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HR – Core

Basic employee records and information

Public sector posts, grades and reviews
Position control
Employee pay and benefits
Benefits administration
Employees job position details
Employment history and history with previous employer(s)
Grievance, discipline and appeal
Employee correspondence
Employee surveys
Equal Opportunities Monitoring
Organization charts
Exit interview

Self Service
Employee Self Service (ESS)
Manager Self Service (MSS)

Job vacancies and requisitions
Candidate self service
Candidate screening
Applicant tracking
Interview management
Candidate communication
Pre-employment and immigration compliance checks
Job offer processing
On boarding

Time and Attendance / Workforce Management

Workforce planning and scheduling
Time sheet design
Time data, capture and processing
Monitoring and analysis

Absence Management
Leave management and accruals
Leave tracking Absence tracking
Absence cost

Talent Management
Job evaluation, competency and skills management
Compensation management
Manpower planning
Employee development
Succession planning
Performance appraisal
Goal management
Employee performance records / diary
Continuous peer review
Pay for performance
Talent profiles

Training / Learning Management

Training needs analysis
Training administration
E-Learning dashboards
Training cost management
Web course content authoring and publishing
E-Learning management
Classroom training
Virtual classroom
Social learning
Mobile learning
Assessments and evaluations
Training records, certification, compliance, continuing professional development (CPD)

Health and Safety Monitoring

Tracking incidents
Incident reporting - OSHA, RIDDOR, WCB
Incident resolution
Employee rehabilitation and claims

Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence

Analytics and dashboards
Mobile business intelligence
Balanced scorecards
Business activity monitoring
Predictive analytics
Decision support
Data mining
Online analytical processing (OLAP)

Common Requirements across All Modules

Social Media
Employee portal Multi Company, currency and lingual capability
Compliance, legislation, regulation and taxation
Reports and documents
Integration with Payroll system
Interface with other systems
Systems Operations

Screen / system design

System performance and efficiency
Data processing and systems control
Data volumes and quality
Back up and recovery
Technology Requirements
Application software, windows, browsers
Database, operating system, network
Cloud services / SaaS (Software as a Service)

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