Module 1: Polymer Physical Properties Overview of Polymer Property Models

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Module 1: Polymer Physical Properties

Overview of Polymer Property Models
Process Simulation with Polymers Plus

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Course Agenda – Day 1

1. Component Characterization
– Polymers Plus Component Types
– Polymer Component Attributes
– Molecular Weight Distributions

2. Polymers Plus Property Option Sets

3. Polymer Thermo / Physical Property Models
– Workshop – Estimating and Regressing Property Data

4. Polymer Phase Equilibrium

– Activity Coefficient Models
– Polymer Equations of State
– Workshop – Fitting VLE Data

5. User Prop-Set Properties

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Course Agenda – Day 2 and 3

6. Polymerization Reaction Kinetics
– Overview of Reaction Types
– Theory of Instantaneous Properties (MWD)
– Free-Radical Kinetics
Day 2
– Ziegler-Natta Kinetics
– Step-Growth Kinetics
– Segment-Based Power-Law kinetics Day 3
– Emulsion Kinetics [optional module]
– Ionic Kinetics [optional module]
7. Reactor Modeling

8. Reactor and Flowsheet Convergence

9. Using Data Fit to Regress Data

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Workflow of a Typical Simulation Project


Identify and Select Fit / Verify Pure Fit / Verify

Characterize Property Component Phase Equilibrium
Components Option Set Properties Data

Develop User Prop-Set

Property Routine (IV, Etc.)

Determine Customize Verify Model

Rate Rate Expression (Use Batch Data
Reactions Constants if Necessary if it is Available)

Close Recycle Add Details Test Model

Build “Open”
and Control (Heat Transfer,
Flow Sheet Loops Etc.)
Apply Model
May be necessary to return
to previous step to improve model

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

• Polymer systems exhibit unique characteristics:
– The molecular weight and chemical composition of a polymer
may change during the process
– Because of the size difference between polymer and solvent
molecules, polymer-solvent systems exhibit large excess
entropy of mixing; this influences phase equilibrium and
physical properties (viscosity)
– Polymer can exist as a liquid-like melt, amorphous solid, or
semi-crystalline solid
– Industrially produced polymers are polydisperse in nature

• The models used must take into account the differences

between polymers and conventional systems

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Importance of Thermodynamic Properties

Key Phenomena Thermophysical properties that

influence key phenomena
Mass balance Density (ρ), phase equilibrium
(binary interaction parameters)
Energy balance Heat capacity (Cp), heat of
formation (∆H f), heat of
vaporization (∆H vap)
Heat transfer ρ, Cp, thermal conductivity (k),
viscosity (η)
Pressure drop η, ρ

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Design Philosophy: Polymer Property Models (1)

• Polymer models in Polymers Plus can be component-
based or segment-based:
– Component-based models treat the polymer on a molecular
basis, and have parameters for the polymer component. These
models are appropriate for homopolymers and have fewer
number of parameters to obtain
– Segment-based models treat the polymer as a collection of
repeat units (segments); the parameters are obtained for the
segments and not for the polymer component. These models
are more suitable for copolymers
• Many segment-based models allow the user to define pseudo-
homopolymer parameters; polymer parameters take priority over
segment parameters when both are defined

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Design Philosophy: Polymer Property Models (2)

• The property models in Polymers Plus are designed to be flexible
– If data are available, models can be fit using simple polynomials
– If data are not available, parameters can be estimated using the
group contribution methodology of D.W. van Krevelen
• Polymers Plus has van Krevelen models for density, heat capacity,
enthalpy, entropy, melting point, glass point, Gibbs free energy,
thermal conductivity, and melt viscosity
• These models are segment based. The user may specify property
parameters for:
– The polymer component
– The segments
– If no parameters are entered, van Krevelen group contribution
techniques are used to estimate segment parameters
• These options are shown in priority order

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Design Philosophy: Polymer Property Models (3)

