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7028 Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines

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“The School for Better Future”

Course outline in Introduction to World Religion and Belief System

Academic Year 2020-2021

Course Information:
GRADE: 11 SEMESTER: 2nd Sem.
CORE SUBJECT TITLE: Introduction to world Religion and Belief System NO. OF HOURS/SEMESTER: 80 HOURS/SEMESTER
Class Schedule: Mon-Thurs PREREQUISITES (IF NEEDED): Reading & Writing
Venue: Goodness and Respect

Teacher Information:
Name: JayhiaM.Jarlega
Degrees and Schools: BSED-Filipino,LPT
Contact Number: 09491603979

The course explores the main tenets and practices of major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and
Shintoism. It aims to help learners understand the historical contexts of nine religions, appreciate their uniqueness and similarities and promote mutual understanding among believers of
different faiths. They are expected to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of one’s faith and that of others.

Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of belief system or worldview*, Religion, Spirituality, Philosophy of Religion, and Theology.
Performance Standard:
The learner prepares character sketches of a person who is spiritual but not religious and a person who is religious but not spiritual.

Number Date Lesson/Topics Learning Competencies Learning Strategies/Methods/ Core Values Materials Needed/ References
of days

1. QUARTER I 1. Give an example of a  Activity 1:  Power point presentation

Week 2. Lesson 1 – belief system of  Video clip
1 worldview (Pre- test)
Definition of  Picture of personalities and activities that
2. Differentiate religion may or may not associated with religion
Terms Direction: Identify the words below by analyzing the
from Spirituality,  Board chalk
Theology and Philosophy given definitions.
of Religion 1. R _ LI_I_N - the belief in the worship of a
3. 1. Understanding 3. Formulate an inference superhuman controlling power, especially a
Definitions of the about Belief system, personal God or gods.
2. _H_OL_GY – the study of the nature and
following concepts: Religion and Spirituality
4. Prepare character powers of God
a. Religion 3. W_R_DV__W - a collection of beliefs about
sketches of a person who
b. Belief System life and the universe held by an individual or a
is spiritual but not
c. Philosophy of religious and a person group
Religion who is religious 4. SP_R_TU_LI_Y - the quality or state of being
d. Theology concerned with religion or religious matters
5. _OLY_HE_TI_ - the belief in many gods.
e. Spirituality
f. Monoistic
g. Polytheistic
h. Monotheistic Respect
i. Atheistic Religious
Philosophy and Christian Theology


Philosophy of Religion


(Note: the above online references will be

edited by the teacher for easier
understanding of students)

Being Catholic as Reflexive Spirituality: The

Case of Religiously Involved Filipino by
Jayeel Cornelio

Human Geography—Ethnic and

Universalizing Religions

Religion in History by Alfred North


1.Cite regions or places
where specific religions
_______________ 2. Analyze the culture of
Week the region that gave rise
2 Lesson 2: How to specific religions
World Religions 3. Explain how geography
Began influences religion and
religion affects culture
1.Religions in
Continents: A
2. Culture and
Determinants of
3. Impact and
Influence of
Culture in Shaping
 Power point presentation
Week  World Map showing dominant religions
of various countries
 Videos
 Board chalk
1. Identify the positive
and negative effects of
2. Provide evidence that
_______________ religion brought about an
Week event in history
4 Lesson 3: Positive 3. Justify that religion can
and Negative have positive or negative
Effects of Religion effects on society
4. Gather print or web-
1. Religion: Its based articles, photos,
Positive and editorials, etc. showing
Negative Effects the positive or negative
2. Religion as a effects of religion
Factor in Shaping
History: A Critical
3. Religion: A
Force for Good or

• Power point presentation

• poems and internet articles
• Videos
• Board chalk
1. Recite the Ten
Commandments as stated
in the Old Testament
(Exodus 20).
2. Identify a Jewish
_______________ custom or tradition
Week demonstrated in a movie.
5 QUARTER II 3. Justify: The core
Lesson 4: Judaism teaching of Judaism is the
covenant of one God with
1. Abraham and a chosen people vs. other
Moses: Founding people with many gods.
Fathers of Judaism 4. Identify a story from
2.Sacred Texts: the Old Testament that
Torah, Poetry, demonstrates the Jewish
Prophets, Talmud belief in one God (e.g.
3.Doctrines: Ten Story of Samson)
and 618 Rules
4.Various Sects in
Judaism: A
Judaism and Jews
• Power point presentation
• Holy Bible
• Videos
• Board chalk
Materials for comic strip

