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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English V

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Identify facts from opinions.
2. Participates effectively in a range of conversation and collaboration with diverse partners and
build other’s ideas.
3. Express their own opinion clearly and persuasively.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: To identify Facts from Opinion
References: “Facets of English-Reading V,” pp. 302-313
Instructional Materials: laptop, projector/chart, pick-me box, paper strips, video-
Values: Respect for one’s opinion/ ideas.

III. Lesson Proper

A. Preparations
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Review of the Previous Topic
B. Motivation
 The teacher will facilitate a guessing game “Who Am I?” and word game.

“Who AM I?”
1. I am one of your ability that can be found in chart.
Answer: C
2. I am first in final.
Answer: F
3. I am vitamin that you can get in squash and in grass.
Answer: A
4. I am the sound of a three-letter word kind of drink that is healthy for the body.
Answer: T
 We have letters C, F, A, and T. What do you think is our mystery word?
Answer: FACT
“Word Game”
Observe the statements that you can see on the screen and identify the scrambled word
1. French fries taste better with ketchup.
2. Sunday is the best day of the week.
Answer: Opinion
C. Introduction of the topic
 Very Good! Our two (2) mystery words are fact and opinion and that will be our topic for
today. We are going to identify facts from opinions.
 Who among you here knows the meaning of the word fact and opinion?
 I have here a short videoclip on how to identify facts from opinions.
(Video Presentation)
D. Discussion of the topic
 Did you listen carefully to the video?
 What was the video all about? What have you learned from the video?
 The video presentation tells that fact is something that is always true, and it can be
proven by doing research.
 Facts are statements that can be proven by reliable authority or information such as
based on statistics, scientific law, history book and others.
 For Example, Ferdinand Marcos is the former president of the Philippines.
Why do you think it’s a fact? (Because it is based in history book and provable)
 On the other hand, Opinion is what you think and feel and it can’t be proven. There are
statements that can be confusing especially if it is widely accepted.
 For example, President Duterte is the best President. Do you agree?
 Even if everyone agreed with this statement, it is still an opinion because it is not
provable. Well, an opinion is not a provable fact. Though an opinion is widely accepted,
that does not make any fact. Understood?
 In addition, there are certain words that will warn you that you are being given an
opinion and not a fact. Some of those are: maybe, perhaps, best/worst, probably,
apparently and other suggestive words.
 Where can we usually hear, see or read factual and opinionated information?
(Tabloids, radio, television, magazines and internets)
E. Practice Exercise/Application
 A.The teacher will read statements and students will identify if it is a fact or opinion. The
learners will answer by showing the “hand sign letter f” for fact and “hand sign letter o”
for opinion.
 B.The class will be grouped into 3 and they will play “Wowowin’s Kamay sa Dibdib!”
Statement will be shown in the screen then teacher will read the statement. Each
contestant will compete who will be the first one to tap the buzzer on the table. The
group who garnered the highest score is the winner.
 C. Seatmates will be partners and do “Pick Me!” game. A box will be passed to the class
and each partner will pick a paper strip inside the box then partners will read the
statement written on the paper and they will identify whether it is a fact or an opinion.
Have them post their answer on the chart.
F. Generalization
 Let’s have a recap if you really understand what we have discussed earlier. Who can
explain to me the difference of fact from opinion?
 Do you usually watch television or listen to radio when you want to be updated with the
current news?
 Are you aware that some of that news are fact and some are just an opinion based on
their source?
 Is it important to identify or distinguish fact from opinion?Why?
(Yes, it is important because it will help you interpret information intelligently.)
 Do you respect other’s ideas and opinions? Why?
 How do you show your respect towards others?
IV. Evaluation
 “Is It A Fact or Opinion?” Identify each statement whether it is a fact or opinion. Write
the word fact or opinion on a ¼ sheet of paper.

1. Blue is the prettiest color. __________________________

2. Sarah went to the store last Monday. __________________________
3. A camel is a mammal. __________________________
4. Atis tastes great. __________________________
5. Everyone should go to the movies on Monday. __________________________
6. Annica’s dog is a poodle. __________________________
7. Bears are very interesting. __________________________
8. Jake is the best basketball player. __________________________
9. George Washington was the first president of
the United states. __________________________
10. Picnics are better in summer. __________________________
V. Assignment
Direction: List 5 facts and 5 opinions via watching television news. Write it on your assignment
notebook. To be checked tomorrow.

Prepared by:

Mrs. Lovely M. Delos Reyes

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