• Property
H2 C * parameters may be
C CH specified for the
* CH Polymer polymer component
or for segments
Increasing Priority

n • Polymer
parameters take
H2 H2
C precedence over
C CH Segments
CH segment
CN parameters

• If parameters are
not specified, they
H2 are automatically
C Functional
CH CN Groups estimated using
group contributions

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Design Philosophy: Polymer Property Models (4)

• Many of the property models in Polymers Plus use a branched
– “Standard” models are used for conventional components
• Typically these are DIPPR correlations
– “Polymer” models are used for polymers and oligomers

• Mixture models use appropriate mixing rules

– Some solution properties, such as viscosity, are dominated by the
properties of the polymer, even when the polymer mass fraction is
very small
• Several models have been designed as corresponding-states
equations using reference conditions for temperature, molecular
weight, etc.

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Transport Properties: Liquid Viscosity (1)

• The viscosity of a polymer is an extremely complex
phenomena. Observed viscosity may depend on:
– Temperature
– Polymer mass fraction in the solution
– Segmental composition of the polymer
– Pressure
– Shear rates
– Molecular size and structure:
• Weight average mole weight
• Polydispersity
• Degree of branching

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Transport Properties: Liquid Viscosity (2)

• There is no unified theory capable of accounting for all of
these phenomena
• Our current models include terms for:
– Temperature
– Copolymer composition (segment fractions)
– Weight average molecular weight
– Solution composition

• We must often rely on correlations or user routines to

accurately predict the viscosity of real polymer solutions

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Transport Properties: Liquid Viscosity (3)

• Most polymers exhibit a “critical molecular weight” with
respect to viscosity, above this point the viscosity
increases very rapidly with the weight-average molecular
α1 • The slope α2, below the
critical mole weight, is
Mw,crit typically close to 1.0
• The slope α1, above the
ln(η 0) critical mole weight is often
much higher – e.g., 3.4

ln( Mw )
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Transport Properties: Liquid Viscosity (4)

• A modified Mark-Houwink (MMH) equation is used for estimation of
the polymer melt viscosity
α β
 M   Tref  E  T 
η *, l
= η ref  w    exp  η 1 − 
i M   
 ref   T   RT  Tref 
• Where:
– Mw is the weight-average molecular weight of the polymer
– Mref is a reference mole weight; typically the critical MW
– ηref is the zero-shear viscosity at the reference conditions
– Eη, β, α additional model parameters (if not provided by the user
default values are used)
– Different α values are used above and below the critical MW

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Transport Properties: Mixture Viscosity

• Polymers Plus includes two liquid mixture viscosity
– Aspen model (default in 12.1 and higher)
• A simple, flexible correlation
• Our research shows this model is able to fit real-world data very well

– Van-Krevelen model (default in 11.1 and lower)

• Uses “pseudo-binary” mixing rule for polymer and mixed solvent

– The new model is strongly recommended

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Transport Properties: Aspen Polymer Solution

Viscosity Model
 
ln η l = ∑ wi ln η i*,l + ∑ kij wi w j ln η ij + ∑ wi ∑ w j lij ln η ij )

i j> i i  j ≠i 
• Where:
– ηl = Zero shear viscosity of the mixture
– ηi * ,l = Zero shear viscosity of component i
– wi = Weight fraction of component i
– k ij = Symmetric binary parameter, kji = k ij
– lij = Antisymmetric binary parameter, lji = -lij
– lnηij = Cross binary term from viscosities of pure components

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Transport Properties: van Krevelen Thermal

Conductivity Model
• For each phase, σ, thermal
λ*,i σ = λ*,i,σrefψ F conductivity, λ, is calculated
crystalline  T − Trefσ     
ψ = 1 + Aσ   + B σ Trefσ  1 − 1  + C σ ln T 
 Tσ  T T σ  Tσ 
 ref   ref   ref 
Thermal Conductivity

