Level I - Lesson22 PDF

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为什么 (wèi shénme) = Why

因为 (yīnwèi ) = Because…
你为什么不去工作? (nǐ wèishénme bú qù gōngzuò) = Why don’t you go to work?

因为我病了(yīnwèi wǒ bìngle) = Because I got sick

为什么你学西班牙语? (wèi shénme nǐ xué xībānyá yǔ) = Why are you studying Spanish?


(yīnwèi xībānyá yǔ yǒu yìsì, hěn duō rén shuō xībānyá yǔ) =
Because Spanish is interesting and a lot of people speak Spanish

为什么不喝咖啡? (wèishénme bù hē kāfēi) = Why don’t you drink coffee?

因为我不喜欢咖啡,太苦. (yīnwèi wǒ bù xǐhuān kāfēi, tài kǔ) =

Because I don’t like coffee, (its) too biter

为什么不运动? (wèi shénme bú yùndòng) = Why don’t (you) work out (exercise)

因为我太累 (yīnwèi wǒ tài lèi) = Because I’m too tired.

怎么(zěnme) = how
怎么做中国菜 (zěnme zuò zhōngguó cài) = how to cook Chinese dishes?

看书做 (kàn shū zuò ) = read books to do (Chinese cooking)

你怎么上网?(nǐ zěnme shàngwǎng ) = How to do you get on the internet?

我用手机上网 (wǒ yòng shǒujī shàngwǎng) = I use the cellphone to get on the internet

怎么买车?(zěnme mǎi chē ) = How to buy a car?

请朋友帮忙 (qǐng péngyǒu bāng máng) = Have a friend help (buy a car)

怎么睡好觉?(zénme shuìhǎojiào)= How to sleep well?

多运动,晚上喝牛奶 (duō yùndòng, wǎnshàng hē niúnǎi)=

Exercise more, drink milk in the evening.

The object doesn't have to come after the verb. Sometimes it moves to the front of the
question, establishing what the question is going to be about, before getting specific with the
"how" question.

ipad 怎么用?(zěnme yòng) = How to use IPAD?

cheese 怎么吃?(zěnme chī) = How to eat cheese?
超市怎么去?(chāoshì zěnme qù ) = How to go to grocery store?

Dialogue 1 : A: 周末你做什么?

(zhuōmò nǐ zuò shénme) =

What will you do on the weekend?


(wǒ yào qù àolánduō) =

I’m going to Orlando


(wèi shénme qù àolánduō? qù díshìní ba) =

Why are (you) going to Orlando? Going to Disney?


(bú shì. yīwèi qù kàn péngyǒu)

No. Because I’m going to see a friend.


(kàn péngyǒu? wèi shénme nǐ bù gāoxìng?) =

See a friend? Why are you not happy?

B: 朋友要离开美国。

(péngyǒu yào líkāi měiguó) =

Friend will leave USA

A: 为什么离开美国? (wèi shénme líkāi měiguó) =

Why (is she) leaving USA?

B:妈妈病了。(māma bìngle)

Mom became sick

A: 你怎么去? (nǐ zěnme qù) = How you going?

B: 开车去。(kāi chē qù) = Going by driving

离开 (líkāi) = to leave

病了(bìngle) = got sick

开车 (kāichē) = drive car

Dialogue 2: A: 你怎么学中文?(nǐ zěnme xué zhōngwén) =

How do you study Chinese?

B: 看电视,上网。(kàn diànshì, shàngwǎng) =

Watch tv, go on internet

A: 为什么不去上课?

(wèi shénme bú qù shàngkè) =

Why don’t you go to class?

B: 因为中文课太贵了。

(yīnwèi zhōngwén kè tài guìle)

Because Chinese class is too expensive

A: 你怎么上网学中文?

(nǐ zěnme shàngwǎng xué zhōngwén) =

How do you study Chinese online?

B: 我用手机上网学中文。

(wǒ yòng shǒujī shàngwǎng xué zhōngwén)

I use cell phone to go online study Chinese.

A: 为什么用手机?
(wèi shénme yòng shǒujī) =

Why do you use cell phone?

B: 因为很方便,什么时候都可以学习. travel 中文怎么说?

(yīnwèi hěn fāngbiàn, shénme shíhou dōu kěyǐ xuéxí. Travel

zhōngwén zěnme shuō) =

Because it’s very convenient, can study anytime. How do you

say travel in Chinese?

A: 旅游,你喜欢旅游吧?

(lǚyóu, nǐ xǐhuān lǚyóu ba) =

(travel), you like traveling?

B: 是,你怎么知道?

(shì, nǐ zěnme zhīdào?)

Yes, how did you know?

A: 去年,今年你都去旅游了。

(qù nián, jīn nián nǐ dōu qù lǚyóu le) =

Both last year and this year you went traveling.

B: 是啊,因为旅游没有钱去上中文课。

(shì ā, yīngwèi lǚyóu méiyǒu qián qù shàng zhōngwén kè) =

Yes, because (I) traveled don’t have money to go to Chinese class.

知道 (zhīdào) = to know

你怎么知道我不喜欢运动 (nǐ zěnme zhīdào wǒ bù xǐhuān yùndòng) =

How did you know I don’t like to exercise

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