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11/2/2019 Brand Resonance

Brand Resonance
* Required

1. Please record your gender *

Mark only one oval.


2. Please mention your age

3. Select the brand of shampoo which you use / have used

Check all that apply.

Head & Shoulders

Clinic Plus

4. Which brand comes to your mind when you think of shampoo

Check all that apply.

Head & Shoulders

Clinic Plus

5. Which brand you would like to use for hair fall

Check all that apply.

Head & Shoulders

Clinic Plus

6. Which brand you would like to use for strong and silky hair
Check all that apply.

Head & Shoulders

Clinic Plus
Pantene 1/5
11/2/2019 Brand Resonance
7. Which brand you would like to use for dandruff control
Check all that apply.

Head & Shoulders

Clinic Plus

8. Which of the following brand symbols you are aware of

Check all that apply.

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4

Answer the following questions based on the given shampoo

brand. For each of the following statement, please tick the box
that corresponds with your agreement.

1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree 2/5
11/2/2019 Brand Resonance

9. A. Head & Shoulders

Mark only one oval per row.

1 2 3 4 5
This brand is popular
The brand is easy to recognize
This brand is reliable for me
I like the people who use this
I like the fragrance and packaging
of the brand
This brand is value for money
To what extent do you feel you
grew up with the brand
To what extent this brand satisfy
your product needs
How innovative are the makers of
this brand
How likely are you to recommend
this brand to others
I consider myself loyal to this
This is the brand I would prefer to
I really identify with people who
use this brand
This brand is special to me
I would really miss this brand if it
goes away

10. B. Clinic Plus

Mark only one oval per row.

1 2 3 4 5
This brand is popular
The brand is easy to recognize
This brand is reliable for me
I like the people who use this
I like the fragrance and packaging
of the brand
This brand is value for money
To what extent do you feel you
grew up with the brand
To what extent this brand satisfy
your product needs
How innovative are the makers of
this brand
How likely are you to recommend
this brand to others
I consider myself loyal to this
This is the brand I would prefer to
I really identify with people who
use this brand
This brand is special to me
I would really miss this brand if it
goes away 3/5
11/2/2019 Brand Resonance
11. C. Garnier
Mark only one oval per row.

1 2 3 4 5
This brand is popular
The brand is easy to recognize
This brand is reliable for me
I like the people who use this
I like the fragrance and packaging
of the brand
This brand is value for money
To what extent do you feel you
grew up with the brand
To what extent this brand satisfy
your product needs
How innovative are the makers of
this brand
How likely are you to recommend
this brand to others
I consider myself loyal to this
This is the brand I would prefer to
I really identify with people who
use this brand
This brand is special to me
I would really miss this brand if it
goes away

12. D. Pantene
Mark only one oval per row.

1 2 3 4 5
This brand is popular
The brand is easy to recognize
This brand is reliable for me
I like the people who use this
I like the fragrance and packaging
of the brand
This brand is value for money
To what extent do you feel you
grew up with the brand
To what extent this brand satisfy
your product needs
How innovative are the makers of
this brand
How likely are you to recommend
this brand to others
I consider myself loyal to this
This is the brand I would prefer to
I really identify with people who
use this brand
This brand is special to me
I would really miss this brand if it
goes away 4/5
11/2/2019 Brand Resonance

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