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The PML Library within PDMS holds a common object created for use with the Status Control

utility. The
PML Object statusProjectHandler contains a number of methods that allow automated events to be
initiated based on changes made to an element.
For the purpose of this exercise, adjustments will be made to the PML Object statusProjectHandler that
will allow the Overview Status Definition to update based on changes in the Detailed Status Definition.
Navigate to the PMLLIB folder in the PDMS installation, typically:
Open the common folder, followed by the objects folder. Navigate to the statusProjectHandler.pmlobj
file and click the right mouse button. From the context menu select the Edit option.
If an edit facility is not available in the context menu, open the file using Notepad or a similar text

The methods defined in the file are listed at the top of the file. After each method is an area for
customisation and in some instances example syntax.
This exercise uses the afterStatusChange (ARRAY) method. Navigate to this area of the file. Two
customisations are included in this area of the file. The first customisation is an example of the methods
potential use and is supplied with PDMS. The second customisation has been created for training
The PML expressions used check the Status Name of one Status Definition and, if it matches a set value,
assigns or sets the Status Name in another Status Definition. When this process occurs a comment is
added in the Status Layout.
Remove the $( and $) symbols from the top and bottom of the customisation text then save and close the file. The
customisation text is now active in the file.

PDMS element information, that may be required on a deliverable document, is not always stored on the
element itself. The required information can be distributed over a number of associated elements. For
example, the primary information for a nozzle is stored on the NOZZ element itself, but additional
connectivity information may be stored on the connected Branch and/or Pipe elements and ownership
information stored on the Equipment, Zone and/or Site elements. A Database View is a method of
collecting all of this information into one common Element that can be reused throughout the project.
Overview 7.1
A Database View defines a table for retrieving/viewing and manipulating data in the database; the data
may be derived from a single element or multiple elements. There is a row in the Database View table for
each element that has a particular element type and meets the criteria defined by attribute filters. These
Filters are similar in concept to those in the search grid. In addition, if element match criteria cannot be
expressed using attribute filters, it is possible to define an expression for evaluation.
For example, a Database View could be derived from all Equipment elements in the current MDB with a
description of “Vessel”. The user specifies the required columns; each being a database attribute or an
expression run against the Equipment element. In addition, the user can specify how to navigate to
related elements, such as the owning SITE or ZONE, and derive further columns from those elements.
Database Views are defined and modified in the DICTIONARY databases using PDMS Lexicon and are
stored under a Database View World element (DBVWWL). However, ad-hoc working definitions may be
stored in a local user file. These methods allow:
 User defined Database Views for reports, and for testing.
 Project defined Database Views for reports, shared via Global.
 Application defined Database Views for specialist applications.

Database Views are primarily used with in the Plant Design modules for creating reports with the Report
Designer and within Lexicon module as an administrative tool to check the validity of a Projects
They are also used extensively by the Engineering TAGS module
There are three types of Database Views available: An Element View is automatically created and
Element Views maintained by the system. These Views are
provided for all base Element Types within the
project schema and are available to all Users.
Project Views A Project View is a user-defined View of the data
and is stored within a Lexicon dictionary database.
The Views are available to all Users. These Views
may contain more complex data i.e. the combining
of an element’s attributes (UDA and Pseudo), from
associated items, and attribute based expressions.
User Views User Views may be copies of Project or Element
Views, or views an Administrative User has created
and stored locally.
It is envisaged that an Administrator would create
and refine individual User Views prior to exposing
the View to all Users by copying it to a project
dictionary database, where it would become a
Project View.

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