Elisa Kits DRG

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Products Cat.# Incubation Stand. Range / Sensitivity Specimen Test Type Test Meth. Units Price US-$
60min 37C; 30 / 15 min.
Adenovirus IgA ELISA EIA3445 RT pos./ neg. / cut off control 10 ul serum, plasma(1+100 diluted) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 100,00
60 min. 37 C; 30 / 15 min.
Adenovirus IgG ELISA EIA3446 RT pos./ neg. / cut off control 10 ul serum, plasma (1+100 diluted) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 100,00
60 min. 37 C; 30/15 min
Adenovirus IgM ELISA EIA3447 RT pos. / neg. control 10 ul serum, plasma (1+100 diluted) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 117,00
1-256 pg/ml 0.33 ng/mL urine / 11
Adrenaline ELISA EIA4306 30 / 120 / 30 / 10-30 min pg/mL plasma 10ul urine / 300 ul plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 578,00
Aldosterone ELISA EIA5298 60 / 30 min 20 - 1000 pg / ml / 5.57 pg/ml 50 ul serum / plasma / urine quantitative MTPL 96 wells 142,00
ANA-8-Screen ELISA EIA3562 quantitative MTPL 96 wells 214,00
Androstenedione Saliva Elisa SLV4780 60 / 15 min 20 - 1000 pg/mL /// 5 pg/mL 50 uL Saliva quantitative MTPL 96 wells 198,00
Aspergillus fumigatus IgA ELISA EIA2500 quantitative 96 wells 386,00
Aspergillus fumigatus IgG ELISA EIA2501 60/30/20 min 1-200 U/mL // / 5 ul serum, plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 377,00
Aspergillus fumigatus IgM ELISA EIA2502 quantitative 96 wells 386,00
BNP-32 (Human) ELISA EIA5420 2h / 1h / 1 h 0.01-100 ng/mL / 0.26 ng/mL 50 uL Plasma, CSF, Tissues qualitative MTPL 96 wells 703,00
Bordetella pertussis IgA ELISA EIA3449 60min. 37 C; 30/15 RT pos./ neg. / cut off control 10 ul serum, plasma(1+100 diluted) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 110,00
Calprotectin (MRP 8/14) Stool ELISA
<USA-RUO> EIA5415 30 / 30 / 10 - 20 min 13-840 ng/mL /// 2,099 ng/mL 100 mg stool quantitative MTPL 96 wells 982,00
Calprotectin (Serum) ELISA EIA5111 3 x 1h 37C, 10-20 min. RT 3.9 - 250 ng/ml /// 3.2 ng/ml 100 ul serum, plasma (diluted 1:10- 1:50) quantitative MTPL 96 wells 1.029,00
CEA ELISA EIA1871 80 min. at RT 1.0 ng/ml serum quantitative MTPL 96 wells 98,00
Chagas (Trypanosoma cruzi) IgG ELISA EIA5813 60 / 30 / 15 min 3 ctrls. incl. (neg, CO, pos) serum, citrate plasma, 10 uL, 1:100 qualitative MTPL 96 wells 146,00
neg., pos., cut-off control ///
Chikungunya IgM ELISA EIA5103 60/30/30/15 min. >90% 10 uL serum or plasma qualitative MTPL 96 wells 627,00
neg., pos., cut-off control ///
Chikunigunya IgG ELISA EIA5102 60/30/30/30/15 min >90% 10 uL serum or plasma qualitative MTPL 96 wells 627,00
Coxsackie B Virus IgM ELISA (min. order 10