1. Recite the Apostle’s

Creed, the Lord’s Prayer
or the Beatitudes
2. Interpret the Parable of
the Prodigal Son
3. Explain: The core
Week _______________ teaching of Christianity is
6 the message that a loving
Lesson 5: God sent His begotten
Christianity Son in order to redeem
humankind from eternal
1.Knowing and damnation
Appreciating Jesus 4. Interview a Christian
2. Sacred Texts parent or couple on why
3. Doctrines and they are Christians and
Teachings of what beliefs and practices
Christianity they adhere to.
4. God: Trinity
5. Various Sects in
Christianity: A
Christianity and

• Power point presentation

• Holy Bible
• Videos
• Board chalk
Materials for Who wants to be a Millionaire
1. Read the opening lines
of Qur’an preferably from
an English Version
2. Retell the life and
times of Prophet
_______________ 3. Explain: The core
Week teaching of Islam is there
7 Lesson 6: Islam is only one God and
Muhammad is His final
1.Knowing Prophet and greatest messenger
Muhammad 4. Conduct a panel
2. Sacred texts discussion on Muslim
3. Doctrines beliefs and practices
4. God: Allah (when possible invite a
5. Practitioners: Muslim)
Sunni, Shi’ite and
6. Issues

• Power point presentation

• Qur’an
• Videos
• Board chalk
Crossword Puzzle
1. Identify the uniqueness
and similarities of
Judaism, Christianity and
2 Provide evidence that
Judaism, Christianity and
_______________ Islam share common
Week roots from Patriarch
8 Lesson 7: Abraham
Comparative 3. Justify that Judaism,
Analysis Christianity and Islam, as
monotheistic religions,
1. Judaism, have largely influenced
Christianity and the world today.
Islam: Views on 4.Conduct a group
origin, morality, research on the doctrines
purpose, destiny, of each of the three
and views on religions and compare
women. them in the aspects of
origin, morality, purpose,
destiny, and views on

1. Recite the creation

story in Rig Veda
2. Identify the names of
the major Hindu deities as
well as their
corresponding powers and Power point presentation
_______________ functions • Sacred Texts of the three
Week 3. Explain: The core religions/references
9 QUARTER III teaching of Hinduism is • Videos
Lesson 8: the attainment of • Board chalk
Hinduism liberation in the
identification of Atman
1. Knowing and and Brahman through the
Appreciating the Four Yogas.
Aryans 4. Simulate a particular
2. Sacred Texts yoga and write a
3. Doctrines and reflection paper on your
Teachings of insights on Hinduism
4. God: 33 million
gods and goddesses
5. Issues: Gender
Inequality, Caste
System, Poverty
1. State the Four Noble
Truths and the Eight-fold
2. Give examples of Power point presentation
situations that • Sacred Texts of the Hinduism
demonstrate cravings • Videos/Pictures
_______________ which may lead to Gallery wall
Week suffering according to • Board chalk
10 Lesson 9: Theravada Buddhism
Theravada 3. Explain: The core
Buddhism teaching of Theravada
Buddhism is that life is
1. Knowing and suffering; suffering is due
Appreciating to craving; there is a way
Siddharta Gautama to overcome craving; and
2. Sacred Texts the way to overcome
3. Doctrines craving is the Eight-fold
4. God: non-theistic Path, the Middle Way
5. Issues: Territory (between pleasure and
conflict in mortification).
Mainland Southeast 4. Evaluate the Eight-fold
Asia Path in terms of how it
achieves the Middle Way