σ σ σ
 P − P   T − T  P − P 
+ Dσ   + Eσ   
ref ref ref
 Pσ   T σ  Pσ 
 ref   ref  ref 

• Parameters A-F may be

adjusted by the user; if
parameters are not provided
they are estimated from
rubbery molecular structures
• This model uses complex
Tg Tm rules to handle crystallinity
and copolymer composition
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Thermal Properties: Transition Temperatures (1)

• Many of the property models in Polymers Plus use
different correlations for each polymer phase regime
– Phase regime is determined by calculating:
• The glass transition temperature, Tg,
• The melting point, Tm
• The mass crystallinity, Xc
– In reality, the phase transitions occur over a range of
• The transition temperatures are considered point properties to simplify
the modeling
– The crystalline fraction can be tracked through the CISOLID
substream or specified through the property parameter

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Thermal Properties: Transition Temperatures (2)

• The glass and the melt transition temperature of a polymer
component can be calculated by:
– Specifying them as pure-component parameters for the polymer
– Specifying them as pure component parameters for the segments of
the polymer
– Estimating them from the van Krevelen groups

∑fMT j j g,j ∑f M T j j m, j

Tg = Tm =
segments segments
for polymers
∑fM j j ∑fM j j
segments segments

∑n k, j Yg , k ∑n Y
k , j m ,k

Tg , j = Tm , j =
groups groups
for segments
∑n k, j Mk ∑n k, j Mk
groups groups
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Thermal Properties: Molar Volume / Density

• Most EOS option sets use the equation of state to
calculate liquid density
• Polymers Plus includes two density correlations for use
with activity coefficient option sets:
– van Krevelen molar volume model
• Based on group contributions
• Simple temperature function
• Applicable to liquid, glassy, or semi-crystalline polymer
– Tait molar volume model
• Correlation based on temperature and pressure
• Applicable only for liquid phase polymer
• Best for high-pressure systems with liquid phase compressibility

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Thermal Properties: van Krevelen Molar

Volume / Density Model (1)

Liquid Vl
Molar Volume


Glassy X c=0 Semi-Crystalline


X c=1

0 Tg Tm
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Thermal Properties: van Krevelen Molar

Volume / Density Model (2)
• User may provide polymer parameter information directly:

1 A
= ρ polymer = C<T<D
V polymer 1 + BT
• Or, the segment density ρ lj is calculated from:

1 A
= ρ seg = C<T<D
Vseg 1 + BT
• Where A,B, C and D are constants and T is temperature Similar
expressions exist for the crystalline and glassy solid regions

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Thermal Properties: van Krevelen Molar

Volume / Density Model (3)
• Next, polymer volume is obtained from:

 Mn 
V polymer = ∑f seg
 
 M seg  × Vseg
segments  
• If segment parameters A, B, C,and D are not available,
then segment volume is obtained from group
Vseg = ∑ n j (a + b × T + cTg )Vw j
– nj = number of group j in segment
– a,b,c = constants; Vwj = van der Waals volume

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Thermal Properties: Tait Molar Volume /

Density Model
• Polymer molar volume may also be calculated using the
Tait model (default in UNIFAC-FV property method):
  P 
Vi = M n ×Vi (0, T )1 − C ln 1 +  
  Bi  

V(0, T ) = A 0 + A1 (T − 273.15) + A 2 (T − 273.15)


Bi = B 0 exp [− B1 (T − 273.15)]
• Ai and B i are empirical parameters

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Thermal Properties: Mixture Density

• Polymers Plus relies on the Rackett mixture model to calculate the
molar volume of the polymer-free solvent mixture, Vsol

• The solvent-polymer mixture is assumed to mix ideally:

= ∑ x i V = x pol Vpol + x solVsol

• This model behaves like the standard molar volume model when the
polymer mass fraction is zero
• Note that this model does not account for non-ideal mixing such as
solvent-induced swelling of a gel