kits) EIA5175 60 / 60, 37 C / 20 min RT pos. + neg. control. /// >98% 10 ul serum, plasna qualitative MTPL 96 wells 269,00
CRP (hs CRP) ELISA EIA4584 30 / 30 / 10 min 0.4 - 10 ug/ml // 0.02 g/ml 10 ul serum, plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 252,00
CRP (rat) ELISA EIA4695 30 / 30 5 - 10 min 4.9 - 133.3 ul/mL /// 2.5 ug/ml 2 ul serum quantitative VET. 96 wells 680,00
Cystatin C (human) Elisa EIA4394 30 / 30 / 5-10 min 1 - 5000 ng/ml // 0.02 ng/well 10 ul serum and tissue culture medium quantitative MTPL 96 wells 602,00
DHEA Salivary Elisa SLV3012 60/20 min 10 - 1440 pg/mL /// 3.3 pg/ml 50 ul saliva quantitative MTPL 96 wells 130,00
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) ELISA EIA5761 min 60 (37C) / 15 min (RT) 25 - 1500 pg/mL /// 6.0 pg/mL 75 uL serum or plasma (Heparin or Citrate) quantitative MTPL 96 wells 149,00
30 min 37 C, 120, 30, 40-45 0 - 3840 ng/ml // 7.5 ng/ml urin,
Dopamine ELISA EIA4161 min RT 12.5 pg/ml plasma 600 ul plasma o. 10 ul urine quantitative MTPL 96 wells 578,00
Fasciola hepatica IgG ELISA EIA4503 60 37 C; 30 / 15 min RT pos. / neg. / cut off control 10 ul serum, plasma (1+100 diluted) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 245,00
Ferritin ELISA EIA4408 60 / 10 min 5 - 100 ng/ml // 1.0 ng/ml 20 uL serum / plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 106,00
GLP-1 Active (7-36) Specific ELISA <RUO
worldwide> EIA5096 20-24h@2-9C / 20 min 1.82 - 54.58 pmol/L /// 0.3 pmol/L 100 ul Plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 622,00
Hantavirus (Puumala) IgG/IgM ELISA (min. 45 / 45 min 37 C / 10 min.
10 kits per order) EIA5238 RT ... /// IgG: 99%, IgM: 100% 10 uL human serum qualitative MTPL 96 wells 736,00
qualitative (0 Standards) /// 100
HCV Ab Elisa V 4.0 EIA6081 60/30/15 min % 100 uL serum, plasma (human) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 671,00
IgA Salivary Elisa SLV4636 60 / 15 min 2.5 - 2500 ug/mL /// 0.5 ug/mL 10 uL saliva quantitative MTPL 96 wells 198,00
IGF-BP3 ELISA EIA5049 120 / 30 min 460 - 16070 ng/ml /// 10 ng/ml 10 uL serum quantitative MTPL 96 wells 420,00
Influenza A IgG ELISA EIA3793 60/30/15 miln neg., cut-off, pos. ctrl. /// >95 % 10 uL human serum / plasma qualitative MTPL 96 wells 189,00
neg., cut-off pos. control /// >90
Influenza B IgA ELISA EIA3795 60/30/15 min % 10 uL human serum / plasma qualitative MTPL 96 wells 223,00
Influenza B IgG ELISA EIA3796 60/30/15 min neg., cut-off, pos. ctrl. /// 95.8 % 10 uL human serum / plasma qualitative MTPL 96 wells 189,00
neg., pos., Cut-off controls /// >
Influenza Virus A IgM ELISA EIA3794 60 / 30 / 15 min. 95 % 10 uL serum, Citrat Plasma qualitative MTPL 96 wells 189,00

