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Indian society gives more importance to morality. Traditional Indian

educational system also gave importance to moral values. Moral values
means the essential qualities like respect ,discipline justice ,honesty love,
compassion, care etc…This article discuss the importance of inculcating moral
values in secondary school students. And it is also the ways to inculcate
moral values to the students.

Keywords: inculcation, moral value, personality, foundations


Moral values are values that express ideas about the good life (W.
veugelers international Encyclopaedia of Education, third edition.2010)
Indian culture gave great importance to moral values and ethics. Moral
values can give meaning and purpose to our life. And it is necessary for
overall wellbeing of our life. I think moral education should be a very
important one which can helpful for character formation and personality
development of the students. To teach moral values to students is the duty
of a teacher. Students are the future of the world. The future society
depends upon the moral values imparted to the students.

Education is the fostering of the personality through the continuous

development of innate qualities of a person. Through taught moral values in
different subjects is make the students to adjust the norms of the society.
This is strengthen the character of the individual.

Attaining knowledge is only one goal of education. But the

ultimate aim of education is the all-round development of the students. A
class room is the mini form of the social structure. The students comes from
different is not necessary that every child will get moral
values and proper care from the family. So the education should be
inculcating moral values. It will make good citizens in society. Moral values
are the foundation for a good personality.

Some of the characteristics secondary school students are as follows;

 The personality of the teenager’s gradually reaches maturity.

 They crave for independence and freedom.
 They tend to depend on themselves.
 They are stubborn argumentative and obstinate.
 They revolt against traditions and dispute customs and rules.
 Per influence is the main attraction of this age.
 The emotional and psychological problems make them restless
and confused.
 There is a strong tendency of self-assertion that prominent due
to the new orientation sets in life.
 Self-consciousness is too much developed in this age.

Now a day’s students are exposed to violence, dishonesty, and other

social problems in the media and real world. If moral values were taught in
schools, we would have fewer of these problems. Society expects to preserve
and promote its values through education .It creates desirable changes in the
child’s way of thinking, feeling and is the way one acts accordance with ideal
and acceptable and worthwhile is transmitted.
This is a true fact that there has been erosion of values in our society,
and then urgent step must be undertaken to inculcate values in adults and
children. Teachers lay the foundation of future citizen must undertake the
task of inculcating values in children.

It’s not necessary, moral values teach as a separate subject. It is better

moral values are integrate to the different subjects and taught to the
students .It will influence the mind of the students. It can make a drasting
change in the society.


Moral values are the one of the important thing which make peace in
the society. Value education can be imparted through the regular subjects of
curricular activities. Through inculcating moral values in students especially
in secondary school students, a teacher can lay foundation for good future
society. It will make a large change in the unethical practices in the society.

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