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Thermal Properties: Enthalpy and Heat

Capacity (1)
• Polymers Plus uses two methods to calculate the
enthalpy of polymer components
– EOS based option sets solve for enthalpy using the ideal gas
law and the enthalpy departure term, which is derived from the
equation of state
– Activity based option sets calculate the polymer enthalpy using
the heat capacity of the condensed-state polymer

• Both methods are referenced to ideal gas conditions at a

temperature of 25 C

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Thermal Properties: Enthalpy and Heat Enthalpy

Capacity (2) ∆ H dep i
Heat of
Gas Hi*,v (T)
DHFORM formation Ideal
as Heat of
H *,ig
(T ) ref vaporization
∆ vap H *i (T )

∆ sub H *i T ref ( ) ( )
∆ con H *i T ref
DHSUB Hi*,l(T)

Amorphou Heat of
Solid (
H i*, l T melt )
H i
*, l
(T ) ref
∆ fus H i* (T melt )
Solid (
H i*, c T melt ) EOS Path
( )
H i*,c T ref Crystalline VK path

Tref T melt T
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Thermal Properties: Enthalpy and Heat

Capacity – van Krevelen Enthalpy Model
• Pure liquid-phase polymer:
H = H ( IG ,298 K ) + H
L 0
(298 K ) + ∫ Cp liquid (T ) dT

Cpliquid (T ) = A + BT + CT + DT ( 2 3
• Similar relations exist for amorphous and semi-crystalline polymers

• The heat of formation (parameter DHFVK), head of condensation

(DHCON) and liquid heat capacity parameters (CPLVK) are
estimated by group contribution techniques if values are not

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Thermal Properties: Enthalpy and Heat

Capacity – van Krevelen Enthalpy Model
• The heat of formation (DHFVK), heat of condensation
(DHCON), heat of sublimation (DHSUB), and liquid heat
capacity (CPLVK) may be specified for the polymer
components or segments
– If segment values are specified, the polymer properties are
calculated by segmental contributions
Ppolymer"i " = ∑P f j ij
segments" j "
P = any molar additive property
fij = molar fraction of segment “j” in “i”

– Missing segment parameters are estimated by group

Psegment" j" = ∑P n
P = any molar additive property
k jk njk = number of occurrences of group “k” in “j”
groups"k "

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Thermal Properties: Enthalpy and Heat

Capacity – van Krevelen Enthalpy Model
• Pure liquid-phase polymer:

∫ ( A + BT + CT + DT 3 ) dT

H = H ( IG , 298 K ) + H
L 0
cond ( 298 K ) + 2


• Similar relations exist for crystalline polymers. When calculating

mixture properties, additional enthalpy of mixing due to solution
nonideality must be accounted for:
ideal nonideal

H Lm = ∑ x i HLi − RT 2 ∑ x i (∂ ln γ i / ∂T )
i i

• γ is the activity coefficient that accounts for solution nonideality.

More on it later

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Enthalpy of Conventional Components: For

Activity – Coefficient Based Option Sets
∆ dep H i
*, v

Heat of
DHFORM formation Ideal H i*,v(T )

H i*, ig T ref )
∆ vap H i (T )

∆ vap H T
( ref
) Heat of
H i*,l(T )


H *,i l (T ref ) Vapor reference

Liquid reference

Tref T melt T
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Thermal Properties: Enthalpy and Heat

Capacity – Standard Components
• Pure monomers using vapor state reference (default):
H L = H 0f (IG ,298 K ) + ∫ Cp IG (T ) dT + H dep (T ) − ∆HVap (T )
• Pure monomers using liquid state reference (more accurate):
H L = H 0f (IG ,298 K ) − ∆H Vap ( 298 K ) + ∫ Cp L (T ) dT
To use liquid reference state, change routes:



Uses CPLDIP parameters for liquid heat capacity

Not valid for Henry Components!

