The Problem and Its Scope Rationale

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Chapter 1

The Problem and its Scope



Malunggay is a wonderful tree known all over the world. Referred by scientists as

a “miracle tree”, malunggay has been promoted by the World Health Organization

(WHO) for the past 20 years as a low-cost health enhancer in poor countries around the

globe. Moringa oleifera, an edible tree found worldwide in the dry tropics is increasingly

being used for nutritional supplementation. Despite the fact that no rigorous clinical trial

has tested its efficacy for treating under-nutrition, the adoption of M. oleifera continues

to increase. The researchers want to create a jelly that is not common to anyone but will

surely pass to anyone and will surely love this kind of filling. The researchers decided to

create a different but more nutritious kind of filling. This is our Malunggay jelly.

Malunggay is filled with nutrients, rich in vitamins A and C, Iron and Calcium.

Malunggay is used as both food source and medicinal plant. Malunggay jelly is

best paired with sandwiches with your preferred coffee or tea. The researcher also

wants to pursue this study because aside from malunggay’s nutrition, there is also an

abundance of malunggay in the Philippine’s.

Malunggay also have lots of benefits because these are primarily attributed to the

impressive amount of vitamins and minerals that it contains; according to studies, this

has more than 90 nutrients, it is also packed with 46 different antioxidants and B

essential amino acids interestingly because of the rich nutrient’s components of


malunggay. It is rich in vitamins A and high in protein, improves blood circulation, can

weight loss and helps combat malnutrition. Thus, Malunggay is fully beneficial to one’s


Fruits and vegetables should be an important part of our body or our daily diet

especially for us, students. They are naturally good and contain vitamins and minerals

that can help to keep you healthy. They can also help protect against some diseases.

And also, this will surely help every students’ daily life to make them always active and

will surely help their brains functions very well.

Malunggay pods have been used for thousands of years as a medicinal herb and

for its rich nutritional value. Malunggay pods have numerous anti-cancer properties,

which prevent cancer forming tumor cells.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies, both foreign

and local that further elaborates the information regarding the concept of the study and

its relationship to the present study.

Related Literature

These are the materials in books professional journals, magazines, newspaper

and other publications both in the Philippines and other countries.

“Diffusion of Innovation Theory” by Thurber and fahey (2010) explains the

recent increase in Moringa Oleifera adoption by various international organizations and

certain constituencies within under nourished populations, in the same manner as it has

been so useful in explaining the adoption of many of the innovative agriculture practices

in the 1940-1960.

Republic Act No. 10068

An act providing for the development and promotion of organic agriculture in the

Philippines and for other purposes.

Senate Bill No. 1799

This bill seeks to spur the production, processing, marketing and distribution of

malunggay in suitable areas of the country in order to acquire the benefits of the

exceptionally nutritious and productive but under-utilized tropical crop locally known as


Related Studies

“Malunggay” in the Philippines, “Shajina” in the Indian subcontinent, and

“Moringa” in English, is a popular tree. Many Asians used to the leaves of malunggay

like spinach and also the fruit it produces as a vegetable, like asparagus. It only used to

be known as vegetable for lactating mothers but new scientific studies say that

malunggay has medical and marked possibilities.

Touted by scientist as a “Miracle Vegetable”, malunggay has been promoted by

the World Health Organization (WHO) for the past 20 years of low-cost health enhancer

in poor countries around the globe because malunggay leaf is rich in anti-oxidant which

can prevent lifestyle ailments such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure,

cancer and more. The new study compares protein from the leaf of different varieties of

Moringa trees that are grown in different countries. It also allows estimates of the

optimum of leaf extract, according to Hellsing and so as a research study conducted by

Suleyman (2009) found out that Malunggay is the best discovered yet for the current

millennium which is widely used all over the world as of today. The said study was

made to discover a kind of unknown filling wherein it is made up of rich in moringa


According to the Philippine Herbal Medicine. Org, the plant is anti-diabetic and

anti-tumor: “There have been claims that malunggay can be used to lower blood

pressure as well as its being anti-tumor plant. And also, to the Biotechnology Program

Office of the Department of Agriculture, the malunggay has been found by the

biochemist and molecular anthropologists to be rich in vitamins A and C, iron and high-

density lipoprotein or good cholesterol. Malunggay leaves are loaded with nutrients

gram for gram. Malunggay leaves also contain two times the protein in milk.

It was Pangasinan fourth District Rep. Gena de Venecia, an Ilocana who grew up eating

the vegetable several times a week, who authored the bell.

In her bill, she cited the economic, nutritional and medicinal benefits of malunggay. “For

the past years, malunggay in the Philippines has been considered as a backyard tree.

Now, we can say that malunggay can sasve lives, increase incomes, generate millions

jobs, utilize vast tracts of agricultural lands, make the Philippines globally competitive,

impact local and international market and help attain socioeconomic equity,”.

