM too. What it can do to improve the existing
system for better CRM practice is evolving the company CRM policy to cover
collaborative CRM and operational CRM. This will make the company more attuned for
the customer service that it hopes to provide.
 Design Execution: In the survey the participants have given much emphasized on the
selection criteria for for an interior design firm where CHL interiors can improve.
 Customer Query: Customer queries by the sales team and also by the telemarketing team
can be improved so that reliability of the customers can be increased

45 | P a g e
 Finding out the reason behind shifting to CHL Interiors from other firms can give the
company more strategic insight about the competitive advantage.

5.2 Conclusion
There are many interior firms trying to grab the huge Dhaka market for themselves. There are
over 50 interior firms in the Dhaka city operating at different levels. Yet, none of these firms has
any lasting impact on the target market. The marketing of this industry is still has not found its
ground. There is no interior firm that stands out over others in the mind of most of the customers.
In this scenario, Corporate Hub Limited is trying to fill that void with a comprehensive and
thorough Customer Relationship Management program. The company believes it can be that
stand out interior firm that the market would recognize and rely on when it comes to the interior
designing of corporate office or home by building intimate relationship with the customer it
serves. The company believes in empowering the customers. It hopes that the exchange of
information between the company and the customer will benefit both the parties. Customer
Relationship Management is the bridge between the company and customers that facilitates
exchange of information back and forth for Corporate Relationship Management.

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47 | P a g e
Appendix A

1. Gender
 Male
 Female
2. Age
 18-25
 26-35
 36-50
 51-60
3. Occupation
 Job Holder
 Businessmen
 Housewife
 Others
4. Why have you taken the service of CHL Interiors?
 Home Interiors
 Office space
 Showroom
 Restaurant
5. How do you know or become aware about CHL Interiors?

 Telemarketing
 Website
 Personal Selling/ presentation
 Others

48 | P a g e
6. Have you ever used an interior designing firms before CHL Interiors?

 Yes
 No

7. What is your selection criteria of an interior designing firm?

 Design Consultation
 Design Execution
 Service Delivery on time
 Cost
8. Which criteria of have you liked most about the service of CHL Interiors?

 Design Consultation
 Design Execution
 Service Delivery on time
 Cost

9. Which of the following words would you use to describe our Service?

 Bad
 Fine but there are some issues
 Fine
 Great

10. Does the firm inform you about the new services / changes in the services on time?

 Yes
 No

11. What have you liked most about CHL interiors?

 Quick Response
 Customization
 On time Service
 After Sale Service
 Others

49 | P a g e
12. What is your response regarding the meeting procedure of CHL Interiors?

 Bad
 Good but there are some issues
 Good
 Excellent

13. Have your queries been answered properly by the sales staff?

 Yes
 No

14. Have you suggested others about the service of CHL interiors?

 Yes
 NO

50 | P a g e

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