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Read and understand the following extra vocabularies and expressions below to help you
COMPREHENSION understand the sample dialogues used for each.
With the help of your teacher, unlock the meaning of
a. party animal (idiom acting WHAT’S IN IT FOR each of the pattern expression by reading their given
as a noun) - someone who YOU? sample dialogue.
enjoys parties and party
activities very much and goes
1.) Someone + bites the bullet  
to as many as possible
b. niece (noun) the daughter of
your brother or sister, or the
daughter of your husband's or
wife's brother or sister

c. run over (phrasal verb) - to

injure or kill, to break by
knocking (someone or
something) down and passing
over the body, as with a vehicle

d. bickering (noun) – an


A and B are talking about B’s 2.) Someone + is a party pooper  

high score…
A: Joan! I heard you got
the highest score in most
of the subjects in your
class! No offence meant
but that is very unlikely
of you. You are a party
animal, aren’t you?
B: Ha-ha-ha! You silly!
You are right though. I
am not that kind of
person who studies often,
but my mother and I
made a deal.
A: What’s the deal?
B: Ah, that if I got high
scores in my exams, she
would allow me to go to
the Philippines alone! So,
I bit the bullet during the
exam week and didn’t go
to parties even though I
was craving for it badly.
Now, I’m eagerly waiting
for next week to come.
Boracay, here I come!

A and B are talking about a
3.) Something + is beyond repair  
A: I am having a party
tomorrow night at my
house. Want to come,
B: I’ll pass. Why are you
having a party anyway?
Next week is exam week!
Cancel that party now
before it’s too late.
A: You’ll pass again? Are
you for real? Really, you
are a party pooper!


A and B are talking about 4.) Something + travels by word of mouth

why B is crying…
A: Hey! Why are you
B: Hu-hu-hu! My evil
niece threw my new
phone off the house from
the third floor and it is
beyond repair. My
phone looked like a tin
can ran over by a

A and B are talking about
how tales spread…
A: Mom, isn’t it that in
the old times, there were
no books? 5.) Let’s call it quits / Someone calls it quits
B: Yes, my dear. Why do MEANING:
you ask?
A: I was just wondering
how did they spread the
tales that we now know
B: Oh right! These tales
travelled by word of
mouth. The chief elder,
who is the oldest in the
tribe, would gather
everyone around a
bonfire, and narrate to his
people the tales of the
tribes who lived before
them. This practice was
passed down from
generation to generation,
and the rest is history.

A and B are talking about

who is the winner…
A: I am the winner
B: No, I won!
A: Let’s stop these
childish bickering! Let’s
call it quits!
B: Fine with me!
C and D are talking about
6.) Someone /something + comes back
C: I noticed Laarni
from the dead  
returned to your dorm
room early last night. I
recalled she said she
would pull an all-nighter
because of the upcoming
exams next week.
D: Ah, yes. But obviously
she called it quits and
slept instead.


A and B are talking about B’s 7.) It’s all coming back to me.  
previous company…
A: I heard your previous
company came back
from the dead.
B: Really? But how?
A: Their new product
became a big hit in just a
short time. Their sales
rose up dramatically in
just one week! I can’t
believe it as well since
I’ve tried their product,
but there isn’t special
about it.
A and B are talking about the
A: Honey, do you still
remember the first time
we met?
B: Uh….?? Eh....??
A: Seriously? Ehm… 8.) Someone / Something + comes before + somebody / something.  
Okay, I’ll help you MEANING:
remember it. Ehm… How
about the word
“handkerchief”? Does it
ring a bell?
B: Oh! Yes! It’s all
coming back to me now.

A and B are talking about B’s

A: Is it true that you quit
your job for your kids?
B: That is absolutely true!
My children will always
come before my career.


Suggested time to finish: 10 minutes
Without looking at your notes, match the patterns and expressions in column A to their definitions in column B.
Write the letter of your answer at the space provided.

