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Internship Report

“General Banking Activities of Sonali Bank Limited”

Prepared For

K.M Anwarul Islam

Assistant Professor & Former Course Coordinator
BBA Program
Department of Business Administration
The Millennium University

Prepared By
Md. Himel Hossain
Id: 113BBA0027
24th Batch (Major in Finance & Banking)
Department of Business Administration
The Millennium University.

Date of submission:

All gratitude and thanks to almighty “ALLAH” the gracious, the most merciful and beneficent
who gave me courage to undertake and complete this task. I am very much obliged to my ever
caring and loving parents whose prayers have enabled to reach this stage.
I am highly indebted to my honorable teacher, K.M Anwarul Islam, Assistant Professor &
former Course Coordinator, Department of Business Administration, The Millennium
University. He is really cordial for the betterment for student. He is very helpful to me. Without
his unconditional assistance I could not make this task done properly and as a student I am also
very fortunate.

I must convey authentic grateful to Md. Salim Mridha, Executive Officer with reference to
Sonali Bank Ltd. Jatrabari Branch, to approve me to work in the organization. I feel great pride
and pleasure on the accomplishment of this report.
Letter of Transmittal
K.M. Anwarul Islam
Assistant Professor & Former Course Coordinator
BBA Program
Department of Business Administration

Subject: Submission of Internship Report “General Banking Activities of Sonali Bank


Dear Sir,
I am highly delighted to submit my internship report on “General Banking Activities of Sonali
Bank Limited” to you, as a requirement of internship program for the fulfillment of BBA
program. It is a great achievement to work under your active supervision and guidance.
I would like to thank you for assigning me this subject to prepare the internship report. This task
has been given me opportunity to explore one of the most important aspect of the “General
Banking Activities of Sonali Bank Limited” . I have tried my level best to represent all the
things that I have learnt during my internship program accurately but if we do any mistake,
please try to perceive it in the eyes of mercy. I believe that the knowledge and experience I
gathered during the internship period, will be helpful in my future professional life.

Therefore, I sincerely expect that you would be kind enough to accept my report for evaluation
and oblige thereby.

Thanking you for your time and kind supervision.

Sincerely yours,


Md. Himel Hossain

Id: 113BBA0027
24th Batch (Major in Finance & Banking)
Department of Business Administration
The Millennium University.
Letter of Acceptance

I have the pleasure to certify that Md. Himel Hossain, 113BBA0027 is the student of BBA
program Department of Business Administration has completed his Internship program entitled
General Banking activities from Sonali Bank Limited, Jatrabari Branch, under my supervision as
the partial fulfillment for the award of BBA Program.

He has prepared his report according to my instructions and guidance. He has tried his utmost to
make It a good one. I also certify that I have gone through that draft report thoroughly and it is
satisfactory to serve the stated purpose.

He was found sincere, honest, hardworking and energetic during the program. I wish his
prosperity and best of luck.

K.M. Anwarul Islam

Assistant Professor & Former Course Coordinator
BBA Program
Department of Business Administration
I am Md. Himel Hossain, hereby declare that the Report of Internship Program titled “General
Banking Activities of Sonali Bank Limited” is exclusively prepared by me within 03 (Three)
months practical work at Jatrabari Branch of “General Banking Activities of Sonali Bank

I also conform that, the report is only prepared for my academic requirement not for other
purpose and not submitted this report in any other place before. It might be with the interest of
opposite party of the corporation. I also assure that, this report was not submitted to any other
Private or Public University.

Md. Himel Hossain
Id: 113BBA0027
24th Batch (Major in Finance & Banking)
Department of Business Administration
The Millennium University.

SBL Sonali Bank Limited

NCB Nationalized Commercial Bank
DFI Development Financial Institution
NPA Non Performing Assets
NPL Non Performing Loans
KPI Key Performance Indicator
EFT Electronic Fund Transfer
POS Point of Sales
VAT Value Added Tax
NBR National Board of Revenue
NRB Non Resident Bangladeshi
SBDP Sonali Bank Daily Profit Account
NFCD Non-resident Foreign Currency Deposit
RFCD Resident Foreign Currency Deposit
FDR Fixed Deposit Receipt
ATM Automated Teller Machine
SMS Short Message Service
TT Telegraphic Transfer
MT Mail Transfer
DD Demand Draft
PO Pay Order
Executive Summary

Commercial Banks are one of the key contributors to the economy of Bangladesh. As a
commercial bank, how much Sonali Bank Limited contributing the people of Bangladesh
in case of forming capital, lending funds, collecting remittances from aboard, controlling
default loan and banking services encourages us to study its financial activities and
performance. It is the largest commercial bank which was established in 1972 with the
vision to stand out as a pioneer banking institution in Bangladesh and contribute
significantly to the national economy. The authorized capital of the Bank is Tk. 10.00
Billion. Its capital and reserve reached Tk.400 billion as on June 31, 2009. The Board of
Directors is the body responsible for corporate governance, devising policies,
determining objectives for stewardship of Bank’s resources. The pace of development
of a financial institution is primarily based upon its ability to develop and utilize the
innate capacities of its employees. The bank has completed 38th year of banking
operations with a network 1182 branches recording significant growth in business and

As an Intern, I had the opportunity to do the different types of tasks under Sonali Bank
Limited. During the internship period, I have used my observations and gained
experiences about various banking functions and day-today operations. Sonali Bank
Limited provides different types of services to its customer’s like-
Merchant Banking.
Foreign exchange.
General banking etc.

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