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Thermal Properties: Entropy and Gibbs Energy

– van Krevelen Models
• Gibbs energy is calculated in a similar manner
– The Gibbs free energy of formation, DGFVK, condensation,
DGCON, and sublimation, DGSUB may be specified for the
polymer component or segment
– Missing segment parameters are estimated by group

• Entropy is calculated by the relationship:

SL =

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Thermal Properties: Enthalpy and Heat

Capacity – EOS Models (1)
• The equations of state require the ideal-gas enthalpy of the polymer.
This is calculated from the heat of formation and the ideal gas heat

( )
Enthalpy departure
H *, ig
=H *,l
(T ) + H
from EOS model
(T ) = H )+ ∫ Cp
*,ig *,ig ref *, ig
H (T dT

• If DHFVK or CPIG are not specified for the polymer, they are
calculated from segment contributions
(T ref ) = ∑f
Hi i, j H i*,,igj (T ref )
segment" j "

(T ) = ∑f
Cpi i, j Cp *,j ig (T )
segment" j "
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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Thermal Properties: Enthalpy and Heat

Capacity – EOS Models (2)
• If DHFVK is not specified for a segment, it is estimated by group
(T ref ) = ∑n
Hj k, j H k*,ig (T ref )

• CPIG parameters must be specified for either the polymer or the

segment; these can be estimated during a property estimation run

• When estimating CPIG parameters for segments specify the

structure using the “UNIFAC” functional groups

• The CPIG equation is a polynomial as with standard Aspen:

Cp *,ig (T ) = C1 + C 2T + C 3T 2 + C4 T 3 + C5 T 4 + C 6 T 5
C7 ≤ T ≤ C8

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Thermal Properties: Heat of Polymerization

• Heat of polymerization (∆Hpol) is the heat required to convert one mole of monomers
to one mole of segments of a polymer chain

• Heat of polymerization is related to the enthalpies of formation of the monomer and

the segment in the liquid phase according to:

∆Hpol = ∆H0f,seg + ∆Hcond,seg - ∆H0 f,mon - ∆H0 cond,mon

• Where

∆H0 f,mon is the heat of formation of monomer at the ideal-gas state

∆H0f,seg is the heat of formation of segment at the ideal-gas state

∆Hpol can be used to calculate the heat of formation of the segment

(∆H0f,seg). If ∆H0f,seg is not provided, the van Krevelen method is
used to estimate its value

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Estimating Polymer Properties

• When experimental data are available for the polymer, the model
parameters should be regressed to match the existing data

• If data are not available, most properties can be estimated using

group contribution techniques
– Van-Krevelen estimations are performed “on the fly”, you do not need
to run “property estimation”
– A “property estimation” run is required or the estimation option must
be activated to estimate CPIG parameters for segments
• Most van Krevelen models have only temperature dependence; they
ignore pressure effects on density and heat capacity

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Estimating Polymer Properties: Specifying van-

Krevelen Structure
• Example: specify the structure of a neopentyl-glycol repeat unit


2 x 100 ~CH2~
(last in list)
2 x 149 ~O~
1 x 106 ~C(CH2)2~
number of
Note help of each group.
message at Entry order is
bottom not important

A complete list of groups is available in Appendix of Polymers Plus User Guide Vol
2 or through online help under topic “van Krevelen Functional Group Parameters”
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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Estimating Polymer Properties: Specifying van-

Krevelen Structure (Help Screen)

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Estimating Polymer Properties: Estimating


UNIFAC method is preferred

over the “general” method
because the general method will
fill in missing hydrogen atoms
which do not exist for segments
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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Regressing Polymer Properties: Pure

Component Properties (1)
1. Set run type to “Data Regression”

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Regressing Polymer Properties: Pure

Component Properties (2)
2. Specify an oligomer component with the same segmental
composition as the polymer (or polymers) for which data are