Power point presentation

1. State the three levels of • Sacred Texts
perfection of Mahayana • Videos/Pictures
Buddhism (moral • Materials for Poster-making
discipline, ,Board chalk
cultivation of virtue, and
altruistic conduct)
2. Give examples of acts
of generosity of
Week _______________ Mahayana Buddhists
11 3. Explain: The core
Lesson 10: teaching of Mahayana
Mahayana Buddhism is to seek
Buddhism complete enlightenment
for the benefit of all
1. Knowing and living beings through
Appreciating insight and compassion.
Siddharta Gautama 4. Draw the insight from
2. Sacred Texts the acts of generosity of
3. Doctrines Tzu Chi Foundation that
4. God: non-theistic reflect
5. Issues: Tibet the core teaching of
invasion, Engaged Mahayana Buddhism
6. Universality and
growth of sects: Power point presentation
Development of • Sacred Texts
Buddhism to Zen • Videos/Pictures
(Chan) Buddhism ,Board chalk
as the fruit of its
encounter with
Taoism. 1. Identify the
uniqueness and
similarities of Hinduism,
Theravada Buddhism and
Mahayana Buddhism
2. Provide evidence that
Theravada Buddhism and
_______________ Mahayana Buddhism
Week share common roots from
12 Lesson 11: India
Comparative 3. Justify that Hinduism,
Analysis Theravada Buddhism and
Mahayana Buddhism, as
Hinduism, Vedic religions, have
Theravada largely influenced the
Buddhism and world today.
Mahayana 4. Draw the insight from
Buddhism: Views the acts of generosity of
on origin, morality, Tzu Chi Foundation that
purpose, destiny, reflect the core teaching
and views on of Mahayana Buddhism
women. Power point presentation
• Sacred Texts
• Videos/Pictures
Board chalk
1. Describe the five basic
relationships (king to
subject, father to son,
husband to
wife, elder brother to
younger brother and
friend to friend)
2. Give examples of acts
_______________ showing filial piety in the
Week family, community and
13 QUARTER IV society
Lesson 12: 3. Explain: The core
Confucianism teaching of Confucianism
is to be a “gentleman” by
1. Knowing and following the moral way
Appreciating consisting of the virtues
Confucius of love, righteousness,
2. Sacred Texts wisdom,
3. Doctrines propriety and loyalty in
4. God: Heaven order to promote harmony
5. Issues: Gender in society.
inequality and L4. Present a character
Authoritarianism sketch of a person who
personifies the Confucian Power point presentation
virtues • Sacred Texts of the Confucianism
• Videos/Pictures
Board chalk

1. State that “Tao is the

origin of all beings whose
essence is nothing”
2. Give examples of acts
showing love and respect
of nature and the
3. Explain: The core
teaching of Taoism is
_______________ becoming one with ‘Tao.’
4. Identify the things she
Lesson 13: Taoism can do without by making
1. Knowing and an inventory of personal
Appreciating Lao belongings (e.g. things in
Tzu the bedroom) and write a
2. Sacred Texts reflection on Taoism
3. Doctrines based on the result of the
4. Tao as the Origin inventory
of all Beings,
unnameable and
5. Issues: Inaction, 1. Narrate the Kojiki Power point presentation
Superstitious creation story • Sacred Texts
practices, 2. Explain why is it Newspaper clippings
Environmentalism important for Japanese • Videos/Pictures
people to worship gods Board chalk
3. Evaluate: The core
teaching of Shintoism is
to worship the ancestors
and forces of nature to
achieve harmony in all
_______________ 4. Interpret the Kojiki
creation story creatively
Week Lesson 14:
15 Shintoism
Animists of Japan
2.Sacred Texts
3. Doctrines: belief
in kami and
divinity of
emperors 1. Provide evidence that Power point presentation
4. Gods: kami Confucianism, Taoism • Sacred Texts
5. Issues: Shrine and Shintoism share Newspaper clippings
visits of Japanese common traits in viewing • Videos/Pictures
Prime Ministers nature and ancestors Board chalk
2. Justify that
Confucianism, Taoism
and Shintoism as East
have largely influenced
Week _______________ the world today.
16 3. Prepare a multimedia
Lesson 15: presentation on the
Comparative perceptions of people
Analysis from all walks of life on
the doctrines of each of
the three religions and
Confucianism, compare them in the
Taoism and aspects of individual, Power point presentation
Shintoism: Views family, society, • Sacred Texts
on origin, morality, government and nature. Newspaper clippings
purpose, destiny, • Videos/Pictures
and views on Board chalk

1.Simulate a panel
discussion of inter-
religious dialogue that
reflects the following:
a. the meaning and
ultimate value of life
b. how one is to relate to
one’s self, family, society
and nature
c. the way to achieve
personal happiness and
_______________ fulfillment
Week Tolerance
17 Lesson 16:

 Activity 2

Direction. The following are different photos of

personalities, events or activities that may or may not
be associated with religion. Identify these photos by
checking the appropriate box and briefly explain
whether they can be considered religious or not.

