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1. Subjonctivul present in expresii

 If need be = daca este nevoie
 So be it = asa sa fie
 Be that as it may = fie ce-o fi
 Suffice it to say = este de ajuns sa se spuna
 God bless you
 God forbid
 God forgive you
 Be damned

2. Subjonctivul analitic = frecvent in prezent, fiind format din verb modal + infinitiv scurt sau

 The jury asked the competitor to speak louder, so that they should/could hear him

I. În conditionale de tip I doar in formule de politete:
 If you will / would wait for a few minutes, i will register your application.

II. În conditionale de tip II, in formule de politete pentru exprimarea unei cereri.
 I would be quite thankful to you if you wouldn’t keep me waiting too long.

III. In subordonate subiective: it + to be + adjective (amazing, better, compulsory, good,

important, impossible, natural, necessary, remarkable, recommended, right, strange,
surprizing, fortunate, wrong etc. ) + predicat la subjonctiv prezent sau analitic
 It is better that he (should) stay longer in the open.
 It is recommended that drivers (should) slow down at crossroads.

IV. Dupa expresii precum: it’s high time, it’s about time + subjonctiv trecut
 It’s about time the little boy went to bed.
 It’s high time you’ll knew what you are going to do in your future

V. Dupa expresii care exprima sentimente: it’s a pity / shame / wonder / surprise +
subjonctiv analitic
 It’s a pity that we should stay indoors in such fine weather.
 It’s a shame you should have left the dog out in the heavy rain.

VI. In subordinate completive directe, predicatul subjonctiv este present sau analitic atunci
cand predicatul propozitiei exprima un ordin, decizie, sugestie. Verbe: to decide, to
demand, to insist, to offer, to order, to recommend, to regret, to say, to settle to
suggest, to suppose, to think, to urge.
 The judge decided that the request (should) be accepted.

VII. Dupa verbul to agree cand inseamna a accepta.

 I agree that he is right.

VIII. Dupa verbe care exprima sentimente: to be anxious, to be glad, to be pleased, to be

sorry, to be disappointed etc + subjonctiv analitic
 I’m disappointed that you should have said that.

IX. To wish + subjonctiv trecut / perfect = exprima speranta sau regret

 We wish you were staying longer.
 I wish you were younger.
 I wish it didn’t rain.

X. Wish + subjonctiv perfect = cand exprima dorinte legate de trecut.

 I wished you had picked up the toy from the floor.

XI. To wish + would + infinitive = exprima vointa cuiva, iritarea sau regretul.
 I wish you would tell me what is all about.
 I wish that the kid would stop running about. = sa fuga de colo colo

XII. Dupa substantive precum: advice, idea, reason, proposal, recommendation, request,
suggestion, supposition etc. + predicat la subjonctiv present sau analitic
 Let’s take his advice that we (should) meet in front of the cinema.

XIII. Dupa as if, as though, much as, rather than, than if predicatul poate fi:
 la subjonctiv prezent sau analitic: Much as he (may) love you, he can’t stand your
 La subjonctiv trecut sau perfect, dar si analitic atunci cand subordonata este
introdusa as if, as though pentru a exprima o comparative nereala: Don’t mother me
all the time as if I were / was a child.

XIV. In propozitii introduce prin even if / even though predicatul poate fi la subjonctiv
trecut cand actiunea are loc in prezent sau viitor sau la subjonctiv perfect cand
actiunea are loc in trecut.
 Even if you tried harder you wouldn’t manage to persuade her to join us.

XV. Propozitie introdusa prin: although / though / whoever/ whatever / however +

subjonctiv prezent sau analitic.
 Although it (should) be fine, I will still take my umbrella.


 I would rather stay at home
 I would rather you stayed at home.
 My husband drove all the way home, but I wished he had left me drive.
 I would rather like a nice piece of cake


 Mike had better be more polite, or people will avoid him.
 I had better leave now.

1. First conditional
a. Nature: Open condition, what is said in the condition is possible.
b. Time: This condition refers either to present or to future time.
e.g. If he is late, we will have to go without him.
If my mother knows about this, we are in serious trouble.

2. Second conditional
a. Nature: unreal (impossible) or improbable situations.
b. Time: present; the TENSE is past, but we are talking about the present, now.
e.g. If I knew her name, I would tell you.
If I were you, I would tell my father.
Compare: If I become president, I will change the social security system. (Said by a
presidential candidate)
If I became president, I would change the social security system. (Said by a schoolboy:
If we win this match, we are qualified for the semifinals.
If I won a million pounds, I would stop teaching. (improbable)

3. Third conditional
a. Nature: unreal
b. Time: Past (so we are talking about a situation that was not so in the past.)
e.g. If you had warned me, I would not have told your father about that party.(But you
didn't, and I have).

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