User has data for pure

polystyrene and SAN
copolymer with 90 mole %
styrene and 10 mole % AN

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Regressing Polymer Properties: Pure

Component Properties (3)
3. Specify the following property parameters for each oligomer:
– MW use polymer reference molecular weight
– POLDP number average chain length (Pn)
– POLPDI polydispersity index of the polymer (used to get Mw)
– POLCRY mass-fraction crystallinity (if polymer is semicrystalline)

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Regressing Polymer Properties: Pure

Component Properties (4)
4. a. Create data sets

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Regressing Polymer Properties: Pure

Component Properties (5)
4. b. Specify the property type and oligomer component name

Specify property; keep

in mind that solid
polymers are
considered “liquid” in
this context

Specify name of
oligomer component;
one data set is required
for each oligomer

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Regressing Polymer Properties: Pure

Component Properties (6)
4. c. Specify the data – remember that molar quantities must be
consistent with the specified reference mole weight

Specify data and

standard deviations

Feature to “ignore”
bad data points

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Regressing Polymer Properties: Pure

Component Properties (7)
5. Set up regression or evaluation case

prediction to data
without any fitting

Data sets can be weighted

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Regressing Polymer Properties: Pure

Component Properties (8) Specify parameter
6. Specify parameters to be fitted name and element
number where

Options: regress, fix, or exclude

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Regressing Polymer Properties: Pure

Component Properties (9)
7. Run the regression
– You can run a series of regressions sequentially to fit
parameters in a step-by-step manner
• Set up all regression cases as shown in previous slides
• When you run, you will be prompted to set the sequence order
– Each regression case uses fitted parameters from the
previous regression case
– After regression is finished Aspen will prompt you with the
option of replacing specified parameters with new fitted

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Regressing Polymer Properties: Evaluate

Results (1)

Standard deviation of parameter

should be small compared to
fitted parameter value

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Regressing Polymer Properties: Evaluate

Results (2)
• From the PROFILES tab, you can view data and predictions in a table
or use the plot wizard to make plots such as these:
Look for random scatter When all the points are near
around the zero line the line you have a good fit
Residual vs. Property Estimated vs. Experimental

910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980





-2 -1 0 1-3

900 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980
Experimental RHOL REPEAT, KG/CUM Experimental RHOL REPEAT, KG/CUM

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Regressing Polymer Properties:

• Convergence failure or high standard deviations of fitted parameters
may indicate:
– Too many fitted parameters for a small data set
• Get more data or use fewer manipulated parameters
– Predictions are not sensitive to the manipulated parameters
• Perhaps you listed the wrong parameters or you selected a temperature-
dependent parameter when fitting isothermal data
• Verify predicted melt and glass transition temperatures – model parameter for
liquid phase (DNLVK, etc.,) are used only in the appropriate temperature range
- You may need to specify TGVK and TMVK to avoid this problem
– Bad data points or inconsistent data sets
• Locate the bad data points and use “ignore” to remove them from the fitting
• Using weighing factors for data sets based on your relative conf idence in each

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Using Property Analysis

• The “Property Analysis” tool allows you to make plots and tables
showing pure component or mixture properties as a function of
temperature, pressure, or composition
• To get properties of a polymer in a simulation run, you can use the
Property Analysis tool and either:
– Reference an existing stream in the simulation which already contains
the polymer
• Polymer attributes in the referenced stream are used for property calculations
– Use an oligomer component to represent the polymer
• Use property parameters POLDP, POLPDI, and POLCRY to specify the degree
of polymerization, polydispersity, and mass crystallinity of the oligomer
(remember Mn = Msegx Pn and Mw=MnxPDI, where Mseg is the average molecular
weight of a segment in the oligomer)
• For Property Analysis runs you must define an oligomer

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Using Property Analysis: Polymer Pure-

Component Properties (1)
1. From the pull-down menu, select Tools, Analysis, Properties, Pure
2. Specify temperature
range, pressure,
phase, and property,
then hit “go”
Thermodynamic (H, Cp, ρ, …)
or Transport (k, viscosity)

