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Implication and Impact of Brexit in European Union

Karla Jane L. Edep

Palawan State University


The European Union also known as EU is economically and politically partnership

with 28 countries, including the United Kingdom. It began after the World War II to promote

economic cooperation. It became a “single market” to the member states which allowing

goods and people to move around without going to war with each other. European Union

policy aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within the

internal market, enact legislation in justice home affairs and maintain common policies on

trade, agriculture, fisheries and regional development. For travel, within the Schengen area

and passport controls have been abolished. A monetary union was established in 1999 and

came into full force in 2002 and is composed of 19 EU member states which use the euro

currency, these countries are collectively known as the Eurozone. Becoming a member of

the European Union is a complex procedure which is not happen all the time. Once an

applicant country meets the conditions for membership, it must implement EU rules and

regulations in all areas. One of the Members of European Union is United Kingdom, officially

been part of European Communities in January 1, 1973. United Kingdom is consist of four

constituent; Whales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Back to the Foundation of the

European Economic Community in 1957 the relationship of the European Union and United

Kingdom began. United Kingdom has been an important neighbor, was a major member and

EU’s third most populous state with over 12% of the Union population. Even being a member

of European Union United Kingdom didn’t join the single currency or the border-free

Schengen area.

A. History of Argumentation/Topic

The United Kingdom made its first application to join in 1961. This application was

voted by the French Government in 1963 with a second application also voted by French in

1967 until 1969 the United Kingdom made a third and successful application for membership.

The Treaty of Accession was signed in January 1972, Parliament’s European Communities

Act 1972 was enacted on October 17 and the United Kingdom’s instrument of ratification was

deposited the next day (October 18) , letting the United Kingdom’s membership of the

European Communities come into effect on January 1, 1973.

A previous referendum was held in 1975 with a 67% vote on continued membership

of the United Kingdom to the European Communities. Until, Last 2016 a referendum known

as United Kingdom European Union membership referendum or EU referendum and Brexit

referendum where 52% of those who voted supported the withdrawal of United Kingdom.

This Brexit would be a withdrawal agreement and a trade agreement between European

Communities and it will be in effect on March 30, 2019, after a period of Brexit Negotiation.

The reasons in the departure of Britain is that Britain was being held back by the EU,

that EU imposed too many rules on business and charged billions of pounds a year in

membership fees for little in return. Also for wanting the United Kingdom to make all of its

own laws again, rather than being created through shared decision making with other EU

nations. Immigration was also a big issue for “Brexit” supporters, Britain wanted to take back

full control of its borders and reduce the number of people coming to live and/or work.
B. Extent of the Problem

Since the referendum of withdrawal to the European Union of United Kingdom had

been done many people were shock to the results of referendum, like they are not aware and

prepared that nobody clearly explained what “Brexit” meant. The departure of United

Kingdom will affect the trade and its relationship to the member state, example is the land

boarder of the Republic of Ireland and the Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland is one the four

constituent of United Kingdom. Due to the common land border of Ireland and its close

agribusiness integration with Northern Ireland “Brexit” induced an economic shock and the

risk to the physical border presents to the both states that can be avoided if United Kingdom

has a Customs Union with EU. Another problem need to be settled is the citizen of United

Kingdom living elsewhere in the EU, and the citizen of EU living in the United Kingdom. The

sector that also would be impacted across the EU because of United Kingdom withdrawal

are motor vehicle and parts, electronics equipment and processed foods and also the

exports of raw materials from the Ruhr Valley. Since “Bexit” means both parties will withdraw

from a conflict economic relationship, there will be an effect to the both sides. Deciding on

Britain’s term of exit will create difficult choices between Europe’s leaders, it’s either helping

the Britain to achieve a successful exit or do nothing or allowing Britain economy to halt and

possibly go into recession.

C. Potential Solution

There is only one win-win way out in this crisis, and that is EU need to do everything

to make sure that Brexit will not happen. To get the approval of the majority of Britain and

Europe voters without to provoke Brexit, likely to be one of the only safe and face saving way

out of the current crisis in terms of safeguarding the future economic of Britain and Europe. It

is least risky but has the capability to heal the bitter division of the two. It’s not easy and

whatever solution is proposed there will be a radical fringe that will complain loudly that it’s

too little or too much and will not please everyone. So the United Kingdom task is to find the

way forward that in the end will satisfy the majority of people, this will involve finding a

satisfactory future place outside the European Union in which United Kingdom’s privileged

trading links are maintained. Whatever the decision of Britain it must be cleared and planned

well for the better future of the state and the government need to be more aware for the

consequences that will happen once they leave the European Union.
D. Summary of All Points

United Kingdom and European Union have a very strong interest in finding a

workable solution. After the decades of strengthening European integration and

independence, the giving of notice under article 50 of the Treaty on European Union forces

the United Kingdom government to address such issue in resolving many threads that bind

them and create a new chart of separation and autonomy to the European Union. Leaving

the European Union will not bring big impact to the United Kingdom because even United

Kingdom is a member of European Union they still established and showed that they can

stand in their own. The only problem that they will encounter is the land boarder of Northern

Ireland and the citizen leaving in EU. So that United Kingdom and European Union must

have a good deal for their future relationship, such as customs union or free trade


 European Union and United Kingdom must settle such agreement to decide what will

happen for their future relationship.

 European Union and United Kingdom must have a free trade agreement, at least

even United Kingdom is not a member of EU they will still help each other to be


 European Union and United Kingdom must have a decision that once United

Kingdom left the EU they are not affected of EU’S law and legislation. At least those

people that are affected of withdrawal will be aware of the changes that Brexit will

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