(see pp. 2-3 of Introduction to World Religions and

Belief Systems by Cornelio, et al.)


 Activity 3
Direction. Compare and contrast. Differentiate the
difference between theology and philosophy of

Theology Philsophy
________________ of Religion
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
__ ________________
 Activity 4

Direction: Read and analyze

Being Catholic as Reflexive Spirituality: The Case of
Religiously Involved Filipino. After reading infer 5
ideas regarding the main points of the said article.


 Activity 5

Direction. Createsketches of a person who is spiritual

but not religious and a person who is religious. Explain
the similarities and the differences of the two

 Activity 6

Direction. Perform a skit about the value of respecting

other religions
 Activity 1

Direction. Identification. Answer what is being asked.

1. Why is culture important in shaping religions?
2. Is Geography has crucial role in propagation of
different religions?

 Activity 2

Direction. Analyze the map and determine the

dominant religions of various continents.
 Activity 3

Direction. Watch and l listen to the video clip about

Human Geography —Ethnic and Universalizing
Religions. After watching the video, make a 5 minute
paper emphasizing the major lessons learned.

 Activity 4

Direction. Illustrate and identify the relationships of

geography and religion/ religion and culture.

Religion Culture

 Activity 5.

Directions. Read carefully the chapter test and write

the letter of the best answer.
(Chapter Test)



 Activity 1
Direction: Read and analyze the poem. After reading,
answer the questions below.

Guide Questions:
1. What’s the main message of the poem?
2. Do you agree to the notion that religion is only
based on faith and not on evidence?
 Activity 2

Direction. Create a collage using recycled materials.

Theme: Religion: A Positive Institution within Society

 Activity 3

Direction. Make a journal about positive and negative

effects of Religion. You can use the following
materials: web-based articles, photos, editorials and
magazines. Follow the guide questions and
instructions to be given by the teacher.

 Activity 4

Direction. Identify the main and supporting arguments

of the essay entitled Religion in History by Alfred
North Whitehead. Read only The Ascent of Man and
The Final Contrast.


Respect for Parents

 Activity 5

Direction: Research regarding positive and negative

effects of religion. After that, the teacher will give
instructions regarding debate rules.

 Activity 1:

Direction. Answer the following questions:

a. What is the Jewish holy book?
b. How many books are in the Tanakh?
c. How many candles are on a menorah?
d. How long does Hannukkah last?
e. What is the traditional language of the Jewish

 Activity 2

Direction. Recite the Ten Commandments in the Old

Testament and give an explanation for at least 2
 Activity 3
Love of God


Direction. Watch the movie entitled Have a Little

Faith and identify some Jewish customs and traditions.

 Activity 4

Direction. Make a comic strip that demonstrates the

Jewish belief in one God. Use the Old Testament as
your main reference.

 Activity 5

Direction. Open your main reference book on pages

30-31 and answer the 24 -item test.

• Activity 1
Direction: Answer 15 questions regarding Christianity.
(Who wants to be a Millionaire Format)

• Activity 2
Direction: Complete the missing words in the Nicene

• Activity 3
Direction: Read the parable of the Prodigal Son.
Interpret and analyze the meanings and symbolisms in
the said story.
• Activity 4
Direction: Select a partner and discuss the core
teaching of Christianity is the message that a loving
God sent His begotten Son in order to redeem
humankind from eternal damnation

• Activity 5
Direction: Interview members of Couples for
Christ/Marriage Encounter Members and other similar
groups and ask them the guide questions provided by
the teacher.

• Activity 6
Direction: Select a particular event in the life of Jesus
that your group wanted to present. Prepare the
necessary materials as instructed by the teacher.