“Malunggay is one of the important plants that deserve national and international

promotion due to the many biomedical endowment and numerous socioeconomic

benefits that can be derived from it,”.

But in the case malunggay can also be used as a weapon against poverty and

malnutrition in the Philippines. It must be recalled that during the administration of

Fernand E. Marcos Sr., there was a craze about malunggay as solution to the

malnutrition problem in the country side.


Theory Legal Bases

Diffusion of Innovation Republic Act NO. 10068

Theory Senate Bill No. 1179

Acceptability Level of Malunggay

Jelly in terms of;
a. aroma b. appearance c. taste.

Malunggay Malunggay
Jelly with Jelly with
Jelly with
lemon extract pandan
ginger extract
Treatment 1 Treatment 2
Treatment 3

Proposed Technology Guide

Figure1. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

Scope and Delimitations


The study will be conducted at San Roque National High School. The

researchers choose this place because it is highly populated with possible respondents

easily accessible in vicinity. This area also has a source of malunggay plantation thus

ingredient is serviceable.

The researchers used purposive sampling method for the selected respondents

to determine the development of the study.

Statement of the problem

The main purpose of the study is to determine the acceptability level of

Malunggay jellies to the selected students major in TVL- Foods Technology of San

Roque National High School, School year 2019-2020

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following question:

1. What is the of the project description of malunggay jelly in terms of:

1.1 preparation of recipe in 3 trials

1.2 materials and cost

1.3 tools equipment and procedure in cooking

1.4 shell life

2. What is the acceptability level of Malunggay jelly in 3 different treatments in terms of:

2.1 Aroma


2.3 taste

2.4 texture

3. Is there a significant difference on the acceptability level of Malunggay jelly in 3

different treatments?

4. What action plan can be proposed based on the result of the study?

Statement of Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference on the acceptability level of Malunggay jelly to 3

different treatments.

Significance of the Study

Students. This study will help the students to be aware about the malunggay jelly and

the nutrients it can provide to their body.

Food Technology Teachers. The findings of the study will help them recognize and

reconsider this product as to what they will teach their students.

The Researchers. This refers to the students conducting the study. This study will help

and inspire the researchers to be more aware and cautious to what food they consume

and its effects and impact to their health.


Business Purpose. The proposed development of malunggay jelly will help someone

who needs to start a simple business. It can help them sustain their needs as its source

of living.

Future Researchers. The findings will serve as a baseline for the future researchers for

further study and will help them gather and stimulate more ideas



The study will use Experimental types of research design; the experimental and

descriptive research design. Since this study is about accepting and experimenting a

new kind of food in San Roque National High School, the researchers decide to choose

an exploratory research design. To obtain data in this study, the researchers will use the

descriptive research design, specifically the survey. And also, the researchers will use

descriptive research design specifically the survey, this is an appropriate method for

attaining data in this study.

Environment and Participants

The study will be conducted at San Roque National High School, Albuquerque

Bohol. The students were identified using purposive sampling method. Since this is an

exploratory research, the researchers decided to select respondents with a purpose.

The respondents will be the TVL teachers and 10 respondents of Grade 10 and 10

respondents of Grade 11 Food Technology students for the School Year 2019-2020 and

only 10 students will be chosen purposively from each section.


A self-made survey questionnaire will be used as a data gathering tool. The first

part will be the personal profile of the students as age, gender, and grade level.

The second part will be the student’s response in the development of the malunggay

into jelly.

Data Gathering Procedure

A written request to conduct a study will be sent to the school principal. Upon

approval, a letter will be submitted to the cookery subject teacher for the conduct of the


Upon the receipt of the approval, the researchers will begin making the

malunggay jelly and let the respondents taste it. After that, the questionnaires will be

personally administered by the researchers to the respondents.


The Experiment Procedure

Boil the malunggay leaves

Strain and let cool

Mix the jelly powder with the malunggay


Boil again

Once set, use cookie cutters to shape the


Pour the malunggay jelly mixture to the

rectangular containers

Figure 2. Schematic Diagram

Statistical Treatment

Data will be analyzed by using the Likert Scale Level of Agreement, then

frequency count and simple percentage calculation. Weighted mean will be used to

assess the student acceptability level of the malunggay jelly.


Percentage =% =f/n x 100



f= Frequency

N= Number of responses


Weighted mean

x́=¿ 


x́ =weighted mean

X= weight of response

f = frequency of each responses

N = number of respondents

After the gathered data were analyzed, the researchers assessed the information

to determine the development of the food.

To interpret the weighted mean, the following scale will be used.

Relative Value Statistical limit Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Highly Accepted
3 2.50-3.24 Moderately
2 1.75-2.48 Slightly Accepted
1 1.00-1.74 Not Accepted

The researchers diverge 3 different treatments to determine the differences

between the 3 types of malunggay into jelly, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is

being used.