Influenza Virus B IgM ELISA EIA3797 60 / 30 / 15 min neg, pos., cut-off ctrls. /// > 95 % 10 uL serum, citrate plasma qualitative MTPL 96 wells 189,00
50 uL cell culture, serum, plasma (citrate and
Interleukin 17A (human) ELISA EIA4840 2 hrs / 1 h/ 10 min 1.6 - 100 pg/mL /// 0.5 pg/mL heparinized) quantitative MTPL 96 wells 1.280,00
50 ul cell culture, serum, plasma other biol.
Interleukin 12p70 (human) ELISA EIA4843 2 hrs / 1 hr / 10 min. at RT 3.2 - 200 pg/mL /// 2.11 pg/mL fluid quantitative MTPL 96 wells 801,00
100 ul cell culture, serum, plasma, amniotic
MCP-1 (human) ELISA EIA4857 2 hrs / 10 m in. at RT 16 - 1000 pg/mL /// 2.31 pg/mL fluid, other biol fluids quantitative MTPL 96 wells 801,00
16-20 hrs 2-8 C, 2 / 1 h/ 15
Melatonin (direct) Saliva Elisa SLV4779 min. Rt 0.5 - 50 pg/mL /// 0.3 pg/mL 100 ul Saliva quantitative MTPL 96 wells 871,00
Melatonin ELISA EIA1431 overnight at 2-8 C 2.6 pg/ml serum or plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 766,00
Metanephrine (Urine) ELISA EIA2748 90/15/60/30/40 min. 26-2500 ug/L // 8.6 ug/L 10 ul urine quantitative MTPL 96 wells 587,00
10 ul dil. cell culture supernatant, serum and
MMP-9 (human) ELISA EIA4861 1 hr / 10 min. at RT 0.23 - 15 ng/mL /// 0.05 ng/mL plasma (citrate, heparinized) quantitative MTPL 96 wells 801,00
Mycoplasma hominis IgG ELISA EIA4559 60 / 30 / 15 min. at RT pos./neg. / cut-off control 10 ul serum, plasma (1+100 diluted) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 184,00
Mycoplasma hominis IgM ELISA EIA4560 60 / 60 / 5 min. at RT pos./neg. / cut=off control 10 ul serum, plasma qualitative MTPL 96 wells 178,00
60 min. 37 C; 30 / 15 min.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG ELISA EIA3499 RT pos./ neg. / cut off control 10 ul serum, plasma (1+100 diluted) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 117,00
Negative Control EcoElisa (guinea pig) 0.1
mL CTL5552 controls VET 0.1 ml 255,00
Negative Control EcoElisa (guinea pig) 0.1
mL CTL5553 controls VET 0.1 ml 255,00
Negative Control EcoElisa (mouse) (0.1 mL) CTL5550 controls VET 0.1 ml 255,00
Negative Control EcoElisa (mouse) (0.1 mL) CTL5551 controls VET 0.1 ml 255,00
4-1,024mg/ml // urine: 2ng/ml ,
Noradrenaline ELISA EIA4317 3,5 hours plasma: 67pg/ml plasma, urine quantitative MTPL 96 wells 578,00
Normethanephrine (Urine) ELISA EIA2749 90/15/60/30/20 min 77-7500 ug/L // 12 ug/L 10 ul Urine quantitative MTPL 96 wells 659,00
Parainfluenza 1/2/3 IgA, Elisa EIA4351 60 / 30 / 20min. RT pos./neg. control // - 100 ul serum, plasma (diluted 1:101) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 274,00
Phenylalanine (PKU) neonate (with
Membrane Plate) ELISA EIA1477 105 min at RT 0.2 mg/dL blood quantitative MTPL 192 wells 632,00
Pregnenolone Direct ELISA EIA4170 60/15/ min 0,1 - 25,6 ng/ml // 0.05 ng/ml 50 ul serum quantitative MTPL 96 wells 164,00
Renin ELISA EIA5125 120 / 30 / 15 min 2.5 - 128 pg/ml /// 1.13 pg/ml 75 ul plasma (EDTA) quantitative MTPL 96 wells 295,00
10 ul serum, plasma and tissue culture
Resistin (human) ELISA EIA4572 60 / 60 / 60 / 10 min 1 - 50 ng/ml // 0.033 ng/ml medium quantitative MTPL 96 wells 785,00
60 min 37 C; 30 / 15 min.
Rubella IgG ELISA EIA3510 RT ... /// 10 - 100 IU/mL 10 ul serum, plasma (1+100 diluted) quantitative MTPL 96 wells 110,00
Secretory IgA (sIgA) ELISA EIA4601 60 / 60 / 5 - 15 min RT 22.2 - 600 ng/ml // 13.4 ng/ml 10 ul saliva + 100 mg stool quantitative MTPL 96 wells 751,00
Serotonin ELISA EIA1300 18 hrs 0.14-33 ng/ml plasma or urine quantitative MTPL 96 wells 345,00
Serotonin FAST ELISA EIA5061 30 / 15 / 15 m in 15-2500 ng/ml /// 5 ng/mL 25 ul serum, urine and platelets quantitative MTPL 96 wells 471,00
3-100 U/mL /// 0.79 U/mLwill
TM-CA 72-4 ELISA - 2 controls incl. - EIA5071 120 / 30 min follow 20 ul serum / plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 285,00
TM-CA 125 ELISA EIA5072 60 / 15 min 0-600 U/ml /// 0.25 U/ml 50 ul serum, plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 132,00
TM-CA 15-3 ELISA EIA5068 60 / 60 / 15 min. 25-200 U/mL /// 0.50 U/mL 10 ul serum, plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 142,00
TM-CA 19-9 ELISA EIA5069 60 / 60 / 30 min 15-240 U/ml /// 0.2 U/ml 50 ul serum, plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 132,00
TM-CYFRA 21-1 ELISA - 2 controls incl. - EIA5070 60 / 15 min 3 - 50 ng/ml /// 0.15 ng/ml 50 ul serum, plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 295,00
TNF-alpha ELISA / CE EIA4641 120/120/30 min 7-518 pg/ml /// 0.7 pg/ml 200 ul serum quantitative MTPL 96 wells 690,00
Total GLP-1 ELISA <RUO worldwide> EIA5095 20-24h@2-8C / 20 min 2.1 - 54 pmol/L /// 1 pmol/L 100 ul Plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 600,00
30 min 37 C / 30 / 15 min
Toxoplasma gondii IgA ELISA EIA3683 RT pos./neg cut off control /// ... 10 ul serum, plasma (1+100 diluted) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 206,00
10 ul cell culture supernatant and serum,
t-PA (human) Elisa EIA5112 120 / 15 min. at RT 16-1000 pg/mL /// 4 pg/mL plasma, urine or other body fluids quantitative MTPL 96 wells 801,00
TPS (CYK18) ELISA EIA2354 quantitative MTPL 96 wells 702,00