1. Someone + bites the bullet   A. an expression to tell that somebody spoils other
people's enjoyment by disapproving of or not taking part in
____ a particular activity

2. Someone + is a party pooper  

B. to mention that somebody or something becomes
successful or popular again after a period of not being
successful or popular
3. Something + is beyond repair  
C. to tell that something is totally destroyed or something
can’t be repaired
4. Something + travels by word of mouth
D. used to tell that both agree to stop doing something or
to tell that somebody wants to stop doing something
5. Let’s call it quits / Someone calls it quits
E. to tell that a thing or a person is more important or to be
treated more important than another thing or a person
6. Someone /something + comes back from the dead  
F. an expression to use when you start to remember
something (memories) especially when you are talking
about these with others.
7. It’s all coming back to me

G. to mention that somebody has to endure or to try harder
in doing something demanding
8. Someone / Something + comes before + somebody /
H. used to say that an idea about something is spread by
one person telling the information to another.
Task 2
Suggested time to finish: 5 minutes
According to their definition provided in Task 1, identify what makes each statement wrong. Strike through the
word or phrase that makes the statement erroneous, and write the correct word or phrase above it. If the
statement is already correct, then proceed to the next statement.

Example: heavily
It is raining cats and dogs is used to say that it is raining lightly.

1.) Someone + bite the bullet is used to say that somebody has to endure or to try harder in

doing something demanding

2.) Someone + is a party pooper is an expression to tell that somebody spoils other people's

enjoyment by disapproving of or not taking part in a particular activity

3.) Something is + beyond repair is used to tell that something is totally fixed or something is


4.) An information about something + travels + by word of mouth is used to say that an idea

about something is spread by one person telling the information to another.

5.) Let’s call it quits / Someone calls it quits is used to tell that both disagree to stop doing

something or to tell that somebody wants to continue doing something

6.) Someone /something + comes back from the dead is used to say that somebody or

something becomes unsuccessful or unpopular again after a period of being successful or


7.) It’s all coming back to me is an expression to use when you started to forget something

(memories) especially when you are talking about these with others.
8.) Someone / Something + comes before + somebody / something is used to tell that a thing

or a person is less important or to be treated less important than another thing or a person
Task 3
Suggested time to finish: 25 minutes
On a separate sheet of paper, utilize each pattern and expression in a short dialogue between two characters.

1. Someone + bites the bullet  

2. Someone + is a party pooper

3. Something + is beyond repair  

4. Something + travels by word of mouth

5. Let’s call it quits / Someone calls it quits

6. Someone /something + comes back from the dead  

7. It’s all coming back to me

8. Someone / Something + comes before + somebody / something

What’s in it for you?
1.) Someone + bite the bullet  
-to mention that somebody has to endure or to try harder in doing something demanding
2.) Someone + is a party pooper  
-an expression to tell that somebody spoils other people's enjoyment by disapproving of or not taking part in a particular activity
3.) Something is + beyond repair  
-to tell that something is totally destroyed or something can’t be repaired
4.) An information about something + travels + by word of mouth
- used to say that an idea about something is spread by one person telling the information to another.
5.) Let’s call it quits / Someone calls it quits
- used to tell that both agrees to stop doing something or to tell somebody wants to stop doing something
6.) Someone /something + comes back from the dead  
- to mention that somebody or something becomes successful or popular again after a period of not being successful or popular
7.) It’s all coming back to me.  
-an expression to use when you started to remember something (memories) especially when you are talking about these with others.
8.) Someone / Something + comes before + somebody / something.  
- to tell that a thing or a person is more important or to be treated more important than another thing or a person

Task 1
1. G
2. A
3. C
4. H
5. D
6. B
7. F
8. E

Task 2
1. no correction
2. no correction
3. fixed: destroyed ; repairable: can’t be repaired
4. no correction
5. disagree: agree ; continue: stop
6. unsuccessful : successful ; unpopular : popular
7. forget : remember
8. less : more ; less : more

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