Suggestion: when possible, use

mass units to avoid confusion

Here “NYLON” is defined as an

oligomer with one repeat unit

Use “Save as form” to save the analysis

under Properties \ Analysis; the table will be
generated each time the simulation is run
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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Using Property Analysis: Polymer Pure-

Component Properties (2)

960 970 980 990 1000 1010 1020 1030

RHO vs Temperature


RHO kg/cum
940 950

150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Temperature C

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End of Section: Polymer Property Models

• Workshop 1: Fitting polymer properties

• Objective
– This workshop illustrates the following concepts:
• Using oligomers to characterize polymer components
• Using Property Analysis to report the estimated properties of a polymer
• Using Data Regression to fit polymer property models against
measured data

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Workshop 1: van Krevelen Properties (1)

• Objective: Estimate van Krevelen density parameters

• Problem:
– A copolymer contains two types of segments
• Ethylene segment
• New segment that has the following structure:

(CH 2)2 CO NH C C
– Your aim is to estimate the density of this copolymer using
• Group contribution
• Experimental data

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Workshop 1: van Krevelen Properties (2)

• Create a new simulation (Run type: Property Analysis)

• Define segments and polymer. Define polymer as oligomer to

estimate the properties. The polymer has a total of 1000 repeat units
and the mole percent of ethylene segment is 50%. Note that the new
segment is not in the data bank

• Use POLYNRTL as the physical property method

• Under Molecular Structure enter the van Krevelen group structure

for the new segment
• Create a Prop-Set to tabulate the liquid density of the copolymer in
gm/cc (Phase=Liquid; Component=PE)

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Workshop 1: van Krevelen Properties (3)

• Create an Analysis (type: Generic) to calculate the copolymer
density at 300, 350, 400, 450, and 500 K, and at atmospheric

• Density measurements for this polymer gave the following data:

T (K) ρ (gm/cc)
300 0.9570
350 0.9310
400 0.9066
450 0.8835
500 0.8618

• Compare the simulations results with the experimental data

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Workshop 1: van Krevelen Properties (4)

• Under Setup, Specifications, change the Run type to
Data Regression
• Enter the experimental data in the Data folder, and
create a regression case to regress the van Krevelen
density parameters for the new segment (DNLVK 1 and
• Hint: Provide starting values for the parameters to be
• Compare again the calculated density values with the
experimental data

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Process Simulation with Polymers Plus Overview of Polymer Property Models

Workshop 1: Input File



DATA 1 300.0 1.0 .9570 /
3 400.0 1.0 .90660 /
COMPONENTS 4 450.0 1.0 .88350 /
POLYMER POLYMER POLYMER / 5 500.0 1.0 .86180
C2H4-SEG C2H4-R C2H4-SEG / STD-DEV 1 .10 -.10 -1.0
; PVAL NEW-SEG 6.796590550 6.42831655E-4 0.0 PROP-TABLE DENSITY PROPS
1000.000000 MOLE-FLOW POLYMER 1
PARAMETER 1 DNLVK NEW-SEG 1 1.0 -9.0 11.0 1.0 RANGE LOWER=300 UPPER=500 INCR=50

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Workshop 1: Results
-------------------------------------------------- !
! ! !
! !------------------------------------ !
! ! EXPERIM. ! VAN ! !
!============!============!===========!=========== !
! 300.0000 ! 0.9570 ! 1.0367 ! 0.9568 !
! 350.0000 ! 0.9310 ! 1.0053 ! 0.9311 !
! 400.0000 ! 0.9066 ! 0.9757 ! 0.9067 !
! 450.0000 ! 0.8835 ! 0.9478 ! 0.8836 !
! 500.0000 ! 0.8618 ! 0.9215 ! 0.8616 !
-------------------------------------------------- !

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