F= f-test

MSB= Mean Square Between

MSW= Mean Square Within



The following terms are identified for references and clarity of the study.

Acceptability Level. How the students react or response to the study.

Aroma. A noticeable and usually pleasant smell.

Appearance. The way that someone or something looks

Ginger extract. An extract of the rhizome of the perennial plant Zingiber

officinale with potential antineoplastic activity. Ginger extract contains a number

of different phenolic compounds.

Lemon extract. light- yellow fruit with a very sour juice.

Malunggay Jelly. Also known as moringa oleifera that is being crushed and

boiled then mix with jelly powder.

Pandan leaves. A tropical tree or shrub with a twisted and branched stem, stilt

roots, spiral tufts of long, narrow spiny leaves, and fibrous edible fruit.

Purposive Sampling. A non- probability sample that is selected between based

on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study.

Taste. To put small amount of food in your mouth in order to find out what its

flavor is, or how it tastes good.

Texture. The way that a food or drink feels in your mouth.



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Fahey JW (2005) Moringaoleifera: A review of the medical evidence for its nutritional,

therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Trees for Life Journal; 1: 5.

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viewed through the lensofthe diffusionofinnovationstheory.Ecol Food SciNutr48:


Acceptability Level of Malunggay Jelly with lemon extract

Survey Questionnaire

Direction: Put a check (/) that corresponds your answer. Please answer honestly.

1. Profile of the students

1. Age

( ) 15-18 ( ) 18-20 ( ) 20 above

2. Gender

( ) Male ( ) Female

3. Grade Level

() 10 ( ) 11

4- Highly Accepted 2- Slightly Accepted

3- Moderately 1- Not Accepted

1. Aroma

Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. The smell of

malunggay jelly is


2. The malunggay

jelly is appetizing.
3. The malunggay

jellies fragrance is

sweet smelling.
4. The aroma of

malunggay jelly

can easily grab an


2. Appearance

Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. The color of the

malunggay jelly is

bright green.
2. Malunggay jelly

gives you a

healthy and


3. The malunggay

jelly is appealing

to the eye.
4. The appearance

of the malunggay

jelly is clear.


Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. Malunggay jelly

has a thick

2. It has light

3. It is glutinous.
4. Malunggay jelly is


4. Taste

Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. The malunggay

jelly tastes sweet.

2. The malunggay

jelly is appetizing.
3. It is delicious.
4. It is interesting to


Acceptability Level of Malunggay Jelly with Ginger extract

Survey Questionnaire

Direction: Put a check (/) that corresponds your answer. Please answer honestly.

1. Profile of the students

1. Age

( ) 15-18 ( ) 18-20 ( ) 20 above

2. Gender

( ) Male ( ) Female

3. Grade Level

( ) 10 ( ) 11


4- Highly Accepted 2- Slightly Accepted

3- Moderately 1- Not Accepted

1. Aroma

Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. The smell of

malunggay jelly is

2. The malunggay

jelly is
3. The malunggay

jellies fragrance is

sweet smelling.
4. The aroma of

malunggay jelly

can easily grab

the attention.
2. Appearance

Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. The color of the

malunggay jelly is

bright green.
2. Malunggay jelly

gives you a

healthy and


3. The malunggay

jelly is appealing

to the eye.
4. The appearance

of the malunggay

jelly is clear.


Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. Malunggay jelly

has a thick

2. It has light

3. It is glutinous.

4. Malunggay jelly is


4. Taste

Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. The malunggay

jelly tastes sweet.

2. The malunggay

jelly is appetizing.
3. It is delicious.
4. It is interesting to


Acceptability Level of Malunggay Jelly with Pandan leaves

Survey Questionnaire

Direction: Put a check (/) that corresponds your answer. Please answer honestly.

1. Profile of the students

1. Age

( ) 15-18 ( ) 18-20 ( ) 20 above

2. Gender

( ) Male ( ) Female

3. Grade Level

( ) 10 ( ) 11


4- Highly Accepted 2- Slightly Accepted

3- Moderately 1- Not Accepted


2. Aroma

Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. The smell of

malunggay jelly is

2. The malunggay

jelly is
3. The malunggay

jellies fragrance is

sweet smelling.
4. The aroma of

malunggay jelly

can easily grab

the attention.
3. Appearance

Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
5. The color of the

malunggay jelly is

bright green.
6. Malunggay jelly

gives you a

healthy and



7. The malunggay

jelly is appealing

to the eye.
8. The appearance

of the malunggay

jelly is clear.


Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
5. Malunggay jelly

has a thick

6. It has light

7. It is glutinous.
8. Malunggay jelly is


4. Taste

Statement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
5. The malunggay

jelly tastes sweet.

6. The malunggay

jelly is appetizing.
7. It is delicious.
8. It is interesting to


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