• Activity 1
Direction: Crossword. Find the words that are
connected to five pillars of Islam
• Activity 2
Direction: Read page 57 of your textbook specifically
the topic about Origin and Development of Islam.
After that, answer this question: what do you value
about Muslim practices of Faith?

• Activity 3
Direction: Create a 2D picture panorama depicting the
life of Prophet Muhammad.

• Activity 4
Direction: Conduct a panel discussion on Muslim
beliefs and practices.


• Activity 1
Direction: Answer the 10 item quiz about the three

• Activity 2
Direction: Research at least 5 uniqueness and
similarities of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Make 3
columns and identify the said uniqueness and

• Activity 3
Direction: Write a lyrics about the influence and
impact of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

• Activity 4
Direction: Research the guide questions given by the
teacher. Answer the Comparative Analysis Table.


• Activity 1
Direction: Identify significant contributions of
Hinduism in the History of the World.
The teacher will provide pictures with short details
about each picture.

• Activity 2
Direction: Research about Hindu deities and make
human statue depicting the said gods and deities.

• Activity 3
Direction: Watch a short video clip of yoga. After that
try to simulate the body movements.

• Activity 4
Direction: Research about Hinduism and make a
gallery wall about it.
 Activity 1

Direction: Read the trivia box on page 111 of your

main reference book. After reading, the teacher will
instruct you to answer trivia questions.


 Activity 2

Direction: Based on your personal experience, list

down instances when you experienced sufferings and
cravings. How did you cope?

 Activity 3

Direction : Create a poster regarding the Noble

Eightfold Path and explain the symbolisms and
figures on it.

• Activity 1

Direction : The teacher will give 10 statements and the

students will determine whether or not the said
statements are in accordance with the belief of
Theravada Buddhism

• Activity 2

Direction : Think of examples of acts of generosity of

Mahayana Buddhism

• Activity 3

Direction : Make a comparison about the similarities

and differences of Theravada and Mahayana

• Activity 4

Direction : Create a script about a news report

featuring the good works of Tzu Chi Foundation.

Respect for women

• Activity 1

Direction : The teacher will give 20

statements/characteristics and students are required to
identify whether it’s connected to Hinduism,
Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism
• Activity 2
Direction : Provide strong evidence that Hinduism,
Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism
originated in India.

• Activity 3

Direction : Research about aspects of origin, morality,

purpose, destiny and views of women of the three
religions/philosophies studied in this quarter. After
your research, answer the comparative analysis table.

• Activity 1

Direction : Research about aspects of origin, morality,

purpose, destiny and views of women of the three
religions/philosophies studied in this quarter. After
your research, answer the comparative analysis table.

• Activity 2
Direction: Give examples of act showing filial piety in
the family, community and society. Write on the board
your answers.

• Activity 3
Direction: Present a character sketch of a person who
personifies Confucian virtues.

• Activity 4
Direction: Answer pages 151-152 of your reference

• Activity 1

Direction : Answer questions in the Jeopardy game.

• Activity 2
Direction: Cut a newspaper clipping talking about
some philosophies that can be found in Taoism

• Activity 3
Direction: Present a character sketch of a person who
personifies the Philosophy of Tao..

• Activity 4
Direction: Answer a lesson test to be given by the

• Activity 1

Direction : Answer questions in the 1 vs. 100 game.

• Activity 2

Direction: Cut a newspaper clipping talking about

some philosophies that can be found in Shintois,

• Activity 3
Direction: Write a haiku about Shintoism

• Activity 4
Direction: Answer a lesson test to be given by the
• Activity 1
Direction: Answer the 15 item quiz about the three

• Activity 2
Direction: Research at least 5 uniqueness and
similarities of Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism.
Make 3 columns and identify the said uniqueness and

• Activity 3
Direction: Write a lyrics about the influence and
impact of Chinese Philosophy in the History of the

• Activity 4
Direction: Research the guide questions given by the
teacher. Answer the Comparative Analysis Table.
Simulate a panel discussion of inter-religious dialogue
that reflects the following:
a. the meaning and ultimate value of life
b. how one is to relate to one’s self, family, society and
c. the way to achieve personal happiness and

Approval of Course Outline:

Prepared by:Jayhia M.Jarlega


Academic Dean Principal

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