DRG_Catalog_2020 01/03/2020 DRG International, Inc.

Price: ex workssubj. 841 Mountain Avenue, Springfield New Jersey 07081, USA
to change Fax: (973) 564-7556
w/o notice e-mail: corp@drg-international.com 1/2 IMM

Products Cat.# Incubation Stand. Range / Sensitivity Specimen Test Type Test Meth. Units Price US-$
Trichinella spiralis IgG ELISA EIA3521 10 / 5 / 5 min. pos. / neg. control // 96.3 % 100 ul serum (diluted 1:64) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 154,00
TSH Receptor Autoantibody ELISA EIA3369 2 hrs/20/20/20 min. at RT negative/positive control 100 ul serum qualitative MTPL 96 wells 425,00
TSH (utrasensitive) ELISA EIA1790 4 hrs. at RT 0.05 uIU/ml serum quantitative MTPL 96 wells 74,00
Ureaplasma urealyticum IgG ELISA EIA4623 60/30 at 37C / 15 min RT pos./neg./cut-off control 10 ul serum, plasma (1+100 diluted) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 100,00
Ureaplasma urealyticum IgM ELISA EIA4561 60/30 at 37C / 15 min RT pos./neg. control 10 ul serum, plasma (1+100 diluted) qualitative MTPL 96 wells 106,00
Vasopressin (Human, Rat, Mouse, Canine,
Ovine) ELISA EIA4944 120 / 60 / 60 min 0-100 ng/ml /// 0.04 ng/ml 50 ul plasma quantitative MTPL 96 wells 703,00

DRG_Catalog_2020 01/03/2020 DRG International, Inc.

Price: ex workssubj. 841 Mountain Avenue, Springfield New Jersey 07081, USA
to change Fax: (973) 564-7556
w/o notice e-mail: corp@drg-international.com 2/2 IMM

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